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发布时间:2017-02-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


  A.research B.newspaper























  第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

  —Mary,do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy?


  —Ah,it was great.The food was great.The wine was great! But the traffic was terrible!


  —Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don’t want to think about it!


  —Yes,so here’s a picture of the Tower of Pisa.

  —How nice!

  —It was raining that day,but it was still wonderful.We climbed to the top!


  —That’s a photo of the Amo River.That’s the “Ponte Vecchio”,the old bridge.


  —It was very interesting.There were beautiful old buildings in the city,and lots of wonderful museums.

  —That’s nice.

  A.And what’s this?

  B.Why was it so bad?

  C.Yes,it was wonderful.

  D.What was Florence like?

  E.Let’s return to the good parts.

  F.Sure,what was your holiday like?

  G.Well,did you like your hotel there?

  第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

  11.—Shall I keep an eye on your house when you are on holiday?


  A.It’s up to you B.Of course,you should

  C.If you like

  D.I would appreciate that

  12.—Oh!What a pretty toy car!Dad,would you be kind enough to get________for me?

  —What?Didn’t I buy________for you as a birthday present?

  A.this;that B.that;it C.one;this D.it;one

  13.—You are always full of________.Can you tell me the secret?

  —Taking plenty of exercise every day.





  14.The campers began to make________fire from the dry branches to cook their lunch,which made their tent catch________fire.





  15.In my opinion,it doesn’t make any________to buy vegetables from 100 miles away when you can buy the same seasonal produce grown right here.





  16.“Neal,listen,”she said,looking straight at him.“I ask you not to get________in this kind of matter.It’s none of your business.”





  17.It had never________him that he might get a job offer from such a big international company.





  18.—Let’s go and have a good drink tonight.

  —________Have you got the first prize in the competition?

  A.What for?

  B.Thanks a lot.

  C.Yes,I’d like to.

  D.Why not?

  19.I didn’t realize my mistake________my teacher had a face-to-face talk with me.





  20.________in the fields on a March afternoon,I could feel the warmth of spring,feeling good.

  A.To walk



  D.Having walked

  21.This is the very diamond ring________I have been looking for in the past months.




  D.in which

  22.—No one was prepared for the teacher’s questions.

  —We________read the lesson yesterday evening.

  A.must have

  B.could have

  C.should have

  D.might have

  23.If you feel tired out and unable to think clearly,that is________you have to get a rest.





  24.We couldn’t catch up with the others because they________too long before us.


  B.were starting

  C.have started

  D.had started

  25.With the fresh water________short,we human beings are facing the danger of dying from thirst at any time.

  A.to run

  B.to be run



  第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

  If you have ever been discouraged because of failure,please read on.For often,achieving what you__26__to do is not the important thing.Let me explain.

  Two brothers decided to dig a__27__hole behind their house.As they were working,a couple of older boys stopped by to__28__.

  “What are you doing?”asked one of the visitors.

  “We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers__29__excitedly.

  The older boys began to laugh,__30__the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was__31__.After a long__32__,one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders,worms and a wide variety of insects.He__33__the lid and showed the wonderful contents to the scoffing (嘲笑)__34__.

  Then he said quietly and__35__,“Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth,look what we have found along the way!”

  Their__36__was far too ambitious,but it did__37__them to dig.And that is what a goal is for—to cause us to move in the__38__we have chosen;__39__to set us to digging!

  But not every goal will be fully__40__.Not every job will end successfully.Not every relationship will endure.Not every hope will come to pass.Not every love will last.Not every endeavor will be completed.Not every dream will be__41__.

  But when you__42__your aim,perhaps you can say,“Yes,__43__look at what I found along the way!Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!”

  It is in the__44__that life is lived.And I believe it is joy in the journey,in the end,that truly__45__.

