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2017届高考英语一轮豫皖京闽粤地区通用复习课件:book2 Unit 5《rhythm》(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  perform vt.& vi.做;履行;执行;表演;工作,运转,行使(某种功能);表现 13. 多维训练 (1)写出下列句子中perform的汉语意思 ①We’re looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery,kindness,or courage.

  做;执行 答案 ②An engine has many parts,each performing a different function.

  ③This play was first performed in 411 BC.

  ④He had not performed well in his exams.

  (2)单句语法填空 ①The

  promised that he would give a

  the next day.(perform) ②Once

  (perform),the works of Beethoven must attract all the people present at the concert. ③Either Tom or his twin sisters are going to put

  a performance tomorrow evening. 行使 表演 表现 performer performance performed on 答案

  extremely adv.极端地,非常地 14. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①In the eyes of me,these works of art are

  (extreme) special. ②Nan Ao Island is

  the extreme eastern edge of Guangdong Province. ③The journey would be dangerous

  the extreme. (2)翻译句子 我对他课堂上提出的想法非常感兴趣。

  extremely at in I was extremely interested in the ideas he presented in class. 答案

  creative adj.有创造力的,创造性的 15. 多维训练 用create的正确形式填空 (1)These businesses stimulate the

  of local jobs. (2)At present,he

  a whole new language of painting. (3)Tom is the most

  student among these ones. (4)This toy will help children with their

  . creation is creating creative creativity 答案

  quit v.停止;离开;辞职 16. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)Doctors are doing research to find out what happens physically when people quit

  (smoke). (2)He told us he

  (quit) of that trouble­some job for a month. (3)He has decided to quit

  manager of the team. smoking had been quit as 答案

  talent n.天赋;才干;天才 17. 多维训练 (1)同义句改写 He has a talent for music. He has

  music. (2)完成句子 ①She is

  (一个有天赋的音乐家) as well as being a photographer. ②My sister

  (有……的天赋) speaking English. a gift for a talented musician has a talent/gift for 答案

  transform vt.&vi.转化;转换;改造;变换(change) 18. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)In the past 20 years the country

  (transform) into an advanced industrial power. (2)She was transformed

  a common-­looking adolescent

  a pretty young woman. (3)

  (transform) into a powerful one,the firm decided to extend business to Europe. has been transformed from into Having been transformed 答案

  in other words换句话说 19. 多维训练 短语填空 in other words,keep one’s word,have a word with,in a word,have words with (1)He told me that he

  the manager and lost his position. (2)How can we improve medical care to benefit people?

  ,how can we create a health care system that helps people? (3)Jack is good,kind,hard-­working and intelligent.

  , I can’t speak too highly of him. had words with In other words In a word 答案 (4)Gail

  and returned all the money. (5)Being the office supervisor,I had to

  a new employee who never arrived at work on time. kept her word have a word with 答案

  His mother couldn’t buy him a piano until he was seven.直到他七岁时他妈妈才给他买了一架钢琴。 20. 句型公式: not...until... (1)until引导时间状语从句,如果主句的谓语动词是延续性的,那么这个主句需用肯定式。若主句的谓语动词是非延续性的,则主句常用否定式,构成not...until...结构。 (2)在not...until...句型结构中,可以把not until提到句首,句子用倒装语序。 (3)not...until...句型的强调句式为:It is/was not until...that...。 (1)If I ride a bike,I’ll always keep to the right and never cross a road until the traffic light turns green. 如果我骑自行车,我总是靠右走,直到交通灯变绿才过马路。(2017·安徽) (2)—Why didn’t the audience see the film Gravity in time? —Because it was not until the authority approved it that the cinema could show it. ——观众为什么没有及时观看《地心引力》这部影片? ——因为只有等官方批准之后电影院才能放映。 (1)Not until he went through real hardship

  (他才意识到) the love we have for our families is important. (2)同义句改写 I didn’t leave until he came. ①

  (改为倒装句) ②

  (改为强调句) 多维训练 答案 did he realize Not until he came did I leave. It was not until he came that I left.

