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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Unit 2 Cloning


  1.The brothers________(不同) widely in their tastes.

  2.Being a straightforward girl, she said that she hated

  learning a________(商业的) course.

  3.The old teacher had accumulated much experience of teaching before he________(退休).

  4.I'd like to come, too, if you have no________(反对).

  5.He always managed to________(得到)what he wanted.

  6.Don't be so serious. I________(仅仅) played a joke on you.

  7.However, the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease________(打扰) scientists.

  8.You should follow the normal procedure if you want to___ _____(承担) the law case.

  9.The scientists have made a breakthrough in the research to__ ______(抵抗) the deadly disease.

  10.It's very disturbing that there is too much violence in the common________(媒体).

  答案:1. differ  2. commercial  3. retired 4. objection  5. obtain 6. merely 7. bothered 8. undertake 9. resist 10. media


  1.He________ ________ ________(沮丧)because he was forbidden to go out with his brothers.

  2.My uncle comes to have dinner with us________ ________ ________ ________(不时地).

  3.Keep on working hard like this, and your research________ ________ ________ ________(一定能取得) great success.

  4.In ancient times, people believed that they could________ ________ ________ ________ ________(使复生) after death.

  5.He tried________ ________(白费力气)to persuade her to marry him.

  6.All of them were strongly________ ________ ________(支持)the project.

  7.Thinking they have grown up, the boys________ ________(反对)being treated like children.

  8.Even though the house has a long history, it is still________ ________ ________(状态良好).

  答案:1. was cast down  2. from time to time 3. is bound to obtain 4. be brought back to life 5. in vain  6. in favour of

  7. object to 8. in good condition


  1.(2011·济南模拟)The new clothes in that shop are so beautiful that Anna cannot________taking a close look at them, although she cannot afford them at present.

  A.enjoy B.imagine



  答案:D 句意:那家商店里的新衣服那么漂亮,以致Anna忍不住仔细地看了看,虽然她目前买不起。enjoy“喜欢”;imagine“想像”;risk“冒险”;resist“抵抗”。

  2.You mustn't lose heart; sooner or later your efforts will__ ______.

  A.pay off

  B.take off

  C.give off D.set off

  答案:A 考查短语。句意:一定不要灰心,你的努力迟早会得到回报的。pay off“成功,奏效,达到目的”;take off“起飞,腾飞”;give off“发出”;set off“出发,引发,引起”。

  3.—I told you she was not serious about him and now she has dumped him.

  —Poor boy! It will take him a long time to get over this____.





  答案:C 考查名词。blow“打击,不幸,精神上的打击”。再如:His death was a terrible blow to her. 他的逝去对她是个可怕的打击。

  4.Sales of their new video has________one million dollars this year.

  A.got over

  B.set up

  C.brought about

  D.broken through

  答案:D 考查动词短语。句意:去年,他们新影带的销售额突破了一百万美元。break through“突破”。

  5.When I got home, I found the door open. A terrible thought________me—had anyone broken into the house?





  答案:B 考查动词。句意:回到家时,我发现门开着。我突然有了一个可怕的想法“有人闯入过吗?”。strike在此表示“突然想到,猛地意识到”。

  6.After the quarrel, I tried all my best to fix the misunderstanding between us, but all my efforts seemed________.

  A.in trouble

  B.in case

  C.in time D.in vain

  答案:D 考查介词短语。句意:争吵过后,我尽力消除我们之间的不快,但是努力都是白费。in vain“白费劲,徒劳无功”。

  7.Suddenly the idea came to me________I might turn to Mr.Smith for help.





  答案:B 考查同位语从句。I might turn to Mr.Smith for help就是the idea的内容,同位语从句不缺成分用that引导。

  8.The hospital described his________as “satisfactory” while he felt there was something wrong.





  答案:A 考查名词辨析。condition“情况,状态”;situation“形势”;energy“能量”;position“位置”。

  9.Yesterday I had a word with the CEO of the company,______who used to teach at Beijing University.


  B.the one



  答案:B the one作同位语,特指the CEO of the company。

  10.Garter Druse________his selection for the important task to his courage,devotion and knowledge of the area.





  答案:B 考查动词。owe sth. to...为固定搭配,表示“把……归功于”。句子意思为“Garter Druse把他对重要任务的选择归功于他的勇气、奉献精神和对这个领域的了解”。

  11.Our school forbids________, that is to say, we are not allowed________at school.

  A.to smoke; to smoke

  B.students' smoking; smoking

  C.students' to smoke; smoking

  D.students' smoking; to smoke

  答案:D 句意:我们学校禁止吸烟,也就是说,我们不允许在上学期间吸烟。forbid与allow的用法类似,forbid/allow sb. to do sth., forbid/allow(sb.'s)doing sth.。

  12.If you________this task, you must be ready to suffer from hardship.





  答案:C apply“应用”;experience“经历”;undertake“承诺,担任”;command“命令,要求”。句意:如果你承担这项任务,你应该做好应对困难的准备。

  13.I have no objection ________your story again.

  A.to hearing

  B.to have heard

  C.to hear

  D.to having heard

  答案:A object和objection后常接to,而且to是介词。

  14.The genes of the cloned animals are so arranged that it can't________such a disease, so it soon died.