  26.A.look forward

  B.set out C.set about

  D.give in

















































  39.A.as a result

  B.in other words

  C.now and then

  D.all the way









  42.A.correspond to

  B.head for C.live up to

  D.fall short of
















  Much as Robby tried,he lacked the sense of tone and basic rhythm (节奏).But he dutifully reviewed his lessons.Over the months he tried and tried,and often repeated to me “My mom’s going to hear me play some day.”

  But he seemed hopeless,with no born ability.A real bad advertisement for my teaching!I was so happy when one day he stopped coming.

  Several weeks later my students were to have a recital (演奏会).To my surprise,Robby came,asking to play in the recital.

  “But,it is for current pupils,you dropped.”

  “My mom was sick.But I have been practicing.I’ve just got to play!”

  I didn’t know what led me to agree,maybe...

  The recital came.I_put_Robby_up_last_to_play_before_my_“curtain_closer”,by which,I could save the recital if...

  The recital went off well.Robby came up on stage,clothes wrinkled and his hair looked like he’d run an egg-beater through it.“How could his mom...?”

  Robby pulled out the piano bench and began.It was Mozart’s work!I was not prepared for what I heard next.Like in a dream,I was then woken up by the wild applause—everybody was on their feet!

  “I’ve never heard you play like that,Robby!How’d you do it?”

  Through the microphone Robby explained:“Well,Miss Hondorf,remember I told you my mom was sick?Actually she had cancer and died this morning.She was born deaf,and tonight was the first time she ever heard me play.I wanted to make it special.”

  My eyes were wet.He was not a student of mine,but a teacher!

  46.We can infer from the underlined sentence that the writer________

  A.was fully confident that Robby would perform well at the recital

  B.thought that Robby would make the recital special

  C.thought that Robby wouldn’t play at the recital

  D.had no confidence in Robby at all for the recital

  47.What made the boy succeed in the recital?

  A.Love for his mother.

  B.Musical talent.

  C.The writer’s help.

  D.Regular practice.

  48.What made the writer think that Robby was her teacher,not student?

  A.That he played better than her in the recital.

  B.That he loved his mother more than she did.

  C.That he never gave up.

  D.That,the audience gave him more applause than her.

  49.What is the highlight of the recital?

  A.The writer’s performance.

  B.Robby’s performance.

  C.Robby and his mom’s story.

  D.The audience’s applause.


  When many of us take a vacation,relaxing is what we want.But we usually return home

  tired and weak.It doesn’t have to be this way.

  Come home refreshed after an active trip! Don’t be too tired!

  Active vacations are often the most relaxing of all.It’s all in defining (定义) what an active

  vacation is.We don’t expect you to run slowly,or go backpacking.Well,we ask the vacationers who are not active not to sit too long but to spend two to four hours a day doing things,such as walking the city streets,exploring a nature protect,going to a zoo or biking along the ocean.

  These kinds of activities aren’t just good for your physical health.They improve your mental health,even your spiritual health.And they make vacations memorable and worthwhile.And after all,isn’t that what you want from your vacation?Here are some fresh ideas to make your vacations as pleasurable as they are active and healthy.

  A walk at dawn or dusk is necessary.Try to make this a daily routine of life away from home,and you will ensure yourself both physical and spiritual adding.

  Don’t allow yourself to spend your entire time sitting in front of the water.Whether it is the ocean,a swimming pool,or a tree-lined lake,make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking.Heck,merely standing in waist-high water is a good exercise,thanks to the action of the water.And you will feel so much more alive!

  Many of us spend a large piece of our vacations on the road,either getting to and from our destinations,or using the car for sightseeing.But no matter how beautiful the scenery is,great,memorable vacations don’t happen in a car seat.Don’t wait for tiredness or nature’s call to get you to pull over.Frequently get out and stretch,walk,picnic,shop,visit,and have fun.It’s important for your health and energy,and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.

  50.The writer writes the text mainly to________.

