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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语牛津依林版一轮复习:模块必修3《Unit 1 The world of our senses》重点词语(解析拓展版)

发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  牛津英语模块三Unit 3 重点词语


  Welcome to this unit & Reading

  1. Who do you think will _______ the company when the manager retires?

  A. take up

  B. take over

  C. take in

  D. take on

  2. It was sad that all the people were _________ alive under the lava and ashes.

  A. buried

  B. stayed

  C. kept

  D. found

  3. __________, Liu Xiang had to drop out of the 110-metre hurdles in the Beijing Olympics because of his injury in the foot

  A. Unfortunately

  B. Unusually

  C. Uncertainly

  D. Unfriendly

  4. Only one of the persons who applied can be made _______ of the company.

  A. the director

  B. a director

  C. an director

  D. director

  5. It _________ to be seen whether the old couple like this trip or not.

  A. keeps

  B. remains

  C. leaves

  D. stays

  6. Who would you like to have ________ the door red?

  A. paint

  B. paints

  C. painted

  D. to paint

  【】【】’t take in what he said.我不明的他说的。He tried to play a trick on me, but I wasn’t take in. 他想捉弄我,但我没上当。

  3) take on 表示“呈现;雇用”,如:take on a new look呈现新面貌;take on more workers 雇用更多的工人。

  2. 选A


  【】…=be buried in…引申义为“专心致力于……”。 be buried/lost in thought沉思。

  He was buried in his work, so he didn’t notice me. 他正专心于他的工作,所以他没注意到我。

  She saw the film with her eyes buried in tears. 她眼含泪水地看了那部电影。

  2)burial为bury的名词“埋葬;葬礼”。a burial chamber墓室; a burial ground墓地。

  3. 选A. unfortunately为副词“不幸的是”,相当于unluckily。

  【】’s fortune碰运气;be in good / bad fortune 运气好/坏。

  He considered himself fortunate to win the match. 他认为他赢了比赛是运气。

  4. 选D. director表示“主任;指导员;导演”,英语中表示职位、头衔的名词若在句中做同位语或补足语时,其前应当不用冠词。若作其它成份,则可以使用相应的冠词。如:

  When was Lincoln elected president of the United States? 林肯是何时被选为美国总统的?

  【】 “指导;方向;说明”。

  5. 选B. remain作连系动词“仍然是;保持”,后接形容词、名词或不定式。如:

  It remains to be seen whether it will be fine tomorrow. 这还要看明天是否天晴。

  Please remain seated while the plane is taking off. 飞机起飞时请保持坐着。


  1. ________, he has recover what he lost yesterday.

  2. Zhang Yimo is a famous Chinese film ________.

  3. The business has got along much better since he ________ the company.

  4. You have spent 200 yuan, what will you do with the ________ money?

  5. Xu Beihong was good at _______horses.

  6. They broke into the ________ chamber and empted everything it contained.

  II. 根据汉语完成下列句子。

  1. 双方交替占领这座城市。

  The two sides _______

  _______ the city in turns.

  2. 敌人气极得将勇敢的战士活埋了。

  The enemy were so angry that they _______ the brave soldier _______.

  3. 许多人涌向西部去碰碰运气。

  A lot of people rushed to the western part to ______



  4. 两年后他被任命为车间主任。

  Two years later, he was ________

  ________ of the workshop.

  5. 这要看她下周是否有时间。



  to be seen _______ she will be free next week.

  6. 我们想请人将门外面漆成红色,里面漆成白色。

  We’d like to have the outside of the door _______ red and the inside side ______.


  I. 1. Fortunately

  2. director

  3. took over

  4. remaining

  5. painting

  6. burial

  II. 1. took over

  2. buried; alive

  3. try their fortune

  4. made director

  5. It remains; whether

  6. painted; white


  (Word Power, Grammar& Task )


  1. When a piece of wood is burning, light and _____ are given out together with smoke.

  2. Great noise like that of a plane may ________ a person mad.

  3. Since the machine is in good _______, I don’t think we need to buy a new one.

  4. Where have you been? We have been ________ about since you left this morning?

  5. Now that we have made the plan, we must ________ it _______ soon.

  6. Nearly 2000 passengers on ________ got drown when the ship sank.

  7. The court will _______ the judgment on him next Wednesday.

  8. Mum ______ the pot and showed me what she was cooking.

  【】 “热度”。如:

