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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  1.So many thousands of terrified people died every_time there was an outbreak. (霍乱)时,就有大批惊恐的人死去。

  这是由名词词组 every time 充当连词的时间状语从句,, when。,。

  (1)不定代词+time 如:any time, each time... (2)序数词+time 如:the first/last time... (3)the+瞬时名词 如:the minute/moment/instant (4)the+时间名词 如:the day/night/month/time... ①He brings her flowers every time he goes to see her. 他每次去看她都给她带花。

  The first time he did the experiment, he succeeded. 他第一次做实验就成功了。I‘ll give him your message the minute he arrives. 等他一到,。He bought a computer the day he got his salary. 他发工资那天买了一台电脑。

  [1] The boys ran off______ they saw the owner of the orchard (果园). A.at times

  B.the hour C.the moment

  Dat once


  解析:句中 the moment 引导时间状语从句,相当于 as soon as。

  2.Only_if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. only 修饰副词、,,,、 be放在主语之前。

  Only then did I realize the mistakes I had made. 只有在那时我才意识到我所犯的错误。Only in this way can you make progress. 只有以这种方式你才能取得进步。Only when the war was over in 1949 was he able to get back home.只有在1949年战争结束时他才能回家。

  if only要是……该多好,但愿。if only从句可单独使用,这时要用虚拟语气:表示与过去相反的愿望用 had done;与现在相反的愿望用 did/were;表示与将来相反的愿望用 “would/could/might+动词原形”。 ①If only I had gone to Beijing. 我要是去了北京就好了。If only he could come tomorrow. 他要是明天能来就好了。

  [2] ______both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region. A.Only if

  BUnless C.If only

  DAs long as


  解析:主句中用了“will+主语+be”倒装结构,故选 Only if。


  1.Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have worldfamous football teams and some of them even have two! 虽然,全国性的,这些城市不如中国的城市大,但是它们拥有世界著名的足球队,有的城市甚至有两支! those 在此为代词,, cities。

  one/the one/ones/the ones/that/those/it 这几个词都用来指代前面提到的名词,但是所指内容不同。 (1)one 代替上文提到的某个可数名词,表示泛指意义,一般指同类事物中的任何一个;而 the one代替上文提到的某个可数名词单数,表示特指。 (2)ones 代替上文提到的可数名词复数形式,表泛指,一般指同类事物中的一些;而 the ones指代上文提到的可数名词复数形式,表示特指。

  (3)that 用来代替上文提到的名词,可以是可数名词单数形式,也可以是不可数名词,表示特指。如果代替可数名词单数形式,可以与 the one互换。 (4)those是 that的复数形式,代替上文提到的可数名词复数形式,表示特指,可与 the ones 互换。 (5)it代替前面的同一事物或同一个人。 ①I want to buy a house, one with a large garden. 我想买一座房子,一座带有大花园的房子。

  The little boy doesn't like this apple; he wants the red one. 小男孩不喜欢这个苹果,。I bought some new chairs. The old ones should be thrown away. 我买了新椅子,。The bike is cheaper than that made in our factory. 这自行车比我们厂生产的要便宜。(thatthe one)

  ⑤The population of China is larger than that of Japan. 中国的人口比日本的多。(that

  the one 代替) ⑥The cars made here are better than those made in my hometown. 这里生产的小汽车比我家乡生产的好。—Who is the person that shook hands with the foreigners? 那个和外宾握手的人是谁? —It is our headmaster. 他是我们的校长。

  [1] (1)(2008·济南模拟)The language used in advertisement differs from ______ used in ordinary reading. A.Which

  Bwhat C.that



  解析:代替前面的 the language应用 that。

  (2)(2007·陕西)—There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow ______? —No, I'd rather buy ______ in the bookstore. A.it; one

  Bone; one C.one; it

  Dit; it


  解析:第一空用 it指代上文中提到的那一本书;第二空用 one相当于 a copy,泛指“一本”。

  2.It_seemed_strange_that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.It seems/is strange that...“……有点奇怪”,that ,“should+动词原形”,should “竟然”,。

