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(江苏专版)2011高考英语一轮复习巩固提升:Unit 1《Getting along with others》(详细解析)(牛津译林版·模块5)

发布时间:2017-02-23  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  模块5 Unit 1

  Getting along with others

  Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  1. The Chinese people will never f

  the Japanese crimes that they did in World War Ⅱ.

  2. She looked very much e

  when she made speeches in public for the first time.

  3. The old lady

  (忍受) great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident.

  4. His school results are not very good because he is often


  in class.

  5. He is a person

  (有才华的) with great talents.

  Ⅱ. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空

  1. He admitted

  (steal) her pencil.

  2. She can’t put up with people

  (shout) at her.

  3. His new car must

  (cost) him a lot of money.

  4. Tom is very clever to answer the most difficult question without


  5. She

  (swear) that she hadn’t told anyone else what I had told her.

  Ⅲ. 翻译句子

  1. 如果你有什么问题,尽管问我,不要犹豫。(hesitate to)


  2. 最后,他终于承认偷了那条钻石项链。(admit doing)


  3. 他想什么就说什么,不顾及他人的想法。 (regardless of)


  4. 他因开会迟到向我们道歉。(apologize to)


  5. 战士们决心尽一切努力去营救那些受地震围困的人们。(be determined to)


  Ⅳ. 单项填空


  1. The shy girl felt__________

  and uncomfortable when she could not answer her teacher’s questions.

  A. amazed

  B. awkward

  C. curious

  D. amused

  2. At first the institute refused to purchase





  this decision was __________ changed.

  A. occasionally

  B. consequently

  C. backwards

  D. afterwards

  3. __________ is no doubt that the Rockets will defeat the Washington Wizards in the next game.



  B. As

  C. That

  D. There

  4. Mr Harris apologized __________ the children __________ the lady __________

  what they had done.

  A. for; to; to

  B. to; to; for

  C. for; to; for

  D. to; for; for

  5. Little Tom admitted__________ in the examination, __________ the teacher his word that he wouldn’t do that again.

  A. to cheat; to give

  B. cheating; kept

  C. having cheated; giving

  D. to have cheated; keeping

  6. Mrs Taylor has an 8-year-old daughter who has a(n) __________

  for painting梥he has won two national prizes.

  A. ability

  B. intereest

  C. present

  D. gift

  7. When the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami(海啸), the worst-ever natural

  disasters, happened, the people there __________ heavy losses.

  A. received

  B. suffered

  C. accepted

  D. occurred

  8. The poster was revised __________ the suggestions of other group members.

  A. based on

  B. to base on

  C. basing on

  D. which based on

  9. It seems that you need to apologize quickly __________ a good friend.

  A. avoiding to lose

  B. to avoid losing

  C. avoiding losing

  D. to avoid to lose

  10. 桰 didno’t mean __________ my mother.

  桞ut talking to her like that meant


  A. hurting; hurting

  B. to hurt; hurting

  C. hurting; to hurt

  D. to hurt; to hurt

  11. Dogs have a very good __________ of smell and are often used to search for s urvivors in an earthquake.


  A. sense

  B. view

  C. means

  D. idea

  12. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we __________ fine.


  A. look out

  B. stay up

  C. carry on

  D. get along

  13. Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and __________.


  A. I was neither

  B. neither was I

  C. I was either

  D. either was I

  14. He began to take political science __________ only when he left school.


  A. strictly

  B. truly

  C. carefully

  D. seriously

  15. __________ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.


  A. Blaming

  B. Blamed

  C. To blame

  D. To be blamed

  Ⅴ. 完形填空



  We often talk about ourselves as if we have permanent genetic defects(缺陷) that can never be changed. “I’m impatient.” “I’m always behind.” “I always put things


  !” You’ve surely heard them. Maybe you’ve used them to describe



  These comments may come from stories about us that have been


  for many years—often from


  childhood. These stories may have no


  in fact. But they can set low expectations for us. As a child, my mother said to me, “Marshall, you have no mechanical (操作机械的) skills, and you will never have any mechanical skills for the rest of your life.?How did these expectations


  my development? I was never


  to work on cars or be around


  . When I was 1h8, I took the US Army’s Mechanical Aptitude Test. My scores were in the bottom for the entire nation!

  Six years later,


  , I was at California University, working on my doctors degree. One of my professors, Dr. Bob Tannbaum, asked me to write down things I did well and things I couldn’t do. On the positive side, I


  down, “research, writing, analysis, and speaking.” On the


  side, I wrote, 揑 have no mechanical skills.?Bob asked me how I knew I had no mechanical skills. I explained my life


  and told him about my


  thperformance on the Army test. Bob then asked, ?


  is it that you can solve


  mathematical problems, but you canv’t solve simple mechanical problems??Suddenly I realized that I didny’t


  from some sort of genetic defect. I was just living out expectations that I had chosen to


  . At that point, it wasn’t just my family and friends who had been


  my belief that I was mechanically hopeless. And it wasn’t just the Army test, either. I was the one who kept telling myself, 揧ou cani’t do this!?I realized that as long as I kept saying that, it was going to remain true.


