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发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  Contrary to popular belief, looking at someone's face alone is not enough to tell us whether they are roaring in celebration or screaming in frustration, researchers claimed.While people may believe they have the ability to read each other's faces, body language is the real clue that shows whether strong emotions someone is feeling are positive or negative.

  In a study, groups of participants were shown a series of facial expressions such as tennis players photographed just after winning or losing a point.

  In some cases the volunteers were able to see the player's full body, but in others they were only shown either their face or their body with the other removed.

  Participants could clearly tell whether the players were winning or losing when they were shown the full picture or just the body, but their guesses were no better than chance when based on the face alone.

  Those who were allowed to see the full image were convinced they had made their judgment based on the players' facial expressions even though results from the two other groups suggested otherwise.

  The researchers carried out a second study where participants were shown a wider range of faces showing emotions including joy, pleasure, victory, pain and defeat.

  Using photo­editing software, the researchers attached the faces to bodies expressing the opposite emotion, and asked participants to act out the emotions they saw in the photos.

  The resulting poses were like the body poses in the photographs but not the facial expressions, demonstrating that people base their interpretation of strong emotions not on the face but the body.

  Dr Aviezer, who led the study, said, “These results show that when emotions become extremely intense, the difference between positive and negative facial expressions becomes unclear.The results may help researchers understand how our body interacts during emotional situations.For example, individuals may fail to recognize facial expressions, but if they are trained to process important body language, their performance may significantly improve.”

  1.People tend to believe that ________.

  A.someone's body language has an effect on their


  B.reading someone's face alone cannot tell their feelings

  C.someone's body language is the only clue to their feelings

  D.someone's feelings can be read by their facial expressions

  2.What do we know about the first study?

  A.The participants were divided into four groups.

  B.All participants were given the same pictures to see.

  C.It proved that emotions influence people's body language.

  D.Participants could tell the players' feelings when seeing the full picture.

  3.What did Dr Aviezer think of the results of the study?

  A.Ridiculous. B.Useless.



  4.Which of the following can summarize the main idea of the passage?

  A.Body rather than eyes is the window of the soul.

  B.Facial expressions can reflect the emotions clearly.

  C.Researchers link emotions to body language through software.

  D.Two studies focus on the link between body language and emotions.

  1.解析:选D 推理判断题从第一段的“Contrary to popular belief, looking at someone's face alone is ...researchers claimed.”可知目前人们普遍认为看人们的面部表情就可以得知他们的心情2.解析:选D 细节理解题从第四段的“Participants could clearly tell whether the players were winning or losing when they were shown the full picture or just the body”可知D项正确3.解析:选D 推理判断题从最后一段的“The results may help researchers understand how our body interacts during emotional situations.”可知Dr Aviezer认为这些结果在某个方面对其他研究有一定的帮助4.解析:选A 主旨大意题最新的研究表明:通过观察别人的眼睛人们并不能完全读懂他们的心情但如果通过肢体语言人们却更加清晰地知道别人在想什么故选A项阅读理解Hispanic Heritage Month(拉丁文化月)is the period when people recognize the contributions of Hispanic Americans to the United States and celebrate Hispanic culture. Hispanic Heritage Week was approved by President Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. The law came into force on August 17, 1988.

  September 15 was chosen as the starting point for the celebration because it is the anniversary of independence of five Latin American countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. They all declared independence in 1821. In addition, Mexico, Chile and Belize celebrate their independence days on September 16, September 17 and September 18.

  Hispanic Heritage Month also celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic Americans in North America. A map of late 18th century North America shows this presence, from San Francisco to Florida. Spanish explorers traveled further north along the Pacific Coast to Canada in 1774 and by the late 18th century they had established a military post on Vancouver Island, 350 miles north of Seattle. The Spanish sailed up the Atlantic Coast through the Chesapeake Bay in 1526, then called the Bahia de Santa Maria, about 80 years before the romanticized English encounter with Pocahontas. In the 1520s Spanish navigators also explored as far north as Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the present site of Bangor, Maine. The Spanish settled in the southwest of North America in the 16th century and officially founded Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1610.

  About 47 million people in the United States are Hispanic Americans. Their families come from countries where people speak Spanish.

  Here are some ways you can take part in this special month.

  Move Your Feet

  Music is a big part of Hispanic life. People don’t just listen. They get up and dance!

  Play a Game

  Pinatas are toys filled with treats. Kids take turns trying to break a pinata with a stick. They pick up the treats that fall out.

  Wrap It Up

  The tortilla is a popular food. It is a type of flat bread. It is often filled with meat, beans, tomatoes and cheese. Then it is wrapped up and eaten. Yum!

  Speak Spanish

  Many Hispanic Americans speak two languages—Spanish and English. Say“hola”. That means“hello”in English.