  “It is natural/important/necessary/a pity/a shame+that 从句”结构中,从句中的谓语动词也用“should+动词原形”结构;should 在这些句型中表示惊讶、气愤、惋惜等情感。 ①It was strange that he should have said that! 他竟然说那样的话,真是奇怪! ②It‘s a pity that he should fail to grasp the chance when it arose. 机会出现时,他竟然没有抓住,真是遗憾。

  [即境活用2] —You just think of yourself! You kept me waiting for at least three hours. —I am sorry that you ______ think so. A.would

  Bcould C.should



  解析:考查情态动词。答句句意:很抱歉你竟然这么想。should 有“竟然”的意思。


  1.However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too wany carriages flying by in all directions.

  what looked like... 是宾语从句, reached 的宾语。what ,。,, what 误用做 where。 where是连接副词,, what 是连接代词,、、。what ,、、、。What surprised me most was his way of speaking. 最让我吃惊的是他的说话方式。(what )

  ②She is no longer what she used to be. 她不再是以前的样子了。(what ) ③We were all confused by what he said. 我们都被他说的话弄迷糊了。(what ) ④He had driven for what seemed three hours. 他开车开了似乎三个小时了。(what ) ⑤They finally reached what was called “a lonely island”. 他们终于来到了一个叫“孤岛”的地方。(what )

  [即境活用1] (1)(2008·北京)The companies are working together to create ______ they hope will be the best means of transport in the 21st century. A.whichB.that C.what



  解析:句意:这些公司正在一起努力创造他们所希望的21世纪最好的交通方式。what 引导宾语从句,在从句中做主语。 which “哪一个”,who “谁”,that 在名词性从句中不充当成分。

  (2)(2007·浙江)Why not try your luck downtown, Bob? That's ______ the best jobs are. A.where

  Bwhat C.when



  解析:句意:为什么不去市中心碰碰运气呢,鲍勃?在那个地方有最好的工作。where 在此引导表语从句,在从句中做状语。

  2.Exhausted,_I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.exhausted为形容词在句中做伴随状语。He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.他又冷又饿地在风雪中过了7天。For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.她在那儿呆呆地站了一会儿,。He lay on the bed, awake. 他躺在床上,。

  The boy lay, relaxed on the sofa. 小男孩放松地躺在沙发上。Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air.新的环境把我弄得心烦意乱的,,。

  [2] (2008·北京)After the long journey, the three of them went back home, ______. A.hungry and tiredly B.hungry and tired C.hungrily and tiredly D.hungrily and tired



  2. 形容词做状语 [应用2] (1)______ at her success, her parents took her to an expensive restaurant to celebrate. A.To delight

  BTo be delighted C.Delighted



  (2)He lay in bed all night, ______. A.wake

  Bawake C.waken



  (3)After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, ______. A.exhausting

  Bexhausted C.being exhausted

  Dhaving exhausted


  解析:形容词exhausted意为“(感到)精疲力竭的”,在此处做状语,说明主语的特征;exhausting意为“令人精疲力竭的”,常指事物;being exhausted仅能做状语,表示原因,此处与语境不符。

  (4)-Why did John ask me about the problem? -______, he tried to find a better way to settle it. A.Not to be satisfied

  BNot satisfied C.Not being satisfied

  DDon’t satisfy


  解析:过去分词做原因状语,not satisfied相当于because he was not satisfied。A项,表目的;C项,强调动作,此处表状态;D项,不符合句子结构。


  10.so as to do sth. (做)……(引导目的状语,不放于句首) in order to 以便,(引导目的状语,) so...as to 如此……以致(引导结果状语) in order that 为了,(引导目的状语从句) so that 为了……;结果……(引导目的或结果状语从句) so...that... 如此……以至于(引导结果状语从句)

  [即学即练10](1)He ran quickly ____________/______________ catch the last bus. 他跑得很快以便赶上末班车。(2)We turned on the light __________/_________________we might see what it was. =We turned on the light _____________ see what it was.我们把灯打开,。(3)She is ______ angry ____________ say a word in front of him.她如此生气以致在他面前说不出一句话。

  so as toin order to//so that/in order that//so as to//so as to

  提示:当用 so as to, in order to时,句子前后动作的主语须一致。否则,用 so that, in order that。

  1.Never_will Zhou Yang(ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.Not_only_am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.



