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2017届高考英语一轮复习全套课件:第1部分 必修3 教材知识梳理 Unit 8 Adventure(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用observe的适当形式填空 1.The patient was observed over a period of several weeks before she was out of danger.  2.The sick man is under observation in hospital at present.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❼shelter n.掩蔽,保护;庇护所 vt.& vi.掩蔽,躲避 We’ll teach you survival skills and you’ll learn how to make a fire and build your own shelter.我们会教你生存技能,你也将学会如何生火以及搭建自己的栖身之所。(教材原句P31) He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。 ◆常见用法 1.be a shelter from成为躲避……的处所 give shelter to sb./sth.庇护,保护某人/物 take shelter(=find shelter)避难,躲避 under the shelter of在……的庇护下 2.shelter from躲避

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 We took shelter from the storm in a barn.我们在一个谷仓里躲避暴风雨。  These plants must be sheltered from direct sunlight.这些植物必须遮起来,避免阳光直射。  ◆现学活用 用适当的介词填空 1.Some parents are just too protective.They want to shelter their kids from every kind of danger,real or imagined. 2.The witness refuses to answer under the shelter of the police.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶turn up出现,露面;发现;调大(高) When I turned up for my first jump I was so nervous that I tried to back out...第一次站在跳台上时我紧张得想打退堂鼓……(教材原句P25) He said he would arrive on time;he hasn’t turn up,though.他说过会准时到的,可到现在还没露面。  We are still hoping something will turn up.我们依然期待事情会有转机。  Turn up the radio a little to make the news heard clearly.收音机音量调大点儿以便能听清资讯的内容。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 turn away 走开;把脸转过去 turn around/round 转变,(使)转好 turn back(使)折回;(使)往回走 turn down 关小,调低;拒绝 turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出 turn into 进入;使变成,使成为 turn on 开(水、电、暖气等) turn off 关(水、电、暖气等);拐弯 turn out 生产;驱逐;翻转;出席 turn over(机器等)运转;翻过来;仔细考虑 take turns 依次,轮流 turn to 变成;求助于;着手;查阅

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 在空白处填入一个适当的介词或副词 1.(2011·江苏高考改编)—You look upset.What’s the matter? —I had my proposal turned down again. 2.With no one to turn to in such a frightening situation,she felt very helpless.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷get across使理解(某事),使明白,(使)越过,通过 It’s difficult to get across how exciting it is!这项运动激动人心的程度真是难以言表。(教材原句P25) Michael finally got his words across to the passer-by.麦克尔终于让那个路人明白自己在说什么。 The message conveyed in the passage got across at last.终于弄明白了文章的主旨。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 get ahead进步,成功,长进 get along/on (with)过日子,过活;相处;进展 get away (from)逃脱,逃离,离开,摆脱;离题,跑题 get away with逃避惩罚 get down写下,记下;使疲倦、生病或不安 get down to认真地静下心(工作) get into陷入,养成(某种习惯) get it了解,懂得;挨骂,受处分 get over恢复过来;克服,战胜 get through熬过(困境);接通电话;达到(标准),通过(测试)

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 在空白处填入一个适当的介词或副词 1.(2017·天津高考改编)I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasn’t able to get away. 2.After that,he knew he could get through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸in turn转而,反过来;依次,轮流;结果,后来 Marco,in turn,was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.马可也同样为中国的美丽和强大而感到震撼。(教材原句P26) All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice.任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。  The new students called out their names in turn.新生逐一报出自己的名字。  I told Francis the news and he in turn told Murphy.我把消息告诉了弗朗西斯,他又告诉了墨菲。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.by turns轮流地,交替地,时而……时而…… in one’s turn(依次)轮到某人 out of turn不依顺序地,冒冒失失地,轻率地 take turns doing sth.轮流做某事 take turns to do sth.轮流做某事 It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到某人做某事了 2.in return作为回报 in return for...作为……的回报