  , if we don ’t treat ourselves as if we have incurable genetic defects, we can do well in almost


  we choose.

  1. A. away

  B. off

  C. up

  D. down

  2. A. them

  B. myself

  C. yourself

  D. others

  3. A. said

  B. spoken

  C. spread

  D. repeated

  4. A. as long as

  B. as far back as

  C. as well as

  D. as much as

  5. A. basis

  B. plot

  C. cause

  D. meaning

  6. A. lead

  B. improve

  C. affect

  D. change

  7. A. encouraged

  B. demanded

  C. hoped

  D. agreed

  8. A. means

  B. tools

  C. facilities

  D. hammers

  9. A. therefore

  B. somehow

  C. instead

  D. however

  10. A. settled

  B. turned

  C. took

  D. got

  11. A. passive

  B. active

  C. negative

  D. subjective

  12. A. experiences

  B. trips

  C. roads

  D. paths

  13. A. unexpected

  B. poor

  C. excellent

  D. average

  14. A. When

  B. What

  C. How

  D. Why

  15. A. complex

  B. advanced

  C. common

  D. primary

  16. A. arise

  B. separate

  C. suffer

  D. come

  17. A. believe

  B. suspect

  C. adopt

  D. receive

  18. A. weakening

  B. strengthening

  C. abandoning

  D. accepting

  19. A. As a result

  B. At the same time

  C. In addition

  D. On the contrary

  20. A. anything

  B. something

  C. nothing

  D. all

  Ⅵ. 任务型阅读




  The State of Hawaii is a state of the United States, located on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean southwest of the continental United States, southeast of Japan, and northeast of Australia. The state was admitted to the Union on August 21st, 1959, making it the 50th state. Its capital is Honolulu on the island of Oahu. The most recent census puts the state’s population at 1,211,537.

  This state includes nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which is made up of hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles. At the southeastern end of the group of islands, the eight 搈ain islands?are Niihau, Kauai, Oatahu, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Maui, and Hawaii. The last by far the largest, and is often called the 揃ig Island?or 揃ig Isle?to avoid confusion with the state as a whole.

  Hawaiitern’s tallest mountain, Mauna Kea stands at 13,796 ft (4,205m) but is taller than Mount Everest if followed to the base of the mountain梠n the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

  All of the Hawaiian islands were formed by svolcanoes erupting from a magma(岩浆) source described in geological theory as a hot spot. The theory maintains that as the plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean moves in a northwesterly direction, the hot spot remains quiet, slowly creating new volcanoes. This explains why only volcanoes on the southern half of the Big Island, and the Loihi Seamount deep below the waters off its southern coast, are presently active, with Loihi being the newest volcano to form.

  The last volcanic eruption outside the Big Island occurred at Haleakala on Maui in the late 18th century, though recent research suggests that Haleakala’s most recent eruption could be hundreds of years earlier.

  Because of the islands’volcanic formation, native life before human activity is said to have arrived by the “3W’s”: wind (carried through the air), waves (brought by ocean currents), and wings (birds, insects, and whatever they brought with them). The complete separation of the Hawaiian Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from any continent, and the wide range of environments to be found on high islands located in and near the tropic (回归线), have resulted in a vast variety of plants and animals. Hawaii has more endangered species per square mile and has lost a higher percentage of its local species than anywhere else on Earth.




  on a group of islands in the central Pacific Ocean

  ____2____ to the Union

  on August 21st, 1959



  Formation of

  the Hawaiian


  eruptions of


  The Hawaiian Island chain


  of hundreds of islands

  eight “main lands” with the largest called the “Big Island” or “Big Isle” to avoid being _____5_____with the name of the state

  The tallest


  Mauna Kea with an


  of 13,796ft

  Ways of the

  _____7_____of native life

  “3 W’s”: wind, waves and wings

  _____8_____of varieties of

  plants and


  being completely


  in the middle of the Pacific Ocean from other continents,


  on high islands in and near the tropic


  2. _________

  3. _________

  4. _________


  6. _________

  7. _________

  8. _________

  9. _________

  10. _________


  Ⅰ. 1. forgive

  2. embarrassed

  3. suffered

  4. absent-minded

  5. gifted

  Ⅱ. 1. having stolen

  2. shouting

  3. have cost

  4. hesitation

  5. swore

  Ⅲ. 1. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me.

