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2016届高考英语二轮复习冲刺演练:第6练 阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错+书面表达(江苏专用)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  第6练 阅读理解+任务型阅读+短文改错+书面表达



  体裁:记叙文 话题:人物传记 词数:586 时间:6′

  You could feel sorry for Alberto Torres,who is blind.The last thing he remembers seeing was his daughter being born 13 years ago.Then the world went blank; he can only imagine what his only child looks like now,as a teenaged honor student.Bad luck is no stranger to this warm and thoughtful 37­year­old man.His mother died of cancer when he was 4,and his father,who was often ill,had to give him up to the care of the state when he was 11.He later worked for 19 years in a workshop making household goods,deathly boring work.Earlier this month,Alberto Torres's wife,who had just been laid off from her job,had to have a breast removed due to cancer and now faces a year of radiation treatments.Things seemed always to go from almost incredibly bad to worse.Even Mr.Torres's good luck has a dark side:Five years ago,his lovely guide dog pulled him out of the path of a truck.Mr.Torres was not hurt.The dog was killed.

  But Mr.Torres does not feel sorry for himself.“These are just little bumps you have to go over in your life,” he said.At 5 a.m.on a recent morning,we caught up with Mr.Torres at a subway stop in Brooklyn,New York,near where he lives in a third­floor apartment (with no elevator).He had been up since 3 a.m.,feeding his new dog,making coffee,getting ready.“When you're blind,it takes a little longer to do things,” he said.

  Mr.Torres was beginning his two­hour trip to his job developing film in the X­ray department of the emergency room of the Bronx hospital.He would take the G train to Queens Plaza station to the R train,heading towards Manhattan.He would then ride the R train to 59th Street where he would walk upstairs to switch to the Number 6 train.At one point along the journey,he might chat with a stranger.At another,someone would pat his dog,calling him by name.People offered assistance,even seats.At 125th Street,Mr.Torres would transfer to the Number 4 train by crossing the platform.At 149th Street,he would go down to the Number 2.He would take that to East 180th Street where he nearly always has a long wait for his final train,to Pelham Parkway.Then he and his dog would walk 20 minutes to the hospital.

  It was a hard job to come by.Before he got the job,Mr.Torres was determined to escape the workshop run by an organization dedicated to help people who can't see.He wanted a job developing X­ray film,something that everyone must do in the dark.He had to handle the long trip,as well as the work.“Our philosophy here is that blind people can do just about anything except drive buses,” it was the thinking about disabled people at the Bronx hospital.“We find what a person can do rather than what he can't do,” said the hospital's director.

  One day a while ago marked the first anniversary of Mr.Torres's hiring.He developed 150 or so X­rays,his husual output,to celebrate.Mr.Torres works by himself in a small,dark room that smells of chemicals.He cannot wear gloves,because he needs to feel.It is hard work,related to emergency of lives.His immediate supervisor says he trusts him 100%.Mr.Torres makes $20,000 a year.But his motivation goes beyond money.“If I start feeling like a victim,that makes me bitter.And why be bitter?That makes you go into a hole and stay there.” he said.“I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary insisted Mr.Torres as he quickly completed the task.

  【语篇解读】 本文是传记类文章阅读。文章主要讲述了Alberto Torres先生自女儿出生就失明了,并惨遭各类非常人的打击,但他依然向正常人一样顽强生活。

  1.Mr.Torres became blind when ________.

  A.his daughter was just born

  B.he was thirteen years old

  C.his mother died of cancer

  D.his wife was out of work

  答案 A [考查细节辨认。根据文章第一段的第二句话The last thing he remembers seeing was his daughter being born 13 years ago可知他在女儿出生时失明的。故选A。]

  2.Mr.Torres does not feel sorry for himself because he ________.

  A.was once saved by his lovely guide dog

  B.is taken good care of by the government

  C.thinks it's natural to have setbacks in life

  D.believes it takes a little longer to do things

  答案 C [考查细节辨认。根据文章第二段的Mr.Torres所说的话These are just little bumps you have to go over in your life可知他认为生活中的不幸都是自然的。故选C。]

  3.The description of Mr.Torres's long trip to work shows ________.

  A.the effective traffic system

  B.the kindness of New Yorkers

  C.the loyalty of his guide dog

  D.his will to overcome difficulty

  答案 D [考查主旨大意。A.有效的交通系统;B.纽约人的好心;C.他的向导狗的忠诚;D.他克服困难的意志。根据文章第三、四段的描述,是Mr Torres的坚强意志让他克服了困难。故选D。]

  4.What is the principle of the hospital in employing a worker?

