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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  【2011全国卷,34】William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was beginning to








  【解析】disappear消失,不复存在;fall降落跌倒降低fail (指健康)衰退, 衰弱damage损害, 毁坏, 加害于William 发现阅读越来越困难了,因为他的视力开始衰退increasingly difficult越来越困难”是个渐进的过程,故选C。

  【2011全国卷II,10】Mary, I_____John of his promise to help you.

  A. told

  B. reminded

  C. warned

  D. advised



  【解析】句意为“玛丽,我已经提醒约翰注意他帮助你的承诺了。”remind… of… 就…提醒(某人)使(某人)想起…warn含有警告的意思。

  【2011天津卷summer vacation.







  【解析】句意为“暑假兼职打工挣了1000美元后,我在银行开了帐户。”open a bank account在银行开帐户。

  【2011江苏卷28】——Are you still mad at her?

  ——Not really, but I can’t ______ that her remarks hurt me.




  D.decline不见得我不否认deny否认,否定;refuse,reject ,decline都是拒绝的意思。not deny无法否认。故选A。

  【2011福建卷28】I’d prefer to

  my judgement until I find all the evidence.


  B. express





  【解析】句意为“我宁愿保留我的判断直到我发现所有的证据。”reserve预订或保留(座位、住处等) 推迟留到以后until相一致。

  【2011安徽卷As the story______, the truth about the strange figure is slowly discovered.

  A. begins

  B. happens

  C. ends

  D. develops



  【解析】句意为“随着故事的展开,这个神秘数字的真相渐渐地被解开了develop开发, 发展把(主题或情节)逐步展现出来2011湖北卷26】Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also________ our thinking.

  A. direct

  B. limit

  C. change

  D. improve



  【解析】句意为“如果我们想要获得成功,知识和学习很重要。但是它们或许会限制我们的思维。”direct指示, 指引导演(戏剧或电影);指挥(管弦乐队)limit限制;change改变;improve改进,改善。根据句中but的转折,选B。

  【2011湖北卷27】The minister said. “We are ready for discussions with any legal parties, but we’ll never_______ with criminals.”

  A. negotiate

  B. quarrel

  C. argue

  D. consult



  【解析】negotiate谈判;quarrel吵架,argue辩论,争辩consult商议,咨询2011湖北卷28】Clinical evidence began to__________, suggesting that the new drugs had a wider range of useful activities than had been predicted from experiments in animals. A. operate

  B. strenghten

  C. approve

  D. accumulate



  【解析】句意为“不断增加的临床证据表明:比起原先从动物实验中所得到的预计,这些新药具有更加广泛有用性。”operate手术,操作;strenghten加强;approve赞成;accumulate积累,(数量)逐渐增加2011辽宁卷22】What are you doing out of bed, Tom? You're

  to be asleep.


  A. supposed

  B. known

  C. thought

  D. considered



  【解析】句意为“Tom,你不睡觉做什么?你现在应该睡觉。”out of bed未上床起床be supposed to do应当,应该。

  【2011辽宁卷24】You are old enough to

  your own living.


  B. gain

  C. take

  D. earn



  【解析】句意为“你长大了,可以自谋生路了。”earn one’s living 谋生,固定搭配。

  【2011全国卷,26】I can

  the house being untidy, but I hate it if it’s not clean.

  A. come up with

  B.put up with

  C. turn to

  D.stick to



  【解析】句意为“房子里东西凌乱讨厌come up with想出, 提出put up with  忍受, 容忍turn to转向翻书到求助于(使)变成stick to坚持紧跟粘住忠于不整洁的;凌乱的2011天津卷take after 长得像性格类似于效仿穿过, 越过偶然遇见2011山东卷桥梁打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)(使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋算出,实现。拓宽桥梁卷30】——You look upset. What’s the matter?

  I had my proposal _______ again.

  A.turned over

  B.turned on

  C.turned off

  D.turned downturn over翻身,翻转把……移交turn on打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)(使)感兴趣; (使)兴奋turn off关掉(电器、水龙头等)使厌烦turn down关小(音量等)拒绝2011福建卷31】Born into a family with three brothers, David was

  to value the sense of sharing.

