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2017年高考英语一轮复习讲练测:必修3.2 Healthy eating(测)(解析版)

发布时间:2017-03-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修3 Unit 2

  Healthy eating



  I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分分)

  第一节 完形填空 (共小题;每小题分,满分30分) A special lady lived on a farm in Grace, Idaho. To overcome every  1  or struggle that came her way, she went far beyond the call of duty. She was a widow (寡妇) with 9 children. Instead of    of her hard life, she accepted her fate (命运) and    the ordinary into the extraordinary.

  No matter how serious things seemed to be, she found a(n)  4  side and a ray of hope. She taught her family the  5  of hard work and the importance of education,  6  she only went as far as fourth grade.


  Her children didn’t have material  7 , but they certainly received the necessary and  8  things in life: love, spiritual guidance, concern for others, appreciation for a table filled with food, and  9  for the law. She was truly a(n)  10  of all that is good.


  I remember as a young man sitting at her feet while she  11  me. “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” And she said, “I’ll  12  throw upon the floor a crust (面包皮) I cannot eat, for many a hungry one would think it quite a   . Willful waste brings willful want, and I may live to say, ‘Oh, I wish I had that crust that once I  14 .’”

     This extremely courageous and  15  woman is my grandmother. My mother is a lot like her mother. Many times, my mother went  16  a new dress just so we could buy some great football shoes. Many times, my mother  17

   that we should stay home instead of going on a summer vacation, just so we could  18  on a baseball all-star team. My mother is the greatest cook on Earth, a spiritual  19 , a church and community servant, and the very best mom who ever lived. I’ve never  20  her complain about her difficulties, heartache, and pain. My dear, sweet mother truly is a perfect example. It’s the way it was and still should be.

  1.A. success           B. task

  C. challenge                 

  D. job

  2.A. thinking              B. complaining

  C. talking                    

  D. dreaming

  3.A. sent                    B. put     

  C. cheated                   

  D. changed

  4.A. opposite              B. positive     

  C. wrong                   

  D. dark

  5.A. value                  B. idea    

  C. pain                        

  D. result

  6.A. if                        B. although

  C. unless                     

  D. since

  7.A. needs                  B. comforts

  C. wealth                      D. hope

  8.A. important            B. interesting         C. strange                     D. natural

  9.A. fear                    B. love   

  C. demand                    D. respect

  10.A. user                   B. speaker

  C. example                  

  D. corrector

  11.A. taught                B. charged

  C. encouraged               D. judged

  12.A. usually               B. never 

  C. even                       

  D. also

  13.A. pleasure          B. beauty

  C. reward                D. treat

  14.A. gave up              B. picked up  

  C. threw away           D. took away

  15.A. strong                B. curious

  C. intelligent                  D. attractive

  16.A. in                      B. beyond

  C. for                          

  D. without

  17.A. insisted              B. warned

  C. reminded                  D. persuaded

  18.A. go                      B. perform

  C. exchange                  D. play

  19.A. engineer             B. dancer

  C. guide                       D. worker

  20.A. noticed               B. heard

  C. discussed                 D. forgotten

  2.B考查动词。A. thinking 思考;  B. complaining抱怨;C. talking 谈论;D. dreaming做梦。她虽然是有9个孩子的寡妇,但她没有抱怨艰难的生活,而是接受了命运。 此处指抱怨生活,故选B.

  3.D考查动词。A. sent送;B. put放;C. cheated 欺骗;D. changed改变。此处指她接受了命运并且把平凡变成了不平凡。指她改变了命运,故选D.

  4.B考查形容词。A. opposite相反的;B. positive 积极的;C. wrong 错误的;D. dark黑暗的。不管事情多么难,她都能找到积极的方面和一线希望。指她积极面对生活,故选B.

  5.A考查名词。A. value 价值;B. idea想法;C. pain 痛苦;D. result结果。她教给孩子们努力工作的价值和教育的重要性。根据句意选A.

  6.B考查连词。A. if 如果;B. although尽管;C. unless除非;D. since因为,既然。她教给孩子们教育的重要性,尽管她只上了四年学。此处表示转折,故选B.

  7.C考查名词。A. needs 需要;B. comforts安慰;C. wealth财富;D. hope希望。孩子们虽然没有物质上的财富但拥有人生中那些重要的东西。此处指富裕的生活,故选C.