  A.Sympathy counts most.

  B.Ability comes first.

  C.Preference for the blind.

  D.Easy job for the weak.

  答案 B [考查判断推理。A.同情心最重要;B.能力为先;C.偏爱盲人;D.对弱者来说的容易工作。根据文章第四段的“We find what a person can do rather than what he can't do,”可知该医院雇佣人是能力为先。故选B。]

  5.Mr.Torres works very hard in order to ________.

  A.make plenty of money

  B.win his supervisor's trust

  C.live like a normal person

  D.complete his daily task

  答案 C [考查细节辨认。根据文章最后一段的I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary可知Mr.Torres工作就是为了像正常人一样工作。故选C。]

  6.In the eyes of the writer,Alberto Torres is a man of ________.

  A.deep thinking

  B.weak motivation

  C.special talents

  D.great independence

  答案 D [考查主旨大意。通读全文,并根据文章中对主人翁的描述可知在作者的眼中Alberto Torres是一个独立的人。故选D。]


  体裁:记叙文 话题:人与自然 词数:320 时间:5′

  All trade in five named species of sharks is to be regulated (管制) from now on.Without a permit,the sale of their meat or fins(鳍) will be forbidden.

  The regulation was agreed last year at a meeting of the Convention

  on International


  in Endangered Species in Thailand.According to the rules,the whitetip (白鳍鲨),the porbeagle (鼠鲨),and three varieties of hammerhead will be protected.Besides,manta rays (比目鱼),valued for their gills (鳃)which are used in Chinese medicine,will also be protected.

  The action is seen as the most important one in the 40­year history to protect these species.

  “Regulating international trade in these shark and manta ray species has a great effect on their survival and is a very clear way of helping to protect sharks and our oceans,” said Secretary General John Scanlon.“The practical steps will involve issues such as limiting export levels,and identifying the fins,gills and meat that are in trade.This may seem challenging,but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”

  Under the rules,all trade in these sharks and rays across 180 countries will not be allowed unless they have got their permits given by the national related organization.

  As a matter of fact,trade in shark fins has already decreased greatly as a result of campaigns to raise awareness.Recently it has been reported that sales have gone down by 70%.Earlier this year the hotel giant,Hilton Worldwide stopped serving shark fins at its 96 owned and managed Asia­Pacific hotels.

  However,Denmark,Canada,Guyana,Japan,Iceland and Yemen have all announced they will not follow the new rules and will continue to fish for some or all of these species.Under the regulations though,they are only able to trade with other countries that are also ready to ignore the rules.

  Officials point out that for such a questioned issue,the number of countries which is going to continue the trade is small.

  【语篇解读】 去年在泰国的一个国际会议上,与会人员通过了保护鲨鱼和比目鱼的规定。人们需要获得许可证才能捕杀和交易鲨鱼。

  7.The purpose of putting the new rules into force is to ________.

  A.limit people's trade in ocean animals' meat

  B.protect some species of sharks against over fishing





  importance of protecting sharks

  D.prevent big hotels from serving sharks' meat

  答案 B [细节理解题。根据第一、

  8.Which of the following doesn't belong to species of sharks?

  A.The manta ray.

  B.The porbeagle.

  C.The whitetip.

  D.The hammerhead.

  答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段“According to the rules,the whitetip,the porbeagle,and three varieties of hammerhead will be protected.Besides,manta rays...”可知,比目鱼不属于鲨鱼。]

  9.What can be inferred from John Scanlon' s words in Paragraph Four?

  A.The regulation may have some negative effects on sharks.

  B.The export of sharks' meat will be called off in some periods.

  C.It's nearly impossible to carry out the regulation worldwide.

  D.Officials are confident that the regulations have a promising future.

  答案 D [推理判断题。根据第四段“This may seem challenging,but by working together we can do it and we will do it.”可知,John Scanlon认为虽然很具有挑战性,但是只要人们一起努力,保护鲨鱼的行动就会成功,由此可推知,官方对新规定的前景很看好。]

  10.Hilton Worldwide is a good example of ________.

  A.people's getting their permits to trade in shark fins

  B.a successful company's managing its wealth

  C.people's beginning to stop eating shark fins

  D.people's raising awareness to protect sharks

  答案 D [推理判断题。根据第六段内容可知,随着保护鲨鱼意识的提


  A.Track Your Page Count

  B.Keep a Record of Your Time

  C.Team Up and Read Socially

  D.Take Advantage of Technology

  E.Set a Goal to Encourage Yourself

  F.Treat Yourself in One Way or Another

  How to Train Yourself to Read More

  Between work,a social life,your family,television and the Internet,it can be difficult to find time to read more.Reading is important,however,for a range of reasons:It improves cognitive (认知) ability,enriches vocabulary,helps with spelling and increases general knowledge.Just having an intention to read more won't guarantee you actually do it,though.You need a series of strategies,exploring a way to train yourself to read more.


