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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  4.eastward adv. & adj.westward adv. & adj.(反义词)向西,10.slight adj.slightly adv.稍微;轻微地

  13.wealthy adj. & nwealth n.财富

  15.broad adj.16.nearby adv. adj.附近的;邻近的


  10.worthwhile adj.值得的;值得做的 1. worth/worthy/worthwhile (1)worth只做表语,表示“值……钱,值得干……”,后跟名词或动名词,不跟不定式。worth常用well修饰,不用very。The book is well worth reading.这书值得一读。 (2)worthy 意为“值得的”,除在书面语体中用做定语外,一般用做表语。be worthy 后常接 “of+名词/动名词(被动式)”、不定式。 The place is worthy to be visited/of being visited. 这地方值得一游。

  (3)worthwhile 的常用句式为 It is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth., it是形式主语,to do/doing 做真正主语,即:做某事是值得的。 It is worthwhile visiting/to visit the place. 参观那地方还是很值得的。

  [应用1] 用worth, worthy和worthwhile填空 (1)Her achievements are ______ of the highest praise. 她的成就值得高度的赞扬。 (2)Hangzhou is a beautiful place; it is ___________ going/to go there. 杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一去。 (3)The problem is __________ to be considered. 这个问题值得考虑。


  (4)The new bike is ______ 350 Yuan. 这辆新自行车值350元。 (5)He is a teacher ______ of great respect. 他是位受尊敬的老师。 (6)It is ___________ to ask him to join the club. 值得邀请他加入俱乐部。 (7)The picture is ______ taking good care of. 这幅画值得好好保存。


  (8)The scheme is well ______ a try. 这个计划很值得一试。 worth


  14.chemical adj.chemistry n.化学→chemist n.化学家;药剂师 7.therefore adv.11.be satisfied with be satisfied that... 满意…… be satisfied to do 乐意干…… satisfy vt.满意;使满意 satisfied adj. 感到满意的 satisfying adj. 令人满意的 satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 satisfaction n. 满意,

  [即学即练11](1)I __________________ the result. 我对那个结果很满意。(2)My parents try to __________________. 我父母尽量满足我的需求。(3)There was __________________ on his face. 他脸上露出了满意的微笑。(4)________________________,my boss agreed to my suggestion.,。



  withsatisfy my needs//a satisfied look//Much to my satisfaction


  2.content adj. n.满足 vt.使满足 5.fortunate adj.fortune n.运气,fortunately adv.幸运地 6.ordinary adj.12.outstanding adj.14.particular adj. & n,particularly adv.特别地,7.particular adj.

  n. 细节,细目 be particular to 是……特有的 be particular about/over sth. 对……讲究,in particular 尤其,,

  [即学即练7](1)The coconut __________________ the tropics.椰子是热带地区特有的。(2)She __________________ her clothes. 她对衣着很讲究。(3)She loves the song ____________, because her mother used to sing it.,。is particular to//is particular about//in particular

  10.badly off be badly off 拮据,be badly off for sth. 某物短缺,be short of/lack of be well off 有钱的,be well off for sth.某方面是充裕的

  [即学即练10](1)I have got a big room so I‘m not too ____________. 我有一间蛮大的屋子,。(2)His family is not ____________. 他家境不太富裕。(3)We _______________ for storage space in the new offices.我们的新办公室里有很多贮藏东西的地方。(4)She ______________ for friends. 她缺少朋友。

  badly offwell off//were well off//is badly off

  (5)I went to his home and found his living conditions were ____________ than mine. 我去他家一看,。worse off

  1.direct/directly (1)direct 用于具体意义,指中途不停地,。(2)directly 多用于抽象意义,,,。directly , as soon as。

  [1] 用 direct和directly 填空 (1)___________ he came in, everyone was quiet. (2)He went ______ to the airport. (3)The measure affects me __________. Directly//direct//directly

  2. especially/specially/particularly (1)especially 强调程度,意为特别,。(2)specially 强调目的,。(3)particularly 表“特别地,, especially 互换, particularly 还可作“详细地,。

  [2] 用 especially, specially, particularly 填空 (1)The doctor told the patient ___________ not to drink. (2)I like the country, ____________________in spring. (3)Please describe the event fully and ______________. specially//especially/particularly//particularly


  6.curious adj.curiosity n.好奇心 9.major adj.12.spoken adj.unspoken adj.非口语的;未说出口的 14.truly adv.15.false adj.17.subjective adj.subject n.主题;对象 2.curious adj.curiously adv. 好奇地,奇怪地 curiosity n. 好奇心;古玩 be curious about 对……感到好奇 be curious to do sth. 渴望做…… from/out of curiosity 出于好奇 meet/satisfy one‘s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 with curiosity=curiously 好奇地

  [即学即练2](1)The child ______ very ____________ the origin of mankind. 这个孩子对人类的起源很感兴趣。(2)I'm __________________ what he said. 我极想知道他说了什么。(3)__________________ he left without saying goodbye. 真奇怪,。Is curious about//curious to know//It’s curious that

  3. likely/probable/possible (1)likely 强调表面上看来有可能,与 probable 意思接近,, likely 常暗示从表面迹象来判断。Sth./Sb. be likely to do... ②It is likely that... (2)probable 表示有几分根据的推测, possible 表示的可能性大。,probable,。It is probable that...

