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2017届高考英语一轮复习单元课件:选修8Unit 1《The written word》 ( 牛津译林版)

发布时间:2017-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)intend doing/to do sth.  打算做某事 intend sb. to do sth.   打算让某人做某事 be intended to do sth. /for sth.

  专门为……; 专门给…… had intended to do sth.

  intended to have done sth.

  intend that. . . (should) do sth.

  打算……; 主张…… (2)with the intention of

  抱有……的目的/打算 *I saw a man walking across the road with the obvious intention of talking to me.

  我看到一个人穿过马路, 显然想跟我交谈。 本来打算做某事(但未做成) 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 intend 作“意欲, 打算”讲, 后接宾语从句时, 从句谓语动词用(should+)动词原形。 *I intended her to go there with me.

  =I intended that she (should) go there with me.

  我想让她跟我去那里。 【核心短语】 5. live up to 达到, 符合(期望), 不辜负, 履行(诺言等) 【填一填➡激活思维】 观察句子, 写出黑体部分的含义。 ①He has lived up to the hopes of his father. (

  ) ②He faithfully lived up to his promise. (

  ) ③I try to live up to the high standard of the school. (

  ) 不辜负 履行 达到 【记一记➡构建知识】 live out 实现; 实践 live with 

  忍受, 容忍 live on sth.

  以……为生 live through经历 live a. . . life 

  过着……的生活 live by doing sth.  

  靠做某事赚钱为生(或获取所需) *He began living out his rock ‘n’ roll fantasy during his last year in law school.

  在法学院的最后一年, 他开始着手实践自己的摇滚梦想。 *It was becoming more and more difficult to live on his salary.

  他越来越难以靠他的工资维持生计了。 *We are too young to have lived through the war.

  我们太年轻, 没经历过那场战争。 【经典句式】 6. This makes them difficult for some people to read, so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.

  这使得经典作品对有些人来说读起来是困难的, 因此它们经常被搁置在书架上积满了灰尘。 【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①The news that our team had won __________________.

  我们队赢了的消息使我们大家非常高兴。 ②We must ___________________.

  我们必须净化河水。 made us very happy make the rivers clean 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)该句使用了“make +宾语+形容词”的复合结构, 意为 “使……(变得)……”。 (2)该句型中, 宾语补足语主要由名词、形容词、介词、动词不定式和过去分词等充当。该结构意为“使……”。 (3)当宾语是不定式短语或从句时, 多用it作形式宾语。 *We made him captain of our football team.

  我们推选他作为我们足球队队长。 *Our teacher makes us feel more confident.

  我们的老师使得我们感到更自信了。 *The strange noise made us frightened.

  奇怪的声音使我们感到恐惧。 *Berners Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet.

  贝尔纳斯·李让每个人都能使用因特网成为可能。 【拓展延伸】 (1)当不定式短语或从句等作宾语时, 多用it作形式宾语, 构成的句型主要有:

  make+it+形容词/名词+不定式 make+it+形容词/名词+从句 make+it+no good/no use/no value. . . +doing sth.

  (2)常用于这种句型的动词还有: think, consider, find, feel等。 *I consider it no use quarrelling with him about it.

  我认为就这件事情和他争吵是没有用的。 *We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house.

  我们认为把孩子独自一个人留在家里是不对的。 7. Pip’s sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple

  man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.

  皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他, 但乔却是一个淳朴、善良的人,

  他宁愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到任何伤害。 【填一填➡激活思维】仿写句子。 ①I ____________________________________________.

  我宁愿被嘲笑, 也不愿和他吵架。 ②I _____________________________________________ ______________.

  我真希望昨天晚上去看戏了而不是待在家里。 would rather be laughed at

  than quarrel with him would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed at home last night 【记一记➡构建知识】 would rather do. . . than do. . .

  would do sth. rather than do sth.

  would rather (not) do sth.

  宁愿(不)做某事 would rather have done  宁愿做过(而实际未做) would rather +从句 宁愿…… 宁愿做……而不愿做…… *Rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up.

  与其在这样差的条件下工作, 他宁愿放弃。 * Henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does.

  亨利希望他的女朋友和他在一个部门工作。 *I’d rather you hadn’t told him the news that day.

  我真希望你那天没有把那消息告诉他。 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 (1)使用would rather. . . than. . . 句型时要注意“平行结构”, 即than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组, 如两个名词、两个介词短语等。would rather的反意疑问句通常用wouldn’t. . . ?