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用turn或return填空 1.We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and in return,dogs give us their all. 2.A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics,which in turn will promote its economic development.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❹break out (战争等)爆发,(疾病、灾难等)突然发生 Not long after his return,a local war broke out near his town.他回到家乡后不久,一场区域性的战争在他家乡附近爆发了。(教材原句P26) Everything seemed quite regular when the fire broke out.起火的时候,一切似乎都很正常。  Beads of pain broke out on her forehead.她痛得额头上爆出一颗颗汗珠子。  Spontaneous applause broke out as soon as she finished speaking.她一讲完,大家不约而同都鼓起掌来。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 break away逃走,逃脱 break down破坏,拆散;(机器)损坏;精神崩溃,失去控制;垮掉 break in闯入,强行进入;打断,插嘴;训练,驯养;使(某人)熟悉工作 break into闯入;打断,插话;突然……起来 break off突然停止;暂停;休息一下;折断;绝交 break through突破,突围 break up使(关系)破裂,分裂;结束,解散 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆词义辨析 1.break out 指灾难性的事件,如战争、火灾、疾病等的爆发。 2.happen 强调事件发生的偶然性。 3.take place 强调必然性或按实际的安排或计划而发生。 4.come about常指不受控制的事情的发生,相当于happen。常用句型:“How does/did it come about that...?”意为“……是怎样发生的?” 5.occur指意想不到的事情的发生,是相当正式的用词,很少用在口语中。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 根据括号中所给汉语意思填入适当的动词或动词短语 1.It’s already 10 o’clock.I wonder how it came about(发生) that she was two hours late on such a short trip.  2.Just then a bright idea occurred(出现) to me. 3.I happened(碰巧) to meet him in the boiler room yesterday. 4.If a war broke out(爆发),many other countries would be affected. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❺run out of用完,耗尽 The men were soon exhausted and were running out of food.队员们很快就精疲力竭了,食物也快吃光了。(教材原句P28) ◆拓展延伸 run about到处跑,(孩子们)自由玩耍 run across偶然遇到 run after追逐,追踪 run away (常与from连用)逃走,逃脱;逃避,躲开 run into碰撞,遇上,偶然遇到;陷于,碰上(困境、麻烦等) run over (车辆)轧过,压过;流出,溢出;匆匆看过 run through浏览;预演,排练

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆词义辨析 1.run out of意为“用完(某物)”,及物动词短语,主语为人,一般不用被动语态。 We’ve run out of petrol.What a bore!我们的汽油用完了。真麻烦! 2.run out意为“被用完了”,不及物动词短语,其主语常为时间、食物、金钱等名词。 They decided to go home before their money ran out.他们决定在钱用完之前回家。 3.give out 表示“(食物、燃料、电力等)用完,耗尽;(人)筋疲力尽”时为不及物动词短语,表示“分发;发出(气味、热等);发表,公布”等含义时为及物动词短语。 4.use up 意为“用尽;吃光”,为及物动词短语。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The food supplies will give(give) out at the end of next week.  2.—I’m still working on my project. —Oh,you’ll miss the deadline.Time is running(run) out.  3.His strength gave(give) out after he ran that long distance. 4.Making soup is a good way of using(use) up leftover vegetables.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶非限制性定语从句 And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.有搬运工为你搬运行李,这意味着你能尽情享受旅行。(教材原句P22) 本句中which引导的是一个非限制性定语从句,用以指代前面的一件事。 定语从句有限制性和非限制性两种。限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,若将非限制性定语从句放在句子中间,其前后都需要用逗号隔开。 引导非限制性定语从句的关系代词主要有指人的who,whom,of whom,whose,指物的which,of which,whose,as等。引导非限制性定语从句的关系副词主要有when,where等。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.我们的向导是法裔加拿大人,厨艺精湛。 In the presence of so many people he was little tense,which was understandable.在那么多人面前他有点紧张,这是可以理解的。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 单项填空 1.My brother’s bedroom is always a mess,and he can never find anything,is very frustrating. (


  )  A.where B.whom C.when D.which 2.The boys reached an island separated from the outside world,they believed lots of treasure was hidden somewhere. (


