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2017届高三英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 6 Design学案(北师大版)

发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 6 Design重点单词 1.

  ________ n. 想象→________v. 想象→________ adj. 富于想象力的

  2.________ n. 展览→________ v. 展览

  3.________ adj. 贵重的;有价值的→________v. 重视;评价

  4.________ adj. 典型的→________ adv. 典型地→________ n. 典型5.________ adv. 优美地→________ adj. 优雅的;俊美的→________ n. 高雅;典雅;优雅

  6.________ vt. 强调→________ n. 强调

  7.________ n. 建筑师→________ n. 建筑→________ adj. 建筑的;建筑学的

  8.________ n. 朝代;王朝→________adj. 王朝的

  9.________adj. 虔诚的;宗教的→________n. 宗教;宗教信仰→________ adv. 宗教地10.________n. 幸福;快乐→________ adj. 高兴的;幸福的;快乐的→________ adv. 高兴地;幸福地;快乐地

  重点短语 1.________ ________ ________ ________ 注视;凝视

  2.________ ________ ________ 沉思

  3.________ ________ 有几分地

  4.________ ________ 追溯到5.________ ________ 把……联系起来

  6.________ ________试用;实验7.________ ________ ________ 挥手告别

  8.________ ________ ________ 到……为止9.________ ________ ________ 怜悯

  10.________ ________ ________ 屏住呼吸

  重点句式 1.Qi Baishi's style of painting often leaves the audience guessing and makes them use their imagination.2.To_emphasise_the_woman_even_more,_Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.3.Out_back_is_a_small_garage_for_the_car we don't own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.

  核心语法 1.介词



  1.imagination; imagine; imaginative 2.exhibition; exhibit 3.valuable; value 4.typical; typically; type 5.elegantly; elegant; elegance 6.emphasize; emphasis 7.architect; architecture; architectural 8.dynasty; dynastic 9.religious; religion; religiously 10.happiness; happy; happily


  1.fix one's eyes on / upon 2.deep in thought 3.sort of 4.date back 5.relate to 6.try out 7.wave goodbye to 8.by the time 9.have mercy on 10.hold one's breath

  1.imagination n. 想象;想象力have the imagination to do sth 有做某事的想象力/机智

  catch one's imagination


  leave sth to sb's imagination 把某物留给某人去想象

  imagine doing sth 想象做某事

  imagine sb doing sth 想象某人做某事

  imagine oneself to do sth 想象某人自己做某事

  imagine that / why / what / how 想象……

  1)Her talk ________ ________ ________ of the whole class.她的谈话吸引了全班的同学。

  2)________ ________ ________, I thought I heard her calling me. 我在想象中彷佛听到她在呼唤我。

  3)Can you ________ what it would be like to live without electricity? 你能想象出生活中没有电会是一幅什么样的情景吗?

  4)She ________ ________ ________ the office and telling everyone what she thought of them. 她想象自己走进办公室, 对每个人都说出自己对他们的看法。

  【答案】 1)caught the imagination 2)In my imagination

  3)imagine 4)imagined walking into


  1)Is it my _____ or have you lost a lot of weight?

  2)Their policies have really caught the public's ______.

  3)I can't ________ living anywhere but England.

  4)Can you ____ yourself to live with such a boring man?

  【答案】 1) imagination 2)imagination 3)imagine



  (2010温州中学一模)No one can imagine the difficulty he had ________ his son to get rid of the habit of playing computer games.


  B.to persuade



  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词词组的用法。 have difficulty (in) doing sth “做某事有困难”;he had作difficulty的后置定语。题意:没人能想象得出他在说服他的儿子摆脱玩电脑游戏的习惯时所遇到的困难。

  2.leave vi.&vt. 离开;留下;遗忘leave sb doing 让某人做

  leave sth doing 让某事被做

  leave for


  leave sb alone = leave one by oneself 把某人独自留下

  leave off 停止;不继续

  leave behind 忘记带

  leave out 遗漏;排除

  ask for a leave 请假

  1)This morning when I ________ ________ school, I ________ my dictionary at home. 今天早上我上学时把字典忘在家里了。

  2)He ________ ________ ________ in the rain for a long time. 他让我在雨中等了很长时间。

  3)What are you going to do after ________ ________?你毕业后打算干什么?

