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(豫皖京闽粤通用)2017届高考英语北师大版一轮复习配套练习:book6 Unit 17《laughter》(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.These comments came in response(回应) to specific questions often asked by local newsmen.(2015·浙江)

  2.Fun though all this may sound,it’s still rather messy(凌乱的) and better read about in theory than carried out in practice.(2017·重庆)

  3.If there were anything to be scared(担惊受怕的) of,you wouldn’t have chosen this place.(2017·江西)

  4.Afterward,the listener can ask non­threatening questions to clarify(阐明) the speaker’s position.(2017·浙江)

  5.Mark had been scolded(责备) before for touching his father’s equipment.(2017·江西)


  1.Its 630,000 inhabitants(居民) are increasingly convinced that the 14 million visitors a year are far too much of a good thing.(2017·陕西)

  2.Susan failed to renew her license the first time in Maryland because she was forbidden to drive(drive) by Maryland law.(2011·辽宁)

  3.This phenomenon is likely not surprising to anyone who has tried to resist eating(eat) cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress.(2017·北京)

  4.Among mammals alone,the number of nocturnal(夜间活动的) species is astonishing(astonish).(2015·浙江)

  5.When he selects news of the other kind,he usually withdraws(withdraw) from the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.(2015·江苏)

  6.It is widely acknowledged that students should be evaluated in terms of overall quality.(2017·福建)

  7.It was just enough for her to have the operation she so desperately(desperate) needed.(2017·陕西)

  8.When the delayed(delay) flight will take off depends much on the weather.(2017·陕西)

  9.It was Our Home,small and charming,overlooking(overlook) a quiet lake.(2015·天津)

  10.It was purely(pure) a question,no blame or anger in my tone.(2017·湖北)


  result in,run into,regardless of,burst out laughing,get rid of,from time to time,put on,turn off

  1.They can then take their knowledge back to their homelands and if necessary come back from time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves.(2017·江西)

  2.Our club is open to everyone regardless of age,sex or educational background.(2017·福建)

  3.Despite the serious nature of inspections,they resulted in some funny moments.(2015·湖南)

  4.One evening,I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses,and as usual I ran into something.(2017·广东)

  5.Always get rid of your rubbish properly and recycle waste(e.g.,glass,paper) where possible.(2015·江苏)

  6.The other two boys jumped up with fright,staring at Tom.Suddenly,they burst out laughing.(2017·江西)

  7.While he tied a tie and put on the same Swiss watch,I rowed a boat across Lake of the Ozarks.(2017·天津)

  8.The late musician Dennis Brain is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio.(2015·重庆)


  1.Having spent nearly all our money,we couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel.


  2.While walking,I noticed a pony roll over on his back.(用现在分词作状语)


  3.He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture.


  4.Recently a survey comparing prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.


  写作素材 (关于错误)







  连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)

  With the development of the society,nowadays it is difficult for people to resist all sorts of temptations,which will result in making some wrong decisions.Therefore,they will be scolded by others.In order to get rid of mistakes,people should tell right from wrong.Don’t be scared of making mistakes,but you must learn to correct them.




  The power of humor and laugher is numerous.They entertain us and make us feel good.But,above all,we have discovered that humor and laughter are the best medicine.They relieve pain,reduce stress and anxiety,and are anti­aging and longevity facilitators.

  They are extremely necessary for helping us to find and maintain a balance between life and work.However,they are slipping away from us.We have become far too serious.The only ones who still enjoy humor,laughter,fun and play to the fullest are young children.Children tend to laugh an average of 200 times a day.For adults,however,it is a totally different story.

  In the 1950s people laughed on average 18 times a day.Today,we are lucky if we average between 4-6 times a day.

  As a matter of fact,a recent study found that people laugh 6 more times in the presence of one person but 30 more times in a group of people.You can get a chuckle(咯咯笑) from jokes you get on the Internet,but it is not the same as belly jiggling laughter (a deep laugh) you get when you interact with others.

