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2017届高考英语一轮复习课时作业22:Unit 3《The world online》(牛津译林版选修7通用)

发布时间:2017-02-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(二十二) [选修模块7 Unit 3 The world online]



  1.________ for the doctor’s careful treatment,he ________ till last year.

  A.If it is not;can’t live

  B.Were it not;couldn’t live

  C.Had it not been;couldn’t have lived

  D.if they were not;couldn’t live

  2.Everything ________ into consideration,the party was a great success.

  A.was taken


  C.be taken

  D.having taken

  3.All people,________ they are old or young,rich or poor,have been trying their best to help those in need since the disaster.

  A.even if


  C.no matter


  4.How much ________ she looked without her glasses!





  5.This requires you to be patient as you have to read the information to decide whether it is ________ to what you are researching.





  6.The Internet is the fastest ________ of information in the world today.However,you need to keep something in ________ when you use it to do ________.





  7.Now we use computer instead of information cards to ________ information into the correct order.





  8.A good ad often uses words ________ people attach positive meanings.

  A.in which

  B.to which



  9.They were also quite explicit about how ________ Internet users become accustomed to ________ more time with their online friends than with their real friends from school and work.





  10.________ ,I believe,and you will find Tom is very outgoing.

  A.Having a talk with the student

  B.One talk with the student

  C.Given a talk with the student

  D.If you have a talk with the student

  11.—How often do you ________ the dictionary when you are doing reading?

  —Not very often.Only when I find it is necessary.

  A.relate to

  B.consult to

  C.refer to

  D.look to

  12.I have been ________with a schoolboy overseas and received some pictures he sent me.





  13.When I was twenty,I had to ________ before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help support my family.

  A.come out

  B.stay out

  C.leave out

  D.drop out

  14.The plan was ________ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost.





  15.Graduates with ________ good command of English and computer skills tend to be at ________ advantage when applying for jobs.






  As China develops,the Internet's presence is inescapable.But some get addicted to the Internet.13­year­old Xiao Yi paid a high price for it.He rode an elevator to the top of a 24­storey building and then jumped to his death.His suicide note explained he wanted to enter another life to meet the characters from the online games he played constantly,sometimes days in a row.“He had a kind of fixation.”Xiao Yi's father says,“He threw himself into an imaginary world.”

  Internet addiction got attention in China when stories such as Xiao Yi's popped up in China state­run press.Internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online or murdered others in search of virtual(虚幻的)possessions.Public anger over these incidents spurred the opening of China's first Internet addiction treatment center.

  The clinic's treatment might seem cruel.But it's a popular choice for worried parents.

  “Ever since our door was opened,every bed has been full.” says the center's director.20 at a time come for medical treatment and counseling.They are also kept busy with activities,designed to take their attention away from the attraction of computers.

  “I'm confident this will work or I wouldn't have come here,” explains this college student.Critics aren't so sure.Some argue the government is exaggerating(夸大的)concerns about Internet addiction as an excuse to ban Internet cafes and game sites.But for China's estimated 2 million Internet addicts,the temptation of the wired world is a real problem.

  16.The best title of the passage may be ________.

  A.China opens Internet addiction treatment centers

  B.China battles web addiction

  C.China bans Internet cafes and game sites

  D. China designs to take teenagers away from the temptation of computers

  17.According to the first paragraph,Xiao Yi killed himself because ________.

  A.he was unable to continue with his studies

  B.he thought he could play computer games in another world

  C.he thought he could meet the persons in another world

  D. he was in a puzzle about his homework

  18.The underlined word “spurred” in the second paragraph means ________.





  D. inspired

  19.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  A.All the people agree that the treatment center should be built.

  B.It is estimated that there are two million Internet addicts in China.

  C.Many worried parents chose to send their children to Internet addiction treatment center.

  D. Some Internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online.

  20.We can infer from the passage that ________.

  A.China has settled the problem of Internet addiction

  B.only juniors get addicted to the Internet

  C.only parents are worried about the problem mostly

  D. no practical methods have been found to completely solve the Internet addiction




  When you do business online,remember one of the most important factors in online success is list building.No matter what goals you're seeking with your online activities,building a good contact list is vital for a successful outcome.List building plays a major role in developing good relationships with your site's customers,and visitors.It can be used to get more sales for your site or business.For these reasons contact building should be high on your list when you're marketing or promoting on the web.Fortunately,list building is an easy process that any site or webmaster can quickly set up as long as you understand two simple elements.To be really successful,your list building must combine these two key elements.Without these you will probably find building your contact list difficult and slow going.So it is worth your while to fully understand these two factors in your list building.

  Value-It should offer important information,quality content,special deals/discounts,and more importantly,it should offer a valuable relationship or connection to an expert in the subject area of the list.