  A.introduce the relationship between vacations and health

  B.tell us how to make our vacations relaxing

  C.show us where we should go for our vacations

  D.explain to us why we feel tired when traveling

  51.What does the underlined word “refreshed” mean?

  A.Full and excited.

  B.Pleasant but fired.

  C.Feeling less tired.

  D.Feeling regretted.

  52.What advantage can “the activities” in Paragraph 5 bring?

  A.They can improve our health as well as making us feel easy.

  B.They just can keep us feel excited and confident.

  C.They can bring us more chances to get out.

  D.They can save us much time and make the trip meaningful.

  53.In the last paragraph,the writer seems to advise us to________.

  A.go on vacation by car

  B.not to spend too much time on the road

  C.make a trip on foot

  D.get out of the car for sightseeing


  Autumn means different things to different people.It all depends on your personality,said British naturalist Richard Mabey.“Personality shapes your view of the season,” he said.“You may see it as a fading away,a packing up (结束),or as a time of packing in another sense—the excited gathering of resources before a long journey.”

  If this is true,perhaps it tells us a little about,for instance,Thomas Hood,the 19th century English poet.About November,he wrote:

  No warmth,no cheerfulness,no healthful ease

  No shade,no shine,no butterflies,no bees


  On the other hand,another English poet John Keats,already sensing he was seriously ill,was inspired by a late September day to pen one of the most famous poems in the English language,To Autumn.He wrote to a friend afterwards that there was something comforting and healing about it.

  According to Richard Mabey,Keats has the biological evidence on his side.Autumn is not a time of slowing down,but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures.For example,just at the moment that Keats’s “gathering swallows” (in To Autumn) are departing for Africa,millions of creatures are fleeing from the frozen north like Iceland,Greenland and Russia to winter along the east and south coasts of Britain.According to scientists,before falling,the leaves transfer their chlorophyll (叶绿素) and carbohydrates into the woody parts of the tree for safe-keeping over winter.What remains are the natural antioxidants (防老剂) in the leaves:the yellow and orange carotenoids (类胡萝卜素),and another protective chemical specially produced for autumn,the bright-red anthocyanin (花青素).High color is not a signal of deterioration (退化) and decline,but of detox (排毒的) ability and good health.

  A century after Keats,the American poet Loren Eiseley wrote in his journal:“Suppose we saw ourselves burning like maples in a golden autumn,and that we could disintegrate (分解) like autumn leaves...dropping their substance like chlorophyll.Would_not_our attitude_towards death_be_different?”

  54.From Thomas Hood’s poem,we may infer that________.

  A.he suffered a lot from cold November

  B.he missed the shining summer days very much

  C.he had a negative attitude towards autumnD.he enjoyed butterflies and bees very much

  55.Which word can best describe John Keats’s attitude towards autumn?





  56.In autumn,leaves turn yellow before falling because________.

  A.they can’t bear the freezing

  B.they can’t get enough water from the woody part

  C.chlorophyll and carbohydrates have been lost through leaves

  D.chlorophyll and carbohydrates have come back to the woody part

  57.What does the underlined sentence mean?

  A.Man can never live long,just as leaves must leave the tree annually.

  B.Man is different from autumn leaves,which will come again the next spring.

  C.Man should treat death calmly,just like autumn leaves fall to the ground.

  D.Man should have a positive attitude towards death,quite different from autumn leaves.


  Back in the 1970s,the robots were coming for our boring manufacturing (生产) jobs.Now,they’re coming for our boring table service jobs.Korean company ITM Technology has developed the restaurant concept around a little robot that fulfills the role of a waiter.Robo Café avoids ordering errors,reduces staffing costs greatly for restaurant owners,and even brings the boss all the tips.

  Japan is preparing for some very tough times ahead.When its aging population become too old to work,labor is going to be in severe shortage.So inventive technology departments are exploding with really fascinating ideas to take the pressure off when it hits.