  1. The first paragraph is mainly about .

  A. the establishment of Hispanic Heritage Month

  B. the celebrations during Hispanic Heritage Month

  C. the contributions of Hispanic Americans

  D. the importance of Hispanic culture

  【解析】选A。段落大意题。第一段主要讲的是在美国两任总统的努力下, 美国拉丁文化月最终建立。

  2. What do we know about Hispanic Heritage Month?

  A. It was first celebrated in 1968.

  B. It honors some famous Hispanic Americans.

  C. It is celebrated mainly in Latin America.

  D. The biggest celebrations take place on September 16~18.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。由文章第三段中的Hispanic Heritage Month also celebrates the long and important presence of Hispanic Americans in North America. 可知, 举办拉丁文化月也是为了纪念一些著名的拉丁裔美国人。

  3. We can learn from the passage that .

  A. pinatas are made of sticks

  B. tortillas are a kind of food for children

  C. Mexico declared independence on September 15

  D. Hispanic Americans had an influence on 18th century’s America

  【解析】选D。细节理解题。由文章第三段中的A map of late 18th century North America shows this presence, from San Francisco to Florida. 可知, 拉丁裔美国人在十八世纪已经产生影响力了。

  4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

  A. To encourage people to get involved in Hispanic Heritage Month.

  B. To introduce Hispanic Heritage Month briefly.

  C. To show the achievements of Hispanic Americans.

  D. To introduce the history of Latin American countries.


  (2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文 话题:逸文趣事 词数:296 时间:6′

  That evening Holmes and I drove across the moor until we could see the lights of the Stapletons' house in front of us.Then we got out and began to walk very quietly along the path towards the house.When we were very close,Holmes told me to stop.He took his revolver(左轮手枪) from his pocket,and I did the same.

  “We shall hide behind these rocks,” he whispered.“Watson, you know the house,so I want you to go forward and look through the windows.I want to know where the Stapletons and Sir Henry are,and what they are doing.”

  Very carefully and quietly I moved towards the house.I looked first into the dining room window.Mr.Stapleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars,but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton.

  I went back to the dining room window, and as I looked in again, Mr.Stapleton left the room and came out of the house.He went to a hut beside the house, and unlocked the door.I heard a strange sound coming from the hut,but I could not think what was making the noise.

  I went back to Holmes and told him what I had seen.He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was, and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house.

  The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh,

  and a fog was rising from it.Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried.The fog was creeping up from the marsh towards the house.We were hidden near the path, which was on the far side of the house from the marsh.

  “The fog is moving towards us, Watson, and that is very serious,” said Holmes.“It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong.”

  As we watched, the fog, which had crept as far as the house, began to flow round it.Angrily Holmes hit the rock in front of us with his open hand.

  “If Sir Henry doesn't come out in the next quarter of an hour, the path will be covered by the fog.In half an hour we shall not be able to see our hands in front of our faces.We must move back to higher ground above the fog.”

  We moved away from the house and out of the fog, which was creeping slowly along the ground and hiding the path from our view.

  “We must not go too far,” said Holmes.“If we do, Sir Henry may be caught before he reaches us.”

  Then we heard quick footsteps on the path.After a few moments, Sir Henry appeared out of the fog and walked on in the clear moonlight.He came quickly along the path, passed close to where we were hidden, and began to walk up the hill behind us.As he walked, he looked over his shoulder again and again, like a man who is worried that something is following him.

  “Listen!” said Holmes sharply.“Look out! It's coming!”

  I heard him make his revolver ready to fire,and I did the same.

  We tried to see into it, and wondered what horrible thing would appear.I looked at Holmes.His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog.He was pale,but his eyes were bright.Then suddenly his eyes nearly jumped out of his head,and his mouth opened in frightened surprise.I looked away from him to see what his eyes were fixed on.When I saw the awful shape that was coming towards us out of the fog, my blood turned cold.The revolver nearly fell from my hands,________.

  The huge black burning hound(猎犬)ran quickly and silently after Sir Henry, who was near to death, and we were helpless with fear.

  【语篇解读】 Watson和Holmes去Stapleton家探听情况,一条凶猛的猎犬的出现让他们感到非常害怕。

  1.It can be concluded that Sir Henry ________.

  A.was the master of the hound

  B.sensed he was in danger when escaping

  C.was clear where Miss Stapleton was

  D.was finally killed by the fierce hound

  答案 B [考查推理判断。结合文章倒数第五段中的“As he walked,he looked over his shoulder again and again,like a man who is worried that something is following him”可以推断出答案。]

  2.The strange sound coming from the hut was most probably made by ________.


  B.Miss Stapleton

  C.Sir Henry

  D.the hound

  答案 D [考查推理判断。文章第四段为下文埋下伏笔,结合文章结尾可以推断,发出声音的就是那条猎犬。]

  3.Why did Holmes hit the rock angrily?

  A.Because Watson failed to find any sign of Miss Stapleton.

  B.Because something was wrong with their plans.

  C.Because the fog might well ruin their plans.

  D.Because Sir Henry hadn't appeared so far.

  答案 C [考查细节理解。根据第七段“The fog is moving towards us...It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong”可知答案。]

  4Which of the following is the correct order according to the passage?

  a.The fog was rising and moving towards Holmes and Watson.

  b.Holmes saw a burning hound coming.

  c.Mr.Stapleton went to a hut beside the house and unlocked the door.

  d.Holmes and Watson hid behind the rocks.

  e.Sir Henry appeared out of the fog.