  Whether Kong is changing his appearance or transforming his music,he is a pioneer in music today.无论孔改变外貌还是转变音乐(风格),他都是今天音乐领域的先驱。 21. 句型公式: whether...or... whether...or...作“无论……还是……”讲,引导让步状语从句;除此之外,还可作“是……还是……”讲,引导名词性从句。 (1)Whether it rains or not,the students have to arrive at the meeting on time. 不管下不下雨,学生们都必须按时参加会议。 (2)Whether or not she will vote for us is not clear. 她会不会投票支持我们尚不清楚。 多维训练 (1)I will go,

  . 不管你是和我一起去还是呆在家里,我都要去。 (2)I don’t know

  . 我不知道教授是不是喜欢鲜花。 whether you come with me or stay at home whether my professor is fond of flowers or not 答案 单句语法填空 (1)—There’s a party tonight.Come with us. —OK,I

  (bring) my boyfriend. (2)I had hardly got home

  it began to rain. (3)

  everybody is here,let’s begin our meeting. (4)I’ll speak slowly

  you can understand me. (5)So clever was he

  he was able to work out all the difficult problems. (6)Child

  he is,he knows a lot. 单元语法 will bring when Since so that/in order that that

  as/though 答案 返回 在高考语境中提升解题技能 语境填词 1.Years later,she was proud that her son had read thousands of books,was

  (授予) a PhD in literature,and authored his own books.(2015·天津) 2.If you want to improve your chances of having a

  (创造性的) idea while you’re daydreaming,try to do it while you are involved in another task.(2015·北京) awarded creative 答案 3.Fan Yang and Deni Yang impressed the

  (观众) with their awesome skills for bubble making.(2017·浙江) 4.Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure,providing

  (独特的) rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta.(2015·重庆) 5.The fact that there is an argument within the Government over whether to publish an official report on wind farms’ impact on the countryside becomes even more

  (非凡的).(2017·福建) audience unique extraordinary 答案 单句语法填空 1.The more I understood fish,the more I became

  (effect) at finding and catching them.(2015·广东) 2.In recent years an English word “infosphere” has appeared,

  (combine) the sense of “information” and “atmosphere”.(2015·福建) 3.Much time spent sitting at a desk,office workers are

  (general) troubled by health problems.(2015·江苏) 4.What he did makes his parents feel very

  (disappoint). effective combining generally disappointed 答案 5.When Grylls heard about Nicholas’ amazing deeds,he was super impressed

  Nicholas had made it since he knew better than anyone how hard Nicholas had to work to stay alive.(2015·北京) 6.My uncle hasn’t been able to quit

  (smoke),but at least he has cut down.(2017·陕西) 7.Governments’ incentive to require producers to take responsibility

  the packaging they produce is usually based on money.(2015·江苏) that smoking for 答案 8.To show this,she held up one chopstick,

  (represent) one person.(2015·安徽) 9.Most of the audience at a classical concert

  (be) over fifty.(2017·安徽) 10.Whatever our circumstances,we generally still have dreams,hopes and desires—

  little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones.(2015·福建) representing are that 答案 短语填空 refer to,come out,be used to,at times,react to,in other words,be full of,combine...with... 1.According to the passage,human beings

  living in the day light.(2015·浙江) 2.A final point to bear in mind is that the term “classical music” is used to

  a great variety of music,from jazz to pieces for large orchestras(管弦乐队).(2017·安徽) 3.The smartphone-­like glasses will likely

  this year and cost between $250 and $600.(2017·福建) are used to refer to come out 答案 4.A phone call,however,could never replace her presence and it was difficult not to feel lonely