  )  A.which B.that C.where D.when

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷too...to...句型 Although people enjoyed reading his books,many of them thought that Marco’s stories about China were too fantastic to be true.虽然人们爱读马可的书,但许多人认为他写的有关中国的东西太离奇而不可信。(教材原句P26) 本句中含有“too...to...”结构,表示“太……而不能……”。too后面可以接形容词或者副词。too...to...句型可以和so...that...句型相互转化。 The bridge is too narrow for the truck to cross.=The bridge is so narrow that the truck can’t cross.桥太窄,卡车过不去。 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆特别提醒 1.当too后接ready,willing,glad,pleased等表示心理活动的形容词时,句子表示肯定意义,意为“非常,很”。 I am too pleased to meet you again.再次见到你,我非常高兴。 2.never too...to和can’t too...表示“再……也不为过”。 It’s never too careful to cross the road.过马路时越小心越好。 ◆现学活用 句型转换 1.She was so weak that she couldn’t take care of her baby. She was too weak to take care of her baby. 2.The box is so heavy that he can’t carry it. The box is too heavy for him to carry. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸动名词作主语的用法 Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.我们早晨穿鞋的动作变得越来越慢。(教材原句P28) Putting on our shoes in the morning是动名词短语作主语。 1.动名词作主语通常表示习惯性、经常性和不具体的泛指动作。 Jogging in the morning will do you a lot of good.早晨慢跑会给你带来许多好处。 2.为了保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主语。 It is no use asking the boss for help.找老板帮忙是没用的。 3.复合动名词结构的逻辑主语用名词或代词的所有格形式。 Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.他们来帮忙对我们是很大的鼓励。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.(2017·福建高考改编)Knowing (know) basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies. 2.It’s dangerous standing (stand) in the middle of the road.

  一、单句填空 1.(2015·福建高考改编)The research group produced two reports (base) on the survey,but neither contained any useful suggestions.  based。句意:基于这项调查,研究小组制作了两份报告,但是这两份报告都没有包含任何有用的建议。based on the survey作定语,相当于which were based on the survey。 2.(2015·北京高考改编)One thing is clear: for these larger animals,staying transparent is an(act) process.  active。空后是名词process,故应用形容词修饰名词。active“活跃的,积极的”。 3.I don’t agree with her,but I admire hersticking to her principle.  for。admire sb.for doing sth.“钦佩某人做某事”。故填介词for。 4.(2017·湖南高考改编)All we need is a small piece of land where we can plant (vary)kinds of fruit trees throughout the growing seasons of the year.  various。此处应用形容词作定语修饰kinds。various kinds of“各种各样的”。

  5.(2017·安徽高考改编)It’s our hope that we will play a greater role in the market place and therefore,supply (much) jobs.  more。根据前面的greater可判断此处有比较含义。 6.(2017·天津高考改编)It doesn’t matter you turn right or left at the crossing—both roads lead to the park.  whether。句意:在十字路口无论你向左转还是向右转都没关系,两条路都通向公园。句中的It是形式主语,whether引导主语从句。whether...or...意为“是……还是……,不管……还是……”。 7.(2011·辽宁高考改编)When the news came the war broke out,he decided to serve in the army.  that。句意:当战争爆发的消息传来时,他决定去部队服役。the war broke out解释说明the news的具体内容,且从句中不缺少成分,故为同位语从句,用that连接。 8.(2011·江西高考改编)Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon,or it is convenient to you.  whenever。句意:请叫我的秘书在今天下午安排一次会面,或者无论你什么时候方便(都可以)。此处是由whenever引导的让步状语从句。 9.(2011·福建高考改编)We have various summer camps for your holidays.You can choose one (base) on your own interests.  based。固定搭配be based on“以……为根据”。 10.(2011·安徽高考改编)If you come faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.  across。句意:如果你偶然发现了缺陷,但是你仍然想买那辆自行车的话,你可以让商店售货员减价。come across表示“偶然发现”。

