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2017英语词汇篇人教版必修5 unit 1《Great》课件

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1. 对该人物的简单介绍;

  2. 喜欢该人物的理由;

  3. 从该人物身上得到的启示

  Thomas Edison

  Helen Keller

  William Shakespeare

  inventor; creative; diligent; full of wisdom

  ordinary but great woman; disabled; optimistic; eager to learn




  man of all ages

  “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine



  “...if I had the power of sight for three days.”

  “Life is a stage...”

  范文背诵 Thomas Edison

  Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor. He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. In fact, he was a man full of imagination.

  I admire Edison a lot because of his great contribution to the world. He had more than 1,000 inventions. In his life time, he was always eager to know how things worked, which helped him to earn the nickname “the Wizard of Melo Park”. He was also so diligent that he worked day and night. And this explained why he had so many great inventions.

  What impresses me most is his famous saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” Probably I cannot be an Edison myself, but I can be a hardworking person. From him, I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.


  ①He was once thought to be a boy who was not worth educating. ②Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent

  perspiration. ③What impresses me most is his famous saying. ④I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born, but what you are doing and how you do it in your life.

  1._____n. 特征;特性 2._____vt.& vi. 结束;推断出→_____ n. 结论;结束 3._____ vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫;_____n. 失败 4._____ vt. 参加;出席;照顾;护理→_____n. 参加;出席;服侍 5._____ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光 答案:1. characteristic

  2. conclude; conclusion 3. Defeat

  4. attend; attendance 5. expose; exposure

  6. cure; curable 7. absorb; absorbed

  8. severe

  9. blame 10. announce; announcement 11. instruct; instructive; instruction; instructor 12. contribute; contribution

  13. creative; creation 14. enthusiastic; enthusiasm

  15. cautious; caution

  16. control

  1. put_______

  提出 2. _______ a conclusion

  得出结论 3. be _______ to

  暴露于…… 4. _______ ...to ...


  5. _______ from

  除……之外;此外 6. be _______ with...


  7. make _______


  8. in _______



  to an end

  结束 10. lead_____


  11. _____ of view

  态度;观点 12. be_____


  全神贯注于…… 13. _____


  调查 14. be_____/_____

  支持/反对 答案:1. forward

  2. draw

  3. exposed

  4. link

  5. apart 6. strict

  7. sense

  8. addition

  9. come

  10. to 11. Point

  12. absorbed

  13. look

  14. for/against ______ its cause ______ its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。 2. ______ ______ you put the sun there ______ the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. 只有当你把太阳放在中心位置上,天空中其他行星的运动才能说得清楚。 答案:1. Neither; nor

  2. Only if; did 1. defeat vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败 Our football team defeated theirs this time. 这一次我们的足球队战胜了他们的足球队。 Our team defeated our opponent by 5:0.

  我们队以五比零的比分战胜了对手。 He was defeated in his plan. 他的计划失败了。 【即学即练】 单项填空 He_____ the first prize in the writing contest. A. defeated

  B. beat

  C. won

  D. gained 解析:选C。考查同义词辨析。由句意“他在书写比赛中获得了一等奖”可知,选C。win表示在较激烈的竞争中取得胜利。win the prize是常用搭配。

  2. attend vt. 参加;照看,照料;处理;注意 We’ll attend to the problem later.稍后我们将关注那个问题。 She hadn’t been attending during the lesson. 上课时她一直不专心。 温馨提示:attendance

  n. 出席,出席的人数,伺候,照料。作“照料,伺候”讲时,与take care of; look after同义。 常用结构: attend to处理,注意,照料

  attend school上学 attend a lecture/meeting听讲座/出席会议 attend a wedding/ceremony出席婚礼/参加典礼 He is famous in this field, and tens of thousands of fans will attend his lecture this evening.

  他在这个领域很出名,今晚会有成千上万的敬仰者出席他的讲座。 Would you like to attend our wedding? 你愿意来参加我们的婚礼吗? 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①我们除星期天外,天天要去上学。 We



  every day except Sunday. ②今天下午,我得回公司参加一个会。 I will go back to the office to ______


  ______in the afternoon. 答案:①attend school

  ②attend a meeting

  单项填空 ③The students are busy making preparations for the lecture

  because they will ______ the competition. A. attend

  B. join C. take part in

  D. attend to 解析:选 C。考查近义词(短语)辨析。attend为出席,上(大学等),宾语常用school, class, meeting, lecture等;join表示参加某一组织或团体;take part in参加,参与;attend to照料。 根据句意,“……他们将参加一个比赛”,故选C。

  3. expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光

  New fashions are exposing more and more the body. 新式服装越来越暴露。 This film has been exposed. 这胶卷已经曝光了。 His fears and insecurity have been exposed to everyone. 他的恐惧与不安暴露给了每个人。 【联想拓展】 expose sth./sb./oneself (to...) 使面临,使遭受 be exposed to暴露于…… 【速记名片】

  用法点拨:expose常与介词to连用,表示“使暴露于(日光、风雨等中);受到风险;使面临”。 exposed adj. (指地方)无遮蔽的,不挡风雨的。exposure

  n. 暴露,揭露,揭发。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①别让它淋雨。 Don’t _____ _____ _____ the rain.

  ②你不可使自己遭受批评。 You mustn’t _____ _____ _____ criticism. ③露天的士兵暴露于敌人的火力之下。 The soldiers in the open field _____ _____ _____ the enemy’s fire.