  .(2017·天津) 5.They’re even exploring


  other materials,like carbon fibers,to give it new properties.(2017·湖南) 6.How to

  bad behavior.(2017·北京) 7.It can also

  challenges,setbacks(挫折) and heartbreaks. 8.His job was,

  ,not too different from a TV or radio commercial in today’s world.(2017·浙江) at times combining with react to be full of

  in other words 答案 完成句子 1.

  a month

  I came to this new school. 自从我来到这个新学校已经一个月了。(2015·四川) 2.

  her friend was badly hurt that Kerry became aware of her habit of finding fault. 直到她朋友受了重伤之后,Kerry才意识到自己乱挑剔的习惯。(2015·福建) 3.

  light moves into a material with a new speed,it bends and scatters. 每一次光以新速度进入一种物质,它都会弯曲和散射。(2015·北京) It has been since It wasn’t until Every time 答案 4.You should often talk with Chinese


  你应当经常和中国人交谈,以便你能够提高你的汉语口语能力。(2015·四川) 5.I am not going to ask you questions to find out

  . 我不打算问你问题来看看你是否理解那些书。(2015·浙江) so that you can improve your oral Chinese whether you understand the books or not 答案 写作素材 (关于表演) 1.上个星期天,一位全世界著名的女演员在我市举行了一场精彩演出。 2.很遗憾我错过了那位著名女演员的创造性演出,这让我非常失望。 3.尽管她外表普通,但却是位音乐天才。 4.她的演出感动了无数观众,给他们留下了深刻的印象。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用主语从句,定语从句,in spite of 等短语。 微写作 连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)

  Last Sunday,a worldwide famous actress gave a wonderful performance in our city.It was a pity that I missed the actress’ creative performance,which made me very disappointed. In spite of her ordinary appearance,she has a remarkable talent for music.Her performance touched millions of audience and left a deep impression on them. 答案 返回

  award n.奖(品);奖金;v.授予;奖励;判给 3. (1)win the first award获得一等奖 win/get/receive an award for因……而获奖 (2)award sb.sth.=award sth.to sb.授予某人某物 (1)He was nominated for the best actor award. 他获得最佳演员奖提名。 (2)The prize is awarded annually.该奖每年颁发一次。 词义辨析 词义辨析  award,reward,prize (1)award多用于奖项名称,并不指具体的奖品;表示概念、荣誉上的奖。 (2)reward指对某人工作或服务等的“奖励,回报”,也可指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到赏金、酬金。 (3)prize多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中凭能力或运气所赢得的奖品或奖金。 (1)用award,reward,prize的正确形式填空 ①Slumdog

  Millionaire won eight

  . ②The fireman received a

  for saving the child’s life. ③Hundreds of

  can be won in our newspaper competition. (2)单句语法填空 ①She was awarded the first prize

  her picture. ②A gold medal was awarded

  the winner. ③

  an award for your excellent service,I present you on behalf of the company with a gold watch. 多维训练 awards reward prizes for to As 答案

  base vt.以……为据点(或总部等);把(总部等)设在(use...as the main place);以……为基础;n.根基,基底;底座(the lowest part);根据,出发点;基础 4. (1)base...on/upon...把……建立在……;以……为根据 be based on/upon以……为根据(基础) (2)basis n.原因,缘由;基准,准则;方式;基础 on the basis of在……基础上 应试指导 过去分词句法功能的考查 (1)Actually,teaching is an art based on science. 事实上,教学是一门建立在科学基础上的艺术。 (2)Our next meeting will be on the basis of this agenda. 下次会议将以本议程为中心议题。 (1)单句语法填空 ①

  (base) an important decision more on emotion than on reason,you will regret it sooner or later. ②

  (base) on my own opinion,this one is far better than that one. (2)同义句改写 The restaurant is based on trust,and it is working all right.(改为含有定语从句的复合句) ①The restaurant,

  ,is working all right. ②The restaurant,

  ,it based on trust. 多维训练 Basing Based which is based on trust which is working all right 答案 (3)单句改错 This song is based an old folk song.

