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2017届高考英语一轮复习夯实训练:Unit 22《Environmental Protection》(北师大版含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017高考英语北师大版一轮复习Unit 22夯实训练含答案

   高考题型提能练(二十二) Unit 22

  (2016·广东广州市高三第一次模拟)Although Socrates (苏格拉底) was poor all his life,he never asked his pupils to pay for their lessons.He taught


  the love of wisdom,not for money.And


  he had to say was always new and worth hearing.All his pupils loved him.

  But his unusual ways of teaching and his demand that students always ask questions made him some

  __3__(danger) enemies.The rulers did not want to be questioned.So they

  __4__(false) accused Socrates of teaching young men bad things and

  __5__(lead) them to ignore religion.In fact Socrates was a very religious man.His enemies had him

  __6__(arrest),and he was sentenced to death by poisoning.

  During the 30 days before he was put to death,his friends and pupils

  __7__(allow) to visit him in his prison.They were astonished to find that


  was calm and cheerful.He had no fear of dying.When the deadly poison was finally brought to Socrates,his friends were in

  __9__(tear),but Socrates seemed to be the

  __10__(brave) man in the room.He raised the cup and drank it as if it were a glass of banquet wine.

  【语篇导读】 文章主要记叙了伟大的哲学家苏格拉底,讲了他免费给学生上课,学生都喜欢他,他与众不同的教学方式也招来了许多敌人,导致他被捕入狱,但是他直到死前的最后一刻都十分淡定从容的故事。

  1.for [考查介词。介词for在此处表示“为了”,说明他上课时为了对智慧的热爱不是为了钱,故for。]

  2.what [考查名词性从句。此处what作连词代词引导主语从句,故填what。]

  3.dangerous [考查形容词。形容词dangerous用来修饰名词enemies。]

  4.falsely [考查副词。此处副词falsely用来修饰动词accused。]

  5.leading [考查动名词。accuse sb of doing sth指控某人某事,此处leading和teaching并列作为指控的内容,故填leading。]

  6.arrested [考查被动语态。have him arrested“他被逮捕”,过去分词在此处表示被动含义,故填arrested。]

  7.were allowed [考查被动语态。此处用被动语态表示“他的朋友和学生被允许去看他”,故填were allowed。]

  8.he [考查代词。he在此处代指苏格拉底,表示他们很吃惊地发现他很镇定和高兴,故填he。]

  9.tears [考查名词。in tears表示“眼含泪水”,固定搭配。]

  10.bravest [考查形容词最高级。the+形容词最高级,表示“最……”,使用bravest表示“最勇敢的”,说明苏格拉底似乎是房间里最勇敢的人,故填bravest。]



  (2016·南宁市适应性测试)There have always been laws against copying other people's ideas. However, when copying was only limited to copying something by hand, problems were solved easily. The solution was always the destruction or removal of the copy. Nowadays, the rise of the Internet has made the issue of intellectual property (知识产权) more complicated.

  Almost every bit of information can be cut and pasted (粘贴) with a few clicks of a mouse. Many art forms such as writings, films, and music need new protection to ensure that people do not simply transfer them for free. Online illegal copying has been blamed for a huge reduction in the sales of many records because it is hard to convince people to buy something that they can get for free. Even the ideas behind traditional games, such as Scrabble, have been used without the owners' permission.

  Old laws have been struggling to keep up. While music companies have been successful in persuading courts that action should be taken against people who illegally download music, the law is difficult to carry out. Furthermore, intellectual property rights vary widely from country to country, so it's up for debate which laws apply. Finally, there is the fact that many people simply do not see the act as theft, since once the work has been digitized there is no clear physical object to steal in the first place.

  All of these issues mean that companies involved with intellectual property — ideas or easily digitized information —

  are fighting desperately to get people to pay for the information they use, rather than paying for an object like a CD that they use. While the companies have sometimes been successful, the practical barriers to full protection seem insurmountable.

  Finally, all that concerned parties can do is hope that their few successes scare off others and try to find new ways of making money.

  1.Why do writings, films, and music need protection?

  A.They are very expensive.

  B.They are impossible to copy.

  C.It is easy to make CDs, books, and movies.

  D.They are easily able to be transferred when in digital form.

  2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem of carrying out intellectual property rights?

  A.Laws are not the same in all countries.

  B.People do not see copying information as theft.

  C.It is very hard to catch people who are breaking the law.

  D.Internet service providers do not want to cooperate with the police.

  3.The underlined word “insurmountable” in Paragraph 4 means “________”.

  A.extremely expensive

  B.impossible to overcome

  C.against the law

  D.hard to prove

  4.What can be inferred from this passage?

  A.Music and films will be unnecessary in the future.