  8.A考查形容词。A. important 重要的; B. interesting有趣的;C. strange奇怪;D. natural自然的。孩子们虽然没有物质上的财富但拥有人生中那些重要的东西。根据句意选A.

  9.D考查名词。A. fear 恐惧;B. love 爱;C. demand 要求;D. respect尊敬。此处指他们拥有爱、心灵指导、关心别人、对满桌食物的欣赏和对法律的尊重这些重要的东西。此处指守法,故选D.

  10.C考查名词。A. user 用户; B. speaker演讲者;C. example 榜样;D. corrector校正者。此处指母亲就是拥有这些优秀品质的榜样,故选C.

  11.A考查动词。A. taught 教给;B. charged填充;C. encouraged 鼓励;D. judged裁决。此处指她教给我的道理,故选A.

  12.B考查副词。A. usually通常;B. never 从未;C. even甚至;D. also也,而且。她从不往地上扔不吃的面包皮,指她平时生活非常节俭,故选B.

  13.D考查名词。A. pleasure快乐;B. beauty美丽;C. reward报酬; D. treat盛宴。面包对于饥饿的人来说就是盛宴。根据常识故选D.

  17.A考查动词。A. insisted 坚持; B. warned警告;C. reminded提醒,使想起;D. persuaded说服。母亲为了省钱坚持我们呆在家里不去度假。故选A.

  18.D考查动词。A. go 去;B. perform执行,表演;C. exchange交换;D. play参加比赛。此处指我们继续是全明星棒球赛的队员参加比赛,作为队员比赛,故选D.

  19.C考查名词。A. engineer工程师; B. dancer 舞蹈家;C. guide指导;D. worker劳动者。此处指母亲是全能的,是心灵指导。与上文的spiritual guidance对应,故选C.

  20.B考查动词。A. noticed注意到; B. heard听到;C. discussed 讨论;D. forgotten忘记。我从未听到过母亲抱怨生活的困难、心痛和痛苦。母亲和外婆一样从不抱怨,与上文的42空对应,故选B.


  第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  The dark chocolate is one of the favorite food choices by many people because it has a lot of benefits. When it comes to your health, here are the effects of dark chocolates



  First of all, it contains different kinds of antioxidants(抗氧化剂) which


  (be) good for heart. Besides, the dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol (胆固醇), lowering the risks of stroke and taking away the risk of blood vessels which may


  (hard) for too much cholesterol in them.

  Lastly, do you know the feeling of being overjoyed after


  (jog)? This feeling is like extreme happiness. The dark chocolate will give you the feeling of


  (please) and happiness. If you are feeling that the world has turned against you, then a dark chocolate can be


  mood lifter.

  It can benefit you especially if


  (take) with the right amount.


  (approximate), 100 grams of chocolate


  less a day is enough according to studies. If you have taken too much, try to lessen your other meals for the day. It is all about nutrition and taking the right amount of food in order to get the health benefit that it can provide




  1. on























  固定搭配:provide sb. with sth.= provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物,故填for。


  II阅读 (共两节,满分30分)

  第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


  Shanghai Disney Resort has revealed its ticket prices for Disneyland claiming the lowest of all 12 Disney parks and six resorts in the world.

  Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices are set at 499 yuan (75 dollars) for the grand opening period (June 16-30, 2016) and regular price at 370 yuan. Its regular price for a one-day ticket is lower than its peers in Hong Kong, which is priced at 539 yuan and the Disneyland in Tokyo in Japan at 374 yuan. The regular price for a one-day ticket at the two parks in Los Angeles is $139. Tickets for Shanghai’s Disneyland will be on sale on March 28, 2016.

  Shanghai’s Disneyland will have its opening day on June 16, 2016. All tickets will be date-specific and valid for admission only on the date purchased.

  Peak pricing for high-demand dates, including summer holidays and weekends, is set at 499 yuan. Special pricing will be provided to categorized guests: children (1.4m and below), seniors (65 years old and above) and guests with disabilities will receive discounts of 25 percent, infants (1m and below) receive free admission. A two-day ticket will be available at a five percent discount. On March 28, 2016, guests can obtain information on tickets through several official channels.