  2. Finally he admitted stealing the diamond necklace.

  3. He says what he thinks, regardless of what other people think.

  4. He apologized to us for his being late for the meeting.

  5. The soldiers were determined to save the people who were trapped in the earthquake.


  Ⅳ. 1. 解析:选B。考查形容词词义辨析。选项应该和uncomfortable相对应,根据句意,当无法回答老师的问题时,那个害羞的女孩感到“别扭,不自然”;只有awkward 意为“别扭的,不自然的”,符合句意。故选B。

  2. 解析:选D。考查副词词义辨析。句意为:这家研究所一开始拒绝购买这种实验设备,但是随后这个决定就改变了。afterwards 然后,后来。

  3. 解析:选D。考查关于doubt的基本句型。即:There is no doubt that ... 意为“毫无疑问……”。

  4. 解析:选C。考查apologize的用法。apologize to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人道歉。句意为:哈利斯先生替这些孩子们为他们所做的事向那位女士道歉。

  5. 解析:选C。admit doing sth. 承认做过某事,giving 作伴随状语。give sb. one’

  s word 许诺,保证。

  6. 解析:选D。have a gift for ... 在某方面有天赋,有才能。


  解析:选B。suffer 忍受,遭受(损失,伤害),其他选项均不符合句意。

  8. 解析:选A。本句主动形式应该是:base the poster on the suggestions of ..., base 和主句主语poster呈被动关系,所以应该选择过去分词形式作状语。

  9. 解析:选B。不定式to 表示目的,另外avoid后应接v.ing意为“避免做某事”,所以选择B。

  10. 解析:选B。考查固定搭配。mean to do sth.有意/打算做某事;mean doing sth.表示“意味着”。根据句意可知,选B。

  11. 解析:选A。sense 感官 (即:视、听、嗅、味、触)。a very good sense of smell 意为“嗅觉非常灵敏”。

  12. 解析:选D。考查短语辨析。look out 留神;当心;stay up 熬夜;停留;carry on从事;进行;get along 与……和睦相处;进展。

  13. 解析:选B。考查否定倒装句。以表示否定意义开头的句子要求部分倒装,所以选B。

  14. 解析:选D。take sth. seriously 严肃/认真地对待某事。

  15. 解析:选B。 blame为及物动词,后面必须跟宾语,blame与Alice呈动宾关系,这里过去分词作状语表示被动、完成。

  Ⅴ. 1. 解析:选B。根据上文可以看出我总是推迟事情。

  2. 解析:选C。句意为:可能你常用上面的情况来描述你自己。根据句意,选C。

  3. 解析:选D。根据for many years 可以知道“这种评论来源的故事已经重复多年了。”从后文也可知道我反复说自己“You can’t do this!”久而成真。

  4. 解析:选B。这种评论已经许多年了,而且可以追溯到儿童时代。as far back as 早在,远在。

  5. 解析:选A。根据后文可知,“这些故事实际上是没有依据的”。

  6. 解析:选C。从后文的考试成绩最差可以知道母亲的话对我的发展影响有多大。

  7. 解析:选A。从来没有人鼓励我从事汽车工具类事情。

  8. 解析:选B。根据前文的机械类的技能可以知道这里应选B。

  9. 解析:选D。虽然我的考试成绩很差,六年后我还是上大学了。由上下文可以看出是转折关系。

  10. 解析:选C。根据后面write 可以知道前面是take down 写下的意思。

  11. 解析:选C。与前面positive 形成对比所以选C。

  12. 解析:选A。我向老师解释我的经历。

  13. 解析:选B。告诉老师我的经历和糟糕的考试成绩。前文提到自己的考试成绩很差,所以选B。

  14. 解析:选D。根据ask 一词可以判断用why。

  15. 解析:选A。从后面simple一词可以知道此处应是“复杂的”的意思。

  16. 解析:选C。suffer from遭受……之苦,患……病。其它短语均不符合句意。

  17. 解析:选A。语境理解,从前面老师说我能解决复杂的数学题,而不能解决简单的机械类问题,所以我意识到我没有这方面的遗传缺陷,而我仅仅实现了我所选择的我相信的期望。

  18. 解析:选B。作者明白了不是家人和朋友强化了我相信自己在机械方面无望,而是我自己的反复认为自己不行。

  19. 解析:选D。与前文形成对比。相反,如果我们自己不认为自己有基因的缺陷,我们就能做好我们所选择的任何事情。

  20. 解析:选A。根据上题解析可知。

  Ⅵ. 1. Location

  2. Admission

  3. volcanoes

  4. composed/consisting

  5. confused

  6. altitude

  7. arrival

  8. Causes

  9. separated

  10. environments


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