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发布时间:2017-02-08  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (2)whatever和however的用法比较 whatever和however都可引导让步状语从句,whatever一般在从句中做定语、主语或宾语,而however后接形容词或副词,在从句中做状语。 Whatever difficulties we meet,we'll never change our mind.无论我们遇到什么样的困难,我们永远都不会改变我们的主意。 Keep calm,whatever happens. 无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。 You are certainly right,whatever others may say. 不论别人说什么,你确实是对的。 He'll never succeed,however hard he tries. 无论他如何努力尝试,他都不会成功。

  (3)as引导的让步状语从句 as引导让步状语从句时,可用倒装结构:可以把表语提前,当表语是名词时,名词前应省略冠词;也可把状语或谓语动词提前。 Old as he is,he still works hard. 尽管他年纪大了,但他仍努力工作。 Child as he is,he knows a lot. 尽管他是个孩子,他却懂很多知识。 Much as I like it,I don't want to buy it now. 尽管我很喜欢这件东西,但我现在还不想买。 Try as he might,he wouldn't succeed. 尽管他可能会尝试,但他不会成功。

  (4)though和although的用法比较 ①在上述as引导的让步状语从句的倒装句式中,也可用though,但不能用although。 Old though he is,he still works hard.(此句中不能用although) ②though还可做副词,在句末单独使用,表示“可是”、“居然”。 He said he would come;he didn't,though. 他说他会来,可是他并没有来。 (5)even if和even though表示“即使、尽管” He might have helped you,even though he was very busy.尽管他很忙,他也可能会帮你。 Even if you have money,you will not buy everything. 即使你有钱,也未必什么都能买到。 (九) 条件状语从句  引导条件状语从句的从属连词有if(如果);unless(除非,如果不);as/so long as(只要);in case(如果,万一);supposing(that)(倘若,假定);provided/providing(that)(假若,倘若)等。 You will succeed so/as long as you study hard. 只要你努力学习,你一定会成功。 Supposing it rains,what shall we do? 假如下雨,我们该怎么办呢? I will go providing/provided(that)my expenses are paid. 假如我的费用有人代付, 我就去。 In case I forget,please remind me of my promise. 万一我忘记了,请提醒我别忘了我的诺言。 You'll fail in the exam unless you study hard/if you don't study hard.除非你努力学习,否则考试就会失败。 一、连词 连词是一种虚词,在句子中不能单独作句子成分,也没有词形变化,用来连接词与词,短语和短语或句子与句子。 1.并列关系 并列连词:用来连接句子中相同成分的词、短语、或句子。 常见的连词有:and


  only...but also...不但……而且,as well as

  也, 又。 He can speak and write English very well. 他英语说得和写得都非常好。 We are happy and gay.我们兴高采烈。 Both my father and mother like singing. 我父母都喜欢唱歌。

  2.转折关系 常见的连词有:but 但是,yet 然而,while而,however 可是,然而。 She can play the piano but not the violin. 她会弹钢琴,但不会拉小提琴。 He isn't tall,yet he is strong.他个不高,但他很强壮。 3.选择关系 常见的连词有:or 或者,either...or...不是……就是……,or else 否则,otherwise否则……。 You must hurry ,or you'll be late. 你得赶快了,否则你会迟到的。 Put on your sweater,or else you will catch a cold.

  穿上你的毛衣,否则你会感冒的。 4.因果关系 常见的连词有:for,so, therefore等。 It must have rained last night,for the road is wet. 昨晚一定是下雨了,因为路上是湿的。 The headmaster called me just now, so I must go to the office at once. 校长刚才给我打电话,因此我必须马上去办公室。 5.从属关系 常见的连词有:that,whether/if,who,whom,whose, what, which,whoever,whatever,whichever, when,where,how,after,before,as,as soon as,while,till,since等。 I am sure that you're certain to win. 我相信你们一定获胜。 He asked me if I could help him.他问我是否能帮助他。 The train had left when I got to the station. 当我到达车站时,火车已经开走了。 二、状语从句 在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词、形容词、副词等的从句叫状语从句,一般可分为时间状语从句,原因状语从句,地点状语从句,结果状语从句,目的状语从句,比较状语从句,方式状语从句,让步状语从句和条件状语从句。 (一)时间状语从句 1.引导时间状语从句的从属连词 主要有when,while,as,after,before,since,till/until,once,as soon as,the moment/the minute/the instant,immediately,directly,hardly/scarcely...when,no sooner...than等。 (1)when和while的比较 ①when(当……时)通常表示时间的一点,有时也可表示时间的一段;while通常指时间的一段。 Be careful when you cross the road. 当你过马路时要当心。 Pay attention to your eyes while you are reading. 读书时要注意你的眼睛。 While/When I was in Shanghai,I made many friends. 我在上海期间结交了很多朋友。 ②when常表示一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行或已经完成。 It was raining when we arrived.我们到达时正在下雨。 When we got to the bus stop,the bus had left. 当我们到达汽车站时,汽车已经开走了。 ③when还可以表示“就在那时”,这时主句的动作通常是正在进行或正要进行的动作,这种用法是while所不能替代的。 I was just about to go out when the phone rang. 我正要出去,就在那时电话响了。 I was doing my homework when I heard someone knocking at the door.我正在做作业,这时听见有人敲门。 (2)as的用法 ①表示“当……时” I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 当他下公共汽车时我看见了他。 As he grew older,he became less active. 当他长大一点儿的时候,他变得不那么活泼了。 ②as可接名词,而when不能 As a young man,he was a lawyer. 他年轻时曾是一名律师。 ③表示“一边……一边……” The children sang songs as they went home. 孩子们一边往家走一边唱着歌。 (3)before的用法 ①(指时间)在……之前 I must finish my work before I go home. 我在回家以前必须把工作做完。 ②(表示动作持续时间长)意为“才……” They had walked eastward for a whole day before they found water.他们向东走了一整天才找到水。 ③(表示动作迅速)意为“还没来得及……就……” He finished his speech before I could get across.