  二、单元话题微写作 极限运动 根据提示,将以下句子连成一篇英语短文。 1.现在越来越多的年轻人喜欢冒险活动——极限运动。(attract;risky activities;extreme sports) 2.极限运动是全新的运动,需要专门的设备和高水平的技能。(area;specialized equipment) 3.它之所以受欢迎是因为人们想在户外做些挑战。(take risks;outdoors) 4.极限运动并不适合每个人,因为有风险的存在。(potential;risk) 5.很多人还是更喜欢打篮球或在电视上看体育比赛。(prefer)

  Nowadays,more and more young people have been attracted by some challenging and risky activities called “extreme sports”,a new area of sports with specialized equipment and high level of skills.It is very popular because people love taking risks outdoors.Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone because of the potential risk.Many people still prefer to play basketball or watch sports competitions on TV. 

  必修3 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 必修3 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 课前自主排查 必修3 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 课文要点回顾 必修3 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 名师高效课堂 必修3 课前自主排查 -*- 课文要点回顾 名师高效课堂 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 课堂限时检测 Unit 8 Adventure 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.adventure n.奇遇,冒险的经历 adventurous adj.爱冒险的;大胆的 2.presenter n.节目主持人 present vt.提出;介绍;呈现 adj.现在的;出席的 n.现在;礼物 presence n.出席 3.major adj.较重要的,较严重的 majorityn.多数 4.horizon n.地平线 5.organisation/organization n.团体,组织,机构 6.uncomfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的 comfortable (反义词)adj.舒服的 7.routen.路线,路程

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 8.luggagen.行李 9.accommodationn.住所,住处 accommodatevt.为……提供住宿;使适应 10.maximumadj.最大的,最多的 minimum(反义词)adj.最小的,最少的 11.altituden.高度,海拔 12.optionaladj.可选择的,非强制的 optionn.选项,选择权;选修课 13.differvi.不同于,有区别 differencen.区别;差异 differentadj.不同的 14.footprintn.脚印,足迹 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 15.anxiousadj.忧虑的,担心的 anxietyn.焦虑,令人焦虑的事 16.extremeadj.极度的,极端的 extremelyadv.极端地;非常 17.gymnasticsn.体操,体育 18.similarityn.相似性,类似性 similaradj.相似的 n.相似物 19.exactlyadv.确切地,精确地 20.riskvt.冒……的危险 21.variousadj.不同的,各种各样的 varietyn.多样,种类,变化 22.flowvi.流动,涌出

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 23.equipmentn.配备,设备 equipvt.装备;配备 24.preferencen.较喜欢的东西,偏爱 prefervt.& vi.更喜欢;宁愿 25.amazevt.使惊愕,使惊奇 n.吃惊;好奇 amazedadj.惊奇的,吃惊的 amazingadj.令人惊诧的 26.goodsn.商品,物品 27.confusevt.使困惑 confusedadj.糊涂的 confusingadj.令人困惑的 28.wealthyadj.富有的,富裕的 wealthn.财富;大量

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 29.statementn.陈述 30.quantityn.量,数量 31.preparationn.准备,预备 preparevt.准备;使适合 vi.预备 preparedadj.准备好的 32.ambitionn.志向,抱负 ambitiousadj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的 33.functionvt.运转,起作用 34.patiencen.耐心,忍耐力 patientadj.有耐心的 35.nationalityn.国籍 36.transportn.运输,运送 transportationn.运输;运输工具

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 37.observe vt.观察,观测 observation n.观察,观察力 38.disadvantage n.不利,不利条件 advantage(反义词)n.优势;有利条件 39.survival n.幸存,残存,生存;幸存者 40.shelter n.遮蔽,庇护所 vt.& vi.庇护;避难 41.philosophy n.哲学 42.limit n.边界,限度 limitless adj.无限制的;无界限的

