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2017届河北省衡水名校高考英语一轮复习专题撬分练:专题3 介词、介词短语和动词短语(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  1.[2016·衡水二中一轮检测]I waved to Nancy, but she was ________(absorb) in her thoughts, and made no response.

  答案 absorbed [句意:我跟南希挥手致意,但是她在沉思,没有作出回应。考查be absorbed in,意为“专心于,全神贯注于”,故应填absorbed。]

  2.[2016·冀州中学热身]He tried to join the army but was ________(reject) because of poor health, which made him depressed.

  答案 rejected [句意:他试图去参军,但是因为身体不够健康被拒绝了,这让他很郁闷。reject 意为“拒绝”。根据句意可知填rejected。]

  3.[2016·枣强中学周测]I knew I had heard this song before but its name ________(escape)me.

  答案 escaped [句意:我知道我以前听过这首歌,但我就是想不起来它的名字。the name escape sb.表示“某人记不起那个名字”,故填escaped。]

  4.[2016·武邑中学模拟]A well­written English composition call________good choice of words and clear organization.

  答案 for [句意:一篇好的英语作文需要选词优美、结构清晰。call for意为“需要”,符合句意。故填for。]

  5.[2016·衡水中学周测]Because of this urgent operation, Dr Blair had to set ________his research and hurried to the hospital.

  答案 aside [句意:因为这个紧急的手术,Blair医生不得不把他的研究放在一边,匆匆忙忙地去了医院。set aside意为“把……放到一旁”。根据句意应填aside。]

  6.[2016·武邑中学周测]According to Darwin's Survival of the Fittest, only those species that were able to adapt ________the sudden great changes of their living conditions survived.

  答案 to [句意:按照达尔文的适者生存理论,只有那些能够适应突然变化的生存条件的物种才能存活下来。adapt to意为“适应”,故应填to。]

  7.[2016·枣强中学猜题]The early pioneers had to go ________many hardships to settle on the new land.

  答案 through [句意:早期的先驱们得经历许多艰难困苦才能在新土地上定居下来。go through意为“经历”,符合句意。故此处应填through。]

  8.[2016·武邑中学期中]Experts have a guess that the nudging was mistaken by the owners ________ knocking.

  答案 for [句意:专家们猜想主人常常把推门误认为是在敲门。mistake...for...意为“把……误作……”,为固定搭配。]

  9.[2016·冀州中学猜题]I am familiar ________ most popular kinds of software.

  答案 with [句意:我对大部分流行的软件都很熟悉。be familiar with意为“对……熟悉”,为固定短语。]

  10.[2016·衡水中学模拟]________ my opinion, the best choice is a good major at a good university.

  答案 In [句意:在我看来,最好的选择是一所好的大学里的好的专业。in one's opinion“以某人的观点”,为固定短语。]


  1.[2016·枣强中学预测]Affected by the financial crisis, my family has to cut

  off the living expenses.


  答案 off→down [句意:受金融危机的影响,我家得削减生活开支。cut down意为“削减;砍倒”,符合句意。故把off改为down。]

  2.[2016·武邑中学一轮检测]—Peter won the first prize in the national Chinese competition.

  —Oh, really? I'm glad that his effort at last paid for.


  答案 for→off [句意:——彼得在全国汉语比赛中获得了一等奖。——哦,真的吗?我很高兴他的努力最终有了回报。pay off 意为“得到好结果;取得成功”。故把for改为off。]

  3.[2016·衡水中学热身]The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to make it from.


  答案 from→out [句意:这个想法令我如此迷惑,我停下几秒钟想去弄明白它。make out意为“弄清楚;分清;明白”。故把from改为out。]

  4.[2016·枣强中学热身]Some chopsticks are decorated in coloured pictures.


  答案 in→with [句意:一些筷子上用彩色的画装修。decorate...with...意为“用……装饰……”,本句使用的是被动语态形式。故把in改为with。]

  5.[2016·衡水中学一轮检测]Beijing lies on North China and enjoys a splendid terrain(地势) and location in China.