  based后加on 答案 边讲边练


  impress v.使(人)印象深刻;使铭记(have a great effect on);使意识到(make sb.understand...) 5. (1)impress...on...把……印在……上 impress sth.on/upon sb.=impress sb.with sth.使某人牢记某事 be impressed by/with...对……印象深刻 (2)impression n.印象;影响;印记;感想 leave/make/create a/an...impression on sb.给某人留下一个……的印象 (3)impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的 应试指导 (1)过去分词作状语;(2)写作高分句式:What impressed sb.is/was that... (1)What impressed him most was their speed. 最令他佩服的是他们的速度。 (2)I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures. 来听我课的一个年轻人给我留下了很深的印象。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①The film’s special effects are particularly

  (impress). ②I was very

  (impress) by the efficiency of the staff. ③The book left a deep

  (impress) on him. ④I think it’s important for us to impress visitors

  a nice-­looking office. ⑤The design was impressed

  the cloth. (2)同义句改写 I was impressed by the beautiful scenery and forgot to go back home in time.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)

  impressive impressed impression with

  on Impressed by the beautiful scenery,I forgot to go back home in time. 答案 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 6. (1)combine...with...把……与……结合起来 be combined with与……结合 combine against为反对……联合起来 (2)combination n.结合;组合;化合物 in combination with与……联合 combine v.(使)结合,(使)联合;兼有;使融合(join...to form a single one) 多词一义  combine,link,join,connect (1)He will combine the two jobs over the next three years. 今后3年,他将同时兼顾这两项工作。 (2)The workers combined against the boss. 工人们联合起来反对工头。 (3)The company is developing a new product in combination with several research centers. 公司正在联合几家研究中心开发一种新产品。 多维训练 (1)用combine的正确形式填空 ①These refugees are looked after by the

  efforts of the host countries and non­governmental organizations. ②The farmers are forming a

  to market their goods at fair price. ③Indeed,

  forces with China in Afghanistan might even improve the relationship between Washington and Beijing. ④

  with that big company,the small firm becomes more competitive. combined combination combining Combined 答案 (2)同义句改写 My graduate school training is combined with my experience as a dentist,which qualifies me for this particular job.I am sure I will be successful.(用过去分词短语作定语改写)

  My graduate school training combined with my experience as a dentist should qualify me for this particular job.I am sure I will be successful. 答案

  represent v.代表;象征(symbolize);表示;描绘(show);声称(claim) 7. (1)represent sb./sth.as/to be...宣称某人为……;把某事叙述为…… represent sth.to sb.向某人说明(传达)某事 (2)representative n.代表;议员;adj.典型的;有代表性的 (3)stand for代表;象征 (4)on behalf of sb.=on one’s behalf为了某人;代替某人 (1)He represents himself as a friend of President. 他自称是总统的朋友。 (2)In the afternoon,you together with some of our student representatives are going to visit the Haihe River and enjoy the beautiful scenery there. 下午你和我们的几个学生代表将去参观海河并欣赏那儿的美景。 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)What does “VIP” stand

  ? (2)The popular press tends to represent him

  an environmental leader. (3)The subject is so difficult. I really don’t know how to represent it

  you. (4)This type of training is

  (represent) of the management characteristic of the company. (5)Tom

  (represent) our school participated in the competition. for as to representative representing 答案

  responsible adj.负责的,可靠的(reliable);有责任的,应负责任的 8. (1)be responsible for对……负责;是……的原因 be responsible to sb.对某人负责 (2)responsibility n.责任;职责;义务 take responsibility for 对……有责任;对……负责 sense of responsibility责任感 (1)Parents feel responsible when things go wrong. 出了问题时,父母们觉得责任在自己。 (2)Our department manager is directly responsible to the vice­president of sales. 我们的部门经理直接对销售副总裁负责。 (3)If anything goes wrong,I’ll take responsibility for it. 出了问题我负责。 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)He was elected by the people,and is responsible

