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发布时间:2017-02-27  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ④I doubt whether personal efforts are enough to deal with the ever increasing challenges. ⑤No matter how great a person is, he or she cannot accomplish everything within his or her own strength. At the same time, everyone has their shortcomings. So cooperation is needed as far as the fact is concerned. ⑥All in all, as the saying goes “All roads lead to Rome” I think all rightful attempts to succeed lead to the improvement of men’s living and working standard. 点评: ①开门见山,点明主题,提出个人观点。 ②举例说明合作的重要性,富有说服力。 ③据上例得出结论。 ④进一步说明合作的重要性,阐明个人的能力再强大也需要合作。 ⑤no matter引导的让步状语从句增强了感染力。 ⑥最后给与总结,呼应开头,前后得到了很好的照应。 【类题尝试】 (2011年陕西宝鸡教学质检)诚信是处世之本。但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。请你对以上种种现象作简要描述,并以“How to guarantee honesty”为题,从三个方面谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信。 注意:1.词数不少于100;

  2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 How to guarantee honesty As we all know,honesty is always an essential principle of living.Much to our regret,however,________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Honesty is the best policy,which is what we should keep in mind all the time. One possible version: How to guarantee honesty As_we_all_know,honesty_is_always_an_essential_principle_of_living.Much_to_our_regret,however,it is nothing new that some middle school students cheat in exams,copy others’ homework and fool their teachers and parents.Therefore,how to guarantee honesty should come to our attention. Personally,I think honesty education is necessary.For instance,courses on honesty can be offered to students;activities like story­telling and lectures are also worth trying.With the concept of “being honest” rooted in their minds,honesty can be reflected in their daily life and study. Besides,related rules and regulations should be laid down.Detailed criteria should be applied to evaluate students in aspects such as homework,tests,relationship with teachers and parents. Then,strict measures should be carried out to punish those who cheat,and consequently,they must assume responsibility for their bad behavior,thus considerably reducing chances of cheating next time. Honesty_is_the_best_policy,which_is_what_we_should_keep_in_mind_all_the_time. 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(朗文P1379)He received a heavy/light sentence. 他受到重/轻判。 ②(朗文P1380)When the jury has given its verdict,the judge will pass/pronounce sentence(on him). 陪审团作出裁定之后,法官便宣布(对他的)判决。 ③(朗文P1380)The death sentence has been abolished in Britain,and now you get a life sentence for murder. 在英国死刑已被废除,现在谋杀罪会被判处无期徒刑。 即境活用 7.He was ________to three years in prison for the theft of others’ virtual property(虚拟财产)on the QQ show. A.judgedB.accused C.charged

  D.sentenced 解析:选D。句意:他因在QQ show上偷窃别人的虚拟财产而被判三年徒刑。be sentenced to three years in prison 被判三年徒刑,为固定搭配。 7 .abolish vt.废除;废止 (回归课本P40)...the death penalty should be abolished. ……死刑应该被废除。 例句探源 ①Do they suggest that we abolish the Olympic Games? 他们建议我们废除奥林匹克运动会吗? ②The Americans abolished slavery in 1863. 美国于1863年废除了奴隶制度。 易混辨析 abolish,cancel 两者都含有“取消;废除”之意,具体区别如下: (1)abolish 正式用词,指彻底废除某种制度、规章或习俗。 (2)cancel 用法广泛,多指取消债务、合同、证书、比赛、旅行、计划或约会等。 ①Are you going to cancel your two o’clock appointment? ②We should abolish the superstitious practices as soon as possible. 即境活用 8.完成句子 (1)Bad customs and laws ________ ________ ________(应该废除). 答案:should be abolished (2)The game ________ ________ ________(已经取消了)because of the heavy rain. 答案:has been cancelled 8 .wind sb.up 故意惹恼某人(尤指开玩笑) (回归课本P138)You’re just trying to wind me up,aren’t you? 你只是想故意惹恼我,是不是啊? 归纳拓展 【温馨提示】 wind作“卷,绕,摇”等含义时,其读音为/waind/。其过去式,过去分词为wound。 ①That can’t be true!You’re winding me up. 那不会是真的!你在故意气我。 ②(朗文P1764)We wound up the meeting with a vote of thanks to the chairman. 我们以鼓掌向主席致谢结束会议。 例句探源 9.完成句子 (1)He ________ ________ ________ ________ ________________________(摇上车窗)to keep warm. 答案:wound up the windows of the car (2)The girl went home crying because some boys in her class ________ ________ ________(故意惹她生气). 答案:wound her up (3)He forgot to ________ ________ ________ ________(给钟表上发条)and it stopped. 答案:wind up the clock 即境活用 9 .show off  炫耀,夸耀;卖弄 (回归课本P138)Nobody has any desire to show off and gold and silver have no value-unlike in our society. 没有人有任何欲望去炫耀并且金和银没有价值——这与我们的社会不同。 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P1853)He’s just showing off because that girl he likes is here. 他不过是在表现自己,因为他喜欢的那个姑娘在场。 ②I’ve