  I can’t stand the heat in the room. 我受不了房间里的热。

  【】“加热”,heat the coffee / milk 加热咖啡/牛奶;a heated discussion热烈的讨论。注意现在分词和过去分词作状语的区别:

  When heating the food, I heard the noise.热饭时我听到了响声。

  Heated, the soup tastes nicer.加热后,这汤味到更好。

  2.填drive。动词drive可以表示“迫使……(进入某种状态)”。drive sb angry/mad/crazy迫使某人生气/发疯。如:

  The arrival of the super star almost drove his fans crazy. 那位超级明星的到来几乎让粉丝们发了疯。

  【拓展】作动词“驾驶,驱赶”, drive a car开小汽车;drive … away将……赶走;drive…off 开车送走;击退。作名词时表示“驾车旅行; 兜风;车程”about 10 minutes’ drive大约开车十分钟的路;go out for a drive开车去兜风。

  3. 填condition

  短语in good condition表示“处于良好状态”,condition为不可数名词,这个短语相当于in a good state,但state为可数名词。situation表示“情形;形势”,是可数名词。

  【拓展】condition表示“条件”时, 常用复数形式。如:living conditions生活条件;working conditions工作条件;air-conditioner空调;短语on condition that…【】”。This matter concerns everybody.这件事与所有人有关。be concerned with sth与某事有关; a concerned citizen 一位热心的市民;As far as sb is concerned 意为“据某人所知”。作名词“关系, 关注”,show concern about…对……关心。现在分词concerning“关于”可作介词用,相当于about。 如:questions concerning environment与环境相关的问题。

  5. 填carry; out

  短语carry out表示“执行/实施(计划、命令等)”。如:

  We carried out an experiment this morning. 今天上午我们做一个实验。

  【】’t give up the work. We must carry it on until we succeed. 不要放弃工作,我们要进行下去直到成功。

  3)carry away意为“运走;使……失控/着迷”。

  The beautiful music carried us away. 美妙的音乐让他着迷。


  短语on board表示“在船(车/飞机)上”, the passengers on board船/火车/飞机上的旅客。get on board登船(车/飞机)。作动词时可表示“登(船等)”。如:

  It’s time we boarded the plane. 我们该上船/车/飞机了。

  【】“登(船/飞机)”作副词相当于on board;作介词“在/上(船/机)”,如:She has gone aboard the plane. 她已上了飞机。

  broad为形容词 “宽阔的”,a broad road一条宽阔的马路。

  7. 填declare. 动词declare 为 “宣布;宣告”, 指正式就某事公开地出明确说明其后可接从句复合结构名词介词for/ against“反对”。

  The Chinese government has declared against terrorism. 中国政府声明反对恐怖主义。

  【】“宣布宣称”指宣布人们所关心的事有预告的含义通常是关于生死结婚灾害或的其后常接名词从句作宾语When the doorman declared the arrival of the president, everyone got up and clapped. 当门口的人宣布总统的到来时,大家都站起来鼓掌。


  A recent report stated that a good lifestyle can ensure a longer life. 最近一份报告说良好的生活习惯能确保长寿。


  Don’t claim to know what you really don’t know. 不要说你懂其实你不懂的东西。

  8. 填uncovered


  When you move away a big stone, you may uncover a city of ants. 当你搬开一块石头时,你可能揭开了一座蚂蚁城。

  【】【】 4. Mum _______ the pot and showed us what she had prepared for lunch.

  A. discovered

  B. uncovered

  C. uncovers

  D. discovers

  5. As far as I’m _______, China will send man to the moon in the near future.

  A. known

  B. reported

  C. concerned

  D. worked

  6. Since the plan has been worked out, it should be _______ soon.

  A. carried off

  B. carried on

  C. carried away

  D. carried out

  7. The Titanic hit a big iceberg and sank with 2000 passengers on _______.

  A. abroad

  B. aboard

  C. board

  D. broad

  8. The next morning, US President Franklin Roosevelt _______ war against Japan.

  A. announced

  B. declared

  C. stated

  D. claimed

  II. 根据汉语完成下列句子。

  1. 热牛奶时, 她听到一则资讯, 几乎让她发疯。

  When ________ the milk, she heard a _______ of news, which almost _______ her _______.