  B.New laws are necessary but difficult to put into practice.

  C.The Internet is likely to become more important in the future.

  D.Laws are just a way for greedy companies to control their products.

  1.解析:选D 细节理解题根据第二段前三句“Almost every bit of information ... something that they can get for free.”可知随着网络的发展著作电影和音乐等很容易通过网络以数字形式供人们免费下载这极大地损害了创作人的合法权益所以它们需要被保护故答案选D2.解析:选D 细节理解题根据第三段中的“the law is difficult to carry out”“intellectual property rights vary widely from country to country”“there is the fact that many people simply do not see the act as theft”和“once the work has been digitized there is no clear physical object to steal in the first place”可知A、B、C三项都是在保护知识产权时所面临的问题D项在文中没有提到故答案选D3.解析:选B 词义猜测题根据第三段和第四段内容可知保护知识产权面临很多障碍尽管有成功案例但是要克服这些全面保护知识产权的实际障碍几乎是不可能的由此可推断出insurmountable意为“难以克服的不能超越的”B项意为“不可能克服的”故答案选B4.解析:选B 推理判断题根据全文可知由于网络的发展知识产权的保护受到严重挑战原有法律已解决不了日益复杂的问题;人们在用法律来维护创作人的权益时遇到了很多障碍使得维权难以真正贯彻下去由此可推断出制定新的知识产权保护法很有必要但是这项法律实施起来仍会很困难故答案选B


  (2016·石家庄市教学检测)Pilates, yoga and the running machine get all the attention when it comes to popular ways to stay healthy. There is, however, a more humble exercise that might not be so attractive, but has all the benefits — walking.

  Certified fitness professional Jolynn Jaekel explains, “What I love about walking is that anyone can do it at any age and any fitness level. Plus, it is good for your heart, your head and your wallet.”

  A recent report details the health benefits of walking. The report found that walking regularly to fulfill the 150 minutes of moderate physical exercise every week, recommended by the UK's chief medical officer, could save 37,000 lives each year. Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California found that quick walking reduces the risk of heart disease more effectively than running. They observed participants aged between 18 and 80 over a six­year period and found that walking reduced the risk of heart disease by 9.3%, while running reduced it by 4.5%. And there is even more good news: 30 minutes of quick walking over five days could help you sleep easily, according to research by Oregon State University. The study by the university showed that walking helped participants sleep better and feel more alert during the day.

  The sooner you get started, the sooner you'll notice the differences in your mind and body. So, go out for your 30­minute walk in a nearby park or green space.

  1.The underlined word “humble” in the first paragraph probably means “________”.




  2.What does Jolynn Jaekel think of walking?

  A.It's loved by people of all ages.

  B.It's much healthier than running.

  C.It's a money­saving physical exercise.

  D.It's becoming more and more popular.

  3.What did scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory find?

  A.Walking helps people with sleep problems.

  B.Walking contributes to curing heart disease.

  C.Walking 150 minutes per week can save lives.

  D.Walking is better than running in some cases.

  4.In which section of a newspaper can we read this text?





  1.解析:选A 词义猜测题根据第一段可知当提到保持健康的方式时首先可以想到普拉提瑜伽和跑步机然而有一种不太引人注目的简单运动却让人受益匪浅那就是步行由此可推知画线词和“plain”意义相近故A项正确解析:选C 细节理解题根据第二段中的“What I love about walking ... your head and your wallet.”可知步行对人的心脏和大脑都有好处并且可以省钱故C项正确解析:选D 细节理解题根据第三段第三句中的“found that quick walking reduces the risk of heart disease more effectively than running”以及下文将步行和跑步从几个方面进行的对比来看前者优于后者故D项正确解析:选B 文章出处题纵观全文可知本文主要介绍了健康生活方式中的最简单有效的方式——步行由此可推知可从报纸上介绍生活方式的版块读到该文章故B项正确

  (2016·河南省六校联考)Food is always the best weapon to fight against time rather than using cosmetics and health products. The food on the following list will help you to keep fit, maintain a healthy heart, increase immunity and spend everyday happily.

  Avoid Memory Loss

  Fresh cheese will contribute to memory improvement because of its linoleic acid. It is also good for your bones due to the high calcium level. Eggs, milk, whole wheat bread, peanut butter, green pepper, cauliflower, pork liver and oysters are also good for your memory. A cup of red wine everyday is good for the nerve cells.

  Fight Against Fat

  Choosing the right food is an easy way to keep fit, like eating tuna fish, which is low in sugar and fat and also has few calories. Furthermore, it contains a variety of high quality protein and other nutrients, and it tastes good. Rich in iron, it is especially good for young women. Tuna fish is considered to be a great source of protein. Eating 85 grams of tuna fish will provide you with 20 grams of protein; therefore you don't have to worry about gaining weight when you eat it. Eating tuna fish is definitely a good choice to help keep fit.

