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发布时间:2017-02-21  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  2.erupt vi.()爆发;突然发生→eruption n.火山爆发;(战争等)爆发 4.appoint vt.appointment n.约定;任命 5.evaluate vt.evaluation n.评估

  11.shoot vt.射中;射伤→shot n.射击;枪炮声 13.panic vi. & vt.惊慌 n.惊慌;恐慌→panicked(过去式/过去分词) 16.guarantee vt.保证;担保

  1.appoint vt.appointment n.任命;约会 appoint sb. to+职位 任命某人担任某职位 appoint sb. as...任命某人为…… appoint sb. to do sth.委派某人做某事 appoint a time/place for为……约定时间/地点 make an appointment约会;约定 keep/break an appointment守(失)约

  [即学即练1](1)The president __________ a new director. 总经理任命了一位新主任。(2)We __________ him (______/______ ______) chairman. 我们选他担任主席。(3)The teacher __________ me ______ ______ the roll. 老师指派我点名。


  (4)The time ___________ ______ the meeting was 10:30. 规定的开会时间是10点30分。(5)I’ve ______ ______ ________ ___________ ______ a client and may not come back for supper. 我和一个客户约了晚上见面,。


  5.guarantee vt. n. 保证;保证书 guarantee sb. against/from... 保证某人免受损害、guarantee to do sth. 保证去做某事 guarantee sth. to sb. 向某人担保/保证某事 be guaranteed to do sth. 必定做某事 give sb. a guarantee that... 向某人担保…… (be) under guarantee 在保修期内

  [即学即练5](1)We can‘t _________ the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天准时到达。(2)We _________ ______ ______ within a week. 我们保证一周内送到。(3)I _________ ______ I’ll pay off the debt. 我保证我会还清债务。


  (4)The watch comes ______ ______ ________ __________. 这表保修一年。(5)Wealth is ______ __________ ______ happiness. 财富并不是幸福的保证。


  6.burn...to the ground burn down 把……烧成平地,,burn up 烧起来,,burn off 烧掉某物 burn out 烧光,burn away 逐渐烧完;烧光,burn...to death 烧死

  [即学即练6](1)The house was ______ ______ ______ ______.那所房子被彻底焚毁了。(2)This exercise helps you to ______ ______ fat and tone muscles.这项锻炼有助于消耗脂肪,。(3)Half the candle had ______ ______. 那根蜡烛烧掉了一半。

  7.vary from...to... vary in 在某方面不同 vary from 不同于 vary with 随……变化 vary one‘s life 使生活丰富多彩 a variety of 不同种类的

  [即学即练7](1)People vary very much ______ their ideas.人们在观念方面大不相同。(2)They never vary ______ the law of nature. 他们从不违反自然规律。(3)The color of the leaves varies ______ weather. 叶子的颜色随着天气而变化。(4)These apples vary ______ size ______ small ______ medium.这些苹果由小到中等大小不等。


  8.make one‘s way feel one’s way 摸索着前行 fight/push one‘s way 推挤着前行 wind one’s way 蜿蜒向前 force one‘s way out 挤出去;冲出去 push one’s way in 挤进去 lose one‘s way 迷路 inch one’s way 缓慢前进 pick one‘s way 谨慎前进 find one’s way 找到出路 weave one‘s way 穿梭前进

  [即学即练8](1)We ______ ______ ______ down the hill towards the town.我们顺着山坡往下朝城里行进。(2)Gradually, Henderson began to ______ ______ ______ in politics.亨德森逐渐在政界有所建树。(3)We ______ ______ ______ in the forest. 我们在森林里迷了路。


  fit/suit/match (1)fit多指衣服等尺寸、大小合身,合适。(2)suit指衣服等颜色、、。、、、、、。(3)match意为“使相称,,,、、。

  [1] (1)Her clothes don’t ________ her age. 她的服装和年龄不相配。(2)The seven o’clock train will ______ us well. 七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适。(3)I tried the dress on but it didn’t ______. It was too small.我试穿了那件连衣裙,。。(4)Does this skirt ______ me? 这条裙子我穿着好看吗?