  (2)rarely, never, scarcely, no sooner, little, few, hardly, seldom, at no time, in no way, on no account, nowhere, nobody, not only等。

  ②Not only does he know French, but also he is an expert at it.他不仅懂法语,而且很精通。

  ③Seldom does he go to the park at weekends.


  [即境活用1] ______I had a few problems to deal with.

  A.Hardly have I arrived when

  B.Hardly did I arrive than

  C.Hardly had I arrived when

  D.Hardly had I arrived than



  2.His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was_to strongly influence his life as journalist.

  be to do在句中表示不可避免将要发生或命中注定的事情,,。




  (2)be about to do sth. 表“马上要做某事,某事即将发生”,通常不与时间状语连用。

  (3)be going to do sth. 表打算、想法或某种倾向,用于非正式文体。也可用来表示很可能发生的事或自然现象。

  ①The experience was to change her life.


  ②No one is to leave the building without the police's permission.没有警方的允许,没有一个人可以离开楼房。

  ③We are to finish the work before five this afternoon.


  ④The book was not to be found.


  [即境活用2] None of them ever thought their products ______ such an important role in the computer market 20 years later.

  A.were to play


  C.would have played

  D.had played

  解析:考查 be to do 表示“注定会……,一定……”。


  3.Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? (她)们的报道完全失实?

  case “情况”,在本句中为先行词,where 引导定语从句,在从句中做地点状语,相当于 in the case。当先行词为 case, point, situation, position等时,常用 where 引导定语从句。

  ①Can you think of a situation where this word can be used?你能想出能使用这个单词的语境吗?

  ②We are in a position where we may lose a large sum of money.我们在这种处境下可能会损失大量金钱。

  ③He has reached the point where a change is needed.


  [即境活用3] Today, we'll discuss a number of cases ______ beginners of English fail to use the language properly.





  解析:考查定语从句。当先行词是 case, point, situation 等词时,若定语从句中缺状语,用 where引导该从句。


  4.So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.因此我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。

  句中supposed to bribe him是过去分词短语做定语,修饰the man,相当于一个定语从句the man who was supposed to bribe him。

  (1)be supposed to do sth. 意为“应当做……”或“认为做……是必须的”。如:

  ①He is supposed to be here in about an hour.


  ②He was supposed to be a college graduate but he knew nothing of history.


  (2)be supposed to have done sth. 则意为“理应做过某事(但可能没有做)”,这里有虚拟的含义。

  Jack is supposed to have finished his work now.


  拓展:suppose sb./sth. to be... 认为某人/某物是……

  It is supposed that-clause 人们认为……

  be supposed to be... 被认为/料想是……

  be supposed to do sth. 被期望,应该;获准(用


  I suppose so. 我认为是这/那样。

  I suppose not. 我认为不是这/那样。

  What do you suppose+陈述语序?你认为……?

  Suppose/Supposing/Provided/Providing (that)



  [即境活用4] (2008·荆州模拟)The train ______ arrive at 11:30, but was an hour late.

