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发布时间:2017-02-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题训练卷(二) 高中新课标总复习(第二轮)·英语



  1. The Grand Canal, ______ runs for 1,747 km, is claimed by some experts to be the world's oldest man­made canal.

  A. that

  B. whose

  C. which

  D. it

  2. ______ with the high cost of living in Beijing, the 2,000 yuan you make each month is not enough.

  A. To compare

  B. Comparing

  C. Compared

  D. Compare

  3. Mr.Wang, a 38­year­old migrant worker from Shan'xi Province, ______ as a gatekeeper at a university in Beijing since 1995.

  A. worked

  B. works

  C. has worked

  D. has been working

  4. Guests will receive a bottle of red wine upon arrival and ______ enjoy daily breakfast for free.

  A. can

  B. shall

  C. must

  D. dare

  5. Until the bus ______ , you can get down.

  A. stops

  B. has stopped

  C. will have stopped

  D. is to stop


  If you ______ the medicine on time, you ______ better now.

  A. took; would feel

  B. had taken; felt

  C. had taken; would feel

  D. took; would have felt

  7. —A new railway is under construction here now.

  —Yeah. It ______ by 2014.

  A. will complete

  B. will be completing

  C. will have completed

  D. will have been completed

  8. The problem seems not so difficult to me. Another five minutes, ______ I can work it out.

  A. or

  B. so

  C. 不填

  D. and

  9. He owed most of ______ he had to his respectable teacher.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. whether

  10. — May I see your ticket, please? I think you ______ in my seat.

  — Oh, you're right. My seat is upstairs. I'm terribly sorry.

  A. are sitting

  B. sit

  C. sat

  D. have sat

  11. Tell John not to leave the house unless he ______ that the lights ______.

  A. will make sure; turn off

  B. makes sure; are turned off

  C. will make sure; will turn off

  D. makes sure; will be turned off

  12. Every man, woman and child ______ some history, enough at least, to survive in the world.

  A. knows

  B. know

  C. is known

  D. are known

  13. It was the training ______ he had as a young man ______ made him such a good engineer.

  A. what; that

  B. that; what

  C. that; which

  D. which; that

  14. Will you see to ______ that my birds are well looked after while I am away?

  A. them

  B. yourself

  C. it

  D. me

  15. Only when she reached the restaurant ______ it was the same place she'd been in last year.

  A. she realized

  B. she did realize

  C. realized she

  D. did she realize


  1. Henry was much crueler to John than he was to the others, ______, of course, made all the others upset.

  A. who

  B. which

  C. what

  D. that

  2. ______ the 1500's ______ the first European explored the coast of California.

  A. It was until; then

  B. It was not until; when

  C. It is until; that

  D. It was not until; that

  3. Had you joined the chat room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we ______ about then.

  A. had talked

  B. have talked

  C. talk

  D. were talking

  4. The number of articles published on smoking ______ amazing.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. were

  D. have been

  5. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ______ to the meeting.

  A. would come

  B. came

  C. would have come

  D. had come

  6. The hall was heavily guarded, because inside its walls ______ from the African Union countries, discussing the Libya crisis.

  A. where sat the representatives

  B. the representatives sat there

  C. that the representatives sat

  D. sat the representatives

  7. Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants, but nowhere else ______ on such nice ducks.

  A. you can feast

  B. can you taste

  C. you can taste

  D. can you feast 8. Walk faster, ______ you may catch up with your friends ahead.

  A. or

  B. but

  C. and

  D. yet

  9. —How about the lecture the day before?

  —Well, at least it's ______ the one I attended last time with you.

  A. no worse than

  B. no better than

  C. not as good as

  D. as bad as

  10. 42 percent of students interviewed said they ______ their best to deal with the problem if their parents were opposed.

  A. will try

  B. have tried

  C. tried

  D. would try

  11. China has progressed rapidly to ______ that is in­between a developed economy and developing economy.

  A. everything

  B. something

  C. anything

  D. nothing

  12. The test results of four students were canceled ______ they spread rumors on micro blogs declaring disorder in the exam room.

  A. when

  B. before

  C. as

  D. until

  13. The Horse­Neighing Bridge is said ______ in AD 42 by a southbound general named Ma Yuan.

  A. to have built

  B. built

  C. having been built

  D. to have been built

  14. At last we reached Xing'an, a county in ______ is now the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. where

  D. that

  15. They feel happy about their study and life there, ______ the food and housing provided by the school.

  A. including

  B. included

  C. to include

  D. having included


  1. In the foreseeable future, high­yield rice seedlings, being developed by the Chinese government, ______ help solve most of its hunger problems.

