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2017届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第3期 A版答案(外研版)

发布时间:2017-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1. mixture

  2. reacted

  3. contracts

  4. conclusion

  5. float

  6. astonished

  7. dissolve (s)

  8. flames

  9. facilities

  10. liquid


  1-5 BAEGC


  1. add; to

  2. keep; out of

  3. is put in order

  4. the same language as

  5. twice as big as / the size of


  1. He used to get up late, but now he is used to getting up early.

  2. You are supposed to have handed in your documents by now.

  3. We think it hard to imagine what a planet without plants looks like.

  4. As he wasn’t ready in time, we went to the cinema without him.

  5. There are several students in our class who are still not sure about the use of attributive clauses.



  1. designed

  2. permission

  3. source

  4. breakdown

  5. shortened

  6. independently

  7. inventions

  8. contains


  1. completely

  2. of

  3. depressed

  4. Suffering

  5. but

  6. a

  7. to think

  8. had worked

  9. that

  10. happier


  1. concentrate; on

  2. from that moment on

  3. came up with

  4. compared with

  5. as much as


  1. Never before has this city been in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.

  2. In the early morning, the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go out to see the pony.

  3. Not having found the wallet, he had to borrow some money from his colleague.

  4. They had to face the fact that the nearest supermarket is five miles away.

  5. It would be much better if they put more money into the fishing industry.


  1-5 CADCA

  6-10 BDBCD

  11-15 DDCAC

  16-20 DBGFC

  21-25 ADDCA

  26-30 CADCB

  31-35 CDCBA

  36-40 BABDB

  41. is used

  42. including 43. older

  44. the

  45. which

  46. generally 47. weight

  48. times

  49. cutting

  50. from



  Hello, everyone. I’m glad to share with you how I study English today.

  First, I often listen to English songs and watch English movies so that I can learn the native speakers’ pronunciation and tones. It makes me find interesting things in English learning and helps improve my spoken English as well. Second, I read a lot from English newspapers and magazines to cartoons and novels. Last but not least, I apply what I have learnt by practicing oral English and keeping diaries in English.

  In short, as long as you have the interest and will, you are sure to learn English well too. And I hope my experience will be of great help. Thank you!

  本期Practice 听说训练 参考答案

  Part B:Role Play


  Q1:Why can’t I drive with my friends?

  A1: Teenagers don’t pay attention to driving, especially when they are driving together. I mean, they speed. They ride for pleasure, and drive around the city while after midnight. What is more, who really needs a car when a bike can work? In fact, I used to go to school by bike.

  Q2:Do I really need these rules?/Are these rules necessary for me?

  A2: Of course. I continue to say other rules. Rule No. 2 — you must always wear your seat belt and obey the rules of the road; Rule No. 3 — you can’t drive long distances at night because you might get sleepy and drive off the road. And Rule No. 4 — you should never use a mobile phone while driving — that could cause an accident.

  Q3:What are these rules for?

  A3: Oh, that’s Rule No. 5 — remember that I love you and I’m just a loving father who wants his daughter to be always safe.


  Q1:What news did you tell your father?

  A1: I got my driving license.

  Q2:Where did your mother say you could drive to?

  A2: School.

  Q3:How did your father go to school when he was young?

  A3: By bike.

  Q4:What’s the danger of using a mobile phone while driving?

  A4: That could cause an accident.

  Q5:Why has your father made so many rules?

  A5: He loves me and wants me to be always safe.

  Part C:Story Retelling

  One Sunday, Mike decided to go sailing in his boat with his friend Dan, but Dan happened to be away. Dan’s brother John wanted to go with him and Mike agreed and they set out.

  Soon they were caught in a thick fog. Fortunately Mike saw a large buoy and decided to tie the boat to it. But he dropped the wet rope as he was getting onto the buoy. Mike floated on the buoy until he was rescued by a ship, the Good Hope in the early morning. The captain told him that John had been picked up by another ship and Mike should also thank the ship’s captain because the ship’s captain had sent out a message to him and he found Mike.


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