  them. (2)Who should be responsible

  the accident? (3)The sense of

  (responsible) for our country made them contribute themselves greatly. to for responsibility 答案

  permission n.允许,许可 9. 应试指导 独立主格的用法 (1)ask for permission请求许可 with/without one’s permission获取某人同意/没有获得某人许可 permit doing sth.允许做某事 permit of 容许(常用于否定句) (1)With your permission,I will carry out the project as soon as possible. 如果你答应的话,我将尽快展开这项计划。 (2)The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 俱乐部规则规定不允许吸烟。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①I was permitted

  (talk) to the prisoner. The guards permitted me

  (bring) my camera and tape recorder. ②The facts permit

  no other explanation. ③He asked for

  (permit) to leave the room. (2)同义句改写 If time permits,I will visit the Great Wall.(用独立主格结构改写)

  to talk to bring of permission Time permitting,I will visit the Great Wall. 答案

  be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于…… 10. used to do sth.过去常常做某事 be used to do sth.被用来做某事 (1)You have to get used to a whole new way of life,which can take up all your concentration in the beginning. 你得适应一种全新的生活方式,在一开始的时候这就会占去你的全部精力。 (2)I used to smoke,but I gave up two years ago. 我以前抽烟,但两年前就戒掉了。 (3)The power of flowing water can be used to produce electricity. 水力可以用来发电。 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 (1)单句语法填空 ①She used

  (wash) dishes in a restaurant. ②You’ll soon get used to

  (speak) in public. ③The information is used

  (develop) games and quizzes for the site. (2)完成句子 ①She

  working at nights and it took her a few months to

  it. 她开始不习惯上夜班,这花了她好几个月的时间才适应过来。 多维训练 to wash speaking to develop was not used to get used to 答案 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 ②He

  late in the morning but now he

  doing some kinds of exercise hoping to be more healthy. 他过去常常起得很晚,但是现在为了更健康他已经习惯了早起锻炼。 used to get up has been used to 答案

  at times有时,不时(sometimes;occasionally) 11. in time迟早,及时 on time准时;按时 in no time立即,马上 at no time决不 at a time一次 at all times总是,随时 at one time曾经;一度 应试指导 at no time位于句首倒装 (1)At times I wonder if it’s worth all the effort. 有时候我会想,这一切努力是否值得。 (2)If you can’t arrive there on time,you should warn them. 如果你不能按时到达,应该预先通知他们。 (3)No man is wise at all times. 智者千虑,必有一失。 用time的相关短语填空 (1)

  did I feel they were being unreasonable. (2)I want to be home

  for tea. (3)You’d better do one thing

  ,so that you can concentrate on it. (4)

  ,that kind of thing would have made me really angry. (5)He will be all right

  . (6)He can be really bad-­tempered

  . 多维训练 At no time in time at a time At one time in no time at times 答案

  in some ways在某些方面 12. 应试指导 (1)way前面冠词的使用;(2)in no way置于句首的倒装 all the way一路上;完全地;自始至终,一直 by way of经由;途经 in the way挡路 in a way在某种程度上 on the way在路上 in no way决不(置于句首句子用倒装) in this way用这种方法 (1)The change is beneficial in some ways but not in others. 这些变革有的方面有好处,有的方面没好处。 (2)In a way it is a good thing I did not get the post I had applied for,though I must admit that I was disappointed at the time. 我没有得到我申请的工作在某种程度上说是件好事,尽管我承认当时我很失望。 (3)All the goods were transported by way of the Netherlands. 一切货物均需经荷兰运送。 多维训练 (1)用way的相关短语填空 ①We can allow such a thing to continue

  . ②You will soon receive the parcel for it is

  . ③You can solve this problem only

  . ④Even if I have to walk

  ,I’ll get there. ⑤Please take them away;they are

  . (2)同义句改写 ①

  (将上题句①改为倒装句) ②

  (将上题句③改为倒装句) in no way on the way in this way all the way in the way In no way can we allow such a thing to continue. Only in this way can you solve this problem. 答案 Book