  4)You've ________ ________ the most important word in this sentence.你在这一句中漏掉了一个最重要的词。

  【答案】 1)left for; left 2)left me waiting 3)leaving school 4)left outleave和forget

  leave 和forget两者都可以表示“遗忘”,区别是leave一般和表示地点的状语连用,而forget不能和表示地点的状语连用。


  1)He ________ and ________ a lot of things undone.

  2)Tomorrow I'm ________ ________ Tianjin.

  3)The couple were both abroad on business. They ________ their son ________.

  4)I'm not feeling well, so I want to ________ ________ ________ ________.

  【答案】 1) left; left 2)leaving for 3)left; alone

  4)ask for a leave


  (2010吉林长春外国语学校一模) By the time Jane gets home, her aunt________ for London to attend a meeting.

  A.will leave


  C.will have left


  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词时态。 题意:到Jane回到家的时候,她婶婶可能已经去London 参加会议了。由前面分句可知,主句要使用将来完成时态。

  3.purpose n. 目的;意图;效果;结果for the purpose / aim of 为的是;为了……起见;为了……目的

  on purpose 故意;有意地

  with the purpose of 目的是;带着……的目的1)He has been annoying me and I think he is doing it ________ ________.他一直让我很烦,我想他是故意那样做的。

  2)I met him ________ ________ ________ ________ telling him the news.我是为了告诉他这个消息才见他的。

  3)We have found a meeting place that will serve our ________.我们找到了一个很合适的会址。

  4)Our campaign's main ________ is to raise money.我们这次活动的主要目的就是筹款。

  【答案】 1)on purpose 2)for the purpose of 3)purpose


  by design 故意地

  by accident 偶然地;无意地

  by chance 偶然地;意外地


  1)Did you come to London ________ ________ ________ ________ seeing your family, or for the business purpose?

  2)She seems to do these things ________ ________.

  3)He went to town ________ ________ ________ ________ buying a new television.

  【答案】 1)for the purpose of 2)on purpose 3)with the purpose of


  (2010合肥市二模)They pulled down the old buildings for the ________ of making room for the newly-built motorway.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查常用词组。题意:为了给新建的机动车道腾出地方,他们推倒了那些旧的建筑。for the purpose of“为了……目的”,是固定短语。

  4.valuable adj. 贵重的;值钱的;有价值的

  value n. 价值;重要性 v. 评价;估价;尊重;重视

  values n. 价值观

  invaluable adj. 非常宝贵的

  valueless adj. 无价值的

  be of great value 有巨大价值

  value sth at... 估计值多少钱

  1)Don't lose this ring—it's very ________ .别把戒指弄丢了——这戒指特别贵重。

  2)While it is ________ for children to have individual responsibilities, it is also good to share jobs with them.让孩子们负起个人的责任固然重要,而和他们共同完成任务也很好。

  3)You'll find this map ________ in helping you to get around London.你会发现这张地图对帮助你在伦敦四处游览大有用处。

  4)It is ________ to get angry over such a trifle.不值得为这点小事生气。

  【答案】 1)valuable 2)valuable 3)valuable 4)valueless


  1)Joyce gave us a lot of ________ advice when we first started the company.

  2)The book will ________ ________ ________ ________ to the students of English.

  3)I ________my friendship with my classmates more than anything else.

  4)At only $45 a night, the hotel ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.

  【答案】 1)valuable 2)be of great value 3)valued

  4)is great value for money


  (2010福建四地六校高三一联)The twelve animal-head statues are ________, for they are our national art treasures.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查形容词词义辨析。 题意:十二生肖头像非常珍贵,因为它们是我们国家的艺术瑰宝。 valueless“无价值的”; invaluable“非常珍贵的”; worthless“无价值的;毫无意义的”; useful“有用的”。

  5.mercy n. 怜悯;宽恕;仁慈have mercy on sb 同情某人

  show mercy to sb 对某人表示怜悯

  at the mercy of 任由……的摆布

  beg mercy of sb 祈求某人宽恕

  1)We were ________ ________ ________ ________ the weather.我们拿天气毫无办法。

  2)The passer-by ________ ________ ________ ________ the poor boy.过路人对这个可怜的男孩一点都不同情。

  3)We should punish the criminals ________ ________.我们应毫不留情地惩罚罪犯。

  4)He ________ ________ ________ the king.他祈求国王的宽恕。

  【答案】 1)at the mercy of 2)showed no mercy to

  3)without mercy 4)begged mercy of


  1)The rich ________ ________ ________ ________ the poor.