  Clean Blood

  Breakfast with bread and honey is a wise choice for women. And the darker the honey, the better it is for you. According to research, dark honey is the best protection for human cells as it contains abundant elements with anti­oxidant functions. The elements found in honey will help clean your blood and prevent cardiac and cerebral diseases. If you like to exercise in the winter, you should eat more honey. The carbohydrates in honey will maintain your blood sugar level.

  Increase Immunity

  Oranges contain the most vitamin C, 30 percent more than other kinds of fruit. The simplest and most effective way to prevent winter colds is to eat oranges. 1 or 2 oranges a day will satisfy the body's demand for vitamin C.

  Young Heart

  Flavonol in broccoli florets can make people stronger and prevent cancer. Research conducted on 34,000 women revealed that flavonol can protect the heart and lower myocardial infraction from happening by a rate of 15-20 percent. However, flavonol in other plants such as tea or apples do not have this ability. Other than broccoli florets, walnuts are also good for the heart as they contain unsaturated fatty acid.

  Breast Protection

  According to latest US research, the risk of breast cancer in women who eat an egg everyday is 18 percent lower than those who don't eat eggs. Swedish scientists have found that rye has the same function as it has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  Maintain Your Youth

  Not everyone likes peanut butter, but no one should neglect it because of its strong anti­oxidation functions that come from the vitamin E it contains. It is also good energy food. Unsaturated fatty acid in peanut butter can help people feel full and the carbohydrates in it can give people greater physical strength and vigor.

  1.Who will pay much attention to this passage?

  A.Those who are suffering diseases.

  B.Those who are intended to keep fit and stay beautiful.

  C.Those who are in need of advice on health.

  D.Those who are old and in bad condition.

  2.Which statement is TRUE?

  A.Only eggs, milk, whole wheat bread, peanut butter are good for your memory.

  B.Fresh cheese is also good for your bones due to its linoleic acid.

  C.A cup of red wine everyday can avoid memory loss.

  D.Containing a variety of high quality

  protein and other nutrients, Tuna fish doesn't taste good.

  3.If you want to clean your blood, what should you take in?

  A.Whole wheat bread. B.Honey.



  4.What can we conclude from the last two paragraphs?

  A.All of us don't like peanut butter though we can't neglect it.

  B.Eating an egg every day can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

  C.Peanut butter isn't popular because it is good energy food.

  D.The more eggs, the less risk of breast cancer.

  1.解析:选B 推理判断题根据第一段“Food is always the best weapon to fight against time rather than using cosmetics and health products”和“help you to keep fit, maintain a healthy heart, increase immunity and spend everyday happily”可知答案2.解析:选C 细节理解题根据第二段“A cup of red wine everyday is good for the nerve cells.”和第三段可知答案3.解析:选B 细节理解题根据第四段“The elements found in honey will help clean your blood”可知答案4.解析:选A 推理判断题根据最后两段和最后一段“Not everyone likes peanut butter, but no one should neglect it”可知答案Ⅱ.任务型阅读

  Benefits of summer camps for kids

  Summer camps are great for children of all ages. If you went to a summer camp as a child, you are likely to have good memories of things you did and people you met. With more and more children sitting inside playing computer games, the importance of camps has never been greater.


  Getting in touch with nature is an exciting experience. 2.________They will enjoy the experiences of camping, hiking and exploring in forests, deserts or on the seashore. They can also enjoy the beauty of nature and learn about the importance of environmental protection.Activities at summer camps stress the importance of teamwork.3.________ Throughout life, people have to be comfortable operating as part of a team in order to be successful. Summer camps teach kids how to be productive members of a team.

  4.________ Whether they are afraid of heights, water, the dark or being away from home, they are encouraged to face them and deal with them in an environment surrounded by supportive people. 5.________ It is also a valuable life lesson that will help them through adulthood.

  Summer camps are perfect ways for kids to have fun and develop themselves. So parents should try to find out what interests their kids, and choose the right camp for them.

  A.Kids can make friends there.

  B.Many activities there are designed to stress it.

  C.Kids can learn about the natural world at camps.

  D.So kids gain courage and confidence by challenging themselves.

  E.In fact, staying healthy is not the only benefit kids can get from it.

  F.Learning to live on their own may be an extremely hard lesson for kids.

  G.Having the courage to face fears is another skill kids can learn at camps.