  Socializing with friends and relatives was much looked forward to.However,this is no longer the case.In fact,the majority of people can hardly find time,nor do they have the inclination towards socializing outside home.They turn to electronic media such as television,computers,the Internet,videos,CDs,and audio equipment,which can provide them with instant self­entertainment at the push of a button.

  The workplace does not fare(进展) much better.Due to the pressures to produce more in the same or fewer hours available and to compete,for example,in a manufacturing field with cheaper labor elsewhere in the world,humor and laughter in the workplace have gradually eroded(逐渐毁坏) away.

  I have developed a real appreciation,perhaps closer to a strong desire for the power of humor and laughter.This encouraged me to write my first book titled “The Power of Humor” and subsequently my second book titled “Kids Say the Goggonest Things” based on the natural humor,laughter,play and fun that kids experience and they freely share with parents,grandparents and teachers.

  From writing about humor and laughter,people start to ask me to speak up for them.To date,I have developed a number of humor­laughter topics that I use in my keynote presentations.You are invited to subscribe to my free monthly e­magazine “The Humormeister’s Forum” by clicking on the Free Humor E­zine navigation button on the website.

  1.According to the author,laughter is leaving us partly because


  A.we treat everything in a serious way

  B.it relieves pain and reduces stress and anxiety

  C.we fail to maintain balance between life and work

  D.the pace of change in our lives is becoming faster

  答案 A

  解析 细节理解题。根据第二段第二、三句“However,they are slipping away from us.We have become far too serious.”可知选A。

  2.The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that


  A.getting a deep laugh nowadays is difficult

  B.we can entertain ourselves with the help of the Internet

  C.people laugh more heartily when spending time with others

  D.researchers have made a new discovery about the effect of laughter

  答案 C

  解析 段落大意题。阅读第四段内容可知人们在聊天互动中笑的次数更多,更发自内心地笑。故选C。

  3.The underlined word “inclination” in Paragraph 5 most probably means “






  答案 B

  解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句句意“事实上,大多数人很难找到时间,他们也没有在外面社交的倾向。”及画线词后一句内容可知选B项。

  4.Which of the following articles can we most probably find in “The Humormeister’s Forum”?

  A.The power of honesty.

  B.Don’t be your own worst enemy.

  C.Live life purposefully:The relationship within.

  D.Funny Christmas stories to share with your loved ones.

  答案 D

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知有趣幽默的文章可在幽默电子杂志上找到,故选D。



  Things Your Pilot Won’t Tell You

  You may not be getting the airline you paid for.

  You may go to an airline website and buy a ticket,and get onto an airplane that has a similar name painted on it,but half the time,you’re really on a regional(地方的) airline.The regionals aren’t held to the same safety standards as the majors:their pilots aren’t required to have as much training and experience,and the public doesn’t know that.—Captain at a major airline

  If you’re a nervous flier,book a morning flight.

  The heating of the ground later causes bumpier(颠簸的) air,and it’s much more likely to thunderstorm in the afternoon.—Jerry Johnson,pilot,Los Angeles

  The smoothest place to sit is often over or near the wing.

  The bumpiest place to sit is in the back.If you’re in the middle,you don’t move as much.—Patrick Smith,pilot,and author

  of Cockpit Confidential

  Sit in the front if you want fresher air.

  The general flow of air in any airplane is from front to back.So if you’re really concerned about breathing the freshest possible air or not getting too hot,sit as close to the front as you can.Planes are generally warmest in the back.—Tech pilot at a regional airline,Texas

  You never know where the safest seat is.

  There is no safest place to sit.In one accident,the people in the back are dead;in the next,it’s the people up front.—John Nance,aviation safety analyst

  and retired airline captain,Seattle

  I’ve been struck by lightning twice.

  Most pilots have.Airplanes are built to take it.You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that’s it.You’re not going to fall out of the sky.—Charlotte,pilot for a regional

  earner,North Carolina

  People don’t understand why they can’t use their cell phones.