  6.adapt vt.adaptation n.适应;改编 8.annoy vt.annoyed adj.颇为生气的→annoyance n.烦恼 12.resign vi. & vt.(工作、) 13.congratulate vt.congratulation n.祝贺 1.adapt vt. adaptable adj. 适应性强的;可改编的 adaptation n. 适应;改编 adapt oneself to... 使自己适应于……(to为介词) adapt to...适应于…… adapt sth. for... 把某物改编为…… adapt sth. from... 根据……改编某物

  [即学即练1](1)This novel has been ______ ______ radio ______ the Russian original. 这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。(2)Our eyes slowly ______ ______ the dark. 我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗(的环境)。

  (3)She ______________ herself quickly ______ the new climate. 她很快适应了这种新的气候。


  辨析:adapt/adjust/fit/suit/match (1)adapt 指“经过修改或改变以后适应新的条件”。 (2)adjust 指“调整,调节,使之适应”。 (3)fit 指“大小合适”,引申为“吻合”。 (4)suit 指“合乎要求、口味、性格、情况”。 (5)match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”。

  2.annoy vt. annoyance n. 烦恼,烦恼的事物 annoyed adj. 颇为生气的,烦恼的 annoying adj. 使人颇为生气或烦恼的 annoy sb. with sth./by doing sth. 因(做)某事使某 人烦恼 be annoyed with sb. 对某人生气 for/at/about sth./sb. 因某事/某人而生气 that/to do sth. 做某事而生气

  [即学即练2](1)She ______ ___________ ______ your saying that.你说了那些话,。(2)She ______ never ______________ ______ me. 她从不跟我生气。


  (3)I hope you won‘t ______ ____________ ______ all my questions.我希望我所有的这些问题不会使你烦恼。(4)The mosquitoes _______________ me so much that I couldn’t sleep. 蚊子搅得我难以入睡。


  3. conduct v.引导;指挥;进行;传导 n.conduct sb. around (=show sb. around)带领某人参观 conduct sb. in/out/to the door 领某人进来/出来/到门口 conduct oneself (=behave oneself)表现;举止

  conduct state affairs 处理国事 conduct electricity 导电 conduct (= do/make/perform/carry out) an experiment 做实验 conduct a concert 指挥音乐会 a man of good conduct 品行端正的人 the rules of conduct 行为准则

  [即学即练3](1)A guide ___________ the visitors _________ the museum.导游带领游客参观博物馆。(2)Copper _____________ ______________ better than other materials do. 铜的导电性能比其他材料好。

  C(3)The concert on Wednesday evening will ______ ______ ______ a world-famous conductor. 星期三晚上的音乐会将由一位世界著名指挥家指挥。

  (4)I asked the attendant to __________ him ______ the door/conduct him out. 我让服务员领他到门口/领他出去。(5)How did the prisoner _____________ ____________? 那犯人表现如何?

  Conduct to//conduct himself

  4.resign v. (工作、职位等) resignation n. 放弃,辞职 resign from... 辞去……职务 resign oneself to... 使听从…… resign sb. to... 把某人交托给…… resign oneself to extinction 束手待毙

  [即学即练4](1)She _______________ the committee. 她辞去了委员会的职务。(2)He ____________________ because he had been offered a better job. 他辞职了,。(3)The team refused to ______ themselves ______ defeat. 该队不甘失败。

  5.congratulate vt. congratulation n. 祝贺,恭喜 congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事 congratulate oneself on sth. 感到自豪;暗自庆幸 congratulations to sb. on sth. 向某人祝贺某事 Congratulations! (口语)祝贺你! offer sb. congratulations on... 向某人祝贺某事

  [即学即练5](1)I want to _____________ you ______ all my heart ______ your passing the college entrance examination. 我衷心地祝贺你通过高考。(2)Well, ________________________ that you resisted the temptation. 嗨!庆幸你抵住了诱惑。


  (3)___________________ you ______ winning the prize! 祝贺你获奖!