  (2016·福建省质检)Shortly after I started out as a professional baseball player in the Tri­State League, I was fired. “Frank” the manager said __1__, “whatever you do after you leave here, put some __2__ and enthusiasm into your work!”Well, that was the


  thing I expected him to say.A week later, __4__, I was introduced to the New Haven. My first day here will always

  __5__ in my memory as a great event in my life. No one knew me in the league, so I was


  to make myself the most enthusiastic ball player they'd ever seen. From the minute I


  on the field, I acted like a man electrified. And I acted as if I were alive with a million __8__.

  My biggest thrill came the following morning __9__ I read in the New Haven newspaper: “This __10__ player, Frank, has a barrel (桶) of enthusiasm. He __11__ our boys. They looked better than at any time this season.” The newspaper began __12__

  me the life of the team.

  Within two weeks, enthusiasm took me from D|S250 a month to D|S1,850 a month — it


  my income by 700 percent! Two years after that, I was__14__ third base for the St. Louis and multiplied my income by thirty times. Enthusiasm __15__ did it; nothing but enthusiasm.

  Enthusiasm is by far the highest paid


  on earth. It helps you become more successful, and __17__ a healthier, richer and happier life. “To become enthusiastic — act enthusiastically.” Put this rule into __18__ for thirty days and be prepared to see astonishing

  __19__. It may easily change your entire life. Can you acquire enthusiasm — or must you be born

  __20__ it? Certainly you can acquire it!

  1.A.carefully B.casually C.quickly










  4.A.meanwhile B.therefore



  5.A.give out

  B.keep up

  C.stand out

  D.look up

































  14.A.introducing B.leaving



























  Ⅳ.短文改错Nowadays Grade Three students are general faced with a lot of pressure, which is rather common. The followed suggestions may help reduce it. First of all, know exactly what lead to your pressure, and then you can take measures to deal with it. Secondly, set up a goal what is not too high, in another words, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Thirdly, finding a way to relax yourself occasionally. For example, you can listen to music, go swim or just simply go walking. Lastly, make friend with others, such as your classmates, your teachers, your parents. They will understand you and come to your help when you are really in the trouble. In the

  word, never get yourself stuck in the pressure for “impossible is nothing”.

  高考题型提能练(二十二).1~5 ECBGD.

  1.解析:选D 考查副词carefully“仔细地”;casually“随便地偶然地临时地”;quickly“快速地”;firmly“坚定地坚决地坚固地”根据上句:我被解雇了可知经理坚定地说:你离开这里之后无论做什么把一些活力和热情放进你的工作!故选D2.解析:选B 考查名词curiosity“好奇心”;life“活力”;experience“经验”;pleasure“快乐”句意:把一些活力和热情放进你的工作!故选B3.解析:选C 考查形容词句意:那是我最不期盼他说的故选C4.解析:选D 考查副词meanwhile“与此同时”;therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”;however“然而”句意:然而一周后我被介绍去了the New Haven故选D5.解析:选C 考查动词短语give out“分布放出”;keep up“保持高涨”;stand out“突出”;look up“向上看查阅”句意:作为我生活当中一件大的事情在我记忆中我在这里的第一天是突出的故选C6.解析:选A 考查动词句意:我下决心使我成为他们见过的最热情的棒球运动员故选A7.解析:选B 考查动词句意:我从出现在场地的那一刻就像一个带电的人故选B8.解析:选A 考查名词句意:我表现得好像带着一百万电池充满活力故选A9.解析:选C 考查状语从句句意:我最兴奋的是第二天早上当我读报纸的时候故选C10.解析:选D 考查形容词句意:这名新选手充满极大的热情故选D11.解析:选A 考查动词根据上句:这名新选手充满极大的热情可知这里的意思是:他鼓舞了我们男孩们故选A12.解析:选B 考查动词句意:报纸开始把我称为团队的生命故选B13.解析:选D 考查动词句意:我的收入增长了700%故选D14.解析:选C 考查动词句意:我为圣路易斯打三垒并且我的收入增加了30倍故选C15.解析:选A 考查副词句意:只有热情做到了它故选A16.解析:选B 考查名词reputation“名声”;quality“质量”;theme“主题”;profession“职业”句意:热情是迄今为止地球上薪酬最高的品质故选B17.解析:选B 考查动词句意:它帮助你变得更加成功享受更健康更富有更幸福的生活故选B18.解析:选C 考查名词句意:把这种规则付诸于行动30天故选C19.解析:选D 考查名词句意:把这种规则付诸于行动30天并准备看看令人惊讶的结果故选D20.解析:选A 考查介词句意:你能获得热情吗?你生来就有热情吗?故选A.第一句:general→generally第二句:followed→following第三句:lead→leads第四句:what→which/that; another→other第五句:finding→find第六句:swim→swimming第七句:friend→friends第八句:去掉the第九句:第一个the→a


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