  Well,what can happen is 12 people will decide to call someone just before landing,and I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we ideally are.—Jim Tilmon,retired American

  Airlines pilot,Phoenix

  5.Jerry Johnson advises nervous fliers to


  A.sit in the back

  B.fly in the morning

  C.fly with major airlines

  D.avoid flying in bad weather

  答案 B

  解析 细节理解题。根据“If you’re a nervous flier,book a morning flight.”及Jerry Johnson所说的“it’s much more likely to thunderstorm in the afternoon”可知上午飞行更好。故选B。

  6.The best seats for those who need fresh air are


  A.in the front

  B.in the middle

  C.in the back

  D.near the wing

  答案 A

  解析 细节理解题。根据文中“Sit in the front if you want fresher air.”可知坐在前面可以让人呼吸新鲜空气,故选A。

  7.Passengers’ use of cell phones before landing is likely to


  A.increase the risk of being struck by lightning

  B.make it difficult for pilots to control the plane

  C.cause the instruments of the plane to break down

  D.affect pilots’ judgment about the height of the plane

  答案 D

  解析 细节理解题。根据文章Jim Tilmon所说的“...I can get a false reading on my instruments saying that we are higher than we ideally are.”可知在飞机上打电话有可能影响飞行员判断飞机的高度。故选D。


  In the winter months,most children spend their time on video games.Spending their time on video games for a long time is harmful to them.How you can try your best to get them active and keep their minds and bodies healthy is very necessary and important.


  Here are some ideas:

  ◆Take out some old games

  After hours of being indoors,kids will quickly get tired of their own games and toys.Take this opportunity to teach them the old games from your childhood.Make up new rules to refresh the games and make them original to your family.


  ◆Cook together

  Cooking is a great activity because the whole family can get involved.


  Kids can even practice their reading skills by reading the recipe aloud from a cookbook.Cooking with children also encourages them to try new foods because they’ve had a hand in making the finished product.

  ◆Make use of that big project

  You may have spring cleaning plans,but get a head start on that big clean­out project this winter.


  Yet your kids involved in cleaning the garage or painting the guest room.Once the project is complete,all of you will feel satisfied to work together.

  ◆Go on an indoor adventure

  Staying at home day after day is really dull and you may take part in other activities with your kids.


  Make a trip to an indoor ice skating or roller skating rink.You can also start a bowling tournament with other families from school and the neighborhood.

  A.Encourage your kids to join in the project.

  B.Set aside more hours for your work.

  C.Assign everyone a job,like mixing or frying.

  D.Most kids enjoy outdoor activities in winter.

  E.Go to a swimming pool in a local gym.

  F.Record the game ideas to pick out of an activity later.

  G.With a little activity,you can prevent the winter blues.

  答案 8.G 9.F 10.C 11.A 12.E


  Dear Mandy,

  I’m not doing well in my lessons at school,especial in maths.My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university.He thinks I’m lazy,but it’s not true.I work really hard,often study late into the night!I’ve tried to talk to my mother,but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does.My brother doesn’t study very hard,and he always gets excellent grades.It’s not fair!

  The only thing I like it is art.My teacher says I’m the best student she’s had for year.When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn’t waste your time in art.You must focus your mind on your lessons!”

  I’m feeling quite puzzling what to do now.Would you please help me out?

  Thanks a lot!

  Yours sincerely,



  Dear Mandy,

  I’m not doing well in my lessons at school, in maths.My dad says I must try hard because he wants me

  go to university.He thinks I’m lazy,but it’s not true.I work really hard,often

  late into the night!I’ve tried to talk to my mother,but she always

  I have to work as hard

  my brother does.My brother doesn’t study very hard, he always gets excellent grades.It’s not fair!

  The only thing I like it

  is art.My teacher says I’m the best student she’s had for .When I told my dad,all he said was,“You mustn’t waste your time

  art.You must focus your mind on your lessons!”

  I’m feeling quite

  what to do now.Would you please help me out?

  Thanks a lot!

  Yours sincerely,



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