  2)The king ________ ________ ________ and killed all the people.

  3)They were lost at the sea, ________ ________ ________ ________ the storm.

  4)The play was very bad, but ________ it was also short!

  【答案】 1)have no mercy on 2)showed no mercy 3)at the mercy of 4)mercifully


  (2010浙江省高三五校二联)Until the start of the Industrial Revolution, mankind was poor, hungry, and constantly at the ________ of disease and natural disasters.





  【答案与解析】 D 考查词组辨析。题意:直到工业革命时,人类都很贫穷、饥饿,而且一直处于疾病和自然灾难的摆布之下。at the mercy of “任由……的摆布”。1.date back to 始自某时期;回溯至date from = date back to 追溯至;始于(不能用于被动语态)

  make / have a date with sb 与某人约会

  out of date


  to date 迄今为止;到目前为止(与完成时连用)

  up to date 现代的;直到最近

  set a date 确定日期

  1)The church________ ________ the 13th century.这座教堂可以追溯到13世纪。

  2)Have you ________ ________ ________ for the wedding?婚礼的日子你定下来了吗?

  3)________ ________, they have received over 200 replies.到目前为止,他们已收到200多封回信。

  4)Will denim jeans ever go ________ ________ ________? 粗布牛仔裤会过时吗?

  【答案】 1) dates from 2)set a date 3)To date 4)out of date


  1)Our partnership ________ ________ ________ 1960.

  2)________ ________, we have not received any replies.

  3)She wears clothes that are right ________ ________ ________.

  4)My interesting in collecting stamps ________ ________ my middle school days.

  【答案】 1)dates back to 2)To date 3)up to date

  4)dates from


  (2010湖南省雅礼中学高三二模) Before the 1850's, the United States had a number of small colleges, most of them ________ from colonial days.

  A.was dated

  B.is dated

  C.is dating


  【答案与解析】 D 考查动词词组用法。date from “追溯至”,不能用于被动语态。C项主谓关系错误。

  2.relate to 把……连接起来;相处融洽;适应(环境)等(常用于否定句中);有关;涉及

  relate...to... 把……与……关联起来

  be related to 与……有关

  relating to 关于……;和……有关的

  in (with) relation to 关于……;和……有关;就……而论

  1)How on earth do his remarks ________ ________ what we are discussing now?他的评语和我们现在所讨论的事情究竟有什么关系?

  2)I think we may ________ these two accidents.我认为我们可以将这两起事故联系在一起。

  3)The two men just can't ________ ________ each other.那两个人怎么也合不来。

  4) Happiness is seldom ________ ________ one's wealth.幸福与一个人的财富关联很少。

  【答案】 1) relate to 2) relate 3)relate to 4)related to


  1)The report ________ high wages ________ labour shortages.

  2)Some adults can't ________ ________ children.

  3)Students find it difficult to ________ ________ the life of a scientist.

  4)The report shows that the rise in crime ________ ________ ________ an increase in unemployment.

  【答案】 1)relates; to / with 2)relate to 3)relate to 4)is related to


  (2010江苏三所四星级学校联考)Look out for names and expressions ________ to British or American culture.


  B.which related


  D.which is relating

  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词词组及非谓语动词。 题意:注意与英美文化相关的名字和说法。be related to “与……有关”; relating to “关于”。后面句子明显修饰前面的names and expressions,所以要么用定语从句which are related to,要么用过去分词形式。

  3.try out 试验;检验;试用;参加……的选拔

  have a try 试一试

  try (one's best)to do sth 努力做某事

  try doing sth 尝试做某事

  try on 试穿

  try for 谋求;争取

  1)They are ________ ________ a new medicine on rats.他们正在老鼠身上试用一种新药。

  2)She is ________ ________ for the school play.她在参加学校戏剧演员的选拔。

  3)________ the shoes ________ before you buy them.在你买鞋之前先穿上试试。

  【答案】 1) trying out 2)trying out 3)Try; on


  1)She enjoys ________ _______ new ways of doing things.