  sprayed the bonnet,but the marks and scratches show through the paint. 我已把引擎盖喷了漆,但一些印痕透过油漆仍隐约可见。 ③(2010年高考山东卷)Finally,after weeks of preparation,I would show off all my hard work in a dance performance. 终于,经过这几个星期的准备,我可以在一次舞蹈表演上表现一下我的艰苦劳动了。 例句探源 即境活用 10.She did a quick twirl(转身) to show ________her dress. A.upB.around C.in

  D.off 解析:选D。句意:她轻快地一转身来炫耀自己所穿的衣服。 10 .keep an eye on  照看;密切注视 (回归课本P38)They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which made it easier to keep an eye on people’s movements. 然后他们就能在各种不同的胡同口安置保卫,这使监控人们的行动更容易了。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①(朗文P1239)Food production is not keeping up with population.粮食生产没有跟上人口增长。 ②Keep an eye on the stove in case the coffee boils. 照看着点炉子以防咖啡溢出来了。 即境活用 11.用介、副词填空 (1)The police are keeping an eye ________ the suspect. 答案:on (2)She couldn’t keep ________ her tears on hearing the news. 答案:back (3)Keep ________ from the people who have been infected with the disease. 答案:away 11.take...into account 考虑,注意;体谅 归纳拓展 bring/call someone to account for 责问某人,要某人对……作出解释 of some/no account 有些/不重要的 on one’s own account 自担风险;依靠自己 to good account 利用,从中获利 on one’s account 为某人的缘故 ①You should take these facts into account.=These facts should be taken into account. 你应将这些事实加以考虑。 ②Don’t stay up late on my account. 为了我,不要熬夜。 例句探源 即境活用 12.The teachers promised to ________ the wishes of the parents before making any changes. A.take into accountB.pay attention to

