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2017届高考英语一轮豫皖京闽粤地区通用复习课件:book8 Unit 24《society》(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-03-07  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (abundant) of passenger pigeons may have been their undoing.(2017·新课标全国Ⅰ) 6.A British judge on Thursday sentenced a businessman who sold fake bomb detectors

  10 years in prison.(2017·四川) 7.—Have you heard about the recent

  (elect)? —Sure,it has been the only thing on the news for the last three days.(2017·湖南) 8.The United Nations Organization(UNO) could undertake

  (direct) the distribution of aid.(2017·江西) abundance to election to direct 答案 9.She asked Ann if she could keep an eye

  the dog.(2017·山东) 10.

  began as nothing important in public affairs has grown into a social movement.(2017·新课标全国Ⅱ) on What 答案 短语填空 come into being,show off,knock into sb.,break into,on principle,clean up,do away with 1.Mike was trying to

  his talent by decorating the kitchen wall with his colour pencils.(2017·陕西) 2.All the kids declared something they could

  for the week.(2015·全国Ⅰ) 3.As the unhappy newcomers mixed together in the poor parts of the city,the dance known as the tango(探戈舞)

  .(2017·安徽) show off do away with came into being 答案 4.As the President’s car arrived,the crowd

  loud applause. 5.Not only will I keep from littering and spitting anywhere,I will also help

  the roadside litter whenever possible.(2017·安徽) 6.He remained single all his life

  . 7.He was in such a hurry that he almost

  me. broke into clean up on principle knocked into 答案 完成句子 1.It’s high time that we

  the situation. 我们应该一起努力来改变形势了。(2017·重庆) 2.It’s

  doing the things we like,

  liking the things we have to do that makes life happy. 让生活愉快的不是做我们喜欢的事情,而是喜欢那些我们不得不做的事情。(2017·湖南) worked/should work together to change not but 答案 3.—Look,here comes your dream girl.Invite her to dance. —I don’t know.

  she refuses me? ——看,你的梦中女孩来了,去邀请她跳舞吧。 ——我不知道(该怎么做),要是她拒绝我怎么办?(2017·重庆) 4.We would rather our daughter

  ,but it is her choice,and she is not a child any longer. 我们宁愿我们的女儿和我们一起呆在家里,但是这是她的选择,并且她不再是一个孩子了。(2017·陕西) What if stayed at home with us 答案 5.Big sporting events,concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and

  to find a room. 大的体育赛事、音乐会和展览会会增加住宿成本,并且使找到一个住处变得更难。(2017·湖南) make it harder 答案 写作素材 (关于个人发展) 1.为了减轻家庭负担,张力自愿承担了最艰苦的工作。 2.此外,他在工作中还积累了丰富的经验。 3.他坚持认为,员工在公司发展中起着重要作用。 4.因此,当职位出现空缺,公司将一切考虑在内,推选他为公司副总。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用宾语从句、不定式作状语以及现在分词作状语。 微写作 连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)

  To relieve/reduce the burden of the family,Zhang Li was voluntary to undertake the toughest task.In addition,he accumulated abundant experience,insisting that it was the staff that play an important role in the development of the company.Consequently,when there was a vacant post,the company took all things into account and elected him vice­president of the company. 答案 返回

  undertake vt.着手做;从事;承担;许诺,答应;试图 5. undertake+n./pron.承担…… undertake to do...着手做……,答应做…… undertake for...为……负责 (1)I’ll leave you to undertake an important mission. 我要让你承担一项重要使命。 (2)She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承担了这些变革的责任。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①He undertook

  (finish) the task by Saturday. ②The best way

  (undertake) big projects is to force them into your schedule. (2)单句改错 I undertook teaching the children English.

  to finish to undertake teaching→to teach 答案 6.