  Congratulations to on

  9.make fun of have fun (doing sth.) (在做某事中)获得乐趣 get fun out of doing sth. 通过做某事获得乐趣 for/in fun 闹着玩;开玩笑 be full of fun 很顽皮;很爱开玩笑 It‘s fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣。There’s (no) fun in/doing sth. 做某事(没)有趣。

  [9](1)People __________________ her because she wears such a strange hat. 人们取笑她,。(2)It‘s wrong of the other children to __________________ you.其他孩子取笑你是错误的。(3)We _____________________________ at the party.我们在聚会中玩得很痛快。

  (4)Children ________________________ dressing in old people’s clothes. 孩子们穿着大人的衣服嬉闹,。(5)The little dog‘s _________________. 那只小狗很顽皮。

  1.annoy/bother/disturb/trouble (1)annoy强调因被迫忍受令人不快、讨厌的事而失去平静或耐心,多指一时的打扰或恼怒。 (2)bother指使人烦恼而引起的紧张不安或感到不耐烦。

  (3)disturb较正式用词,多用于被动语态。指扰乱,使人不能平静或妨碍别人工作、思维或正常秩序,是程度较深的烦恼。 (4)trouble指给人在行动上带来不便或在身心上造成痛苦。

  [应用1] (1)Pardon me for ____________ you with such a small matter. (2)It really ______________ me when people forgot to say thank you. (3)I am sorry to ____________ you, but can you tell me how to get to the station? (4)The accident ______________ all their plans.


  2. congratulate/celebrate 两者的中文意思很接近,但在英语中却有所不同。(1)congratulate意思是“祝贺、,,,on(upon)连接,congratulate sb. on(upon) sth.。(2)celebrate意思是举行仪式、,(节日、、)做宾语。celebrate sth.。

  [2] (1)We had a party to ______________ parents’ silver wedding.我们举行宴会庆祝父母的银婚纪念日。(2)We _______________ her on winning the contest. 我们祝贺她在比赛中获胜。(3)They will ___________ your birthday next week. 他们下周为你庆祝生日。



  3.alarm vt.n.警报;惊恐→alarmed adj.担心的;害怕的 9.accompany vt.11.declare vt.declaration n.宣言;公告;布告;告示 12.state vt.

  18.obey vt. & vi.

  1.desire v.

  n.欲望,希望,请求 desirable adj. 值得拥有的,可取的,有利的 have no desire for sth. 对……没有欲望 have a strong desire to do sth.迫切想做某事 do sth. at sb.’s desire应……的要求做某事

  satisfy one‘s desires 满足某人的欲望/愿望 desire for sth. 渴望得到…… desire to do/sb. to do sth. 迫切希望做/某人做某事 desire+that+主语+(should+)动词原形(虚拟语气) It is desirable that+主语+(should+)动词原形 ……是可取的。

  [1](1)They _________________ to learn a second language.他们不想学另一种语言。(2)I __________________ to a famous university. 我很想上一所名牌大学。

  (3)Most people ____________ a lot of knowledge. 大多数人渴求更多的知识。(4)The couple ____________ their son ____________ to a famous university.那对夫妻迫切地希望他们的儿子能上名牌大学。

  (5)The group leader desired that we ____________ it right away.那个组长迫切希望我们现在就开始做那件事。

  5.accompany vt. 陪伴;伴奏

  accompany sth. with/by sth. 与……同时存在或发生 accompany sb. at/on sth. 用……给某人伴奏 accompany sb. to do sth. 陪某人去做某事 accompany sb. to... 陪某人到…… be accompanied by...由……伴奏

  [即学即练5](1)Strong winds _____________________ heavy rain.狂风夹着暴雨。(2)Children under 14 must __________________ an adult.14岁以下的儿童必须有成人陪伴。 (3)I will _____________ Professor Li ___________ the station.。

  6.declare v. 表明;声明;宣布;宣告;宣称

  declare sth. 宣布某事 declare sb./sth. (to be)+adj. 宣布某人/某物…… declare off 取消(约定等) declare for/against sb./sth.表示赞成/不赞成某人/某事 declare oneself 表明态度;发表意见

  [即学即练6](1)I _________ this exhibition ______. 我宣布展览会开幕。(2)The doctor finally ____________ the man was dead. 医生最终宣布该男子死亡。(3)Police have now __________________ drug dealers in the area.警方已经对这个地区的毒贩宣战了。


  (4)Paredes decided to ____________ federation. 帕雷德斯决定声明支持联邦政府。

  7.test out试验;测试;检查

  turn out证明是;生产;出来 put out熄灭;出版 let out泄露;放出,set out着手,find out找出 try out试验 figure out合计,

  [即学即练7](1)They ____________ the new sports car. 他们测试了那部新跑车。(2)I’d better have my eyes _______________.我该去检查视力了。(3)Drugs should be ___________ animals. 药品应先在动物身上做试验。