  (2)would rather后跟宾语从句时, 从句用虚拟语气。 与现在或将来事实相反: would rather (that) sb. did sth.

  与过去事实相反: would rather (that) sb. had done sth.

  【要点拾遗】 1. desperate adj. 铤而走险的, 拼命的, 绝望的; 非常需要, 渴望 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He was so _________ ___ a job that he would do anything.

  他当时太想找份工作了, 什么事都愿意干。 ②I was absolutely _________ __ see her.

  我当然极想见到她。 desperate for desperate to 【记一记➡构建知识】 be desperate for. . . 渴望得到…… be desperate to do sth.

  渴望做某事 be in desperate need of 急需, 非常需要 *(2017·广东高考)The only reason a man would sell salt at a lower price would be because he was desperate for money.

  一个人以较低的价格卖盐的唯一原因就是他急需钱(用)。 *The children are in desperate need of love and attention.

  这些孩子非常需要爱心和关怀。 2. on the run躲避; 忙碌, 不停地奔波 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①With three young children to take care of, Helen is kept

  ___ ___ ____ every minute of the day.

  为了养育三个孩子, 海伦在不分昼夜地忙碌着。 ②(2017·江西高考)However, __ ___ ____ ____ what is really

  effective would be the sharing of knowledge.

  然而, 从长远看, 真正有效的将是知识的共享。 on the run in the long run 【记一记➡构建知识】 at a run  跑着 in the short run目前, 当前, 在短期内 in the long run 从长远看, 终究 run into 偶然遇见, 碰到(某人) run out of(人)用完了……; 从……中流出/跑出 run out 结束; ……东西用完了(主语为物,

  无被动语态) *The development programme has to be abandoned when the company runs out of cash.

  公司的资金全部用完, 不得不放弃其发展计划。 3. adore vt. 热爱, 喜爱, 爱慕 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Betty ______ her grandchildren.

  贝蒂喜欢她的孙子孙女。 ②People _____ him ___ his noble character.

  人们因为他的人格高尚而敬重他。 ③She ______ _______ museums in her spare time.

  她空闲时间喜欢参观博物馆。 adores adore for adores visiting 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)adore sb. /sth. 崇拜(喜欢)某人/某物 adore sb. for. . .   

  因……而敬佩某人 adore doing sth.  

  喜欢做某事 (2)adorable  

  adj. 可爱的, 值得爱慕的 adoring   

  adj. 崇拜的, 敬慕的 adoration

  n. 敬慕, 爱慕 【悟一悟➡参透误区】 adore 后通常接动名词, 而不接不定式作宾语, 而且adore不用于进行时。 4. touch on谈及, 涉及 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①In his speech he was only able to _____ ___ a few aspects

  of the problem.

  在演讲中他只能涉及这个问题的几个方面。 ②Let me now deal more carefully with the important

  question that ____ _______ ___ earlier.

  现在我来更详细地谈一谈前面已经提到的那个重要问题。 touch on was touched on 【记一记➡构建知识】 (1)refer to 谈到, 涉及 When it comes to. . .

  当谈到……时 speak of 

  谈到 speaking of

  (介词)讲起, 说起 (2)get in touch with 和……取得联系 keep in touch with 

  与……保持联系 lose touch with

  与……失去联系 5. bent on (doing) something决心做某事(通常指坏事) 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①He __ ____ ___ ______ married as soon as possible.

  他决心尽早结婚。 ②He __ ____ ___ _______ at all costs.

  他决心不惜一切代价获取胜利。 is bent on getting is bent on winning 【记一记➡构建知识】 bend down

  俯身, 屈身; (使)折下 bend one’s mind to sth. /do sth.  

  专心于某事/做某事 bend back (使)向后弯 bend on/upon  专心致志于 bend one’s knee to 屈服于 bend to 弯腰, 屈身; 折向/弯向(某处); (使)屈服 *Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees?

  你能弯下腰, 不屈膝摸着你的脚趾吗?

  *I bent back too far and hurt my neck.

  我向后仰得过度了, 扭伤了脖子。 *She bent her glance on a table at which four men sat together.

  她把目光转到一张坐着四个人的桌子上。 6. abuse vt. & n. 虐待; 辱骂; 滥用 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①His political reputation was ruined because he _______

  ___ ______. 他因滥用权力损坏了他的政治声誉。 ②Janet ___ _____ _______ by her stepfather since she was


  珍妮特从11岁起就遭受继父虐待。 abused his power has been abused 【记一记➡构建知识】 abuse one’s power

  滥用权力 abuse one’s trust 辜负某人的信任 *(2017·福建高考)It dealt with issues such as drug abuse, violence and unemployment.