  To small café and restaurant owners,the solution might well look something like Robo Café,a restaurant designed to operate as efficiently as possible with the absolute minimum human workforce possible.The building needs to be designed with small horizontal (水平的) pathways leading from the kitchen to all the tables.A small team of waiter robots can then get around to every table in the house when they’re asked to come.Customers can either order orally,or touch a screen on the robot’s belly.When the kitchen has finished preparing the food,the robot brings it out to customers.

  Dan Carlin talks about the “kitchen of the future ”,where everything is automated and the labor is free because you own it.Really,the_kitchen_of_the_future_is_actually the_kitchen of_the_past,when you consider that throughout human history,there have been many examples of slaves working for no pay.

  As Carlin points out,today’s concept of slavery is mostly restricted to non-humans.And the ownership of robot labor in a Robo Café-type situation will almost certainly prove itself far more economical and dependable than a human workforce once the technology itself becomes mature.Of course,slaves have a worrying habit of rising up against their owners.

  58.According to the passage,the robots that were invented in the last century could________.

  A.do some work that people dare not do

  B.bring lots of fun and profits to their owners

  C.do some housework such as table service work

  D.save people from having to do some boring manufacturing work

  59.According to the passage,what will a Robo Café-type restaurant be like?

  A.Most of the work will be done by robots.

  B.Owners needn’t pay for the labour of their employees.

  C.Robot waiters are designed to serve customers voluntarily.

  D.The building will be designed for the convenience of customers.

  60.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

  A.Employees depend on owners of restaurants as before.

  B.Technology won’t change the core of the kitchen.

  C.Labor free of charge can be used in the kitchen again.

  D.Labor free of charge is no longer limited to humans.

  第二节(共5 小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  May 19,1991 was a red letter day for the people of Nanxi Town,Jinzhai County,in the Dabie Mountain area of Anhui Province.On that day the town people cut the ribbon at the inauguration (落成典礼) of a primary school,the first in China set up with money raised in a national campaign for educational development.They were happy to see their children,who had been deprived (剥夺) of an education because of poverty,entering school.


  The Dabie Mountain range lies at the juncture of Hubei,Henan and Anhui provinces.Jinzhai County,located in the highest section of the mountain range,has within its boundaries more than 100 peaks each exceeding 1,000 meters in height.Due to the unfavorable natural conditions,some people in the county are unable to feed and clothe themselves adequately no matter how hard they work throughout the year.About 1,500 children have dropped out of school because their parents are unable to pay the fees for them.


  Huangpin,a poverty-stricken village situated in the a cold area 750 metres above sea level,is typical of the county.Among the villages are 224 children between the ages of 7 and 15.There are 80 children who are unable to go to school because of economic problems.Some pupils have to cut firewood after school to support themselves.Some leave school to look after cattle and pigs because they cannot afford the 20 yuan necessary for buying books.


  The county’s leaders have long realized that it is very difficult for county in which 36% of the people are illiterate (文盲) to free itself of poverty.In order to change this situation,they have spent 1/3 of the county’s tax income on education for several years’ running.In order to enroll (招收) more children,teachers from some schools have climbed hills to encourage people to send their children to school.Some teachers have even paid their students’ fees from their own pockets,although their salaries are very low.


  According to statistics (统计数据) in China,more than one million school-age children are unable to go to school because of economic problems.In October 1989,the China Foundation for the Development of Children and Youth appealed to the country and

  the world to raise money for the education of children in poverty-stricken areas.Since children are the future of the country,this project is called “The Hope Project”.


  第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  66.He made great________(贡献) to China’s science and technology.

  67.The farmer has a strange way of keeping fruits________(新鲜).

  68.In the future,your parents will be________(自豪) of you.

  69.The news________(传开) through the school quickly.

  70.The band played many songs,________(包括) some of my favourites.

  71.Smoking does great harm to people’s________(健康).

  72.I have a number of________(不满) about the hotel room you’ve given me.