  The project has been under construction for more than six years now. Jun 16-that is, 6-16-2016-has been apparently chosen as the date of opening because the three 6s are believed to be auspicious, foretelling success.

  “Investors believe that even a 10 square meter space for a noodle stand will be really profitable if it is close enough to Disneyland," said Lu Jianxin, a real estate agent with Shanghai Huayu Property Ltd.

  1.According to the passage, how much will the two-day tickets cost if a couple go to Shanghai Disneyland on July 16, 2016, Saturday?

  A. About 1900 yuan. B. About 2000 yuan. C. About 1500 yuan. D. About 1400 yuan.

  2. What does the underlined word “auspicious” mean?

  A. suspicious

  B. successful

  C. lucky

  D. unsuccessful

  3.What does this passage most probably come from?

  A. A school textbook.

  B. A news report.

  C. An advertisement.

  D. An introduction of a scenic spot.



  1.A细节理解题。根据第二段第一句Shanghai Disneyland ticket prices are set at 499 yuan (75 dollars) for the grand opening period (June 16-30, 2016) and regular price at 370 yuan. 上海迪士尼乐园票价在正式开业期间(2016年6月16-30日)门票价格为499元(75美元),正常票价为370元。再根据第四段中A two-day ticket will be available at a five percent discount. 购买两日联票可享有总价九五折的优惠。一个人的费用是499+370+370,可知两个人的大约是1900元,故选A。

  .C词义猜测题。根据文章第五段The project has been under construction for more than six years now. Jun 16-that is, 6-16-2016-has been apparently chosen as the date of opening because the three 6s are believed to be auspicious, foretelling success.迪士尼乐园项目至今为止已建设了6年。6月16日,即2015年6月16日理所当然地被定为开业日期,因为人们认为3个6是吉祥、成功的预兆。故选C。

  .B推理判断题。根据文章第一段Shanghai Disney Resort has revealed its ticket prices for Disneyland claiming the lowest of all 12 Disney parks and six resorts in the world.上海迪士尼度假区最近公布了其迪士尼乐园的门票价格,称是全球12个迪士尼乐园和6个度假区中价格最便宜的。再纵观全文,这应该是资讯报道。关于选B。


  Suppose you become a leader in an organization. It's very likely that you'll want to have volunteers to help with the organization's activities. To do so, it should help to understand why people undertake volunteer work and what keeps their interest in the work.

  Let’s begin with the question of why people volunteer. Researchers have identified several factors that motivate people to get involved. For example, people volunteer to express personal values related to unselfishness, to expand their range of experiences, and to strengthen social relationships. If volunteer positions do not meet these needs, people may not wish to participate. To select volunteers, you may need to understand the motivations of the people you wish to attract.

  People also volunteer because they are required to do so. To increase levels of community service, some schools have launched compulsory volunteer programs. Unfortunately, these programs can shift people's wish of participation from an internal factor (e. g. , “I volunteer because it's important to me”) to an external factor ( e. g. ,“I volunteer because I'm required to do so”). When that happens, people become less likely to volunteer in the future. People must be sensitive to this possibility when they make volunteer activities a must.

  Once people begin to volunteer, what leads them to remain in their positions over time? To answer this question, researchers have conducted follow-up studies in which they track volunteers over time. For instance, one study followed 238 volunteers in Florida over a year. One of the most important factors that influenced their satisfaction as volunteers was the amount of suffering they experienced in their volunteer positions. Although this result may not surprise you, it leads to important practical advice. The researchers note that attention should be given to “training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience”.

  Another study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view “volunteer” as an important social role. It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work. Participants indicated the degree to which the social role mattered by responding to statements such as “Volunteering in Hospital is an important part of who I am. ” Consistent with the researchers’ expectations, they found a positive correlation (正相关) between the strength of role identity and the length of time people continued to volunteer. These results, once again, lead to concrete advice: “Once an individual begins volunteering, continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity... Items like T-shirts that allow volunteers to be recognized publicly for their contributions can help strengthen role identity”.

  4.What can we learn from the Florida study?

  A.Follow-up studies should last for one year.

  B.Volunteers should get mentally prepared.

  C.Strategy training is a must in research.

  D.Volunteers are provided with concrete advice.

  .What is most likely to motivate volunteers to continue their work?