  sentence n.判决,宣判;句子;命题;vt.判决,宣判 (1)serve a sentence服刑 pass sentence on sb.对某人判刑 (2)sentence sb.to sth.给某人判……刑;宣判某人……罪刑 be sentenced to...被判……刑 (1)The prisoner has served his sentence and will be released tomorrow. 这个犯人已服刑期满,明天将释放。 (2)The judge sentenced the murderer to death. 法官判处那个杀人犯死刑。 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)The judge will pass sentence

  him. (2)He was sentenced

  death in their absence. on to 答案

  show off炫耀,夸耀 7. (1)show...out领……出去 show sb.around/round领某人参观 show...in带或领……进来 show up出席;到场 (2)on show在展出 (1)Peter is keen to show off his new car. 彼得喜欢炫耀他的新车。 (2)Considering it’s cold outside,you’d better show the old man in. 考虑到外面冷,你最好把那个老人领进来。 (3)He promised to come but did not show up in the end. 他承诺来但最后也没有到场。 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)All the collections will be

  show from June 16 to 18 in the gym. (2)I will show you

  our school. (3)Although some people like to show

  their wealth,income is a very private matter for most Americans. (4)A few hundred people showed

  ,as well as some television cameramen and reporters. (5)Our guests said goodbye to us and we showed them

  . on around off up out 答案

  voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 8. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①The prisoner made a

  (volunteer) statement. ②Why do you want to volunteer

  our organization? ③The young man volunteered

  (stop) the drunken men from fighting. voluntary for to stop 答案 (2)单句改错 The volunteer service saved you a sum of money.

  volunteer→voluntary 答案

  govern vt.统治,管理 9. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①The party who

  (govern) the country is chosen by the people. ②How long has Obama been

  government? ③The

  (govern) should make every effort to promote the economy. governs in government 答案 (2)完成句子 ①The need for money

  . 对金钱的需要支配着他的行为。 ②Can’t you

  ? 难道你不能控制脾气吗? governs his behavior govern your temper 答案

  delete vt.删除 10. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)He has no authority to publish content,nor can he delete anything

  the live site. (2)

  (delete) his name from the list of members. (3)Several words

  (delete) by him from the text. from Delete were deleted 答案

  fine n.罚款;v.处(某人)以罚金;adj.合适的;令人愉快的;(天气)晴朗的;好的;漂亮的;健康的;adv.(口语)很;很好 11. 多维训练 写出下列句子中fine的汉语意思 (1)The fine weather is favorable for outdoor sports.

  (2)We had a fine time at the party last night.

  (3)Yes,we are getting along fine.

  晴朗的 令人愉快的 很好 答案 (4)There is a fine for driving too fast.

  (5)The judge fined her 25 dollars for her mistake.

  (6)He is not feeling fine today.

  罚款 处……以罚金 健康的 答案

  come into being形成;开始存在;产生 12. 多维训练 用“come into+名词”完成句子 (1)The new law

  (将生效) next month. (2)The big hotel

  (已经投入使用). (3)I’ve

  (养成……的习惯) calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school. (4)Perhaps it is true that nobody in the world knows exactly how the earth

  (形成). (5)This government

  (上台) at the last election. will come into force/effect has come into use/service come into the habit of came into being/existence came into power 答案

  knock into sb.撞上某人 13. 多维训练 短语填空 knock into,knock down,knock on/at (1)These old buildings will sooner or later

  . (2)Why not

  the door before you come in? (3)Lost in thought,he almost

  a man who carried a heavy box. be knocked down knock on/at knocked into 答案

  keep an eye/one’s eyes on留神注意;留意;照看(take care of) 14. 多维训练 单句语法填空 (1)Could you do me a favor and keep an eye

  my luggage? (2)Gail has a good eye

  fashion. (3)Can you look me

  the eye and tell me you’re not lying? (4)I’ve got my eye

  a nice little sports car that I’m saving up for. on for in on 答案

  break into闯入;插话;突然……起来 15. 多维训练 写出下列句子中break into的汉语意思 (1)A thief can break into a car in ten seconds.