  答案 on→in [句意:北京位于中国的北部,拥有极好的地势和地理位置。lie in意为“位于……”, 为固定搭配。故把on改为in。]


  1.[2016·冀州中学模拟]The shelter is expected to help the homeless live ________ the bitter winter.

  答案 through [句意:这个避难所期望能帮助那些无家可归的人度过寒冷的冬天。live through意为“度过”。]

  2.[2016·衡水二中周测]The water supply has been cut ________ temporarily because the workers are repairing the broken pipes.

  答案 off [句意:水供应被切断了。cut off意为“切断电源、水源、煤气等”。]

  3.[2016·枣强中学仿真]For several days they had been busy ________ preparing for this.

  答案 in [“忙于做某事”应用be busy (in) doing或be busy with sth.,后面是doing形式,故填in。]

  4.[2016·衡水二中月考]I can put ________ with the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.

  答案 up [句意:我可以忍受房间不整齐,但我讨厌它不干净。put up with意为“忍受”,故填up。]

  5.[2016·武邑中学热身]I'm sorry for cutting ________, but I have an urgent and important thing to talk to you.

  答案 in [句意:抱歉,我要打断一下你,我有一件要紧的事要和你谈。cut in意为“打断,插嘴”。]

  6.[2016·衡水二中期中]—Susan looks so sad. What's wrong with her?

  —A letter from home set ________ an attack of homesickness.

  答案 off [句意:——苏珊看上去很悲伤,她怎么了?——一封家书突然引起了她的思乡之情。set off意为“引发,激起,引起”。]

  7.[2016·枣强中学模拟]The human mind can carry ________ many tasks that other animals cannot, like using language and judging what other people are thinking.

  答案 out [句意:人类大脑可以完成很多其他动物不能完成的任务,如:使用语言,判断其他人在想什么。carry out意为“执行,完成”。]

  8.[2016·衡水二中期末]I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut ________ and knocked me down.

  答案 in [句意:我正在沿着大街骑车,突然一辆小汽车强行超车,将我撞倒了。cut in意为“插嘴,打断,超车抢道”。]

  9.[2016·武邑中学猜题]New computers are soon out of date since newer models are turned ________ constantly.

  答案 out [句意:由于更加新型的电脑不断地被生产,新电脑很快就过时了。turn out为及物动词短语,意为“生产,制造”。]

  10.[2016·冀州中学仿真]—John can't concentrate on his studies recently.

  —Yes, that might account ________ why he did so badly in the last exam.

  答案 for [句意:——约翰最近不能集中精力学习。——是的,那可能就是为什么他上次考试考得很差的原因。account for意为“是……的原因”。]


  1.[2016·武邑中学预测]To help children become independent, parents should guide children to figure off how to solve problems on their won.


  答案 off→out [句意:为了帮助孩子们变得独立,父母应该指导孩子们找出如何自己解决问题的办法。figure out意为“找出”,故把off改为out。]

  2.[2016·衡水二中模拟]When it comes up choosing your future career, what kind of things will you take into consideration?


  答案 up→to [句意:当谈到将来的职业选择时,你会把哪些因素考虑在内呢?when it comes to sth.意为“当涉及/谈到……时”,为固定句型。故把up改为to。]

  3.[2016·枣强中学期末]The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and accused him with speeding.


  答案 with→of [句意:当他开车回家时警察拦住了他,指控他超速驾驶。accuse sb. of sth.意为“指控某人某事”,为固定句式。故把with改为of。]

  4.[2016·衡水二中仿真]My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very particular with the food he eats.


  答案 with→about [句意:我弟弟很喜欢吃东西,但他对食物并不挑剔。be particular about...意为“对……挑剔”,为固定短语。故把with改为about。]

  5.[2016·武邑中学模拟]The company has launched several types of cars this year, and one on particular appeals to the young.


  答案 on→in [句意:这家公司今年推出了几款汽车,其中有一款尤其吸引年轻人。in particular意为“尤其”,为固定搭配。故把on改为in。]



  [2016·枣强中学一轮检测]There were only a few days left before Christmas. I was __1__ (extreme) anxious for my shopping, trying to make sure everyone got __2__ they wanted.