  A.brought up

  B.turned down

  C.looked after

  D.held back



  【解析】句意为“出身在一个三兄弟家庭,David受到了要看重与人分享的教育。”bring up教育养育(孩子)呕吐(食物)turn down关小(音量等)拒绝look after照顾;hold back阻碍抑制隐瞒2011安徽卷 34】If you _____faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.

  A. come across

  B. care about

  C. look for

  D. focus upon



  【解析】句意为“如果你发现这辆自行车有毛病但还是想要,你就要求这家商店的营业员减价。”come across偶然遇到;care about关心,在乎;look for寻找;focus upon专注于。

  【2011浙江卷,6】The school isn’t the one I really wanted to go to ,but I suppose I’ll just have to


  A. make the best of

  B. get away from

  C. keep an eye on

  D. catch up with



  【解析】句意为“这所学校并不是我原来真正想去的,但我现在想尽量好好利用它了。”make the best of充分利用尽量好好去做get away from逃离keep an eye on照看,留心; 注意catch up with追上赶上12】He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of ______at a hotel for the night.

  A. putting down

  B. putting off

  C. putting on

  D. putting up



  【解析】句意为“他决定一路驾车回家,不在旅馆留宿。”put down放下平定, 镇压记下put off推迟;put on穿上戴上上演假装增加put up举起建立张贴投宿2011四川卷7】To get a better grade, you should __________the notes again before the test.

  A. go over

  B. get over

  C. turn over

  D. take over



  【解析】句意为“为了获得好成绩,你应该在考试前好好复习这些笔记。”go over审查复习重温从头到尾检查一遍get over越过完成克服(困难)从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来turn over翻身,翻转把……移交take over接管; 接替2011四川卷14】I often

  the words I don’t know in the dictionary or on the lnternet.

  A.look up

  B.look at

  C. look for

  D.look into



  【解析】句意为“我经常在字典里或网上查我所不懂的单词。”look up查(单词、电话号码等);look at看注视(某人或某物)look for寻找;look into深入地检查研究调查2011陕西卷25】Some insects________the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.

  A. take in

  B. take off

  C. take on

  D. take out



  【解析】take in吸收,欺骗;take off拿走, 取下脱去起飞take on承担呈现雇用take out把…带出去清除, 除掉体色与其周围环境的颜色相似2011湖北卷29】The government has taken measures to _________ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.

  A. take down

  B. bring down


  hand down

  D. tear down



  【解析】句意为“政府已经采取措施来降低日常生活用品的价格以保持市场的稳定。”take down拆卸记录记下bring down 使(某物或某人)掉下〔倒下〕 击败降(价)hand down把…传递下来遗留; 流传tear down拆毁; 拆卸2011辽宁卷26】The exam results will be

  on Friday afternoon.

  A. put down

  B. put off

  C. put up

  D. put away



  【解析】句意为“考试结果将在星期五下午公布。”put down放下平定, 镇压记下put off推迟;put up举起建立张贴投宿put away放好储存抛弃2011江西卷35】You can’t predict everything. Often things don’t ____ as you expect.

  A.run out

  B.break out

  C.work out

  D. put out.


  【考点】考查短语动词的辨析。run out 耗尽;break out 打破;work out 算出,实现;put out 扑灭。句意为“你无法预言一切。事情常常不会像你期待的那样实现。”选C。

  〖10全国The workers ______ the glasses and marked on each box “ This Side Up”

  A. carried

  B. delivered

  C. pressed

  D. packed



  〖解析〗句意:工人们把玻璃制品包装好并且每个盒子上标记上 “此面向上”。 选项为四个意思上毫无关联的动词, 此题考查动词的词义辨析。arry 译为搬运, deliver译为递送, press译为按, 压, pack译为打包。’ve just moved into a bigger house and there’s a lot to do. Let’s


  A. keep up with B. do away with C. get down to D. look forward to



  〖解析〗A. keep up with 保持废除, 去掉;着手处理盼望, 期待– In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well.