  (4)Guess the meaning of the words in the two boxes, then ____________ a few more words that you can add to each box.猜两个方框中单词的意思,。(5)All this may ____________ to be impossible. 这一切也许会被证明是不可能的。

  (6)He ____________ a cry of surprise. 他惊讶地叫了一声。(7)They had ____________ the fire before we arrived there.我们到达之前,。

  8.turn around 转向;回转

  turn away 走开,turn down 拒绝,(提议、、) turn sb. in 把某人交给警察,turn sth. in 上缴,

  turn out 证明为;结果 turn into 使成为;使变成;翻译成 turn over 反复考虑,turn to 转向;求救于,turn up 找到,,

  [即学即练8] 用适当的介、(1)Turn _____________ and let me look at your back. (2)We were more than halfway up the mountain, so we didn't want to turn ___________. (3)Please turn the television __________ a bit as our baby is sleeping.

  around //around//down

  (4)Nobody can turn ______ the wheel of history. (5)The plan turned ______ to be a failure. (6)We often turn ______ this handbook for information on transistors. (7)Why did they suddenly turn you ______? (8)As he had broken the rule of the factory, he was turned ______.


  (9)He promised to come, but hasn't turned ______.


  9.leave...alone 不管;不要打扰;让……一个人单独待着

  leave behind 留下;不带走;忘了带 leave for 动身去…… leave off 停止;结束 leave out 省略;忘掉;漏掉 leave...aside 搁置一边;不予考虑 leave it with me 把这事留给我吧 leave sth. for sb. 把某物递交给某人

  [即学即练9](1)①Go away and __________________! 走开,别打扰我! I‘ve told you before—_______________________! 我告诉过你——别碰我的东西!

  提示:(1)leave/let sb./sth. alone=let sb./sth. be 别管;不打扰;不碰;顺其自然。 (2)let alone 更不用说。如: There isn‘t enough room for us, let alone any guests. 连我们都没有足够的空间,更不用说客人们了。

  (2)用适当的介、I think we should leave ______ now and have a cup of tea. ②Can you tell me the time? I've left my watch ______. ③She left ______ an important detail in her account. ④Don't you think we'd leave ______ the concert now? ⑤A railway station is no place for a child to be left ______ at night.


  10.set aside 留出,拨出,把……置于一旁

  lay aside 放在一边,put aside 积蓄,set off 出发,,set about 着手/开始做……(后接名词、) set out 出发,(后接不定式) set down 放下,set up 建立,,set...back 使推迟,set forth 出发,,,,

  [即学即练10](1)①I‘ve ____________ some money for the journey.我为那趟旅行存了一些钱。He ______ all offers ______. 所有的提议他都置之不理。

  (2)用适当的介、Why don't you set your ideas ________ on paper? ②They have set ___________ on a journey around the world. ③I set _______ to knit a sweater but in the end it became a vest. ④A new government was set _________ after the civil war. ⑤Do you know how to set _______ going on this work?

  Down//off/out//out//up //about

  2. declare/announce (1)declare 指正式和明确地向公众“宣布”“宣告”“声明”,,、、、,declare 。(2)announce 指含有预告意味的“宣布”“宣告”或“发表”,,,,, to。

  [2] (1)It was ______________ that there would be a celebration on Sunday. 据宣布,(活动)。(2)This powerful country ______________ war on that small country. 这个大国向那个小国宣战。(3)The court _____________ the young man guilty. 法庭宣布这位年轻人有罪。

  (4)The little girl ____________ that she would do an experiment on Friday. 这个小女孩向大家宣布她要在星期五做个实验。

  3. have sb./sth. do/doing/done/to do/to be done的用法

  [应用3] (1)You’d better have your car ____________ slowly. 你最好把车子开慢点。(2)I won’t have you _____________ to your mother like that. 我不允许你这样与你妈妈说话。

  (3)I have had Tom _____________ the housework again. 我已让汤姆重新做了一遍家务。(4)He had his wallet ____________ the station. 在车站他让人掏了钱包。(5)I’m sorry I can’t go to the movie with you. I have lots of letters ____________.(回信是主语的动作) 对不起我不能与你一起看电影了,。


  (6)Dolla, you can’t leave the office now. I have some letters __________________. 多拉,,。(,)

  to be typed


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