  2 Unit

  5 Rhythm 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 在高考语境中提升解题技能 1 2 3 4 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.amusement n.娱乐 2.applaud v.鼓掌欢迎 3.appreciate v.欣赏 4.award n.奖品;奖金 5.concert n.音乐会 6.hit n.(演出等)成功;打击 7.performance n.演出;表演 8.compose a song创作歌曲 9.make a hit流行 10.cooperate with与……合作 经典语篇 假如你是李华,你最喜欢的歌手Justin Bieber(贾斯汀·比伯)下个月将到你们市演出。近日你准备和几个朋友成立Justin Bieber的歌迷俱乐部。请你给你的加拿大笔友Freddy发一封e­-mail,表明你们喜欢Justin Bieber的理由,并希望Freddy就如何办好歌迷俱乐部提供一些建议。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 佳作欣赏 Dear Freddy, I’m glad to tell you that Justin Bieber,my favorite singer,will come to our city to perform next month.① I’m so pleased at the news that I decide to form a Justin Bieber fan club with some of my friends recently.All of us like him and enjoy his songs very much.He is very charming and fantastic! His songs make us feel the true love.We can sing most of his songs and would like to know more about him.②But we don’t know what we should do,and where we can pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans③.Could you give us some advice?

  Look forward to your reply. Best wishes,Li Hua 思维发散 1.用定语从句改写第①句

  2.用not only...but also...改写第②句

  I’m glad to tell you that Justin Bieber,who is my favorite singer,will come to our city to perform next month. We can not only sing most of his songs but also would like to know more about him.

  答案 3.用不定式短语改写第③句

  We don’t know what to do,and where to pick up some useful information about him and his performing plans.

  答案 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 重点单词 A.写作单词 1.




  有效果的,起作用的;生效的 2.








  失望 effect effective disappoint disappointed disappointing disappointment 答案 3.






  表演者 4.









  基本的,基础的 6.




  气愤的,愤怒的 performance perform performer award base basic anger angry 答案 7.


  听众;观众 8.


  贯穿,遍及 9.




  印象 10.




  女性的 11.




  有天赋的,天才的 12.


  全世界 audience throughout impress impression male female talent talented worldwide 答案 13.

  (adj.)普通的;平常的 14.


  (n.)负责 15.


  (vt.)允许,许可 ordinary responsible responsibility permission permit 答案 B.阅读单词 16.extraordinary (adj.)

  17.unclear (adj.)

  clear (adj.)

  18.extremely (adv.)

  19.creative (adj.)

  creation (n.)

  create (vt.)

  20.powerful (adj.)

  非凡的,特别的 不清楚的 清晰的,清楚的 极端地,非常地 有创造力的,创造性的 创造 创造,发明;创作 强大的,有力的 答案 21.system (n.)

  22.treasure (n.)

  23.combine (vt.)

  combination (n.)

  24.represent (vt.)

  representative (adj.)


  25.identity (n.)

  26.general (n.)


  系统 财富,财宝 (使)结合,(使)联合 联合,结合 代表 有代表性的,经典的 代表 身份;特征 将军 一般的,通常的 答案 27.quit (vt.&vi.)

  28.rediscover (vt.)

  rediscovery (n.)

  29.beauty (n.)

  30.appearance (n.)

  31.transform (vt.)

  32.generation (n.)

  停止;辞职 重新发现 重新发现 美;美貌;美人 外貌,外观 转换,转化 代,一代 答案 33.type (n.)

  typical (adj.)

  typist (n.)

  34.unique (adj.)

  35.reaction (n.)

  react (vi.)

  类型,种类 典型的 打字员 独特的,唯一的 反应 反应 答案 重点短语 1.

  对……反应 2.