  2. 我们很关心他们的生活条件是否得到改善。

  We are concerned about ________ their ________

  _________ have been improved.

  3. 他们宣布在明年实施这项计划。

  They ________ that the plan would ________


  _______ next year.

  4. 她勇敢地向董事会揭露了他的阴谋。

  She ________ his plot to the ________ bravely.


  I. 1-5 CAABC

  6-8 DCB

  II. 1. heating; piece; drove; mad

  2. whether; living conditions 3. declared be carried out

  4. uncovered; board




  1. During the Warring State Period, there was much fighting and ________ in China.

  2. Parents’ behaviors have _________ on their children.

  3. Though they are twins, there are few _________ between them.

  4. Paper money was _________ in China as early as Song Dynasty.

  5. She gave me a pen and I gave her a dictionary _______.

  【】”, cause confusion引起混淆; be in confusion混乱中。

  The explosion caused much confusion in the street. 爆炸在街上引起一片混乱。


  The more he explained, the more confused I felt about it. 他越解释,我却越迷惑。


  influence既可作动词也可作名词,侧重稳定的影响,如言行等对一个人产生的潜移默化的“影响”。have influence on…对……有影响。influenced by sb在某人的影响下。如:

  Influenced by his father, he turned doctor when he grew up. 在父亲的影响下,他长大后当了一名医生。

  3. 填similarities. 作可数名词表示“相似点”。如:

  Could you tell me the similarities and differences between the two? 你能告诉我这两者的相似点和不同点吗?


  The two areas are similar in that there is lots of rain in summer. 这两地相似之处在于夏季都有大量的降雨。

  4. 填in use. 介词短语in use表示“在使用中”,有被动之义,其中use为名词。

  At that time, tools made of metal were widely used in China. 那时在中国金属工具已广泛在中国使用。

  【】…to use 使用……;be of great / no use 很有/没有用处(=useful / useless);for the use of 为……使用;make full/good use of… 充分使用……;It’s no use doing sth.做某事没有用。

  It’s no used arguing with him any more. 再与他理论是没有用的。

  5. 填in return. 短语in return表示“作为回报”;in return for…作为对……的报答。

  I treated him to dinner in return for his help. 我请他吃饭作为对他帮助的报答。

  【】People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this

  creates further problems. (2007湖北)

  A. in short

  B. in case

  C. in doubt

  D. in turn(答案:D)

  【】A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which ______ will promote its economic development.

  A. in nature

  B. in turn

  C. in return

  D. in fact

  2. You shouldn’t ignore the _______ the internet _______ on the teenagers.

  A. affect; have

  B. influence; have

  C. effect; takes

  D. influence; has

  3. As early as 500 BC, animals like oxen were _______ helping the farmers.

  A. in turn

  B. in brief

  C. in use

  D. in case

  4. I don’t know why English has _______ rules.

  A. so many confusing

  B. so much confusing

  C. such much confused

  D. such many confused

  5. The twin brothers are _______ to each other in many ways.

  A. the same

  B. different

  C. similar

  D. similarity

  II. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子。(每空一词)

  1. 吸烟影响自身和他人的健康。

  Smoking _______the _______ of the smoker himself as well as ______of others

  2. 那时邮票还没有在欧洲正广泛使用。

  At that time, stamps were not widely _______

  ________ Europe..

  3. 你应当努力学习来回报父母为你所做的一切。

  You should work hard _______


  _______ all _______ your parents have done for you.

  4. 要是一个国家处于混乱中,那建设怎能进行下下去呢?

  If a country is left_______

  ________, how can constructions be _______


  5. 比较不同文化时我们常只注意区别而不注意许多相似之处。

  When _______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the _______ without noticing the many _______.


  I. 1-5 BDCAC II. 1. influences / affects; health; that

  2. in use

  3. in return for; that

  4. in confusion; carried on

  5. comparing; differences; similarities

  in return; confuse in use; influence; similar

  heat; drive; condition; concern; carry out; board; declare; cover


  take over; bury; fortunate; director; remain; paint


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