  (2)Don’t break into their conversation;they are discussing something important.

  (3)When I told them my story,the girl broke into tears.

  闯入,破门而入 插话 突然……起来 答案

  I’d rather you didn’t mention that.我宁愿你没有提到那个。 16. 句型公式:would rather sb.did/had done sth. (1)would rather后跟宾语从句,其谓语用虚拟语气:表示一个现在或将来的愿望,谓语用一般过去时;表示一个过去的愿望,谓语用过去完成时。 (2)would rather+动词原形,意为“宁可……,宁愿……”。 (3)would rather do...than do...宁愿……也不愿…… (4)rather than 宁可……也不……;而不是;与其……倒不如……,用于连接两个并列成分。 (5)prefer to do...rather than do...宁愿……而不愿…… (1)I’d rather you hadn’t told him the news that day. 我真希望你那天没把那个消息告诉他。 (2)I decided to write rather than (to) telephone. 我决定写信而不是打电话。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①He would rather

  (give) lectures to the students than

  (invite) to different boring conferences. ②I’d rather you

  (return) tomorrow. ③I prefer

  (buy) a new car rather than

  (repair) a second­-hand one. ④He would rather

  (work) in the countryside. (2)单句改错 I would rather you don’t smoke.

  give be invited returned to buy repair work don’t→didn’t 答案

  What if some married people have affairs? 如果有些已婚人士有婚外情怎么办呢? 17. 句型公式:What if...? What if...?“如果……将会怎样;即使……又有什么关系?”为省略结构,相当于What shall we/I do if...?。what if中what可看作是what should sb.do或what does it matter或what would happen的省略。what if用于提出假设时,其后句子可用陈述语气(一般现在时),也可用虚拟语气(一般过去时或should+动词原形)。 What for?为何目的,为何理由? So what?那又怎么样? What/How about...?……怎么样? Guess what?你知道……吗? (1)What if she finds out that you have lost her book? 如果她发现你弄丢了她的书,怎么办? (2)—She will be angry with what you have done. —So what? ——她会为你所做的生气的。 ——那又怎样? (3)How about going for a walk? 去散步好吗? 多维训练 (1)

  I fail the math exam next week? 如果下周的数学考试我不及格怎么办? (2)

  ?Your English is as good as mine. 为什么呢? 你的英文跟我的一样好。 (3)Seven months ago I never would have believed this,but

  ?Bart Conneris is on that team. 七个月前我根本就不会相信,但是你们猜怎么着,巴特·康纳就在那个队里。 What if What for guess what 答案 单句语法填空 (1)It’s high time that we

  (get) down to work. (2)I would rather you

  (come) tomorrow. (3)We demanded that we

  (need) more time to relax. (4)You ought to

  (do) your work yesterday,but you went out to call on your friends. (5)If I were you,I

  (go) abroad next year. 单元语法 got/should get came (should) need have done would go 答案 返回 在高考语境中提升解题技能 语境填词 1.The rest of us have to evade(避让) them or just stand still to wait for the unavoidable

  (冲突).(2015·湖南) 2.All human beings possess a body clock.Along with other alerting(警报) systems,this

  (支配,管理) the sleep/wake cycle.(2017·四川) 3.They

  (挤压) eating between the other daily activities.(2017·陕西) collision governs squeeze 答案 4.We are a

  (自愿的) organization and registered charity without financial links to the National Park Authority.(2011·江苏) 5.Minor died in 1920,seven years before the first

  (版本) of the Oxford English Dictionary was completed.(2017·山东) voluntary edition 答案 单句语法填空 1.So far the well-­known journalist

  (accumulate) more than 4,000 interviews with famous people.(2017·湖北) 2.Volunteer work at home and abroad with the physically and mentally handicapped,the

  (homelessness),the elderly and orphans.(2017·广东) 3.Some schools will have to make

  (adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.(2015·江苏) 4.If men insisted on being free from the burden

  self­-dependence and responsibility for the common good,they would cease to be free.(2015·江苏) has accumulated homeless adjustments of 答案 Book 8