  --I can’t agree more. It’s great to have the two


  A. linked

  B. related

  C. connected

  D. combined



  〖解析〗A.; 联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来; 与…有某种联系 连接, 连结; 使联合, 使结合;In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled

  the local market.

  A. longer than

  B. more than

  C. as much as

  D. as far as



  〖解析〗根据动词travel可判断此处应填关于路程的介词词组, 本题即为as far as。as far as远到...Looking up to

  D. looking down upon



  〖解析〗getting rid of意为 “摆脱;去除”; getting along with意为 “与……相处;进展”; Looking up to意为 “尊敬;敬仰”; looking down upon意为 “看不起;轻视”。句意为 “你无论认为自己怎样低下, 总希望有个高尚的人来尊敬你。”

  〖10安徽〗----How did you like Nick’s performance last night?

  ----To be honest, his singing didn’t _______to me much

  A. appeal

  B . belong



  D. occur



  〖解析〗appeal to 意为 “吸引”;belong to意为 “属于”;refer to意为 “提到;涉及”;occur to意为 “突然想到”。 句意为 “她的演唱并不怎么吸引我。”

  〖10江西〗Parents _______ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.

  A attach

  B pay

  C link

  D apply


  〖考点〗考查动词词组,attach importance to 关注.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ______ sweet dreams.

  A keep up with

  B put up with

  C end up with

  D catch up with


  〖考点〗考查动词词组keep up with 保持, put up with 忍受, end up with 以 为结束 catch up with 赶上。We give dogs time, space and love we c an spare, and _____, dogs give us their all.

  A in all

  B in fact

  C in short

  D in return


  〖考点〗考查in的词组in all 共计 in fact实际上 in short 简而言之 in return 以作为回报。Sam _____ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.

  A. brought up

  B. looked up

  C. picked up

  D. set up



  〖解析〗句意应为 “山姆只是凭借看别人操作电脑就学到了一些电脑知识。”表示 “学会”用pick up; pick up另外还有 “捡起; 顺车接送,搭载;收拾, 整理;重新开始;获得”等义;bring up 表示 “抚养, 教育;提出;呕吐”;look up 表示 “向上看;(形势)好转, 改善;查阅”;set up表示 “建立, 设置;造成, 产生”。

  〖10山东〗Your house is always so neat—how do you ______ it with three children?

  A. manage

  B. serve

  C. adapt

  D. construct



  〖解析〗句意应为 “你家里总是那么整洁-----家里有三个孩子, 你是怎么设法做到的?” 表示 “设法做成某事”用manage it。serve表示 “为……服务;接待”;adapt表示 “使适应, 使适合”;construct表示 “建造, 构筑;构思”。

  〖10天津〗Joining the firm as a clerk, he got rapid promotion , and

  as a manager.

  A. ended up

  B. dropped out

  C. came back

  D. started off



  〖解析〗句意:作为一名职员加入公司, 他很快得到提升, 最后当上了经理。ended up as 作为……而结束的意思;dropped out是 “退出, 退学”的意思;came back是 “回来”的意思;started off是 “动身, 出发”的意思。只有A项符合题意。

  〖10天津〗He telephoned the travel agency to

  three air tickets to London.

  A. order

  B. arrange

  C. take

  D. book



  〖解析〗句意:他打电话给旅行社预定三张去伦敦的机票。book和tickets搭配, 是“订票”的意思。

  〖10四川〗Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order what


  A. looks

  B. smells

  C. feels

  D. tastes



  〖解析〗与上句中的eat with their eyes相对, 后句应该为点看起来很好吃的东西。故正确答案为A。

  〖10四川〗Jenny was looking for a seat when, luckily, a man

  and left.

  A.took up

  B.got up

  C.shut up

  D.set up“起床, 起立”。句意为 “Jenny正在找一个座位, 正在那时, 很幸运地, 一个人站起来离开了。”故选B。1意为 “从事, 占据时间或空间”;C意为 “闭嘴”;D意为 “建造, 搭起”。

  〖10江苏〗Thousands of foreigners were______ to

  the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

  A. attended

  B. attained

  C. attracted

  D. attached



  〖解析〗表示成千上万的外宾被吸引来参加上海的世博会。10江苏〗The experiment has_________ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.