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.take off 起飞 2.right now 就在此刻 3.upside down 颠倒地,倒置地 4.turn up 出现,到场 5.back out 决定不履行(允诺的事) 6.get across 使理解(某事) 7.in turn 轮流;反过来 8.break out(坏事)突然发生,爆发 9.put into prison 关进监狱 10.stand by 坚持(某种)说法 11.on one’s way 在途中 12.break down 损坏,不能运转 重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 13.run out of 用完,耗尽 14.carry on 继续(做某事)

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 1.有搬运工为你搬运行李,这意味着你能尽情享受旅行。 And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience. 2.虽然人们爱读马可的书,但许多人认为他写的有关中国的东西太离奇而不可信。 Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco’s stories about China were too fantastic to be true. 3.阿蒙森于1911年10月15日首先出发。 Amundsen was the first to leave,on October 15,1911. 4.我们早晨穿鞋的动作变得越来越慢。 Putting on our shoes in the morning is getting slower and slower.

  A lot of hiking holidays sound exciting,but the reality is often very different.Hiking trips can be uncomfortable and even dangerous.1.However ,at Adventure 2000 we understand the needs of hikers.All our guides are 2.experienced (experience) in leading hiking trips in the Himalayas.They know all the best routes and 3.camping (camp) places.While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals.And our porters carry your luggage,which 4.means(mean) that you can simply enjoy the experience. Good travel 5.arrangements(arrange) are also important.We organize all the flights for you:from London to Beijing,from Beijing to Lahsa and bus travel in Tibet. There’re also special offers for people 6.who don’t want to go straight home afterwards.If you like history,there is a trip to Western China.If you prefer 7.to spend(spend) some time on the coast,we can organize it too. 

  This is a Class A hike—you have to be 8.physically(physical) fit.There are walks of 6-8 hours most days,with 9.a maximum altitude of 5,545 metres. The hike costs £2,500,all flights and accommodation 10.included(include).Maximum group size is 15 people.Hikes are between October and May.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❶differ vi.不同于,有区别 How do the tourists differ from local people?游客与当地居民有什么不同呢?(教材原句P23) ◆常见用法 differ from不同于,和……不同,和……意见不一致 differ in在……方面不同 differ with sb.about/on/over sth.与某人在某事上持不同看法 Chinese differs greatly from Japanese in pronunciation.汉语发音跟日语大不相同。 The twins look alike but differ in many ways.这对双胞胎看起来很像,但在许多方面都不同。  We differ with them on that question.我们在那个问题上和他们有不同的看法。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.different adj.有差异的,不同的 be different from sb./sth.in sth.在某方面与某人(物)不同 2.differently adv.不同地 3.difference n.差异,差别 make a/no difference 有/无影响,(不)要紧,(不)重要 tell the difference between...区分……的差别 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.The way he did it was different from what we were used to. 2.It makes no difference(different) to me whether you like it or not,because I never listen to you.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❷anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的,不安的;渴望的 From that moment they started to feel anxious and they slept badly that night.从那一刻起,他们就很担心,而且那天晚上他们也睡得不好。(教材原句P23) ◆常见用法 be anxious for/about sth.为某事担心/忧虑 be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 be anxious that...急于…… be anxious for sb.to do sth.急于让某人做某事 We’re anxious for your safe return.我们盼望你平安归来。  We were anxious that there should be no misunderstanding.我们特别希望没有误解。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.anxiously adv.焦虑地 2.anxiety n.忧虑,担心;渴望 with anxiety 焦虑地 ◆词义辨析 1.anxious指热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的。 2.eager指以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目的的,有时也指由于其他感情影响而表现急不可耐的,后面可接for或者不定式。 3.keen指对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的,后接不定式或介词on或about。 4.nervous指在某个事件之前或之中感到“胆怯、焦虑不安”,常与介词of连用。