  A.was about to

  B.was likely to

  C.was supposed to

  D.was certain to

  解析:由题意“火车应该11:30到,但是却晚了一个小时”,表示“应该做……而未做”选 be supposed to。A将要;B可能;D一定。



  1.If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if_possible.

  if possible 为状语从句的省略, if it is possible。 If possible, do it by yourself. 可能的话,。If possible, I‘ll go to Beijing tomorrow. 如果可能的话,。

  if so 如果这样的话 if not 如果不是的话 if any 如果有的话 if necessary 如果必要的话 if ever 如果曾经有的话

  [即境活用1] —I hear Bob has been ill in hospital for days. —______, let‘s go to see him. A.If ever

  B.If any C.If possible

  DIf so


  解析:考查省略句 if so“如果这样的话”。

  2.John was_studying in his room when he heard screaming.

  when 并列连词,意为“这时”,相当于 and then。 when 作并列连词用时,构成并列句,意为“就在这时,恰恰在这时”,多用在下列句型中: ...be doing...when... 正在……这时…… ...be about to do...when... 正打算做……这时…… be just going to do...when... 正要……这时…… had just done...when... 刚做了……这时…… be on the point of doing...when... 正要……这时……

  ①He was sleeping when there was a knock at the door. 他正在睡觉,。I was about to go out when someone knocked at the door. 我刚想出门,。We had just begun to work when the machine broke down. 我们刚开始工作,。The thief was on the point of putting his hand into the lady‘s handbag when the bus suddenly stopped. 小偷正要把手伸进那位女士的手提袋中,。

  [2] The children were playing football happily on the playground ______ it began to rain heavily. A.as

  Bwhile C.when





  1.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.,The Impressionists who lived and worked in Paris were among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting.此句为表语部分提前而引起的倒装。

  Sitting at the back of the room was a shy girl with two big eyes. 一个腼腆的长着两只大眼睛的女孩坐在屋子的后面。Gone are the days when women were looked down upon.妇女受歧视的年代一去不复返了。

  [1] Present at the meeting ______. A.Mr. Liu was, who taught us English B.was Mr. Liu, who taught us English C.was who taught us English, Mr. Liu D.Mr. Liu, who taught us English, was

  2.It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum. 19世纪晚期至21世纪的艺术作品。 it在句中做形式主语, that 从句。it,、、,,,。

  (1)It is important (easy, hard, difficult, possible, necessary...) for sb. to do sth. (2)It is a pity (a shame, a pleasure, one's duty, bad manners...) for sb. to do sth. (3)It is kind (nice, wise, brave, silly, polite, friendly...) of sb. to do sth. (4)It's a pity (a shame, a fact, a wonder...) that... (5)It is strange (obvious, true, good, possible, likely, clear...) that...

  (6)It seems (happens, turns out, occurs to me...) that... (7)It is said (reported, decided, expected...) that...

  ①It is nice of you to give us so much help. 你这么帮助我们真是太好了。It‘s a pity that I didn’t think of it earlier. 真可惜我没有早想起来。It is reported that the production has been put into use. 据报道,。

  [2]The foreign minister said, “______ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.” A.This is

  B.There is C.That is

  DIt is




  1.There are various reasons why people write poetry. reason why...。reason ,, why和 that, which 引导, that引导, reason 的内容进行说明或解释,。

  The reason why he failed the English exam was that he didn't learn it well. 他英语考试不及格的原因是他没学好。(why) ②I don't believe the reason that/ which you gave me. 我不相信你给我的理由。(that which在定语从句中做 gave的宾语) ③We are not going for the simple reason that we can't afford it. 我们不去,。(that )

  拓展:(1)That is why... 那就是……的原因。(强调结果) (2)This is because... 这是因为……(强调原因) (3)在 the reason why...is/was that 结构中,一般用 that 引导表语从句,而不用 because。

  [即境活用1](2008·四川模拟)The reason for his success is ______ he worked very hard. A.why

  Bthat C.because


  解析:考查 the reason 的表语从句,由 that 引导。


  2.Some rhyme(like B) while others do not(like C)(像B),但也有些不是这样(像C)。

  while的用法归纳: (1)while 用做并列连词,构成并列句,意为“然而,但是”,相当于 and/but, 强调前后两种情况的对比或转折,此时while 一般位于句中。 (2)while 用做从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当……的时候;和……同时”,此时的主从句谓语动作同时发生,从句谓语通常是延续性动词。