  A. found out

  B. pointed out

  C. ruled out

  D. carried out



  〖解析〗排除可能性。Find out是查找出 point out指出 carry out执行, 实施10江苏〗So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is________ ideal. We have to work still harder.

  A. next to

  B. far from

  C. out of

  D. due to



  〖解析〗far from 表示not at all . next to 表示仅次于 due to表示因为,由于陕西You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _____ you, I suppose.

  A. agree with

  B. agree to

  C. agree on

  D. agree about



  〖解析〗Agree with:同意, 赞成;与……相适应;agree to:同意, 赞成(观点, 看法等);agree on:就……达成协议;agree about:对...... 有相同的看法。题干意思是:你看上去很好。我认为:三亚的空气和海鲜很适合你。选A。

  〖10湖北Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house

  his personality.

  A. resembles

  B. strengthens

  C. reflects

  D. shapes



  〖解析〗“就好像一个人穿什么, 吃什么, 以及和什么样的人交往能反映人的个性一样, 一个人的住房也是如此。”要选一个表示 “反映”的词, 就是reflect. “resemble” = look like;

  “strengthen”表示 “加强, 巩固”;“shape”作动词表示 “塑形”

  〖10湖北Had he

  her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.

  A. looked up to

  B. lived up to

  C. kept up with

  D. come up with



  〖解析〗该题的难点不仅仅在于这四个词组的辨析, 更主要的是考生要读得懂这个句子的意思。该句是典型的虚拟语气, “if” 引导的非真实条件句的倒装句, 描述的事于过去事实是相反的。“如果她当年履行了自己的诺言, 她就会进入耶鲁大学了。” look up to(抬头看, 尊重)keep up with(跟上, 追上)come up with(追赶上;想出;提出), 只有live up to(履行, 实行)符合题意。

  〖10湖北It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money

  favors to them.

  A. in preference to

  B. in place of

  C. in agreement with

  D. in exchange for



  〖解析〗先理解短语的意思. In preference to(优先于);in place of(代替);in agreement with(同意, 与…一致);in exchange for(交换)。其实辨析这几个介词短语的难度不大, 只需要认识每一个短语中的核心词preference, exchange, place, agreement的意思即可, 猜测较为容易。

  〖10辽宁〗Thousands of people _______ to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.

  A.turned on

  B.turned in

  C.turned around

  D.turned out



  〖解析〗句意:数千人出来观看昨天同爱尔兰队的比赛。turn out 有“外出”的意思, 而turn on 则是“打开”, turn in “上床睡觉, 上缴”“转身”的意思。只有turn out 符合语境。

  〖10辽宁〗The new movie _____ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time .

  A. promises



  c. pretends

  D. declines



  〖解析〗句意:这部新电影有望成为电影票房史上票房最高的影片之一。promise除了表示 “允诺, 答应”外, 还有 “有……的希望”的意思;agree是 “同意, 赞同”;pretend是 “假装”;decline是 “衰老, 衰退”。只有promises符合题意。

  〖10浙江〗The majority of people in the town strongly

  the plan to build a playground for children.







  〖解析〗分析四个选项的意思:consider考虑, 思考, 认为等;support支持, 拥护, 维持;confirm证实, 确认;submit使屈服, 使经受。根据语境:镇上的大多数人都积极地拥护为孩子们建造运动场的计划。

  〖10浙江〗After that, he knew he could

  any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.

  A.get away with

  B.get on with

  C.get through

  D.get across



  〖解析〗分析四个选项的意思:get away with侥幸逃脱;get on with与……有好相处;get through接通, 顺利通过, 完成;get across被理解, 越过。根据语境:经过那件事之后, 他明白了他能尽一切可能去顺利解决任何突发情况。


  〖09浙江The good thing about children is that they _______ very easily to new environments.