  A.a, d, c, b, e

  B.d, c, a, e, b

  C.c, b, e, a, d

  D.d, c, e, a, b

  答案 B [考查细节理解。根据文章的相关叙述可知,a—e分别可以在第七段、最后一段、第四段、第二段、第十二段中找到依据。Holmes和Watson首先躲在石头后面观Watson看到Mr.Stapleton去一个小屋,后来雾逐渐升起,而后Sir Henry跑了出来,接着猎犬跟了上来,故选B项。]

  5.Which of the following is the most suitable for the blank in the last paragraph but one?

  A.and I could hardly stand it

  B.and I was ready to fire

  C.and inside I was filled with anger

  D.and my whole body froze with fear

  答案 D [考查推理判断。根据空处所在段的内容“my blood turned cold.The revolver nearly fell from my hands”可知,Watson此时感到非常害怕,故D项符合题意。]

  阅读理解 “I’ve changed my mind.I wanted to have a telescope,but now I want my dad back.” Lucien Lawrence’s letter to his

  father for Christmas written after his father had been knifed to

  death outside his school gate,must have touched everyone’s

  heart.Lucien went on to say that without his father he couldn’t see the stars in the sky.When those whom we love depart from us,we cannot see the stars for a while.

  But Lucien,the stars are still there,and one day,when you are older and your tears have gone,you will see them again.And,in a strange way,I expect that you will find your father there,too,in your mind and heart.I find that my parents,who died years ago,still figure in many of my dreams and that I think of them perhaps more than I ever did when they were alive.I still live to please them and I’m still surprised by their reactions.I remember that when I became a professor,I was so proud,or rather so pleased with myself that I couldn’t wait to cable my parents.The reply was a long time in coming,but when it did,all my mother said was “I hope this means that now you will have more time for the children!” I haven’t forgotten.The values of my parents still live on.

  It makes me pause and think about how I will live on in the hearts and minds of my children and of those for whom I care.Would I have been as ready as Philip Lawrence have been to face the aggressors,and to lay down my life for those in my care?How many people would want me back for Christmas?It’s a serious thought,one to give me pause.

  I pray silently,sometimes,in the dead of night,that ancient cry of a poet “Deliver my soul from the sword,and my darling from the power of the dog.” Yet I know the death comes to us all,and sometimes comes suddenly.We must therefore plan to live forever,but live as if we will die tomorrow.We live on,I’m sure,in the lives of those we love,and therefore we ought to have a care for what they will remember and what they will treasure.If more parents knew this in their hearts to be true,there might be fewer knives on our streets today.

  【语篇解读 一个孩子在圣诞节对已经去世的父亲撕心裂肺的呼唤让人情不能已,潸然泪下。孩子,虽然亲人与我们两世相隔,可是他们永远活在我们心中,恍如昨天。虽然世人难免一死,但是如果大家互相关怀,没有了暴力和谋杀,世界岂不更加美好?

  1.According to the whole text we can see that the first paragraph________.

  A.puts forward the subject of the text

  B.shows the author’s pity on the kid

  C.relates a kid wrote a letter to his father

  D.makes a clear statement of the author’ views

  解析 文章结构题。第一段从一个孩子的一封信谈起,下文则动之以情,晓之以理,娓娓道来,委婉地纠正了孩子的观点,由此可知第一段在文中的作用是引出话题。

  答案 A

  2.In the second paragraph the author mainly wants to explain to us________.

  A.how much he misses his parents now

  B.why his parents often appear in his dreams

  C.when Lucien will get over all his sadness

  D.how proud he was when he succeeded in life

  解析 段落大意题。作者在本段不惜笔墨,用自己的亲身体会倾诉了对父母的怀念之情以及父母对自己的深刻影响,再结合本段最后一句的内容可知B项正确。

  答案 B

  3.What feelings did the author’s mother express in her reply?

  A.Proud. B.Happy.

  C.Disappointed. D.Worried.

  解析 推理判断题。作者因成为教授而非常自豪,无比高兴,迫不及待地想要把这个好消息告诉父母,可是母亲却委婉地提醒作者要多花点时间陪陪孩子,由此可推知,她很担心。

  答案 D

  4.In the author’s opinion,the value of a person’s life is________.

  A.to leave a precious memory to those he loves and cares for

  B.to have a high sense of duty to the whole society

  C.to care for what others will remember and treasure

  D.to share happiness and sadness with his family

  解析 推理判断题。根据第三段第一句的内容以及最后一段后半部分的内容可推知,作者认为人生的价值在于给自己爱和在乎的人留下珍贵的回忆。

  答案 A

  5.What does the writer mean by mentioning the sentence taken from an old poem?

  A.Call on criminals and murderers to lay down their guns.

  B.Advise parents to stay with their children safely at home.

  C.Spend every day meaningfully while alive.

  D.Try to keep violence and murder far away from society.

  解析 推理判断题。诗歌的大意是“求你救我的灵魂脱离刀剑,救我的生命脱离犬类”,而且作者是在深夜中祈祷,再结合本段后半部分的内容可推知,作者引用该诗句意在让社会远离暴力和谋杀。

  答案 D


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