  2)A lot of teams wanted me to ________ ________ for other positions and I told them no.

  3)I don't think I have a chance of getting the job, but it's worth ________ ________.

  【答案】 1)trying out 2)try out 3)trying for


  (2010河南省高三五校联考)The local government is trying all out to find out who is ________ the forest fire.

  A.to blame for starting

  B.to blame to start

  C.to be blamed for starting

  D.to be blamed to start

  【答案与解析】 A 考查动词词组。be to blame“该负责任”,此词组无被动语态形式。题意:当地政府尝试了用尽所有方法去找出谁该为这次森林火灾负责任。

  4.hold one‘s breath 屏住呼吸catch one's breath 喘息;屏息

  get one's breath 恢复正常状态

  lose one's breath 喘不过气来

  in a breath 一瞬间;齐声地;一口气

  out of breath 气喘吁吁的;上气不接下气的

  take one's breath away 令人惊讶的

  a breath of fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气;带来起色的人或事物

  hold back 阻止

  hold on 继续;坚持;(电话)等一会儿

  hold on to 抓住

  hold out 伸出;维持

  hold down 使保持水平;保持职位

  hold off 延迟

  hold to sth 不放弃或不改变(原则、观点)

  1)I ________ ________ ________ while the results were read out.宣读结果时,我屏住了呼吸。

  2)The boy recited the whole poem ________ ________ ________.这个小男孩一口气背出了整篇诗。

  3)We were ________ ________ ________ after only five minutes.我们五分钟后便气喘吁吁了。

  4)I'll walk out for a while, to get ________ ________ ________ ________ ________.我出去一小会,呼吸一下新鲜空气。

  【答案】 1)held my breath 2)in one breath

  3)out of breath 4)a breath of fresh air


  1)All the people ________ ________ ________ to see who would win the election.

  2)________ ________ ________ ________, and then you may feel relaxed.

  3)“How long will our fresh water supplies ________ ________?” the captain asked.

  4)The boss was unable to ________ ________ his anger any longer.

  【答案】  1)held their breath 2)Take a deep breath

  3)hold out 4)hold back


  (2010浙江温州中学三模) Greatly moved by her words, ________.

  A.tears came to his eyes

  B.he could hardly hold back his tears

  C.tears could hardly be held back

  D.his eyes were filled with tears

  【答案与解析】 B 考查非谓语动词结构。 move的逻辑主语是人,所以后面主句的主语必须是人。题意:被她所说的话深深地打动之后,他几乎止不住自己的眼泪。1.To emphasise the woman even more, Chen adds a lot of detail to the fan and the cloth of her dress, and chooses to paint the background behind the woman black.为了进一步突出这位女子,陈逸飞在她的扇子上和裙子的布料上加入了很多细节,并选择黑色作为女子背后的背景颜色。

  to emphasise the woman even more为动词不定式作目的状语,修饰谓语adds。动词不定式作状语时常用来表示谓语动词的目的。

  动词不定式作状语表示结果时一般应放在句子后面,且常表示出乎意料的结果。特别地,当前面有only, just等词修饰时应用动词不定式作目的状语,表示结果。

  在动词不定式前加上in order (to), so as (to) 等用以表示目的,其区别在于in order to 可以位于句首或句中,so as to 不能位于句首。




  【答案】 In order to keep warm, we shut all the windows.

  1)Would you be _______ ________ _______ ________ _______ me with my English?你能好心地帮我学英语吗?

  2)He returned home 15 years later, ________ ________ ________ his house burnt down.他十五年之后回到家里,却发现房子已经烧毁了。

  3)We got up early ________ ________ ________ catch the first bus.我们起早去赶第一班公交车。

  4)________ ________ ________ ________ in time, the staff were working at weekends.为了及时完成那个计划,员工们在周末加班。

  【答案】 1)so kind as to help 2)only to find 3)in order to 4)To complete the project


  1)________________ (为了成功), one must first of all believe in himself.

  2)Mr Green and his wife hurried to the station ________________ (却被告知) that the train had left.