  Subscribers (订户) must benefit from joining your list.If you're building a list,just write down all the benefits someone would receive from joining your site or list,including receiving important information,getting special valuable content,receiving special deals/discounts,getting training videos and getting timely announcements or news.Don't forget there may also be a psychological reason for joining your list-many people like being part of a group or membership site.It's human nature.Everybody likes to feel included.

  Free whatever you offer-make sure it is free.The quickest way to build any list is to give away free valuable content,information,videos,reports,e­books,discounts,prizes… everybody loves a free gift.Just make them an offer they can't refuse.This has more to do with the nature of your gift and the kind of contacts you're building-giving away free buying guides on how to purchase real estate,fast cars,LCD TVs,laptops…will definitely attract the right “buying customer”.If you're into selling,you just have to adjust your marketing to combine the free element correctly.In addition,giving away something free is the first step in starting an ongoing relationship with your subscribers.It gets the ball rolling.List building is a very important 21.________.22.________

  1.A good contact list is vital for a successful outcome.

  2.It will have a great

  23.________ on developing good relationships with your customers.

  3.It's more convenient and faster going for you to do 24.________ online.Tips

  1.Build a contact list on the top of your web.

  2.Understand two simple elements,so that you can set up your list 25.________.

  3.Focus on the two elements,or your list will be difficult and slow to 26.________.Two Elements

  1.Value—It's 27.________ to offer important and valuable information about your product on your list,and what's more,write down all the benefits for subscribers.Do 28.________

  it's human nature that everybody likes being part of a group or membership site.

  2.Free—make sure to 29.________ your customers a free valuable gift as everybody loves it as giving away free gifts will attract the right “buying customers”.30.________,it's the first step in starting your online contact with your subscribers.


  Ⅰ.1.C 句意为:要不是这位医生的精心治疗,他不可能活到去年。由句意可知此处表示与过去事实相反的虚拟,故选C。其中第一空相当于If it had not been for…

  2.B 由句中的逗号可判断此处为独立主格结构,everything与take是被动关系,故选B。

  3.B whether…or…意为“无论……还是……”,引导让步状语从句。

  4.D 考查系动词后跟形容词作表语的用法。句意为:不戴眼镜她看起来更好!与戴眼镜形成比较,所以应用比较级,故选D。

  5.A be related to=be linked to=be associated with=have something to do with与……有关系。

  6.C source of information 信息来源;keep sth. in mind 记住;do research 做研究。

  7.A classify 分类,归类。

  8.B attach是不及物动词,接宾语时应加介词to。句意为:好的广告常用一些有积极意义的词。

  9.A heavy Internet users 过度使用网络者;become accustomed to doing sth 习惯做某事。

  10.B 根据句中的and可判断前后均为句子,由此判断排除A、C、D。B为省略形式,其完整形式是:Have one talk with the student.

  11.C 考查动词短语辨析。refer to the dictionary查阅字典。

  12.C 考查动词辨析。correspond with sb.与某人通信。

  13.D 考查动词短语。句意为:因为要挣钱养活一家人,20岁时,“我”不得不辍学。drop out“辍学,中途退学”;come out“出来,出现”;stay out“不在家中,避开”;leave out“未顾及,遗漏”。D项符合句意。

  14.D 考查动词的词义。句意为:当发现这个方案将要花费很多资金的时候,这个计划就被放弃了。根据句意,应选D。

  15.A 考查冠词。at an advantage 处于有利地位。句意为:精通电脑和英语的大学毕业生在求职时往往有优势。


  16.B 综观全文可以看出,文章介绍了青少年的网瘾问题,以及目前对网瘾的解决措施。故B项“中国与网瘾作斗争”符合题意。

  17.C 文章第一段中,他的遗书解释了他想进入到另外一个世界去见网络游戏中的人,故C项符合题意。

  18.D 根据该词所在句子“Public anger over these incidents spurred the opening of China's first Internet addiction treatment center”以及下一段“But it's a popular choice for worried parents”可知,公众对于网瘾的愤怒鼓励了网瘾戒除中心的成立。故D项符合题意。

  19.A 通过文章第四段介绍网瘾戒除中心的火爆,以及第五段中有些人争论说政府夸大网瘾问题等等可知并非所有人都同意成立网瘾戒除中心,故A项的陈述是错误的,符合题目要求。根据文章最后一句可知有两百万网瘾者,故B项正确;文章第三段“But it's a popular choice for worried parents”可知C项正确;文章第二段“Internet addicts died from exhaustion after spending days online”,可知D项正确。

  20.D 根据文章内容,A、B、C项中的陈述都是错误的,只有D项“还没有找到切实可行的办法来彻底解决网瘾问题”符合题意,故选D。

  Ⅲ.21.factor/aspect 22.Reasons 23.influence/effect/impact

  24.business 25.easily/quickly 26.build 27.necessary/vital/important 28.remember 29.offer/give/send



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