  它处理的是诸如吸毒、暴力以及失业等问题。 *What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.

  她做的事情是她滥用作为经理的权力。 7. vain adj. 虚荣的, 自负的; 徒劳的, 无结果的 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①__ ____ ______ is one who has too high opinion of himself.

  自负的人就是那种自我评价过高的人。 ②Day after day she waited __ ____ for him to telephone her.

  日复一日, 她徒劳地等待他的电话。 ③__ __ ____ __ hold on your own view.

  坚持你自己的观点是徒劳的。 A vain person in vain It is vain to 【记一记➡构建知识】 be vain about/of为……而自负 It is vain to do sth.

  做某事是徒劳的 in vain=for nothing

  白费力气, 枉费心机 *He made a vain attempt to reach the drowning child.

  他试图接近那个溺水的小孩, 但没有成功。 选修 8 Unit 1 The written word 【话题词汇】 1. background n. 出身, 背景 2. writing n. 写作; 书写 3. literature   n. 文学 4. drama

  n. 戏; 剧本; 戏剧 5. prize   n. 奖品 6. influence  

  n. 影响 7. character 

  n. 角色; 人物 8. adapt 

  vt. 改编; 编写 9. award  vt. 授予 n. 奖品 10. classic

  adj. 经典的 n. 名著 11. original adj. 原创的 n. 原作 12. enrich one’s life

  丰富……的生活 13. bring sb. happiness 

  给某人带来愉悦 14. give up

  放弃 15. the key to success 成功的关键 16. have an influence on

  对……有影响 17. appeal to 

  吸引 18. make contributions to为……做贡献 19. go through many difficulties 

  经历许多困难 【经典语篇】 (2017·宝鸡模拟)当代著名作家莫言, 作为获得诺贝尔文学奖的第一位中国人, 备受国内外媒体的关注。假如你的美国网友Bill是他们学校校刊的总编。他发来电子邮件要求你写一篇150个词左右的文章, 简要介绍作家莫言。莫言的简历表如下:

  笔名: 莫言 原名: 管谟业 出生日期 1955. 2. 17 籍贯 山东高密 经历 童年在家乡小学读书, 后因文革辍学。在农村劳动多年。1976年参军。历任图书管理员、文秘、教师。1981年开始写作 成就 2011年获茅盾文学奖。2017年12月10日正式被授予诺贝尔文学奖 主要 著作 过去几十年创作了30多部小说。《红高粱》Red Sorghum, 《蛙》Frog等许多作品被译成20多种语言 风格 作品充满怀乡与怨乡的复杂情感, 丰富、自由的想象和神奇的描述 [个人简历]Mo Yan, whose real name is Guan Moye, was born in Gaomi City Shandong Province on February 17 , 1955. As a child, he attended a rural primary school in his hometown, but later he had to give it up because of the Cultural Revolution. ①Fortunately, in 1976, he joined the army, and in the army he worked as a librarian, a secretary, and later a teacher. ②He didn’t start his own writing career until 1981.

  [成就及作品风格]In the past few decades, he has published more than 30 novels, many of which such as Red Sorghum, Frog, have been translated into over 20 languages. In 2011, he was given Mao Dun Literature Prize. More to his honor, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2017. As we know, Mo Yan’s works are not only full of rich free imagination and fantastic description but also bear strong complex feelings of homesickness and complaints about his hometown.

  【厚积薄发】 Ⅰ. 完成句子 (1)许多作家获得成功前都经历了很多困难。 Many writers ___________________________before they

  were successful.

  (2)好的文学作品给人们带来愉悦。 Good literature works ____________________.

  went through many difficulties bring people happiness Ⅱ. 句型转换 (1)用定语从句改写句①。 Fortunately, in 1976, he joined the army, _______________ ____________, a secretary, and later a teacher.