  A. must

  B. dare

  C. may

  D. should

  2. China upgraded the warning level from blue to yellow for a new round of rainstorms ______ to hit the southern regions over next three days.

  A. expected

  B. to expect

  C. expecting

  D. to be expected

  3. ______ the government is encouraging us to go abroad, we find there is still distance between the reality and the goals.

  A. If

  B. As

  C. While

  D. Until

  4. Young people live in a society completely different from the one their parents ______ at their age.

  A. had known

  B. knew

  C. know

  D. will know

  5. The headmaster and physics teacher, together with his two students, ______ allowed to stay there until daybreak.

  A. was

  B. were

  C. has

  D. have

  6. A teacher ______ over and lost both of her legs after pushing two students out of the way of an oncoming bus last Tuesday.

  A. ran

  B. was run

  C. had run

  D. has been run

  7. I ______ my homework by myself, but my mother didn't trust me.

  A. do finish

  B. does finish

  C. did finishes

  D. did finish

  8. As a result of the rainstorm,three­fifths of the houses in the area ______.

  A. need to repair

  B. needs to repair

  C. needs repairing

  D. need repairing

  9. You can't get the expensive house ______ you have lots of money.

  A. if

  B. unless

  C. when

  D. since

  10. — Is that your watch?

  — No, I can't tell ______.

  A. whose is that watch

  B. whose that watch is

  C. whose watch is it

  D. whose watch it is

  11. The number of air crashes that ______in developing countries ______increasing.

  A. happens; is

  B. happen; is

  C. happens; are

  D. happen; are

  12. This kind of cloth ______ well, and that is why it ______ well.

  A. washes; sells

  B. is washed; sells

  C. washes; is sold

  D. is washes; is sold

  13. But for the leadership of our Party, we ______.

  A. shouldn't succeed

  B. could not have succeed

  C. will not succeed

  D. should not have succeeded

  14. — When did you first meet her?

  — January 1st, 2000, the first day of the new century, ______ I can never forget.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. when

  D. where

  15. ______ to meet me at the gate of the park; I'll be waiting there.

  A. Not to forget

  B. Not forget

  C. Forget not

  D. Don't forget


  1. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because under no circumstances ______ from practice.

  A. should theory separate

  B. should theory be separated

  C. theory should separate

  D. theory should be separated

  2. — How is the man injured in the earthquake?

  — The doctor said if ______ in a proper way, he was likely to be saved.

  A. treated

  B. treating

  C. is treated

  D. to be treated

  3. I had ______ to eat this morning. I wanted to have some bread but there was ______ left.

  A. nothing; none

  B. none; nothing

  C. nothing; nothing

  D. none;


  4. — When did you come back?


  An hour ago. You ______ the computer games.


  have played

  B. were playing

  C. played

  D. had played

  5. ______ confidence in herself, she decided to give up the project halfway.

  A. Lost

  B. To lose

  C. Having lost

  D. Having been lost

  6. What the teacher said always makes us very delighted; that's ______ we are interested in her lessons.

  A. what

  B. that

  C. why

  D. because

  7. — Look! Your coat is so dirty. You ______ wash it right now!

  — But I am preparing for the final examination.

  A. may

  B. will

  C. shall

  D. can

  8. — Is there any possible way to help the children get rid of such a bad habit?

  — To be honest, it's very hard, but we ______ on this problem.

  A. work

  B. worked

  C. are working

  D. were working

  9. — What made her so upset?

  — ______ she failed in her examination.

  A. What

  B. That

  C. Because

  D. Whether

  10. Boys and girls, when you are home, send me a message to let me know you ______safely.

  A. are arriving

  B. have arrived

  C. had arrived

  D. will arrive

  11. To hold a wedding party at a restaurant, you need to reserve the restaurant months before, ______?

  A. mustn't you

  B. didn't you

  C. don't you

  D. needn't you

  12. According to the report, Shanghai has 250 individuals with 2 billion yuan, of ______ 82 are on the Hurun Rich List 2011.

  A. what

  B. them

  C. whom

  D. that

  13. No one can be sure ______in a million years.

  A. what look will the earth like

  B. the earth will look like what

  C. what will the earth look like

  D. what the earth will look like

  14. It was only with the help of the local guide ______.

  A. was the mountain climber rescued

  B. that the mountain climber was rescued

  C. when the mountain climber was rescued

  D. then the mountain climber was rescued

  15. Industrial production, together with disappointing trade figures, ______ overtaken inflation as the key concern in China.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. have

  D. has


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