  73.Beijing has a lot more inhabitants than Sydney and is much more________(拥挤的).

  74.They were having an________(争论) with each other about their children.

  75.To be________(诚实的),I don’t like him very much.

  第二节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  In my village a lot of children were leaving school for various reason.Some families are too poor to send their children to school,and they have to earn money to support their families.Many parents do not think it useless to send their children to school.They would rather let their children to stay at home.I feel worried this.I think every child should have a chance to go to school.We should pay many attention to the education of children,for we will play an important part in our socialist construction in the future.Ways must be found prevent children from leave off their studies.

  第三节 书面表达(满分30分)


  姓名 年龄 城市 想对父母说……

  胡慕清 16 沈阳 我需要放松,希望有时能看看电视,上上网

  刘怡婷 16 汕头 我需要朋友,希望能和朋友们一起说笑、玩闹

  沈颖 17 成都 我希望得到父母信任,希望他们能像朋友一样对待我



  1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.F 7.B 8.E

  9.A 10.D

  11.D 考查交际用语。句意为:你度假的时候要不要我帮你看房子?回答的人应表示感谢,故D项符合题意。

  12.D 考查代词。第一空用it确切指代上文提到的那辆漂亮的玩具车;第二空用one表示同类不同物,在句中表示“像上面提到的那样的一辆玩具车”,所以选D项。

  13.D 考查名词词义辨析。power权力,势力;strength力气,优势;force力,武力;energy精力;be full of energy指“精力旺盛”,符合题意。

  14.D 句意为:露营者开始用干树枝生火做午饭,结果帐篷着火了。make a fire生火;catch fire着火,失火。

  15.B 考查名词辨析。make sense有意义,讲得通,符合题意。make an impression on...给……留下印象;make progress进步;make an effert努力,均不符合题意。

  16.B 句意为:“尼尔,听着,”她直盯着他说,“我要求你不要卷入这件事,跟你没关系。”sb.get involved in sth.某人卷入某事;get caught in被卡住,被钩住;撞上某人正在做;be attached to sth.喜欢,依恋某物;be connected with与……有关系。C、D两项不与in搭配,故根据句意应该选B。

  17.C 句意为:他从未想到他会在这么大的国际公司得到一个职位。It strikes/occurs to sb.that...某人突然想到……。

  18.A 考查交际用语。根据答语可知答话人对对方的邀请感到疑惑,故A项What for表示“为什么”符合语意。

  19.A 考查连词。从语意知,该句用的是not...until...结构,表示“直到……才……”,故答案选A项。

  20.B 考查非谓语动词。句意为:三月的一个下午,我走在田间,能感受到春天的温暖,感觉很好。逻辑主语I和walk是主谓关系,所以用动词的现在分词形式作状语,故答案选B项。

  21.C 考查定语从句。先行词有the very修饰,且关系词在从句中作look for的宾语,故用关系代词that,选C项。

  22.C 考查情态动词。根据语意可知此处表示“我们本应该昨天晚上看课文的”,表示“本该做而实际没有做”用should have done,故选C项。

  23.B 考查名词性从句。when是引导词,在从句中作时间状语。句意为:假如你觉得疲倦而不能清楚地思考,那就表示你该休息了。

  24.D 考查动词的时态语态。start动作发生在couldn’t catch up with动作之前,即发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时,答案选D项。

  25.C 考查“with+宾语+宾补”复合结构。因宾语the fresh water与作宾补的动词run存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故排除B、D两项,而A表示将来,不符合语意,故选C项,意为“淡水越来越少”。

  【语篇解读】 人一生中会碰到很多挫折和失败,是放弃,亦或是继续前行?文章告诉我们:人生是一段旅程,重要的并不是最终的目的地,而是沿途迷人的风景。

  26.B 此处set out to do sth.是固定词组,表示“打算去做某事”,从语境知,作者认为“实现你原本计划要做的事情并不是那么重要”。set about doing sth.动手做某事。