  A. adapt

  B. appeal

  C. attach

  D. apply



  〖解析〗根据句意, “关于孩子们美好的事情就是孩子们能很容易适应新的环境”。adapt to“适应”; appeal to“有吸引力, 有感染力;呼吁;求助于;上诉”等; attach to“粘上, 附上”; apply to“应用于, 适应于”。

  〖09安徽〗Just as Professor Scotti often

  it, success is ninety-nine percent mental attitude.

  A. gets

  B. makes

  C. puts

  D. means



  〖解析〗正像Professor Scotti提出的, 成功是来自99%的汗水。

  〖09安徽〗We tried to find a table for seven, hut they were all


  A. given away

  B. kept away

  C. taken up

  D. used up



  〖解析〗give away放弃;泄露;分发;出卖 keep away防范;不接近 take up拿起;开始从事 use up用完, 耗尽We are at your service. Don’t

  to turn to us if you have any further problems.

  A. beg

  B. hesitate

  C. desire

  D. seek


  〖考点〗动词词义辨析。beg:乞求, 乞讨, 恳求;hesitate:犹豫, 踌躇;desire:欲望;愿望;seek:试图, 要求。题干意思是:我们为你服务。当你有任何问题时, 请毫不犹豫的向我们求助。选B。Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

  A. look around

  B. look into

  C. look up

  D. look through


  〖考点〗动词短语。该句意思是 “请你为我检查一下文章看是否有明显错误”。look through可表示 “检查, 浏览”之意。look around “环顾”, look into “调查”, look up “抬头看, 查阅”。During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.

  A. eat up

  B. give away

  C. do without

  D. deal with


  〖考点〗动词短语。根据上句During the war there was a serious lack of food可推测出 “即或是富裕家庭也得几天吃不上面包”, 应选择do without表示 “不用/吃……勉强度过”。eat up “吃完”, give away “收拾”, deal with “应付, 处理”。The loss has not yet been ______ accurately, but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.

  A. calculated

  B. considered

  C. completed

  D. controlled



  〖解析〗根据句意可知此处表示 “损失[数据]还没统计……”, 应选择calculated。considered “考虑”, completed “完成”, controlled “控制”均不符合上下文。Some parents are just too protective. They want to ______ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.

  A. spot

  B. dismiss

  C. shelter

  D. distinguish



  〖解析〗根据上句Some parents are just too protective. 可知下文要说父母们想庇荫孩子们不受到任何伤害。shelter做动词可表示 “保护;庇护”。spot “弄脏, 认出, 发现, 定位”, dismiss “开除, 使解散”, distinguish “区别”。It is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children.

  A. look upon

  B. look after

  C. look into

  D. look out


  〖考点〗本题考查动词短语。根据题意可知应选look into “调查”。I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t__________.

  A. get along

  B. get on

  C. get to

  D. get through


  〖考点〗本题考查动词短语。短语动词, 考查考生对词义的判断能力。句意为:我试着给她办公室打电话, 但没有打通。get along 进展, 相处。get on 上车;get to到达;get through通过。依据句意, 选D。-------Do you have enough to ________all your daily expenses?

  --------Oh yes, enough and to spare.

  A. cover

  B. spend

  C. fill

  D. offer



  〖解析〗考查词义的区别:cover 意为[钱]足够的。Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to

  them too hard.

  A. draw

  B. strike

  C. rush

  D. push



  〖解析〗句意为:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新事物,但不要把它们太难了。push 推, 挤, 逼迫;strike v. 打,罢工,划燃rush v. 冲进,匆促行事,催draw v. 拉,拖,挨近,提取,画,绘制。根据句意, 应选D。Amy joined a painting group but didn’t seem to _______, so she left.

  A. show

  B. go up

  C. fit in

  D. come over



  〖解析〗考查短语的区别:show off炫耀, 卖弄;go up上升, 上涨;fit in相处融洽, 合得来;come over顺便来访。A. notice was

  in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.