  C.consider that

  D.take account for 解析:选A。句意:老师们答应在作出变更之前要考虑家长的意愿。pay attention to 意为“注意……”;consider that 后接从句,take account for 中的for 应改为of,故B、C、D三项都不符合题意。 句型巧析 1【教材原句】 The_only_time_that life sentences should be given is when a person is so dangerous that the community is at risk if he or she is let out of prison.(P40) 判无期徒刑(或终身监禁)的惟一条件是:罪犯十分危险,一旦被释放出狱,周围的人们就要遭殃。 【句法分析】 本句中划线词that为关系副词,引导定语从句,修饰先行词the only time,相当于when。在引导定语从句时,关系副词表示时间、地点、原因和方式,有时可以用that来替换,that也可以省去。 ①The way that(in which) he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.他向我们解释句子的那种方法不难理解。(在从句中作方式状语) ②Can you tell me the place that(where) they work? 你能告诉我他们干活的地方吗?(在从句中作地点状语) ③Do you still remember the days that(when)we spent the summer holidays in Qingdao? 你还记得我们在青岛过暑假的日子吗?(在从句中作时间状语) 13.(2010年淮安模拟)It’s not ________ books you read but the way ________you read them that decides how successfully you gain knowledge. A.the number of;/ B.a number of;in which C.a good many;which D.quite a few;in which 解析:选A。句意:是你所读书籍的方式而不是数量决定你所成功地获取知识的多少。the number of sth.……的数量。这是一个强调句型,而the way后面又跟了一个定语从句you read them,此定语从句前省略了关系词that或in which。 即境活用 2【教材原句】 Not increased happiness,but stress and less free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families.(P34) (结果)不是更快乐了,而是压力(增加了),独处和享受与朋友、家人共处的自由支配时间更少了。 【句法分析】 not...but...“不是……而是……”,表示取舍关系,常连接主语、表语和宾语。 not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,表示递进关系,常连接两个并列的主语、谓语、状语和并列句。 ①(朗文P1024)Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor. 莎士比亚不但是作家,而且还是演员。 ②(朗文P186)They own not one but three houses! 他们不是拥有一幢,而是三幢房屋! 【温馨提示】 若not...but...,not only...but also...连接两个主语,谓语动词应与就近的名词、代词保持人称、数的一致。如: ③Not you but your father is to blame. 不是你,而是你父亲该受责备。 ④Not only you but also he is wrong. 不仅你错了,他也错了。 14.Not his sister but his two cousins________to Hainan, never to be seen again. A.has gone B.have gone C.has been

  D.have been 解析:选B。考查连词词组not...but...用法。not...but...连接主语时,谓语动词的单复数应与就近的主语保持一致,故本题谓语动词应与his two cousins保持一致,又因have gone to 表示“去了某地”,而have been to 表示“去过某地”。句意:不是他的姐姐而是他的两个堂兄弟去了海南,再也没有见到过他们。根据句意可知应用have gone to,故选B项。 即境活用 15.Not only I but also Jane and Mary________tired of having one examination after another. A.is

  B.are C.am

  D.has been 解析:选B。本题考查not only...but also...的用法。句意:不但我而且简和玛丽都厌烦了一次又一次的考试。根据not only...but also 连接两个主语时的就近原则,谓语动词应与Jane and Mary 保持一致,故用复数,所以选B项。 知能强化训练 写作技能培训 开放式作文 【体裁导航】 开放式作文一般不提供具体的情景,也没有固定的模式限制,但其体裁和字数仍然要受制于所提供的内容。 做此类题型的作文时,审题非常关键。还要根据所判定的体裁,打开思路,发挥想象,不要过多地顾忌是否犯了语法错误,或者表述是否清楚,而要尽快找出能合理表述文章内容的词句,一气呵成,完成作文。 一般说来,开放类作文,要求的字数比较少,所以我们在文章的结构上必须注意“集中火力”,突出重点,直奔主题,而不要随便发挥。 这样,完成了表述以后,就进入了修改阶段。看语法结构,看语言表达,看单词拼写,看标点符号,甚至看字母的大小写。总之,好文章都是经过反复修改而成的。 【写作示例】 在竞争激烈的当今社会,人们十分强调个人能力,但是我们也不能忽视相互合作(cooperation)的重要性。请举例说明相互合作的重要性。 要求:词数120左右。 【写作要领】 本题为开放式作文,要求举例说明相互合作的重要性。首先应该阐明自己赞成合作的观点,然后,举例说明。举例后的重点应该在于说明合作的重要性上。最后一段要进行总结,以达到前后的呼应。 【金点模板】 ①People’s view on________.②In my opinion,________. ③Just take________.④The success________.⑤So cooperation________. ⑥I doubt whether________.⑦No matter________.⑧At the same time,________.⑨So cooperation________.⑩All in all,________. 【范文点评】 My View on Cooperation ①People’s view on cooperation varies from individual to individual.In my opinion,cooperation to society is what air is to man. ②Just take the 2008 Nobel Chemistry Prize as an example.The success relies on the efforts of all the three scientists.③So cooperation plays a very important role in the fields of scientific research. 返回 Unit 24 Society 社会