  (3)while 引导让步状语从句,,, although或 though 语气要轻。(4)while 引导条件状语从句,, as long as。while ,。(5)while 引导从句时,, be, be可以省略。while 、、。

  You like sports, while I prefer music. 你喜欢体育,。I was reading the book while you were talking to me. 你对我说话的时候,。While it is very cold today, we decide to go out for a walk. 尽管今天天气很冷,。

  While a spark of life remains, it is a doctor‘s duty to save the patient. 只要病人还有一线生机,。You have to be very careful while (you are) driving. 你开车时必须很小心。

  while 引导时间状语从句时,指一段时间,不用来表示时间点;when引导时间状语从句时,既指时间段,也指时间点。如: ①When/While I was in middle school, I liked English very much.我上中学时非常喜欢英语。 ②When he entered, I was watching TV. (不能用 while)当他进来时我正在看电视。

  [即境活用2](1)(2008年四川非延考区)In some places women are expected to earn money ______ men work at home and raise their children. A.butB.while C.because


  while 在此句中意为“然而”,表对比。


  (2)(2008·湖南卷)______the Internet is of great help, I don't think it's a good idea to spend too much time on it. A.If

  BWhile C.Because



  解析:while 引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”。

  (3)(2008·上海卷)—Are you ready for Spain? —Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______ they are young. A.while

  B.until C.if


  while 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”。



  1.Why do_you_think some adolescents start smoking?do you think 在句中做插入语。。(1)做主语的疑问词+do you think/suppose/believe/imagine/say/suggest+谓语部分?

  (2)非主语的疑问词+do you think/suppose/believe/imagine/say/suggest+主语+谓语部分? ①Which film do you think will win the Golden Lion of the 66th Venice International Film Festival?你认为哪一部电影会赢得66届威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖? ②When do you suggest we hold a meeting to talk about the problem?你建议我们什么时候举行会议谈论这个问题?

  ③Who do you suppose we shall ask to attend our party? 你想我们会邀请谁来参加我们的宴会? ④Why do you think she didn‘t agree with our suggestions?你认为她为什么不同意我们的主意?

  提示:(1)如果插入语是 do you suggest 时,句中的谓语要用 should+do或省略 should。 (2)do you know 不能作为插入语。如: Do you know which team will win? 你认为哪个队会赢呢?

  [即境活用1] —I haven't heard from John for a long time. —What do you suppose ______ to him? A.was happeningB.to happen C.has happened

  Dhad happened

  解析:句中 do you suppose 是插入语,句子主干为 What has happened to him?


  2.I knew it_was_time_to quit smoking.It's time to do... 到了干……的时间了。It's time for sth. 到了……的时间了。It's time (for sb.) to do sth. 到了某人干……的时间了。It's (high/about) time+that 从句 到了某人干……的时间了。It/This is the first/second...time that... 这是第一/二……次……

  ①It‘s time for lunch/to have lunch. 到吃午饭的时间了。It’s time that the kids were/should be in bed. 到了孩子们睡觉的时间了。This is the first time that I have been to the Great Wall. 这是我第一次参观长城。

  It‘s (high/about) time+that 从句”中,从句的谓语动词用一般过去时或 “should+动词原形”,且 should不能省略。 “It/This is the first/second...time+that从句”中,从句的谓语动词要用完成时态,当句型为 It is the first time that时,从句谓语动词用现在完成时,当句型为 It was the first time that 时,从句谓语动词用过去完成时态。

  [即境活用2]It is high time that we ______ action. Otherwise we ______ late. A.take; will be

  Btake; are C.took; will be

  Dtook; would be

  解析:本题考查虚拟语气。It is high time that... 结构中从句常用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用一般过去时或 “should+动词原形”。另外,otherwise 代替了 if虚拟条件句,根据句意,其后的句子应用表示与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。



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