  27.B 从下文through the earth可知,两兄弟要挖一个很深的洞,所以用a deep hole,选B项。

  28.A 从下文可知,当这对兄弟正在工作时,两个年长的男孩路过此地并停下来观看。watch观看,观察,符合语境。

  29.D 问他们在干什么,兄弟俩其中一个非常兴奋,主动地说他们要挖一个贯穿地球的深洞。volunteer主动告诉,符合语境。whisper轻轻说,comment评论;lecture发表演说,都与语境不符。

  30.C 从上下文可知,那两个年长的男孩大笑起来,告诉(telling)他们要挖一个贯穿地球的洞是不可能的(impossible)。express表达;explain解释;argue争辩,都与语境不符。

  31.B unnecessary没必要的;unbelievable难以置信的;incorrect不正确的,都与语境不符。

  32.A 尽管遭到嘲笑,但那对年轻的兄弟并没有理会,继续挖他们的洞,最后挖到了一罐虫子。after a long silence表示“经过很长时间的沉默”,符合语境。

  33.C 从下文可知,他把盖子拿开(remove),显示给那两个嘲笑他们的旁观者 (visitors)看。fold折叠,cover覆盖;delete删除,据此选C项。

  34.D 第三段也有答案提示。

  35.A 兄弟俩中较小的那个平静但很自信地(confidently)说“即使我们没有挖通地球,但我们还是有所收获的”,curiously好奇地;immediately立刻,马上;strictly严格地,都不符合语境,所以选A项。

  36.C 从下一句可知,此处表示他们的目标(goal)虽然过高,但还是促使(cause)他们去付诸实践,去挖地洞。

  37.C 下文cause us to move也是答案提示。

  38.D 从上下文可知,目标可以让我们朝我们选定的方向(direction)前行。decision决定,feeling感觉;chance机会,都不符合语境。

  39.B 这里是对前一句的进一步解释,故用in other words换句话说。as a result结果;now and then不时地;all the way一直,一路上,都不符合语境。

  40.A 第一段中有“achieving what you...”提示,此处语意为“并不是所有的目标都能完全实现(achieve)”。

  41.C 根据语境此处表示“实现梦想”,用固定词组realize the dream,所以选C项。

  42.D 但是当你的目标达不到(fall short of)时,你可以说“是的,虽然没有达到目标,但(but)看看我在此过程中找到的东西吧!”这里的fall short of是固定词组,表示“缺乏,达不到”。correspond to回应;head for朝……方向去;live up to达到,符合,都不符合语境。


  44.B 此处是引申义,表示“生命在不停的探索之中才有生存的意义”,用digging来表示“人生的探索”,据此选B项。

  45.D 文章最后点出主题:人生旅途中的快乐才是重要的。matter在此处作动词,表示“要紧,有重大影响”。


  【语篇解读】 一名没有任何音乐天赋的学生,凭着对身患癌症的妈妈的爱,坚持不懈地练习演奏,终于在演奏会上取得了成功。

  46.D 推理判断题。根据画线句子的下一句“by which,I could save the recital if...”可知作者对Robby没有信心。

  47.A 根据文章的第一段“often repeating to me‘My mom’s going to hear me play some day’”和倒数第二段的内容可知答案应选A。

  48.C 推断理解题。Robby尽管没有音乐天赋,但是为了让他的妈妈看到他精彩的表演,而努力练习演奏。

  49.C 文章的最后几段写了Robby在独奏会上的精彩弹奏和他不放弃的原因,故演奏会上的高潮部分应是Robby和他妈妈之间的故事。

  【语篇解读】 文章开篇告诉我们旅游的目的是放松,然而实际上旅游归来却是筋疲力尽,作者向我们介绍了如何避免这一现象,以及在假期旅游中真正使身心放松的一些建议。

  50.B 主旨大意题。作者向我们介绍了一些如何在我们的旅游中真正锻炼身体、放松身心的方法。

  51.C 词义猜测题。由下一句的Don’t be too tired!可以看出,该词的意思应该和tired相反。由此可知答案。也可以根据构词法猜测词义。

  52.A 细节理解题。第五段的最后一句可以看出,这些活动可以使我们的身心健康。

  53.D 细节理解题。文章最后一段叙述了总是坐在车里的坏处,以及走出汽车进行一些活动的好处:It’s important for your health and energy,and it makes travelling a lot more active and interesting.由此可以看出,作者在这里是建议我们走出汽车旅游。

