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2017届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修7 Unit4《Sharing》(新人教版福建专用)

发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.学习方法对每个学生都是非常重要的。(v.­ing) 2.网络有助于提高学校的管理、满足学校现代管理的需要。(meet the needs of) 答案 1. Learning methods are very important to every student.

  2. The net helps improve our school management and meet the needs of modern education. 3.作为这座城市的一所重点中学,它为新建的学校树立了好榜样。(sets a good example to) 4.早上的新鲜空气和宁静使你的思维比一天的任何时刻都更敏捷,记忆也更加轻松。(make sb. do sth.) 5.晚起不仅对学习有影响也是个不良习惯。( not only…but also…) 答案 3. As a key school in our city, it sets a good example to the newly­built schools. 4. The fresh air and quietness in the morning make you think more quickly than any other time of the day and memorize what you have learned easily. 5. Getting up late not only affects their studies but also is a bad habit.

  常言道“字如其人”。随着电脑的普及率越来越高,老师、家长和学生对书写的重视程度也降低了。据一项调查显示,有85.8%的中学生表示有人说过自己的字迹不好看,对于中学生而言,能写一手美观大方的字还是颇有益处的,而中学生不想改善字迹的理由也有很大差别,如图所示。请写一篇120的英文短文,反映一下中学生不想改善书法的理由以及你是如何看待这个问题的。 注意:字迹 handwriting One possible version: Middle School Students' Attitudes Towards Handwriting

  Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers, teachers, students and their parents are paying less and less attention to handwriting.

  According to a recent survey, about 85.8 percent of the middle school students think that their handwriting is poor. Yet for various reasons, many students don't want to improve their handwriting. 51.5 percent of the students think that they can just use a computer, so there is no need to waste time improving their handwriting, and 32.3 percent believe that they are so busy with the study that they do not have time to practice. 10.9 percent think that practicing handwriting is useless.

  As the saying goes, “writing style shows the man.” Beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial, especially for middle school students. Therefore, in my opinion, more emphasis should be placed on this aspect in future. 2017届高考英语一轮复习课件 新人教版福建专用 Unit 4

  Sharing ① be dying to 极想,渴望

  根据语境感悟用法 He is dying to be the next star in Hollywood. 他渴望成为好莱坞的下一个明星。 短语 (1) be dying to do sth.

  / for sth.

  渴望得到某物 类似词组: be anxious to do sth.

  / for sth.

  be eager to do sth.

  / for sth.

  be thirsty for sth.

  long to do sth.

  / for sth.

  desire to do sth. / have a strong desire for sth. ① be dying to 极想,渴望

  用die的适当短语填空 (1) You may _______ know what your new lady thinks about you and your behavior.

  (2) The deer in the forest are all ________ from disease.

  (3) The noise of the car __________ in the distance.

  (4) Those species inadaptable to changing conditions may __________.

  ① be dying to 极想,渴望 答案

  (1) be dying to   (2) dying off  (3) died away  (4) die out

  用die的适当短语填空 ① be dying to 极想,渴望 ② remote


  根据语境猜词义 (1)He lived in a remote part of the forest.

  (2)He is a remote relative.

  (3)I'm afraid your chances of success are rather remote.

  (4)He seemed remote, uninterested in this conversation.

  ② remote


  根据语义找匹配 A.不大可能的;极小的  B.遥远的; 偏僻的  C.远的 答案

  (1)B (2)C (3)A (4)D ② remote

  adj. 辨析

  distant/far/remote 这些形容词都含有“远的”之意。



  remote侧重指离中心地段很远,强调偏僻。 ② remote


  单项填空 In ________ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

  A. historic

  B. remote

  C. traditional

  D. further


  historic 有历史意义的; remote 遥远的,偏僻的; traditional 传统的; further 进一步的,更深的。根据语境,应用traditional。 C ③ otherwise

  conj. & adv.

  根据语境猜词义 (1)We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunchtime.

  (2)The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests otherwise.

  (3)Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.

  ③ otherwise

  conj. & adv.