  ___________________________________________________ where he worked as a librarian It was not until 1981 that he started his own writing career. Ⅰ. 单词➡分类记忆 【核心单词】不可不记 1. _____ (vt. )

  虐待; 辱骂; 滥用 2. _________ (adj. )铤而走险的, 拼命的, 绝望的;


  非常需要, 渴望 3. _______s (adj. )

  慷慨的, 大方的; 宽厚的, 仁慈的 4. ____ (adj. )

  虚荣的, 自负的; 徒劳的, 无结果的 5. ____ (adj. )

  弯曲的; 驼背的; 不诚实的

   (n. ) 

  天赋, 爱好 abuse desperate generou vain bent 6. _______ (vt. & vi. & n. ) (使)改过自新, 改造; 改革, 改良 7. ______ (n. & vi. & vt. ) 

  救援, 营救 8. ____ (n. ) 债务, 欠款 9. _____ (vt. )

  热爱, 喜爱, 爱慕 10.____ (vi. & vt. )吐唾沫(表示愤怒或鄙视); 吐, 唾(唾沫、食 物等) 11. ____________ (n. ) 特征, 特点 (adj. )典型的, 独特的, 特有 的→_________ (n. )人物, 角色 reform rescue debt adore

  spit characteristic character 12. ______ (adj. )暴力的, 粗暴的; 猛烈的, 强烈的 →_______ (n. )暴力, 暴行 13. _____ (vi. & vt. )反抗, 抵制, 抵挡→________ (adj. )抵抗的, 反抗的→_________ (n. )抵抗, 反抗 14. ______ (vt. & vi. )打算, 计划, 想要→________ (n. )意图, 目 的, 打算 violent violence resist resistant resistance intend intention 【高频单词】不可不知 15. __________(n. ) 极爱读书的人, 书迷, 书虫 16. ______ (n. )小说; 虚构的事 17. __________ (n. )名誉, 名声 18. ________(adj. )

  浪漫的, 浪漫主义的 19.______ (vi. )突然出现; 跳, 蹦→ _____________ (过去式) →_______(过去分词) 20. _______ (n. )小说家→_____ (n. )小说 bookworm fiction reputation romantic

  spring sprang/sprung

  sprung novelist novel 21._________(n. )罪犯 (adj. )犯罪的, 犯法的; 刑法的, 刑事的 →_____ (n. )罪行, 犯罪行为 22. _______ (n. )紧张气氛; 紧张, 烦躁; 矛盾, 对立 →_____(adj. )紧张的; 焦虑的 23. _______ (vt. & vi. ) (使)重逢, 再相聚; (使)再结合, 再联合 →_____ (v. )联合, 合并


  crime tension tense reunite unite Ⅱ. 短语➡双语互译 1. 与……无关  

  _____________________ 2. 以……为基础

  ___________ 3. 决心做某事(通常指坏事) _______________________ 4. 泄露; 出卖; 分发 

  _________ 5. 躲避; 忙碌, 不停地奔波

  _________ 6. 达到, 符合(期望) 

  ________ 7. 破烂不堪的, 废旧的; 筋疲力尽的 ________ 8. 把……分成……_______________ 9. 把……集中在…… _____________ have nothing to do with be based on bent on (doing) something give away on the run live up to worn out divide. . . into. . . focus. . . on. . . 10. at the sight of  

  __________________ 11. let out

  __________ 12. pick up

  _______________ 13. come to one’s rescue __________________ 14. touch on__________ 15. be intended to be/do something  

  ____________________________ 16. in tune 

  __________________ 17. consist of

  ___________ 看到, 一看到……就 泄露; 发出 捡起; 获得; 学会 救援某人, 帮助某人 谈及, 涉及 目的是作为某物, 目的是做某事 音调准确; 演奏合调 由……组成 语境取词——选用上面的单词或短语填空 Mark is a businessman, who is kept _________(忙碌) every

  minute of the day. When he was young, he was once in heavy

  debt, and there was a time he was _________(急需)for money.

  So he was _______(决心) reforming his company and his

  efforts paid off. He __________(达到)his parents’ expectations

  and became a millionaire. In his spare time, he likes reading

  articles ___________(涉及)business and life. He also ______

  (喜爱) ________(浪漫的) ______(小说). And he has become a

  __________(书虫). It’s also ____________ (特点)of him to be


  on the run desperate bent on lived up to touching on adores romantic fiction bookworm characteristic generous Ⅲ. 句型➡超级仿写 1. make+sth. +adj. 使某物…… This __________________(使它们困难)for some people to

  read, so they are often left to gather dust on shelves.

  【仿写】大雨使得我们无法出去。 The heavy rain ______________________________.

  makes them difficult made it impossible for us to go out 2. would rather do. . . than do. . . 宁愿做……也不愿做…… Pip’s sister often abuses him, but Joe is a kind and simple

  man who ______________________(宁愿死也不愿看到) any harm come to Pip.