  I had to shop for 3 kids, so it was not cheap. I thought the bill added up to about 300 dollars. However, when I went to pay, my credit card was refused. I was __3__ (shock). I began to call my bank while the line behind me got __4__ (long). The bank said they had fixed my card so I tried again. Refused again! I was embarrassed and __5__ (anger). I had money but couldn't buy Christmas gifts. The __6__ (thing) I chose were already in short supply and in demand. The man right behind me was very kind, laughing and joking about all __7__ other angry customers. I apologized and said I wanted to try my card once more. But __8__ I could, he used his.

  My ENTIRE Christmas __9__ (be) paid for!

  I told him I couldn't accept that, but he insisted. I told him I would pay him back, but he refused __10__ (give) me his name. After I finally started crying and thanking him, he said, “Tell your kids Santa says Merry Christmas and be good.”

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________

  本文是一篇记叙文。作者到商店给孩子们购买圣诞礼物,结账时信用卡出了问题。在两次尝试失败后,排队等待的人们越来越生气。就在作者尴尬万分的时候,一个善良的陌生男子用他的信用卡帮作者付了账,而且不让作者还款。1.extremely [考查词性转换。句意:我对购物极其焦虑……。形容词anxious需要用副词来修饰,extremely意为“极度,极其”。]

  2.what [考查宾语从句。句意:……要确保每个人都得到他们想要的东西。空后宾语从句的谓语动词wanted后缺少宾语,故填指物的疑问代词what。]

  3.shocked [考查词性转换。句意:我很吃惊。该句主语为指人的代词I,故填shocked,意为“感到惊讶的”。]

  4.longer [考查形容词比较级。句意:我开始打电话给银行,与此同时我身后的队伍变得越来越长。此处暗含前后状态的对比,故填longer。]

  5.angry [考查词性转换。句意:我又尴尬,又生气。并列连词and前的embarrassed为形容词,故此处用anger的形容词形式。]

  6.things [考查主谓一致。句意:我选好的东西已经是供应短缺,或供不应求了。根据该句的谓语动词were可知此处应填复数形式。]

  7.the [考查冠词。句意:在我后面的男士非常友好,嘻嘻哈哈拿其他所有生气的顾客开玩笑。此处考查“all the+n.(pl.)”的结构,此外,“the other+n.(pl.)”表示剩余的全部。]

  8.before [考查时间状语从句。句意:但是我还没来得及(尝试),他就刷了他的卡。两个单句间需要连词连接。根据句意此处需要填时间状语从句的引导词before,意为“在……之前;还没来得及……”。]

  9.was [考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:我的整个圣诞节由别人付账了!主语为Christmas,该动作发生在过去,故填was。]

  10.to give [考查固定短语。句意:……但是他拒绝告诉我他的名字。refuse to do sth.意为“拒绝做某事”,为固定搭配。]








  [2016·衡水中学周测]It was a year ago when Joshua got a bike for Christmas, but he rode it every day. One morning, he suddenly found the bike gone. Ran to his front yard, he saw a man loading it into his car. He shouted, but the man drive off. As a devoted Christian, he told his dad he real forgave the thief. What's more, he wanted the thief know he was forgiven. So the next day, he posted the message on a posterboard and put it in the front yard. “To the person who stole my bike: You hurt my feeling. But I am a Christian and I forgive him!” When he left for home the next morning, at the end of the driveway, the bike was back with new brakes.


  It was a year ago

  Joshua got a bike for Christmas,

  he rode it every day. One morning, he suddenly found the bike gone.

  to his front yard, he saw a man loading it into his car. He shouted, but the man

  off. As a devoted Christian, he told his dad he

  forgave the thief. What's more, he wanted the thief know he was forgiven. So the next day, he posted

  message on a posterboard and put it in the front yard. “To the person who stole my bike: You hurt my . But I am a Christian and I forgive !” When he left

  home the next morning, at the end of the driveway, the bike was back with new brakes.


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