  从头到尾 3.

  习惯于做…… 4.

  充满 5.

  (产品、书等)出版,发行 6.

  遗漏 7.

  与……联合起来 react to from the beginning to the end be used to doing be full of come out leave out combine with 答案 8.

  记录,记下 9.

  换句话说 10.

  在某些方面 11.

  有时,不时 12.

  提及,涉及,谈到 13.

  往返,来回 14.

  与……有关 note down in other words in some ways at times refer to back and forth be related to 答案 经典句式 1.She had to draw piano keys on a piece of paper

  he could learn to play as early as possible. 她不得不在纸上画上钢琴的键盘以便他尽可能早的学习弹奏(钢琴)。 2.

  Morissette’s first performance in England

  her song “Uninvited” won this year’s Grammy Award for the best rock song. 这是自莫里塞特的歌曲Uninvited获得今年的格莱美最佳摇滚歌曲奖以来她在英国的首次演出。 3.His mother

  buy him a piano

  he was seven. 直到他7岁,他母亲才给他买了一架钢琴。 so that since It was couldn’t until 答案 4.

  he went back to his roots and rediscovered the beauty in Chinese folk music. 这就是他为什么追根求源,重新发现了中国民族音乐之美。 5.And

  ,I’ve waited there

  you might not call at all. 而且每次你打电话,我都已在那里等着好像你不可能打电话似的。 This is why every time you call as though 答案 课文语法填空 Alanis Morissette,a Canadian singer and song writer,is used to being in the public eye.Her most famous album Jagged Little Pill 1.

  (come) out in 1995 when she was only twenty-­one years old, made 2.

  world famous.Last Thursday night,3.

  (hundred) of fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge,England to see Alanis Morissette 4.

  (perform) in concert.It was 5.

  extremely cold night but Morissette hoped they 6.

  warm it up in there for the fans. During the 3­- hour concert, came her hundreds performing an would 答案

  Morissette 7.

  (play) a lot of songs from her old and new albums. 8.

  the concert hall was cold 9.

  the sound system caused









  concert. 10.

  Morissette is a true performer and she is a real superstar. played Although and So 答案 返回 边讲边练


  effect n.影响;效果,作用;结果 1. have an effect on/upon对……有效;对……有影响 come/go into effect生效 take effect生效;奏效 bring/put...into effect实施 of no effect没有效果的 in effect实际上 (1)The medicine had a good effect on me. 那种药对我有很好的功效。 (2)The medicine soon took effect. 药很快见效了。 多维训练 (1)短语填空 have an effect on,come into effect,in effect,take effect,of no effect ①So

  the government have lowered taxes for the rich and raised them for the poor. ②My parents’ divorce


  me. ③The morphine(吗啡) was starting to

  and the pain eased. ④If a class is

  ,then teaching means nothing. in effect had a

  effect on

  take effect of no effect 答案 ⑤The regulations

  days after last week’s incidents. (2)The recommendations will soon

  (付诸实施). came into effect

  be put into effect/come into effect 答案

  disappoint v.使失望(let down);使破灭;使落空 2. (1)disappointed adj.失望的 be disappointed at/about...对……失望 be disappointed to do...因做……而失望 (2)disappointment n.失望;令人失望的人或事物 to one’s disappointment令人失望的是 应试指导 写作高分句式:What disappointed sb.is that... (1)Disappointed as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorly­equipped classroom,I found the teachers patient and considerate. 虽然我对破旧的校园和装备差的教室很失望,但是那儿的老师既有耐心也体贴学生。 (2)I was completely disappointed to hear that. 听到那个消息我彻底失望了。 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)To our great

  (disappoint),it rained every day of the trip. (2)Your work is

  (disappoint). (3)My mother said it was a great day,but she was just a little

  (disappoint) that it didn’t last a tiny bit longer. (4)We are much disappointed

  the speech. disappointment disappointing disappointed about/at 答案


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