  【仿写】在这样的潮湿天气里我宁愿待在家里, 也不愿去 购物。 I ______________________________________on such a

  humid day.

  would rather die than see would rather stay at home than go shopping 3. so. . . that引导结果状语从句 Kevin kicked it ___________(太用力以致)it flew past the

  library and over the school gate.

  【仿写】他们饿极了, 只好试着煮了一双皮鞋作为晚餐。 They

  ______________________________a pair of leather

  shoes for their dinner.

  so hard that are so hungry that they try boiling 4. This is why. . . 这就是……的原因 __________________(可能这就是……的原因)Burns talked

  about a rose in his famous poem, ‘A Red, Red Rose’.

  【仿写】这就是我来这里的原因。 _____________________ This is probably why This is why I came here. 【重点单词】 1. resist vi. & vt. 反抗, 抵制, 抵挡 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①The man was shot outside his house as he tried to _____


  该男子在其住宅外拒捕时被击毙。 ②She cannot _____ ______ him advice.

  她忍不住给他提建议。 resist arrest resist giving 【记一记➡构建知识】 resist(doing)sth.

  抵制(做)某事, 抵住(做) 某事的诱惑 can’t/couldn’t resist doing sth.  忍不住做某事 *One cannot help being old but one can resist being aged.

  一个人无法不变老但是他可以抵制衰老。 *(2017·北京高考)He tried to resist eating cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress.

  紧张时, 他尽力做到不吃甜饼或吸烟。 【拓展延伸】

  *No one objected to the plan we raised.

  没有人反对我们提出的计划。 *I couldn’t resist telling him the secret.

  我忍不住把这个秘密告诉了他。 object 都可以表示“反对” 多指因厌恶或反感而反对, 但不一定明显地表露出来。常与to连用 resist 指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等 2. rescue n. &vi. &vt. 救援, 营救 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①Helicopters _______ nearly 20 people _____ the roof of the

  burning building.

  直升机从失火大楼的楼顶救出了将近20人。 ②The 23-year-old girl’s screams alerted a passer-by who

  _____ __ ___ ______.

  那个23岁女孩的尖叫引来了一位过路人前去营救她。 rescued from went to her rescue 【记一记➡构建知识】 rescue sb. /sth. from. . . 从……中营救某人/物 go/come to one’s rescue去/来救某人 attempt a rescue 设法实施营救 make a rescue 

  进行营救 *(2017·北京高考)This month, Grace will star in Dolphin Tale, a film that focuses on her rescue and recovery.

  这个月, Grace将在一部关注她的救援和恢复的电影《海豚的故事》中担任主演。 【拓展延伸】

  *After the landslides broke out, soldiers were sent there to rescue victims and they saved a lot of people’s lives.

  塌方发生后, 战士们前往营救, 他们把许多人从死亡线上拉了回来。 rescue 意为“营救, 救援”, 指从危险中迅速、有效地救援、抢救出人, 也指抢救东西不致毁坏 save 意为“拯救, 救出”, 是普通用语, 指使受害者或物摆脱危险, 使其生存或保存下来 3. debt n. 债务, 欠款 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①If you waste money like this, you’ll end up __ ____.

  如果你这样浪费钱财, 迟早会负债的。 ②After years’ hard work, we’ve ____ ___ ____ _____ at last.

  经过多年努力的工作, 我们终于还清了债务。 in debt paid off our debts 【记一记➡构建知识】 in debt

  欠债; 欠款 be in heavy debt

  负债累累 be/get out of debt摆脱债务 get into debt负债 pay off one’s debts 

  还清某人的债务 *He was in debt when he was poor, but he has been out of debt since he got rich.

  他穷的时候欠了债, 自从富裕后就摆脱了债务。 *We were poor but we never got into debt.

  我们穷, 但从不负债。 4. intend vt. &vi. 打算, 计划, 想要 【填一填➡激活思维】 ①(2017·辽宁高考)The author decided to buy a bicycle

  because he ________ __ experience local culture.

  作者决定买一辆自行车因为他想体验一下当地的文化。 ②(2017·辽宁高考)The book __ ________ ___ parents with

  young children.

  此书是专为有小孩子的家长们编写的。 ③They ____ ________ __ go into the country for the day,

  but were put off by reports of traffic jams.

  他们本来打算那天到乡下去, 但听说交通拥挤就作罢了。 intended to is intended for had intended to


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