  A.Individual differences in role identity.

  B.Publicly identifiable volunteer T-shirts.

  C.Role identity as a volunteer.

  D.Practical advice from researchers.

  .What is the best title of the passage?

  A.How to Get People to Volunteer.

  B.How to Study Volunteer Behaviors.

  C.How to Keep Volunteers’ Interest.

  D.How to Organize Volunteer Activities.



  .D推理判断题。结合第四段最后一句“The researchers note that attention should be given to ‘training methods that would prepare volunteers for troublesome situations or provide them with strategies for coping with the problem they do experience.’”可知,这一研究告诉人们要注意让志愿者为棘手情况作准备,要给他们提供应对问题的策略,即让志愿者有精神准备去应对棘手情况和问题等。故正确答案为D。

  .C细节理解题。结合最后一段第二句“It was assumed that those people for whom the role of volunteer was most part of their personal identity would also be most likely to continue volunteer work.”可知,激励志愿者不断参与志愿者工作的是作为一名志愿者的角色认同。故正确答案为C。

  The Internet is full of headlines that grab your attention with buzzwords (流行词). But often when we click through, we find the content hardly delivers and it wastes our time. We close the page, feeling we've been cheated. These types of headlines are called "click bait".

  A headline on Businesslnsider.com reads: "This phrase will make you seem more polite". First, when you click through, you find another headline: "Four words to seem more polite." Then, on reading the article, you find it's actually an essay about sympathy. And what are the four words? They're "Wow, that sounds hard." On some video websites, you might encounter headlines such as "Here's what happens when six puppies visited a campus". Turns out it's just some uneventful dog footage (镜头).

  Nowadays, with the popularity of social media, many news outlets tweet (推送) click bait links to their stories. These tweets take advantage of the curiosity gap or attempt to draw the reader into a story using a question in the headline. These click bait headlines are so annoying that someone is attempting to save people time by exposing news outlet click bait through social media. The Twitter account @SavedYouAClick, run by Jake Beckman, is one such example.

  Beckman's method is to grab tweets linking to a story and retweet them with a click-saving comment. For example, CNET tweeted "So iOS 8 appears to be jailbreakable but...", with a link to its coverage of Apple's product announcements. Beckman retweeted it with this comment attached: "... it hasn't been jailbroken yet."

  Since founding the account, Beckman's Twitter experiment has brought him more than 131,000 followers. Beckman said that @SavedYouAClick is…"just my way of trying to help the Internet be less temble." Asked about his goal, he said, "I'd love to see publishers think about the experience of their readers first. I think there's an enormous opportunity for publishers to provide readers with informative updates that include links so you can click through and read more.

  7.The article on Businesslnsider.com turns out to be___.

  A. useful suggestions on politeness

  B. an essay about another topic

  C. an article hard to understand

  D. a link to a video website

  8.Why are readers often cheated by tricky headlines?

  A. Social media has become more popular.

  B. Readers have questions to be solved.

  C. Such headlines are fairly attractive.

  D. There're always stories behind them.

  9.Beckman attached his comment to CNET's tweet to ___

  A. criticize CNET

  B. save readers' time

  C. advertise apple's new product

  D. tell readers something about iOS 8

  10.In the last paragraph, Beckman appeals that _____

  A. publishers be more responsible for the link

  B. readers think about their needs before reading

  C. publishers provide more information for readers

  D. people work together to make the Internet less temble



  7.B推理判断题。由 A headline on Busin,esslnsider.com reads:

  "This phrase will make you seem more polite".可知这个标题跳转到了另一个主题,所以选B。

  8.C推理判断题。由 These tweets take advantage of the curiosity gap or attempt to draw the reader into a story using a question in the headline可知这个标题运用了人们的好奇心,可以推理出能这个标题是吸引人的,所以选C。




  Have you ever found it difficult to understand a text or express your own idea? In fact, someone who always comes across these kinds of problems may have learning disabilities. Today we begin a series of programs about learning disabilities. These are disorders in the ways that people understand or use language. They can affect the ability to listen or think, or to speak or to read and write. They can also affect the ability to do mathematics. _____1______Researchers believe that learning disabilities are caused by differences in the way that the brain works with information. They say children with learning disabilities are unintelligent or do not want to work. ___2____

  Researchers say that as many as one of every five people in the United States has some kind of learning disability. Almost three-million children in the United States receive some kind of help in school for a learning disability.