  根据语义找匹配 A.除此之外;在其他方面  B.否则;要不然  C.并非如此说 / 认为 / 决定等 答案

  (1)B  (2)C

   (3)A ③ otherwise

  conj. & adv. 句型

  otherwise / or /

  or else 引导的后面的分句中常用would / could / might / should have done 的形式表示虚拟语气。

  They got two free plane tickets to Canada;otherwise they'd never have been able to afford to go.

  他们得到了两张免费去加拿大的飞机票;否则他们根本不可能支付得起。 ③ otherwise

  conj. & adv.

  单项填空 (1)The programme has saved thousands of children who would ________ have died.

  A. therefore

  B. anyhow

  C. furthermore 

  D. otherwise D ③ otherwise

  conj. & adv.

  单项填空 (2) I was caught in a traffic jam for over an hour, otherwise I ________ you waiting for such a long time.

  A. will not keep

  B. have not kept

  C. had not kept

  D. would not have kept D ④ arrangement


  根据语境猜词义 (1)I'm perfect satisfied with your arrangements for the wedding.

  (2)It would usually cost $1,000, but I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. (3)You can make six arrangement of the letters A,B and C. ④ arrangement


  根据语义找匹配 A.排列;整理/排列好的东西(可数,不可数) B.安排,筹划,准备(可数,常复数)  C.议定之事 ,协定 答案

  (1)B  (2)C  (3)A 短语 make an arrangement/arrangements

  作安排 ④ arrangement


  翻译句子 (1)她不赞同这个安排。 (2)告诉我这次会议安排的时间和地点。 答案 (1)She doesn't agree to this arrangement.

  (2)Tell me the arrangement of time and place for the meeting. ⑤ donate



  根据语境感悟用法 If I had one million dollars, I would donate it to the charity. 如果我有100万美元,我会把它捐给慈善机构。 短语 donate sth. to sb. / sth.

  把某物捐给…… donate blood to a blood bank

  向血库献血 链接 donation n.

  捐赠,捐赠物;捐款 donator n.

  捐赠者,赠送者 give / make / present a donation to…

  捐赠给…… send a donation to…


  ⑤ donate



  单项填空 (1)Local people are lining up to ________ blood for the badly burnt girl in yesterday's big fire.

  A. abandon

  B. arrange

  C. donate

  D. handle C ⑤ donate


  捐赠 (2)If we all save a little money every day to _______ to the Project Hope, then many dropouts can return to school again.

  A. send

  B. donate

  C. present

  D. give B


  ⑤ donate


  捐赠 ⑥ operate


  根据语境猜词义 (1)More important, it could improve the skills to operate the computer. (2)A playgroup operates on the campus.

  (3)The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.

  (4)He did this although he only had permission to operate on the right ear.

  根据语义找匹配 A. (企业,团体)经营,营业 B. (机器或设备)操作;操纵 C. (系统或过程)运作;运行 D. 动手术;开刀





   (4)D ⑥ operate

  v. 短语 operate on / upon sb.

  给某人动手术 operate a business

  经营一家企业 come / go into operation

  开始工作 / 运转;生效 put / bring into operation

  实施,施行 do / perform / carry out an operation

  实施行动 be in operation 在运转中,在行动中,在实施中 ⑥ operate


  根据括号内的中文提示填空 (1)What skills are needed to _________ (操作这台机器)? (2)The new rules ______ (开始生效)from next week.

  答案 (1)operate this machine  (2)come into operation ⑥ operate

  v. (3)The system _______ (已经运行)for six months.

  (4)We will have to _____ (给他的眼睛动手术). 答案 (3)has been in operation 

  (4)operate on his eyes

  根据括号内的中文提示填空 ⑥ operate

  v. 1.随着……的普及 

  ________________________ 2.充分利用

  ________________ 3.漂亮工整的书写

  ________________________ 4.在许多方面有帮助

  ___________________ 5.很有用

  ________________ 6.在课堂上多学点知识

  ______________________ with the growing popularity of make good use of beautiful and neat handwriting be helpful in many ways be of some help get more knowledge in class  7.使教与学更容易

  ________________________________ 8.寻找更多我们所需要的信息

  _____________________________ 9.对……很有好处

  ________________ 10.培养……性格

  ________________ 11.养成好习惯

  ___________________ 12.休息了很长时间

  ________________ make both teaching and learning easier search for any information we need do sb. much good train one's character form the good habit of  taken a long rest


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