  3)He ran ________ fast ________________ (以便) catch the first bus.

  4)________________ (为了确保安全) of gas, the government has checked the city's gas supply system thoroughly.

  【答案】 1)To succeed 2)only to be told 3)so; as to 4)To ensure the safety


  (2010大连重点中学高三一联) ________, you need to give all you have and try your best.

  A.Being a winner

  B.To be a winner

  C.Be a winner

  D.Having been a winner

  【答案与解析】 B 考查非谓语动词。动词不定式表目的。 题意:为了成为一个胜利者,你需要竭尽所能。

  2.Out back is a small garage for the car we don‘t own yet and a small yard that looks smaller between the two buildings on either side.出门往后院走有一间小车库,但现在我们还没有车。还有一个小院子,小院子夹在两座高楼中显得更小。

  Out back is a small garage for the car... 此处是一个完全倒装句。


  表示方位或方式的副词或介词短语,如here, there, then, up, down, in, away, off, out, in the room, on the wall等置于句首,且主语是名词时,使用全部倒装形式。





  【答案】 Ahead sat an old woman.

  1)There ________ ________ ________. 铃声响了。

  2)At last ________ ________ ________ ________, and of course, the boy felt very happy. 最后鸟儿飞走了,这个男孩当然很高兴。

  3)________ ________ Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist. 这就是爱迪生,一个简单的人却又是二十世纪最伟大的科学家。

  4)________ ________ the children.孩子们冲了出来。

  【答案】 1)goes the bell 2)away flew the bird 3)Such was 4)Out rushed


  1)In the lecture hall of a university in English ____________________ (坐着一位教授).

  2)South of the river ________________ (一个小工厂坐落在这条河的南岸).

  3)_____________ (这些就是事实); no one can deny them.

  4)________________ (飞机飞走了) the plane.

  【答案】 1)sits a professor 2)lies a small factory

  3)Such are the facts 4)Away flew


  (2010福建泉州二模) For a moment nothing happened. Then ________ all shouting together.

  A.voices had come

  B.came voices

  C.voices would come

  D.did voices come

  【答案与解析】 B 考查副词then置于句首的完全倒装。D项是部分倒装。1.(2010杭州高级中学二模)I've heard that our boss is to arrange me for a trade talk with another company, ________ I can't go picnicking with you on Sunday.

  A.in this case

  B.in that case

  C.in which case

  D.in case

  【答案与解析】 C 考查定语从句。 which引导非限制性定语动词。题意:我听说我们老板要安排我与另一个公司进行贸易洽谈,因为这样我星期天不能和你去野餐了。

  2.(2010郑州市一模)Tom was arguing ________ the payment of the bill ________ John.

  A.about; on

  B.with; with

  C.on; on

  D.over; with

  【答案与解析】 D 考查介词。argue with sb over sth “与某人争论某事”。

  3.(2010安徽师大附中二模) The Niagara Waterfalls, ________ is shaped like a semicircle, are 670 meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.



  C.the largest of which

  D.in which

  【答案与解析】 C 考查定语从句。先行词是“The Niagara Waterfalls,the largest of ”在从句中充当定语作用,表示在这些瀑布在最大的一个。

  4.(2010杭州市一模)Pleasant music is often played ________ classes to make students refreshed and relaxed for a while.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查介词。两者之间用介词between。题意:课间经常播放悦耳的音乐能学生获得短暂的放松。

  5.(2010福建莆田九中二模)The reason ________ Malcolm didn't study art was ________ his father didn't want him to.

  A.why; that

  B.why; because

  C.for; because

  D.of; which

  【答案与解析】 A 考查定语从句。 当先行词为the reason时,从句引导词用why。 后面的表语从句中句子成分完成,所以用that。

  6.(2010河南省豫南九校高三一联)Jane's father has bought a nice sports car, ________ we all know it.





  【答案与解析】 D 根据后半句可以得知know的宾语是it,是一个完整的句子,不是定语从句,所以用and与前面的句子连接。

  7.(2010黑龙江省哈九中二模)—Why did you eat your words, Billy?