  You don't need expensive training programs or software to train to read more; all you really need is a timer.Consider how much free time you have in a day,then set aside part of that time for reading.Make sure this is a feasible (可行的) goal—start small,say,30 minutes.Each day,use your timer and read for the amount of time you set.After a week,increase your time.The increase doesn't have to be much,perhaps an additional 15 minutes.As weeks go by,continue adding the same small amount to your reading time.Before you know it,you'll be reading for two or three hours per day.


  Before you begin training to read more,take a week or two to measure how many pages you read on average per week.Once you've gotten an idea of your baseline reading amount,increase it slowly.Try to read at least an additional 5-10 pages per week.You'll probably be able to sneak these pages into your normal schedule without too much effort.You could,for example,read when you find yourself waiting or during meals if you're alone.Or you could try turning off the television a little earlier each day.Keep track of how many pages you've read each week so you can see your progress.


  Technology doesn't have to be the enemy of the written word; in fact,you can make use of your electronic devices.Invest in an e­reader,if you can,or use a tablet to read books.This will save you having to carry around a heavy book,and because you can put multiple books on an e­reader or tablet,you'll always have plenty to read.You can also load books onto your smart phone so that you can read when you have a few spare minutes.


  Although you might begin training to read more with excitement or enthusiasm,these can quickly disappear if you don't devise a method of rewarding or motivating yourself.These rewards don't have to be large or expensive.You could reward yourself with something,such as chocolate or a small gift,each time you hit a reading goal,whether this is number of pages or amount of reading time.Or,if you're feeling charitable (有善心),donate a small sum of money to your favorite cause each time you hit your goal.


  Reading is mainly an individual activity,but there are social sides you can tap into to keep you motivated to read more.Join a local book club,and if your library or town doesn't have one,start your own.Share with other book lovers or learn more about your favorite books by joining sites such as Goodreads,PaperBack Swap or BookLamp,if you decide to participate in websites for book enthusiasts.However,be sure that your reading time isn't eaten up by surfing the Internet.

  答案 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.F 15.C








  There are some voices claimed Lei Feng's spirit has gone out of style in today's society.They think nowadays people should seek more practically things,such as fame,money or a comfortable life.To them everything is more important than those things.However,there are some other people still believe in the spirit of Lei Feng is important in modern society.I agree with the second views.The great soldier's story has a strong influence on people's ideas,values and ways of life on the past.Now we still need it to make us becoming better people so that we can live meaningful lives.


  There are some voices

  Lei Feng's spirit has gone out of style in today's society.They think nowadays people should seek more

  things,such as fame,money

  a comfortable life.To them

  is more important than those things.However,there are some other people

  still believe

  the spirit of Lei Feng is important in modern society.I agree with the second .The great soldier's story

  a strong influence on people's ideas,values and ways of life

  the past.Now we still need it to make us

  better people so that we can live meaningful lives.












  本文是限内容、给提纲的控制性作文,由于是写当下的社会现象,所以时态要以一般现happen或take place,且只能用主动语态不能用被动语态;“采取措施”用英语表达为“take steps(measures/action)”。


  With the rapid development of China's economy,more and more people own their private cars.Some drivers don't always obey the traffic rules,so traffic accidents are often happening.A recent survey shows in 2017 there are 26 million traffic illegal acts,an average of over 70 thousand a day.

  Behind the numbers,we can see the seriousness of our country's road safety.The main reason for traffic accidents is drunk driving.Besides,running the red light and speeding also result in this situation.

  In my point of view,we must take immediate action to reduce the traffic accidents.For example,drivers should be punished without mercy.At the same time,the government should call on people to obey the traffic rules.Only when we cut down the traffic accidents can we live a happier life.

  [亮点点击] 此篇文章结构完整,短文使用了较灵活的句式,如简单句、并列句、状语从句和倒装句等,使文章长短句结合,错落有致。

  亮点短语和词组:with the rapid development of,an average of,running the red light,without mercy,take action,call on,cut down,live a happier life。

  高级句式:倒装句(Only when we cut down the traffic accidents can we live a happier life.);被动语态(For example,drivers should be punished without mercy.)。


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