  写作技能培训 Unit 24 基础知识自采 重点难点研析 知能强化训练 基础知识自采 核心词汇 1.The old man bent with a heavy b____________ on his back. 2.By the end of the game,the stadium was almost ____________(空白的). 3.She r____________ her children to the care of her sister. 4.The c____________ between the ships was caused by fog. 5.The work was ____________(承担,接受)by members of the committee. 6.The program deals with subjects as ____________(多种多样的)as pop music and ancient Greek drama. 7.A severe flood struck the city and there was a c____________ shortage of food. 8.The country is a____________ in natural resources,especially in a____________of deer. 1.burden 2.vacant 3.resigned 4.collision 5.undertaken 6.diverse 7.consequent 8.abundant;abundance 1.________________转折点 2.________________

  有危险,冒险 3.________________

  闯入 4.________________

  原则上 5.________________

  判某人死刑 6.________________

  捐献,贡献;起促成作用 7.________________


  的人) 高频短语 8.________________

  认真对待 9.________________

  最重要的是;首先 10.________________

  首先 11.________________

  形成,存在 12.________________


  玩笑) 13.________________

  炫耀,夸耀 14.________________

  撞上某人 15.________________

  照看,留心瞧,注意 1.turning point 2.at risk 3.break into 4.on principle5.sentence sb.to death 6.contribute to 7.hail from 8.take...seriously 9.above all 10.to start with 11.come into being 12.wind sb.up 13.show off 14.knock into sb. 15.keep an eye on 1.____________ increased happiness,____________ stress and ____________ free time to be ourselves and enjoy being with our friends and families. (结果)不是更快乐了,而是压力(增加了),独处和享受与朋友、家人共处的自由支配时间更少了。 2.We should also make sure that there are better ways for young people ____________ their free time ____________ spending money. 我们还要确保,除了花钱以外,年轻人有更好的方式来打发他们的业余时间。 重点句式 3.____________, we should remember that ____________are much more important than ____________. 更重要的是,我们应该记住“做人”和“做事”比“拥有”更重要。 4.They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which ____________________ to keep an eye on people’s movements. 他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。 5.____________ connecting people’s homes,the hutongs in fact connected people’s lives,____________ the lives of the rich____________the lives of the ordinary citizens. 胡同使家家户户相通,实际上不管是富人还是普通市民,他们的生活都被胡同联系起来了。 6.As a society,____________________we took these issues more seriously. 作为一个社会,我们早应该认真对待这些问题了。 7.____________________ life sentences should be given is when a person is so dangerous that the community is at risk if he or she is let out of prison. 判无期徒刑(或终身监禁)的惟一条件是:罪犯十分危险,一旦被释放出狱,周围的人们就要遭殃。 1.Not;but;less 2.to use;apart from 3.Above all;“being”and“doing”;“having” 4.made it easier 5.By;whether;or 6.it’s high time that 7.The only time that 1 .abundant adj. 大量的;丰富的 (回归课本P137)There have also sadly been abundant cases of violence at home. 令人伤心的是,在国内也有大量的暴力案件。 重点难点研析 词汇精研 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①The country is abundant in natural resources. 这个国家自然资源丰富。 ②We try to offer an abundant supply of oil. 我们尽量供应充足的石油。 ③Wild flowers grow in abundance on the hillside. 山坡上长满了野花。 即境活用 1.They planted flowers in great ________in this area. A.amountB.size C.abundance

