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发布时间:2017-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编






  Year of Giving

  Yesterday I started the Year of Giving,my first day of a year­long journey into exploring the act of giving and the meaning of charity.I chose December 15 as the starting date,which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease.She was one of the most generous people that I have ever known.She always thought of others first and certainly serves as an inspiration to me.

  I had a rather busy day yesterday,ironic (具有讽刺意义的) for someone who is unemployed right now.In the morning I went to the gym,and unsuccessfully got the phone call from the unemployment office for some job searching.Before I knew it,it was noon.I grabbed a quick lunch and rushed down to a meeting.On my way to Connecticut,I wondered if I would see someone that I would feel forced to give my first $10 to.I was running late and decided to do it afterwards.

  After the meeting I had about half an hour to find the first person of my Year of Giving! I decided to check out DuPont Circle.I had met a guy there named Jerry once and thought he would willingly accept my $10.He wasn’t there,but I did see a man sitting by himself who looked really lonely,so I approached him.Now I had to figure out what I was going to say,I think I said something like,“Hi,can I sit down here?” “I would like to know if I could give you $10?” He asked me to repeat what I had said,I did,then he looked at me funny,got up and left.

  I then started walking south where I spotted a man standing by the bus stop on Connecticut Ave.He appeared to be in his 60s.I don’t know what drew me to him,but I thought I would make my second attempt.I was a bit nervous and asked him which bus came by that stop.Then I explained that I was starting a year­long project to give $10 to someone every day and that I wanted to give my $10 for today to him.The gentleman,I later found out that his name was Ed,responded without hesitation that he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him.This was exactly one of the things that I hoped would happen.People would think of others before themselves.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文,属于人生百味类短文阅读。文章讲述了作者在母亲逝世后数年间坚持做慈善,并在今年做“赠与需要帮助的人10元钱”的活动时遇到两个反应截然不同的人,并由此得出感悟。

  1.The author set the starting date on December 15 to


  A.help the charity

  www.gkxx.comB.remember his mother

  C.make an explosion

  D.fulfill the

  wish of his mum

  解析:选B。细节理解题。由第一段中的“I chose December 15 as the starting date,which marked three years since my mother died from heart disease.”可知,我从12月15日开始的,这标志着母亲因心脏病过世3年了。故选B。

  2.In the author’s first attempt to give away the money,


  A.he was considered ridiculous

  B.he hesitated for a long time

  初中学习网C.he was forced to donate the money

  D.he had no time to take action

  解析:选A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“then he looked at me funny,got up and left”得知,作者被对方认为很奇怪,很荒谬。故选A。

  3.In the author’s second attempt,the gentleman refused his offer because


  A.he didn’t need others’ help

  B.he thought more for others

  C.he didn’t care about money

  D.he wanted to get more money

  解析:选B。细节理解题。由最后一段中的“he could not accept my offer and that there were many people more deserving the money than him”得知,他觉得有别人比他更需要得到这份帮助。故选B。

  4.We can refer that the author was inspired by


  A.true friendshipB.his own kindness

  C.generous donations D.human’s good nature

  解析:选D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的“This was exactly one of the things ...before themselves.”得知,作者十分期望这样的场景发生,因为这样说明人们都在为他人考虑。因此得出结论:作者被人们的善良所打动和激励。故选D。


  One afternoon,as I was driving back home,I stopped at a busy intersection as the traffic light turned red.I waited patiently for the light to turn green,so that I could continue my journey.

  Suddenly,out of nowhere,an old woman appeared and started asking for money.That day,I had unknowingly switched off the air conditioner in the car and my window was down.The old woman was standing very close to my car.As she begged for alms(施舍物),I closely observed her weather­beaten face,which had lots of wrinkles on it.Her eyes showed lots of sadness and her whole body was shaking.I sensed that this elderly lady had seen some incredibly hard times in her life and at this time there was no one to look after her,which forced her to beg on the streets.

  Seeing her condition,I immediately felt from within my being a huge surge (汹涌) of sympathy for her.It was coming deep from within my heart.I normally give loose change to beggars,however,that day my inner self strongly urged me that I give her something substantial(大量的) so that she could have a decent meal.

  Without any hesitation I took out a substantial amount from my wallet and placed it in her hand.Her weather­beaten face lit up with a toothless smile and she blessed me and went on her way.In the meantime the traffic light had turned green,and it was time to move on.

  As I drove back home I felt within myself a sense of joy and happiness surging through me because I was able to do something for at least one person on this planet.It was an incident that both the old lady and I would remember for a long time.Her blessings will also be one of the most treasured memories in my life.I often drive past that intersection,however,I have never seen that old woman again.

  5.Why did the old woman come to the author for alms instead of begging others?

  A.She guessed he was kind.

  B.She found his window was down.

  C.She knew he had ever helped many others.

  D.She was sure she could get much money from him.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“That day,I had unknowingly switched off the air conditioner in the car and my window was down.”可知,老人应该是看到作者的窗子没有关,感觉有可能得到施舍,才向作者走去。

  6.The author learned about the old woman's situation


  A.by asking her relative

  B.by talking with her

  C.from her dressing and behaviour

  高中学习网 www.gkxx.comD.from her appearance and her eyes

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第四、五句“...I closely observed her weather­beaten face,which had lots of wrinkles on it.Her eyes showed lots of sadness and her whole body was shaking.”可知答案为D项。

  7.How did the old woman react to the author's behaviour?