  —Sorry, dear.But I really forgot where I was ________ to meet you.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词词组辨析。be supposed to “应该”。 题意:“你为什么要食言?”“我真的忘了我要去见你的地方了。”

  8.(2010合肥市三模)When you rewrite the paragraph, I advise you to ________ the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

  A.point out

  B.make out

  C.leave out

  D.put out

  【答案与解析】 C 考查动词词组辨析。 leave out “遗漏;删去”。题意:当你重写这段的时候,我建议你把最后一句删了,因为它容易被人误解。

  9.(2010安徽合肥一中B层测试)The task was hard ________, but he managed to complete it ________.

  A.to be dealt with; at most

  B.to deal with; at length

  C.to be dealt with; at least

  D.to deal with; at first

  【答案与解析】 B 考查非谓语动词和介词词组。动词不定式和主语可构成逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用主动语态即可; at length “详尽地;最终”,此处相当于at last “最终”。

  10.(2009郑州外国语学校一模) ________ again? I really look forward to the early coming of this day.

  A.When do you think we can meet

  B.Do you think when we can meet

  C.When do you think can we meet

  D.Do you think when can we meet

  【答案与解析】 A 根据本句式的结构应该为:疑问词+do you think / believe / imagine / suppose+陈述句。1.(2010 安徽,31)________, she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.

  A.Shy and cautious 

  B.Sensitive and thoughtful

  C.Honest and confident

  D.Lighthearted and optimistic

  【答案与解析】 D 考查形容词辨析。shy and cautious“害羞的与谨慎的”;sensitive and thoughtful“敏感的与体贴的”; honest and confident“诚实的与自信的”; lighthearted and optimistic“愉快的与乐观的”。题意:愉快与乐观的她,是那种通过微笑把欢乐传递给他人的女士。

  2.(2010 福建,33)—In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

  —I can't agree more.

  It's great to have the two ________.





  【答案与解析】 D 考查动词用法。答句意为“我非常赞同。让这两件事情相结合是非常好的”。 have sth done “使某事被做”; linked “相联系的”; related“有关的”; connected“相连接的”; combined“同时做;兼有”。由句中I can't agree more可知,应选D项,其余三项不符合语境,故排除。

  3.(2010 福建,21)It's ________ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them ________ pleasure.

  A.不填; a 

  B.a; 不填 

  C.the; a   D.a; the

  【答案与解析】 B 考查冠词。题意:去上海欣赏世博会带给人们的快乐,这是一个非常好的感觉。feeling作为“感觉”讲时,为可数名词。pleasure作“快乐;欢乐”讲时,为不可数名词。因此选B项。

  4.(2010 北京,29) Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden? They are ________

  everyone's enjoyment.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查enjoyment的习惯用语。for enjoyment“为了寻求乐趣”。第2句意为:“它是为众人添加乐趣的”。

  5.(2010 江西,34)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients ________ name, not case number.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查介词。方式方法可以用by也可以用with / by + n.(方式), with +修饰词+ n.(工具)。

  6.(2010 辽宁,31)I agree to his suggestion

  ________the condition that he drops all charges.





  【答案与解析】 C 考查介词用法。题意:我同意他的建议,条件是他放弃所有指控。 on the condition that相当一个连词,引导条件状语从句,意思是“条件是;以……为条件”。

  7.(2010 山东,32)Helping others is a habit, ________ you can learn even at an early age.





  【答案与解析】 D 考查代词的用法。题意为“帮助别人是一种习惯,一种你在很小时就能学会的习惯”。空格处与前句中的habit构成同位关系,所以选择D项。

  8.(2010 北京,27)Children who are not active or ________ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查定语从句。题意:不爱运动或者饮食热量偏高的孩子们会很快发胖。what不能引导定语从句。whose 在第2个从句中作定语,修饰主语diet,符合题意。

  9.(2010 福建,24)Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet ________ life has developed gradually.





  【答案与解析】 B 考查定语从句。题意:斯蒂芬·霍金认为地球不可能是唯一的生命逐渐形成的星球。where引导定语从句,相当于in which。

  10.(2010 湖南,28)I've become good friends with several of the students in my school ________ I met in the English speech contest last year.





  【答案与解析】 A 考查定语从句。该空引导定语从句修饰表示人的先行词the students,且在从句中作met的宾语,故选关系代词who。


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