  D.blossom 解析:选C。句意:他们在这一地区种了许多花。in abundance 许多;大量,符合语意。 2 .burden n. 重担,负担 v. 使担负 (回归课本P34)Instead,they feel like a burden because every month we have to hand over most of the money we earn to pay for them. 他们而是感到一种负担,由于每个月我们必须把我们挣的大部分钱交给他们。 归纳拓展 ①I don’t want to become a burden to my children when I’m old. 我不想在年老的时候成为孩子们的累赘。 ②(朗文P273)I don’t like being a burden on other people. 我不想成为别人的负担。 例句探源 即境活用 2.It was the ________of the family that made Jim look thin and serious. A.supportB.burden C.emphasis

  D.convention 解析:选B。句意:是养家糊口的重担使吉姆变得消瘦而严肃。support支持;emphasis强调;convention传统;burden重担,只有B项符合句意。 3 .resign vi.& vt. 辞职;放弃(权力等) (回归课本P35)His boss insisted that he work longer hours so he resigned. 他的老板坚决要求他加班所以他辞职了。 归纳拓展 例句探源 ①David complained about ill­treatment and decided to resign from his office. 戴维抱怨受到虐待,决定辞职。 ②(朗文P1949)Josh resigned himself to the long walk home. 乔希只好走很长的路回家。 ③(朗文P1949)She’s resigned to spending Christmas on her own. 她只得一个人过圣诞节。 即境活用 3.完成句子 Paul eventually ________ ________ ________ ________(辞去了……的职务)CEO. 答案:resigned his position as

  4.They will certainly not ________themselves to be slaves because they have a strong inclination of rebellion. A.devote B.dedicate C.resign

  D.congratulate 解析:选C。句意:他们肯定不会甘心受人奴役,因为他们反抗意识较强。根据下文,应该是“不甘当奴隶”,只有C项符合句意。 4 .undertake vt. 着手做;从事;承诺 (回归课本P38)...the government undertook the preservation of many of the oldest hutongs. ……政府对许多胡同采取了保护措施。 归纳拓展 undertake sth. 承接/承担/承办某事 undertake to do sth./that

  从句 承办某事,答应做某事 undertake for sth.保证,担保 ①He undertook to finish the job by Friday. 他答应在星期五以前完成工作。 ②The lawyer undertook the case without a fee. 那位律师无偿承接了那个案子。 例句探源 即境活用 5.(2010年镇江模拟)Some old people don’t like pop songs because they can’t ________ so much noise. A.concern B.tolerate C.undertake

  D.ignore 解析:选B。考查动词辨析。句意:一些老年人不喜欢流行音乐,因为他们无法忍受这么大的噪音。tolerate 容忍;concern 关注;undertake 承担;ignore 忽略。 5 .cast vt.& vi. 投掷;投射;抛 (回归课本P38)...the conditions Beijing’s hutongs went down as the political situation cast a dark cloud on China’s economy. ……随着政治局面给中国经济笼罩的乌云,北京胡同的条件慢慢下降,不比从前了。 归纳拓展 cast aside 抛弃,消除,废除 cast away 抛弃,丢掉,使(船)漂流,(船)失事, cast behind 疏远;把……抛在脑后 cast down 使沮丧/不愉快 cast off 丢弃 cast one’s eyes over 审视 cast one’s mind back to sth. 回顾,回想 cast light on/upon=throw light upon 弄清楚 例句探源 ①As soon as they reached the fishing area,the fishermen cast their nets into the sea. 渔民们一到捕鱼区就把渔网撒进了大海。 ②Don’t be so cast down.Just keep up your spirits. 不要这么沮丧。打起精神来! ③As soon as he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help. 他一富起来就抛弃了所有曾经给过他帮助的老朋友。 即境活用 6.Hearing the news that he didn’t pass the final exam,he became ________at once. A.casted downB.cast down C.cast off

  D.casted off 解析:选B。cast的过去式和过去分词是它的本身;cast down意为“使沮丧”符合句意,故选B。 6 .sentence n. 句子;判决 vt. 宣判;判决 (回归课本P40)I am totally against harder sentences on principle and really feel the death penalty should be abolished. 在原则上,我完全反对重刑处罚并且真正感觉到死刑应该被废除。 返回


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