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆现学活用 用anxious的相关用法完成句子 1.他希望不被人误解。 He is anxious not to be misunderstood.  2.她盼望他见她的父亲。 She is anxious that he should meet her father.  3.一到星期天他们就急着回家。 They are anxious to go home on Sundays.  4.我们焦急地等待考试结果。 We waited with anxiety/anxiously for the examination results. 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❸risk vt.冒……的危险 n.危险;风险 What makes people risk their lives to do them?是什么让人们冒着生命危险去玩这些极限运动呢?(教材原文P24) ◆常见用法 1.risk (doing) sth.冒险做某事 risk one’s life (to do sth.)冒着生命危险(做某事) 2.at all risks(=at any risk)无论冒什么危险;无论如何 at risk在危险中 at the risk of (doing) sth.冒着(做)某事的风险 run/take risks/a risk冒险 run/take the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 They rushed out,risking getting caught in the storm.他们冒着遭遇暴风雨之险冲出去了。  The fireman risked his life to save the child from the fire.消防员冒着生命危险从大火中救出了孩子。  At the risk of sounding stupid,can I ask a simple question?恕在下愚昧,我能否问一个简单的问题?  ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.He got well-prepared for the job interview,for he couldn’t risk losing(lose) the good opportunity. 2.Hunger is the number one global health risk,so the WFP has organized a lot of programs,which targets people most at 不填 risk.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❹amaze vt.使吃惊,使惊愕 n.吃惊;好奇 Marco,in turn,was amazed by how beautiful and powerful China was.马可也同样为中国的美丽和强大而感到震撼。(教材原句P26) ◆常见用法 amaze sb.令某人惊奇 be amazed by因……而感到惊讶 Her knowledge amazes us students.她的学识令我们学生惊讶。 I was amazed by her heroic acts.我被她的英雄行为所折服。  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.amazed adj.吃惊的,惊讶的 be amazed at对……感到惊奇 be amazed to do做……感到惊讶 be amazed that...因……而大感惊讶 2.amazing adj.令人惊奇的 3.amazement n.惊愕,惊异 in amazement惊讶地 to one’s amazement使某人惊讶的是…… ◆现学活用 用amaze的适当形式填空 Much to our amazement,the amazing news that made us all amazed was invented by a six-year-old boy.

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❺preparation n.准备,预备 During the polar summer of 1910-1911,both teams organized food bases in preparation for their journeys the next year.在1910—1911年的南极夏季期间,两支探险队都布设了食物补给点,为第二年的探险做好准备。(教材原句P28) ◆常见用法 make preparations for/to do sth.为做某事做准备 (be) in preparation 在准备中 in preparation for为……作准备 Students are all making preparations for the coming exam.学生们都在为即将到来的考试作准备。  The team have been training hard in preparation for the big game.为备战大赛,队员们一直在严格训练。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.prepare vt.准备,预备;筹备;调制;为……作准备 vi.准备;预备;作准备 prepare to do sth.准备做某事 prepare (sb.) for sth.(使某人)为某事做准备 2.prepared adj.有准备的,事先准备好的;愿意做某事的 be prepared for sth./to do sth.=be ready for sth./to do sth.为(做)某事做好了准备;愿意做某事 ◆现学活用 单句填空 1.He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow. 2.Behind any successful event lay months of preparation(prepare).

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ❻observe vt.观察,观测 Air-conditioned vehicles for observing animals.供观察动物用的空调车。(教材原句P30) ◆常见用法 observe sth.观察某事物 observe sb.do sth.观察某人做某事 observe sb.doing sth.观察某人正在做某事 observe that...观察到…… I observed him stop at the gate.我看到他在门口停了下来。  The police observed the man entering/enter the bank.警方监视着那个男子进入银行的情况。 

  重点短语 重点句型 重点单词 ◆拓展延伸 1.observern.观察者;观测者;遵守者 2.observationn.观测;监测;观察,观察力 under observation 被监视 ◆词义辨析 1.observe“观察”,侧重于从不同的角度长时间地看并研究。 2.look at “集中注意力地看”,强调动作。 3.see “看见,看到”,强调结果,一般不用进行时态。 4.watch“注视,注意或仔细地看或观察”,侧重所看事物的变化、移动和发展。 5.notice“看到,注意到,觉察到”,指(偶然)看到细小的但可能重要的事情,强调结果。

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