  答案:B 考查动词辨析。 overlook“忽略”;resist“抵挡”;exist“存在”;withdraw“撤回,取回”;can't resist such a disease“不能抵挡住这样一种疾病”。

  15.—Hey, if you can't enjoy that at a sensible volume, please use the earphone. I'm studying.

  —Oh, I'm sorry. I________realize it________you.

  A.don't; bothers

  B.didn't; bothered

  C.don't; was bothering

  D.didn't; was bothering

  答案:D 由语境可知,我没意识到(指前者提醒之前没意识到,现在已意识到了)这么大的音量一直打扰着您。故第一空用一般过去时,第二空用过去进行时。


  Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly.

  Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods—even if you also exercise regularly—could be__1__for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place—at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV—just the overall number of hours it__2__.

  Research is preliminary(初步的), but several studies__3__people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

  In an editorial__4__this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom­Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define__5__activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.

  While health officials have issued guidelines__6__minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated__7__.

  “After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send__8_ _signals,”Ekblom­Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucose and fat in the__9__start to shut down.

  Even for people who__10__, spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful.

  Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who

  exercise every day—__11__still spend a lot of time sitting—might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day,__12__in a single bout.

  That wasn't__13__news for Aytekin Can, 31, who works at a London financial company, and spends most of his days sitting __14__a computer. Several evenings a week, Can also teaches jiu jitsu, a Japanese martial art__15__wrestling, and also does Thai boxing.

  “I'm sure there are some detrimental__16__of staying still for too long, but I hope that being__17__when I can helps,” he said. “I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be__18__dangerous.”

  Still, in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat__19__had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.

  Figures from a US survey in 2003~2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.

  Experts said more research is needed to__20__just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.


  1. A. bad

  B. good

  C. mean

  D. dead

  答案:A 此处意为:长时间坐着也会对健康产生坏影响,故选A项。

  2. A. does

  B. occurs

  C. matches

  D. dies

  答案:B 不管你坐在哪里,它都会发生。occurs符合句意。

  3. A. advise

  B. talk

  C. suggest

  D. say

  答案:C 但已有几项研究显示,故选suggest。advise“建议”,talk“谈论”和say“说”均不符合句意。

  4. A. thrown

  B. caught

  C. seen

  D. published

  答案:D 根据“在英国《运动医学》杂志上发表的一篇评论文”,应用published。

  5. A. biological

  B. physical

  C. psychological

  D. logical

  答案:B 相关机构应重新考虑如何界定身体锻炼,以强调久坐的危害。根据句意应选B。


  6. A. commending

  B. mending

  C. recommending

  D. communicating

  答案:C 卫生官员已发布指南建议人们的最低身体活动量。recommend意为“建议”符合句意。


  7. A. stand

  B. state

  C. post

  D. position

  答案:D 但在一天最多坐几个小时的问题上还是个空白。保持坐姿:in a seated position。

  8. A. harmful

  B. careful

  C. wonderful

  D. skillful

  答案:A 身体会开始发出有害的(harmful)信号,A项正确。careful“仔细的”;wonderful“完美的”;skillful“有技巧的”。

  9. A. head

  B. arm

  C. body

  D. foot

  答案:C 此时调节体内(就是身体:body)葡萄糖和脂肪量的基因会开始罢工。

  10. A. sleep

  B. rest

  C. walk

  D. exercise

  答案:D 即使对那些经常锻炼(exercise)的人来说,长时间坐着也有害。

  11. A. and

  B. so

  C. but

  D. then

  答案:C 对于那些每天锻炼但依然(就是转折:but)有很多时间是处于静坐状态的人来说……。

  12. A. rather than

  B. other than

  C. more than

  D. less than

  答案:A 如果每天的锻炼可分散进行而不是(rather than)一次集中完成。other than“除……以外”;more than“多于”;than“少于”,均与句意不符。

  13. A. bad

  B. harmful

  C. disadvantageous

  D. welcome

  答案:D 这对于艾特金·肯来说不是什么好消息。这里就是“受人欢迎的”消息。welcome符合句意。harmful“有害的”;disadvantageous“不利的”,与句意不符。

  14. A. behind

  B. back

  C. in front of

  D. forward

  答案:C 肯每天大部分时间都坐在电脑前(in front of)。故选C项。

  15. A. referring

  B. involving

  C. taking

  D. bringing

  答案:B 不过肯每周有几个晚上教授一种和日本摔跤武术相关的柔术,此外还练泰国拳击,


  16. A. effects

  B. prefects

  C. affects

  D. offers

  答案:A 我知道长时间坐着不动肯定会有不好的影响。effects符合句意。affect是动词“影响”,语法不符。

  17. A. inactive

  B. active

  C. interactive

  D. positive

  答案:B 但我希望我做的这些运动能起到作用,故选active“活跃的”。inactive“不活跃的”;interactive“互动的”;positive“正面的”,均不符合句意。

  18. A. such

  B. little

  C. lot

  D. that

  答案:D 句意:我不愿相信坐着会产生那么危险的后果。that用作副词,意为“那么”。

  19. A. less

  B. fewer

  C. more

  D. further

  答案:C 长时间坐着的人死亡率更高,more表示“更多”,符合句意。

  20. A. leave out

  B. bring out

  C. hold out

  D. figure out

  答案:D 句意:开展更多研究以测算每天坐多久会对健康产生威胁。figure out“计算出”,符合句意。leave out“遗漏”;bring out“拿出”;hold out“伸出手”,均不符合句意。


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