  (3)possible 表示客观上潜在的可能性,。It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. ②It is possible that... ③sth. is possible ④as quickly/much/soon...as possible

  [应用3] (1)It is _________ that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn’t seem ___________. (2)The weather is ______ to be fine. (3)It is _________ for us to get from Beijing to Tianjin in less than an hour.


  3.various adj.variety n.变化,9.unique adj.1.various adj.

  variety n. 变化,多样性,种类

  vary vt.&vi. 使不同,变化

  a variety of

  varieties of...

  all sorts of/all types of各种各样的

  [即学即练1](1)There are _________ colours to choose from.

  有各种各样的颜色可供选择。(2)That sort of thing ____________ person ______ person.

  那种事因人而异。(3)Teachers should __________________ to make them more interesting.

  为了增加趣味,。Various//varies from to//vary their lessons

  (4)There are ____________ cloth in the store.

  这个店里有各种各样的布。(5)______________ marine creatures live in the ocean.

  海洋中生活着各种各样的海洋生物。varieties of//A variety of

  1. close/closely

  (1)close 作副词用时,意为“在附近;靠近地”,多用来修饰由介词引导的短语,表示具体概念。

  (2)closely 为副词,意为“密切地”,多用来修饰动词或过去分词,表示抽象意义。

  [应用1] (1)Three men were standing very ______ in the corner.三个人紧挨着站在角落里。

  (2)The problem is ______ connected with that one.



  2. be famous for/be famous as/be famous to

  (1)be famous/known for 因……而出名

  (2)be famous/known as 作为……而出名

  (3)be famous/known to 对于……来说出名

  [应用2] 用 for, as, to 填空

  New York is famous ______ the world ______ its skyscrapers ______ a developed city.

  To for



  6.rough adj.11.furnished adj.furnish vt.用家具布置→furniture n.家具 B5U3

  2.constant adj.constantly adv.不断地 3.previous adj.

  16.greedy adj.

  2.previous adj.previous to...在……前;先于……(to为介词) previously adv.先前地;以前地

  [即学即练2](1)No ____________ experience is necessary for this job.这一工作无需相关的经验。(2)____________ this, she’d always been ill. 这以前,。(3)The world record was _____________ held by a Spanish athlete.这项世界纪录以前是由一位西班牙运动员保持的。previous//Previous to//previously

  1.constant/continual/continuous (1)constant adj.不断的,经常的,。(2)continual adj.连续不断的;频繁的,。(3)continuous adj.不停的,,。

  [1] (1)the _________ wash of the tides潮水不停的拍击 (2)They have had a 3 days ____________ flight.他们已经有了一个连续三天的飞行。(3)Air is in _____________ motion.空气在不停地运动。continual//continuous//constant


  2.delighted adj.delight n.快乐 3.admirable adj.admire vt.钦佩

  6.eager adj.11.meanwhile adv.15.technical adj.(上)的;技巧方面的 16.gifted adj.17.accurate adj.


  2.temporary adj.8.mild adj.mildly adv.轻微地;温和地 13.tight adj.tightly adv.紧地 14.firm adj.()稳定有力的;坚定的→firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地 X6U1

  1.abstract adj.抽象的;深奥的 n.摘要 4.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的 10.specific adj.15.visual adj.invisual adj.看不见的 16.contemporary adj.


  2.concrete adj.3.contradictory adj.4.flexible adj.8.eventually adv.

  11.appropriate adj.3.appropriate adj. v. 挪用,拨出(款项) appropriation n. 盗用,挪用,专款 be appropriate to/for 适于,appropriate sth. for sth. 为某物拨专款

  [即学即练3](1)Jeans are not ____________ ______ a formal party. 正式聚会上穿牛仔裤不合适。(2)He was accused of _____________ club funds. 他被指控盗用俱乐部资金。(3)Five million dollars has ______ ____________ ______ research into the disease. 已拨款五百万美元用于这种疾病的研究。


  2. appropriate/fit/suitable/proper 四个词都含有“适合”的意思。 (1)appropriate指适合于特殊的人、、,。(2)fit意为某人或某物在目的上、。(3)suitable意味着适合某种情况。(4)proper含有生来就具备适宜性质的含义,。

  [2] (1)This is a ______ tool for the job. 这是一件适合那项工作的工具。(2)The house is not really ___________ for a large family. 这所房子确实不适合大家庭居住。(3)His casual clothes were not ___________ for such a formal occasion.他的便服不适宜在这样正式的场合穿。(4)He is ______ for the job.他能胜任这项工作。


  3. eventually/finally/at last/in the end 这四个词或短语均在句中做状语,含最后,,(1)eventually通常指由某一必然原因导致的“最终的结果”。(2)finally指经过一段时间的等待才出现结果,,。(3)at last表明说话者主观的语气很强烈,,。。

  (4)in the end,。,、。

  [3] (1)______ ______ an agreement was reached between the two parties. 双方最终达成了协议。(2)She failed so many times that ______ ______ ______ she gave up hope. 她多次失败,。(3)He worked so hard that __________ he made himself ill. 他工作太卖力,。

  (4)We need to increase productivity; we need to cut down the cost, and ______ we need to make our goods competitive on world markets. 我们需要提高生产率,,。


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