  24 Society 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 边讲边练

  突破核心考点 在高考语境中提升解题技能 1 2 3 4 话题词汇 话题晨背

  积累写作素材 1.responsible adj.有责任的 2.incident n.事件;事故 3.aware adj.意识到的 4.boom n. &v.繁荣,激增 5.changeable adj.易变的 6.constitution n.宪法,章程 7.reform v.&n.改革 8.unemployment n.失业(状态) 9.on one’s way to在去……的路上 10.without hesitation毫不犹豫 11.compare with与……相比 12.be proud of以……自豪 经典语篇

  (2017·湖北) 请根据以下提示,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇短文。 Small things make a big difference.The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society. 注意:①无须写标题; ②除诗歌外,文体不限; ③内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例; ④词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。 佳作欣赏 It isn’t hard to grow up into a responsible member of society. I can well remember an incident that happened on a rainy Sunday afternoon.① I was on my way to the bookstore and was waiting for the green light at a crossing when a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car,which drove off quickly.② A man immediately rushed to the girl to give her first aid and I joined in without hesitation.Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent her to the nearest hospital.Compared with the escaped driver,I am proud of what I did. As a member of the society,I am aware that being responsible is what it takes to make a better society.③ 思维发散 1.把第①句改为简单句

  2.仿照第②句用be doing...when...翻译句子 我正在阅览室读书,忽然听到有人呼救。


  I can well remember an incident happening on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I was reading in the reading­-room when I heard someone shouting for help. As a member of the society,I am aware that it is being responsible that it takes to make a better society. 答案 返回 自主排查

  夯实基础知识 重点单词 A.写作单词 1.




  无家可归的 2.




  志愿者 3.


  统治,管理 4.


  重担,负担;(vt.)(使)担负 homelessness homeless voluntary volunteer govern burden 答案 5.




  调整,调节 6.


  辞职 7.


  删除 8.


  罚款 9.


  判决 adjustment adjust resign delete fine sentence 答案 B.阅读单词 10.abundant (adj.)

  abundance (n.)

  11.deposit (vt.&vi.)

  12.signature (n.)

  sign (v.)

  13.accumulate (v.)

  14.vacant (adj.)

  15.diverse (adj.)

  diversity (n.)

  大量的 大量;丰盛 存储,储蓄 签名 签(名) 积累 未住人的,空置的 各种各样的 多样性;差异 答案 16.bare (adj.)

  barely (adv.)

  17.virtue (n.)

  18.elect (vt.)

  19.cast (vt.&n.)

  20.undertake (vt.)

  21.abolish (vt.)

  22.consequently (adv.)

  consequence (n.)

  赤祼的 仅仅;几乎不 优点,长处 选举,推选 投下 着手做,从事 废除 所以,因此 结果;后果;重大;重要(性) 答案 23.spiritual (adj.)

  spirit (n.)

  24.thirst (n.)

  thirsty (adj.)

  宗教的,教会的;精神的 精神 口渴 口渴的 答案 重点短语 1.

  形成,存在 2.

  故意惹恼(某人,尤指开玩笑) 3.

  炫耀,夸耀 4.

  撞上某人 5.

  转折点 6.

  闯入 7.

  判某人死刑 8.

  根据原则 come into being wind sb.up show off knock into sb. turning point break into sentence sb.to death on principle 答案 9.

  密切注视,照看 10.

  打扫干净 11.

  废除,消除 keep an eye on clean up do away with 答案 经典句式 1.As a society,

  these issues more seriously. 作为整个社会来讲,到了我们应该更加认真地考虑这些问题的时候了。 2.

  increased happiness,

  stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families. 不是更快乐了,而是压力增加了,留给我们自己和朋友、家人享受乐趣的自由时间更少了。 3.

  mention that. 我宁愿你不提起那件事。 it’s high time that we took Not but I’d rather you didn’t 答案 4.

  some married people have affairs? 要是一些已婚的人有了婚外恋怎么办? 5.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which

  to keep an eye on people’s movements. 他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。 What if made it easier 答案 课文语法填空 Many of us in developed societies are trapped 1.

  a spending circle.We work hard so that we can earn more money.But 2.