  _____3_____Experts look for a difference between how well a child does in school and the level of intelligence or ability of the child. But there is no one sign of a disorder. A few signs of learning disability include not connecting letters with their sounds or not understanding what is read. A person with a learning disability may not be able to understand a funny story. They may not follow directions. They may not read numbers correctly or know how to start a task.

  ____4_____One person may have trouble understanding mathematics. Another may have difficulty understanding what people are saying. Still another may not be able to express ideas in writing. These different kinds of learning disabilities are known by different names. For example, a person who has difficulty reading may have dyslexia(诵读困难症)。

  Experts say learning disabilities cannot be cured. _____5______Teachers and parents can help young people with learning disabilities to learn successfully.

  Different people have different kinds of learning disabilities.

  Their brains just process information differently than other people.

  People with learning disabilities have difficulty in communicating with others.

  But people who have them can be helped.

  However, practice can really make perfect.

  A person with a learning disability has unusual difficulty in developing these skills.

  How can you tell if someone has a learning disability?

  2.B考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据 They say children with learning disabilities are unintelligent or do not want to work. 说明有学习障碍的孩子不想工作,智力低下,这是因为他们接脑海中有的信息和别人不同,B选项Their brains just process information differently than other people.,符合,故选B。

  .G考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据Experts look for a difference between how well a child does in school and the level of intelligence or ability of the child. But there is no one sign of a disorder. 可知科学家通过对孩子在学校的表现和智力水平来判断某人是否有学习障碍,G选项How can you tell if someone has a learning disability?,符合,故选G。

  .A考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据One person may have trouble understanding mathematics. Another may have difficulty understanding what people are saying. Still another may not be able to express ideas in writing. 可知这是在说不同的人有不同的学习缺陷,A选项Different people have different kinds of learning disabilities.,符合,故选A。

  .D考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据Experts say learning disabilities cannot be cured. _____4______Teachers and parents can help young people with learning disabilities to learn successfully. 可知学习缺陷不能被治愈,但是能够因外界的帮助而得到改善,D选项But people who have them can be helped.,符合,故选D。


  III 写作 (满分25分)假定你是李华,目前正处于高三阶段。与你同为高三的好友李杰写信向你征求如何为高考做准备。你给他写一封回信:


  1. 保持良好的心态

  2. 目标明确

  3. 与父母、老师或同学沟通

  4. 作息合理,饮食均衡 1. 有助于减轻焦虑,还能增强克服困难的勇气

  2. 正确评价自己

  3. ……

  4. ……

  注意: 1. 词数100左右

  2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

  3. 参考词汇:



  Dear Li Jie ,

  I have received your letter. No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination.




  Li Hua


  Dear Li Jie ,

  I have received your letter. No doubt every Senior 3 student wishes to be successful in the National College Entrance Examination. Yet what should we do in order to achieve success? Here are some suggestions.

  First, it’s vital to have a right attitude, for a normal state of mind and self-confidence not only helps us relax but also enables us to overcome difficulties bravely. Meanwhile, we should have a definite goal and a correct estimation of ourselves. Only in this way will we face everything in life more objectively. Besides, we’d better talk with our parents, teachers or classmates, who may help us out when we are in trouble. Finally, striking a good balance between study and rest keeps us energetic and a healthy diet is useful as well.

  With these done, I think we can greatly improve our performance.


  Li Hua

  【亮点说明】采用三段式,语言简练,布局合理,运用高级句子。Yet what should we do in order to achieve success?动词不定式表示目的状语;First, it’s vital to have a right attitude, for a normal state of mind and self-confidence not only helps us relax but also enables us to overcome difficulties bravely.for在这里表示“原因”,引导并列句;Only in this way will we face everything in life more objectively.部分倒装堪称经典:Besides, we’d better talk with our parents, teachers or classmates, who may help us out when we are in trouble.非限制性定语从句用于句中;Finally, striking a good balance between study and rest keeps us energetic and a healthy diet is useful as well.动词不定式短语做主语;With these done,with的独立主格结构;另外,First, Meanwhile, Besides, as well.为文章增色添彩。



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