  A. sent up

  B. given up

  C. set up

  D. put up


  〖考点〗考查动词短语辨析。send up:发射;give up:放弃, 传上去;set up:提出, 提议;竖起, 升起;put up:张贴。题干意思是:一个通知被张贴出来, 以便告知学生们演讲的新时间。选D。—Have you __________?

  —No. I had the wrong number.

  A. got in

  B. got away

  C. got off

  D. got through


  〖考点〗考查动词短语的区别。get in”插话, 收割”;get away”离开, 走开”;get off”下车”;get through”接通电话, 完成, 到达, 通过”, 由此可知该题的答案为:D, “你接通电话了吗?”—How about your journey to Mount Emei?

  —Everything was wonderful except that our car _________ twice on the way.

  A. slowed down

  B. broke down

  C. got down

  D. put down


  〖考点〗考查动词短语的区别,答语的意思是:一切都进展顺利除了我们的汽车在途中抛锚了两次外。break down抛锚;slow down 慢下来;get down记下, 写下;put down 扑灭。所以该题的答案为B.---- Sorry, I have to ______ now. It’s time for class.

  ---- OK, I’ll call back later.

  A. hang up

  B. break up

  C. give up

  D. hold up


  〖考点〗考查动词短语的区别,hang up挂断电话;搁置, 拖延break up打碎, 破碎;结束;解散;衰落give up放弃;交出hold up举起;阻挡;拦截

  Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, the teacher will ______ the main points at the end.

  A. recover

  B. review

  C. require

  D. remember



  〖解析〗recover恢复;弥补;重新获得review回顾;检查;复审require需要;要求;命令remember记得;牢记;纪念Practisig Chinese kung fu can not only ________ one’s strength, but also develop one’s character.

  A. bring up

  B. take up

  C. build up

  D. pull up


  〖考点〗考查动词短语的区别,bring up提出;教育;养育;呕出;[航](船等)停下take up拿起;开始从事 build up增进, 加强pull up拔起;停下来;阻止

  If you leave the club, you will not be

  back in .

  A. received

  B. admitted

  C. turned

  D. moved


  〖考点〗考查实义动词之间的区别receive收到,接受,迎接admit允许进入,承认turn旋转move移动,搬家,使...感动---- I' m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __   .

  ----So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

  A. broken up          B. finished up       C. divided up         D. closed up


  〖考点〗考查动词短语的区别,break up打碎, 破碎;结束;解散;衰落finish up完成;结束;用光divide up瓜分;分割;分配close up关闭;愈合;靠近

  〖08全国Ⅰ〗—What fruit is in season now?

  —Pears and apples,


  A.I know

  B.I think

  C.I see

  D.I feel


  “我认为, 我想”的用法, 可放于句前或句末。

  〖08全国Ⅰ〗The performance

  nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.






  〖解析〗考查动词的用法及与句意的结合。last意为 “持续”。

  〖08全国Ⅰ〗After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane

  her job as a doctor in the countryside.

  A.set out

  B.took over

  C.took up

  D.set up


  〖解析〗take up为 “从事, 做……”的意思。

  〖08全国Ⅱ〗—What are you reading, Tom?

  —I’m not really reading, just

  the pages.

  A.turning off

  B.turning around

  C.turning over

  D.turning up


  〖解析〗第二句句意为:我没在真正看书, 我只是在翻书。turn over翻过一页书(纸), 符合句意。turn off关闭;turn around完成;提供;生产出;turn up调大;出现;发生。

  〖08全国Ⅱ〗Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it







  〖解析〗句意为:小约翰尼摸着袋子, 非常好奇地想知道里面装着什么东西。contain包含, 含有;collect搜集;整理;load装载;save 挽救。

  〖08天津〗The meal over,

  the managers went back to the meeting room to

  their discussion.

  A.put away

  B.take down

  C.look over

  D.carry on


  〖解析〗put away收好, 放好;take down写下, 记下;look over从……上面看;察看, 检查;carry on继续。句意为:吃完饭, 经理们回到会议室继续讨论。

  〖08天津〗Her shoes

  her dress;they look very well together.