  (strange) enough,the more money we earn,the less often we see it.Besides,we’re all taxpayers so the more we earn the more tax we have to pay to those 3.

  govern us.Thus,the circle goes round and round and gets more and more complicated. in strangely who 答案 In this spending circle,on the one hand,we accumulate possessions 4.

  never feel like we have enough.On the 5.

  hand,we work towards the ownership of bigger and 6.

  (good) houses and cars and never have time to enjoy them.Instead,they feel like a burden 7.

  every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for 8.

  . 9.

  (sure) we’re still better off than those who wear rags and sleep on the streets or in vacant buildings,but there is a growing resistance to this consumer society 10.

  is especially affecting the youth of today with their computers,i­-pods,designer clothes and mobile phones. but other better because them Surely which 答案 返回 边讲边练


  abundant adj.大量的;丰盛的;充裕的(plentiful) 1. 多词一义 abundant,enough,sufficient,adequate (1)be abundant in富于……,……很丰富 (2)abundance n.丰富,大量,多 in abundance大量,富裕 (1)There is an abundant supply of cheap labour. 廉价劳动力供应充足。 (2)Birds are abundant in the tall vegetation. 高大的植被中有着大量的鸟类。 多维训练 (1)Indonesia

  (在……方面富有) petroleum deposits. (2)Wild flowers grow

  (大量地) on the hillsides. is abundant in in abundance 答案

  burden n.(义务、责任等的)重担,负担(duty;responsibility);v.(使)担负(沉重或艰难的任务、职责等)(give sb.a duty,responsibility,etc.) 2. 应试指导 非谓语动词句法功能的考查 (1)a burden to...对……是个负担(累赘) (2)burden sb./oneself with sth.加负担于某人或自己 be burdened with sth.负重 (1)His invalid father is becoming a burden to him. 他父亲体弱多病,对他来说渐渐成了累赘。 (2)I don’t want to burden you with my problems. 我不想让我的问题给你增加负担。 多维训练 (1)同义句改写 She was burdened with five children and she had to work day and night. ①

  (用burden...with改写) ②

  (用过去分词短语作状语改写) (2)单句改错 Being reachable might feel like burden to those who may not want to be able to be contacted at all times.

  Burdened with five children,she had to work day and night. burden前加a 答案 She burdened herself with five children and she had to work day and night.

  resign vt.&vi.辞职;辞去(工作、职位等);听任;顺从 3. resign from...辞去……职务 resign as...辞去当……的职务 resign office辞职 resign oneself to听任摆布 (1)Mr.Robb resigned his position last month. 罗布先生上个月辞职了。 (2)She resigned as education minister. 她辞去了教务主任职务。 (3)No,I refuse the company decision,which dismisses me,because I resign office! 我拒绝(接受)公司辞退我的决定,因为我要(主动)辞职! 单句语法填空 (1)You must resign yourselves

  waiting a bit longer. (2)Mr.Smith resigned

  the union last year. 多维训练 to from 答案

  elect v.选举,推选;选择;决定做某事 4. (1)elect sb.as...选举某人担任…… elect sb.to...选举某人到……(职位) (2)election n.选举;当选;选择权 (1)He was elected as MP for Oxford East. 他被选为牛津东区的议员。 (2)She became the first black woman to be elected to the Senate. 她成为第一个被选进参议院的黑人妇女。 单句语法填空 (1)Those

  (elect) to smoke will be seated at the rear. (2)In America,presidential

  (elect) are held every four years. (3)Besides,in November they may elect him

  president. (4)If we all get behind Mr.Smith we can easily elect him

  that office. 多维训练 electing elections as to 答案


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