  我还没来得及听懂,他就结束了他的演讲。 ④用于以下句式 It wasn't/won't be long before...“不久就……” It wasn't long before the missing child was found. 不久就找到了那个走丢的孩子。 I think it won't be long before we meet again. 我想我们不久还会再见面的。 It will be/was...before...“过……才……” It will be five years before we meet again. 五年以后我们才能再见面。 It will be two years before he comes back. 两年以后他才能回来。 (4)since的用法 表示“自……以后,从……以来” Where have you been since I last saw you? 自从上次我和你见面以后,你到哪里去了? 2.常用句式。 (1)It is...since...(since引导的从句常用过去时)。 It is three years since he came here.他来这儿三年了。 (2)It was...since...(since引导的从句常用过去完成时)。 It was a long time since I had enjoyed a good drink. 我很久没有这样痛快地喝酒了。 3.表示“一……就……”的连词。 (1)表示“一……就……”的连词或短语有as soon as,immediately,directly,the moment(that),the instant(that),the minute(that)等。 I'll tell him the news as soon as he comes. 他一来我就告诉他这个消息。 Directly I had done it,I knew I had made a mistake. 我刚做完这件事,就知道我错了。 I sent you the news the instant(that)I heard it. 我一听到这消息便通知你了。 I'll give him your message the minute(that)he arrives. 等他一到,我就把你的口信告诉给他。 (2)no sooner...than和hardly/scarcely...when表示“刚一……就……”。此类句式中的主句常用过去完成时。若否定词在句首,则用倒装结构。 I had no sooner got home than it began to rain. =No sooner had I got home than it began to rain. 我刚到家就下起雨来。 (二)原因状语从句  引导原因状语从句的从属连词有as,because,since,now(that),seeing(that)等。 (1)because,as,since和for表示原因的用法比较 ①because表示产生某结果的直接原因,语气最强,引导的从句可放在句首或句末,放在句首时通常用逗号将从句与主句隔开。 Because he didn't study hard,he failed in the exam. 因为他没有努力学习,所以考试失败了。 ②as表示原因时,语气不如because那么强,可译为“因为、由于”,引导的从句常放在句首。 As he wasn't ready in time,we went without him. 因他未能及时准备好,我们没有等他就去了。 ③since意为“因为、既然”,往往表示较明显的原因,语气比because弱,引导的从句常放在句首。 Since we have no money,we cannot buy it. 因为我们没有钱,所以我们不能买这件东西。 ④for是并列连词,语气最弱,表示对前面分句加以解释或表示推断,引导的分句常放在句末,从句前要用逗号。 He must be sick,for he looks pale. 他一定是病了,因为他的脸色不好。 (2)now(that)既然;由于 Now(that)you'll grown up,you must stop this childish behaviour.你既然长大了,就必须停止这种幼稚的行为。 (3)seeing(that)因为;由于 Seeing that he is very old,he shouldn't be sent there. 由于他年纪太大了,所以不应被派到那里去。 (三)地点状语从句  引导地点状语从句的从属连词有where和wherever(无论在哪里)。 I had a picture taken where there stands a tower. 我在有塔的地方拍了一张照片。 Wherever you go,you should know the customs of the local people.无论你走到哪里,你都应了解当地人的习俗。 (四)结果状语从句  引导结果状语从句的从属连词有so,so that,so...that,such...that等。一般来说,so that引导的从句中若有may,might,can,could等情态动词,就是目的状语从句;若没有情态动词,就是结果状语从句。 He got up early so that he could catch the train. 他起得很早以便能赶上火车。(目的状语从句) He got up early,so that he caught the train. 他起得很早,因此赶上了火车。(结果状语从句) (五)目的状语从句  引导目的状语从句的从属连词有so that和in order that。 He started out early in order that he might arrive in time. 为了能及时到达他很早就出发了。 (六)比较状语从句  引导比较状语从句的从属连词有as,than,as...as,not as/so...as等。as...as可用在肯定句和否定句中,而so...as多用在否定句中。 Tom is as tall as John.汤姆和约翰一样高。 Tom is not as/so tall as John.汤姆没有约翰高。 (七)方式状语从句  引导方式状语从句的从属连词有as,as if,as though。 You should do as I told you.你应按照我告诉你的去做。 It looks as if it is going to rain.天看上去好像要下雨。 (八)让步状语从句  引导让步状语从句的从属连词有though,although,even though,even if,no matter how,however,no matter what,whatever,no matter who,whoever,no matter which,whichever,whether...or,while(虽然),as(尽管)等。 (1)whatever和no matter what的用法比较 whatever和no matter what都可引导让步状语从句。 Whatever/No matter what you say,I won't believe you. 无论你说什么,我都不会相信你的话。 但是,no matter...引导的从句不能做主语或宾语。而whatever可以引导主语从句或宾语从句。 You shall get whatever you want.你会得到你想要的一切。 Whatever you do should be good for our society. 你所做的一切都应有益于我们的社会。


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