  A.She was moved to tears.

  B.She refused his money.

  C.She smiled and blessed him.

  D.She felt surprised and asked him why.

  www.gkxx.com解析:选C。细节理解题。由第四段第二句 “Her weather­beaten face lit up with a toothless smile and she blessed me and went on her way.”可知答案为C项。

  8.It can be learned from the text that


  A.the author dealt with the old woman in the usual way

  B.the author usually gives others much money like this time

  C.what the author experienced at the traffic light lasted a few minutes

  $来&源:gkxx.comD.it took many efforts and much time for the author to make the final decision




  Yesterday,as I approached the front door of our public library,a white­haired gentleman stepped back to hold the door for me.You see,I have to go everywhere these days with a walker,and folks are 1.

  (constant) holding or opening doors for me,so this was not unusual.

  However,I told the gentleman that the door had 2.

  automatic opener,and he did not need to stay to hold it open.He said “Here I thought I would have an opportunity to be 3.


  At that,I backed up,let the door close,and allowed him to reopen the door,not 4.

  (use) the automatic control this time.His comment then was “Well,now I feel like that I 5.

  (accomplish) something helpful and worthwhile today.”

  We never know 6.

  someone else is feeling.We seniors seem to feel we can take care of 7.

  at all times.That random act of kindness brightened not only my day,but to my joy and delight,also the day of that white­haired senior citizen.I felt a glow for the rest of the day,and,8.

  (hope),so did he!

  So,gentle readers,never hesitate 9.

  (offer) kindness.You may find to your 10.

  (amaze) that there is more kindness in your community than you ever believe possible.

  【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位白发苍苍的老人为我开门的故事。老人不仅可以照顾自己,也在试图为他人带去便利,他感到自己是有用的,能创造价值。从而得出一个道理:不要迟疑,奉献你的爱心和善良吧,你会发现你的周围有很多美好的事情正在发生。

  1.constantly。考查副词。副词修饰动词,I have to go everywhere these days with a walker,and folks are 1.

  (constant) holding or opening doors for me.我去哪里,都会遇到路人和当地人不停地为我开门。故填constantly。

  2.an。考查冠词。以元音音素开头的单词的单数形式前面用an,所以用an修饰automatic opener。故填an。

  3.helpful。考查形容词。Here I thought I would have an opportunity to be 3.


  4.using。考查非谓语动词。I backed up,let the door close,and allowed him to reopen the door,not 4.

  (use) the automatic control this time.我退后关上门,让他开门,没有用自动控制功能。故填using。

  5.have accomplished。考查现在完成时。now I feel like that I 5.

  (accomplish) something helpful and worthwhile today.现在我觉得我完成了一件有益的、值得的事情。故填have accomplished。

  6.how。考查宾语从句。We never know 6.

  someone else is feeling.我们从不知道别人是怎么想的。故填how。

  gkxx.com7.ourselves。考查反身代词。We seniors seem to feel we can take care of 7.

  at all times.我们这些成年人一直觉得我们可以把自己照顾得很好。故填ourselves。

  8.hopefully。考查副词。I felt a glow for the rest of the day,and,8.

  (hope),so did he!我发现以后的日子是如此美妙,有希望的是,他做到了。故填hopefully。

  9.to offer。考查不定式作插入语。故填to offer。

  10.amazement。考查固定搭配。To one’s amazement“令某人惊奇的是”。故填amazement。








  It was a rainy day and I notice that a lady coming into the senior center.Her toe were sticking through the shoes!It wasn't really time for a break so I decided to take one so I could chat with this lady.She told me that he did have other shoes but they were not as comfortably as the old ones.She also told me she was going blind and could not barely see,and she had a friend who took her in and helped care for her.Her children live in another states and can't afford to visit her.She shared some jokes about me,saying thanks for listening to her.That was a best break I have taken!

  答案:It was a rainy day and I

  that a lady coming into the senior center.Her

  were sticking through the shoes!It wasn't really time for a break

  I decided to take one so I could chat with this lady.She told me that

  did have other shoes but they were not as

  as the old ones.She also told me she was going blind and could not barely see,and

  she had a friend who took her in and helped care for her.Her children live in

  states and can't afford to visit her.She shared some jokes

  me,saying thanks for listening to her.That was

  best break I have taken!



  1.应朋友之邀,这是约翰第三次来到中国。(this is the third time that...)

  2.这儿有他许多朋友。他曾经在这些朋友的帮助下摆脱了困境。(a great many;get away from)

  3.自从上次见面他已有五年没见他的朋友了。(it is...since)

  4.但是,他们一直保持联系。(be in contact with)


  One possible version:

  In response to friends’ invitation,this is the third time that John has been in China.He has a great many friends here,with whose help he once got away from difficult situations.It is five years since they met last time.But they have been in contact with each other.He brought some presents in exchange for their invitation.


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