  〖解析〗句意为:她的鞋和衣服很搭配, 二者搭配看起来很不错。suit指时间、口味等合乎需要;fit指大小、尺寸合适;compare比较, 对照;match指颜色、款式等的搭配。

  〖08安徽〗—Are you happy with your new computer?

  —No, it is

  me a lot of trouble.






  〖解析〗give sb. a lot of trouble给某人带来很多麻烦;leave sb. a lot of trouble给某人留下很多麻烦。

  〖08安徽〗Don’t be so discouraged.If you

  such feelings, you will do better next time.

  A.carry on

  B.get back

  C.break down

  D.put away


  〖解析〗carry on开展, 进行;get back取回, 拿回;break down分解, 崩溃;put away收拾起来。


  it as a basic principle of the company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products.



  〖解析〗take...as...把……当作/认为……;另外, look on...as...和think of...as...也有此意。若用A项, 需要把后面的as去掉。

  〖08湖北〗Though having lived abroad for years,

  many Chinese still

  the traditional customs.



  〖解析〗observe在此句中意为 “遵守, 奉行(法律、协议或习俗等)”。句意为:尽管在国外居住了这么多年, 许多中国人仍然遵循着传统的风俗习惯。

  〖08湖北〗As nobody here knows what is wrong with the machine, we must send for an engineer to

  the problem.






  〖解析〗句意为:因为这儿没有人知道机器出了什么故障, 所以我们必须去请一位工程师来解决这个问题。handle处理, 解决;raise抬高;饲养;养育;提出(问题等);face面对, 面临;present呈现;介绍;赠送。

  〖08湖北〗The teacher stressed again that the students should not

  any important

  details while retelling the story.

  A.bring out

  B.let out

  C.leave out

  D.make out


  〖解析〗句意为:老师进一步强调让学生们在复述故事时不要漏掉任何重要的细节。bring out阐述;使明白;let out发出;泄露(秘密等);leave out遗漏;make out理解;辨认出。

  〖08湖北〗In modern times, people have to learn to

  all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.

  A.keep with

  B.stay with

  C.meet with

  D.live with


  〖解析〗句意为:在现代社会, 人们尽管过着舒适的生活, 但他们还得学会忍受各种各样的压力。live with在此意为 “忍受”。

  〖08湖北〗The present situation is very complex, so I think it will take me some time to

  its reality.

  A.make up

  B.figure out

  C.look through

  D.put off


  〖解析〗make up组成;化妆;编造;figure out理解;弄清楚;look through浏览;put off推迟。句意为:目前的形势非常复杂, 因此我认为要花费我一段时间来弄清楚它的真实性。

  〖08陕西〗It’s going to rain.Xiao Feng,

  will you please help me

  the clothes

  on the line?

  A.get off

  B.get back

  C.get in

  D.get on


  〖解析〗get off下车; get back回来;get in收集, 收获;get on前进, 进展。表示 “收衣服”要用get in clothes。

  〖08四川〗You have to

  a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay?



  〖解析〗句意为:你得做出抉择。你打算离开还是留下?make a choice表示 “做出选择”。decide决定, 后接不定式;get得到;do做。

  〖08四川〗I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we


  A.look out

  B.stay up

  C.carry on

  D.get along


  〖解析〗句意为:我以前同父母经常吵架, 但现在相处得很好。look out (for...)留神, 小心(……);stay up熬夜, 挺住;carry on继续;进行;get along well/fine/badly(with...)跟(……)相处得好/不好。

  〖08浙江〗American Indians

  about five percent of the U.S.population.

  A.fill up

  B.bring up

  C.make up

  D.set up


  〖解析〗句意为:美洲印第安人占美国人口的5%。fill up填充;bring up培养, 抚养;make up占据;set up建立。


  a moment and I will go to your rescue.

  A.Go on

  B.Hold on

  C.Move on

  D.Carry on


  〖解析〗go on继续;hold on抓住不放;坚持;move on 继续前进;carry on继续进行。根据后句的I will go to your rescue可知, 这里应是 “坚持住;别松手”。



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