  【语篇解读】 秋风起,白露至。对于秋天,不同的人有不同的人生感悟,有的诗人悲叹“秋天是夏花的结束”,而有的诗人则赞叹“秋叶之静美”。

  54.C 逻辑推理题。从Thomas Hood的诗歌中,我们发现他着重谈到了秋天带来的悲伤和无助,由此可以推断他对秋天的态度是消极的、悲观的,所以答案选C项。

  55.A 逻辑推理题。从第三段和第四段中的“but a time of new beginnings and great movements of creatures”推断可知,John Keats认为秋天是另一个新的开始,据此可知,他对秋天充满着希望,持乐观的态度,故选A项。

  56.D 事实细节题。从第四段中的“before falling,the leaves transfer their chlorophyll (叶绿素) and carbohydrates into the woody parts of the tree...”可知,在秋天到来之前,叶子中的叶绿素和碳水化合物都被转移到树的木质部分,故叶子会变黄,所以答案选D项。

  57.C 句意猜测题。文章最后告诉我们一个道理:像那秋叶飘落一样,我们对待死亡也应该有一个平和的心态,做到“死如秋叶之静美”,所以答案选C项。

  【语篇解读】 众所周知,机器人越来越多地走进我们的生活。现在,机器人的服务方向正在向饭店等服务行业转变。

  58.D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句可知19世纪70年代机器人主要为人们做一些乏味的生产工作。

  59.A 推理判断题。根据文章第三段的描述,在Robo Café这一类的餐馆里,一小队机器人侍者高效工作,人工成本很少,由此推断A项正确。文章提到餐馆的设计是方便机器人工作而不是客人,故D错。文章没有体现出机器人侍者积极为客人服务,它们都是按照设置好的程序进行的,故C错。

  60.C 推理判断题。文章画线部分的意思主要是,现在的厨房和过去的厨房一样存在着奴役现象,只不过对象发生了变化,由人变成了机器,故答案为C“没有报偿的劳动依然存在”。

  61.C 62.A 63.E 64.D 65.B



  66.contributions 67.fresh 68.proud

  69.spread 70.including 71.health

  72.complaints 73.crowded 74.argument



  In my village a lot of children

  leaving school for various .Some families are too poor to send their children to school,and they have to earn money to support their families.Many parents do not think it

  to send their children to school.They would rather let their children to—

  stay at home.I feel worried

  this.I think every child should have

  chance to go to school.We should pay

  attention to the education of children,for

  will play an important part in our socialist construction in the future.Ways must be found

  prevent children from

  off their studies.


  In China children are the centre of each family.All parents wish their children,especially senior high students,could go to top universities and have a bright future.So they always expect their children to make full use of their time to study.They don’t allow them to watch TV,play the computer games or go out to play with their friends.Some students just complain that their parents are only concerned about their grades and not their other needs.

  In my opinion,our parents are responsible for us.Perhaps they are sometimes too strict with us,but what they are doing is out of nothing but love.The most important thing,I think,is that we should learn to communicate with them.Find the right time for a talk,telling them that you’ll never let them down and will work harder to earn trust and respect from them.

  A.Extremely poor living conditions

  B.The foundation of The Hope Project

  C.The first Hope Project school in China

  D.Efforts to improve educational environment

  E.Low enrollment rate for school-age children

  F.Economic development affected by education


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