  答案:①expose it to ②expose yourself to ③are exposed to 单项填空 ④ _____ to the sunlight for several hours will do harm to your skin.

  A. Exposed

  B. Having exposed

  C. Being exposed

  D. After being exposed 解析:选 C。be exposed to暴露于。此处是动名词短语作主语。 4. absorb vt. 吸引;吸收(液体,气体,光,声等);使专心;理解(知识等) Cotton gloves absorb sweat.


  So many good ideas! It’s too much for me to absorb all at once.

  这么多好主意!太多了,我很难一下子完全吸收。 Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。 温馨提示:当absorb表示“使全神贯注,吸引(注意等)”时,后常接介词in/by;表示 “合并(公司等);吞并”时,常接介词into; absorbed adj. 精神集中的; absorbing adj.十分吸引人的。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①老人全神贯注地读这本书。 The old man was completely _____

  _____ the book.

  ②四周的小城镇已并入这座城市。 The surrounding small towns have been _____


  the city.

  答案:①absorbed in ②absorbed into 5. blame vt. 责备;谴责

  n. 责备;过失 He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你玩忽职守。 I am ready to take the blame for the mistake. 我准备承担这一错误的责任。 常用结构: blame sb. for (doing) sth.因(做)某事而指责某人 blame sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 sb. be to blame for (doing)sth.因(做)某事,某人应该受到谴责 (此处不能用被动) We consider that you are not to blame.我们认为你不应该受责备。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①那个粗心的司机该为昨天发生的交通事故负责。 The careless driver _____ _____ _____ _____ the traffic accident happening yesterday.

  ②她把婚姻的触礁归咎于他。 She blamed him for the failure of their marriage. =She _____ the failure of their marriage _____ him.

  答案:①is to blame for

  ②blamed; on 【易混辨析】 blame/scold blame指对某人失职、疏忽大意或者所出差错的埋怨、责怪。 scold指大声地责骂、气愤地大发脾气,但不用肮脏的语言骂人。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ③官方认为可能不止一人该对火灾负责。 Officials believe that more than one person may be _____ _____ _____ the fire. ④不要责骂他,毕竟他只是个孩子。 Don’t _____ him; after all, he’s only a child. 答案:③to blame for④scold 6. put forward 提出(意见、建议);推荐;提名;将表拨快 He put forward a better plan.他提出了一个更好的计划。 Can I put you/your name forward for golf club secretary?

  我推荐你(提名让你)担任高尔夫球俱乐部的秘书好吗? You ought to put your watch forward ten minutes.

  你应该把表向前拨快十分钟。 用法点拨:put forward的宾语常是“主意,计划等”。 【联想拓展】 put on穿;上演 put out扑灭 put away放好;抛弃;储存 put down镇压;记下;贬低;制止 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①这次会议将推迟到星期五举行。 The meeting will be _____ _____ until Friday. ②他穿上一件漂亮干净的衬衣。 He _____ _____ a nice and clean shirt.

  ③把你的玩具玩完后放进柜子里去。 Put your toys _____ in the cupboard when you’ve finished playing. ④下周星期六我有个聚会,把这事记在你的笔记本上以免忘记。 I’m having a party next Saturday; put it _____ in your notebook in case you will forget it. 答案:①put off

  ②put on


  ④down 单项填空 ⑤The doctor has _____ a new idea on the treatment, which is well thought of by his companions. A. come about

  B. put forward C. spoken up

  D. regarded as 解析:选 B。 根据句意,此句应表示“提出一个新的治疗方案”。come about 发生;speak up 大声说出;regard as 把……当作。 7. apart from 除……之外;脱离开 Apart from a few faults,he is a trustworthy teacher.

  除了少数几个缺点外,他是个值得信赖的老师。 Apart from being too large, the trousers don’t suit me.

  这条裤子太大,而且我穿着也不合适。 There can be no knowledge apart from practice. 没有知识能脱离实践。 【联想拓展】 apart from ①除……之外(还有)= in addition to =besides

  (包括除去内容在内) ②除……之外(别无)= except (不包括除去内容在内) ③ 此外,除了=except for


  完成句子 ①除了瘪了一个轮胎之外,我们的刹车也出了毛病。

  ____ ____ a flat tyre,we had faulty brakes. ②除她之外的原班演员都是签约雇佣的。 Every member of the original cast was signed ____ ____ . ③除了一些拼写错误外,你的作文很棒。 Your composition is good ____ ____ some spelling mistakes. ④计算机除了用在教育上之外,还广泛地用于工业研究。 Computers are used extensively in industry research _____ _____ . 答案:①Apart from

  ②except her ③except for ④besides education 单项填空 ⑤ _____ English, the speaker also has a good command of Russian and French.

  (2010·石家庄检测) A. Except

  B. Except for

  C. Beside

  D. Apart from

  解析:选D。 apart from相当于besides,意思是“除……外,还有”。except表示“不包括在内”,从后面的also看,应用besides或apart from。 8. make sense讲得通;有道理

  Read this sentence and tell me if it makes sense. 请读一下这个句子,告诉我它是否讲得通。 Why did she do a thing like that? It doesnt seem to make sense. 她为什么做那样的事?好像没有意义。 【联想拓展】 make sense of理解;明白

  make no sense 没有道理;没有意义 in a sense 从某种意义来说。 in no sense 绝不是,绝非 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①你看得懂这首诗吗? Can you _____ _____ _____ this poem?

  ②这稿子由于错误太多,以致有的部分意义不明。 The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it _____ _____ _____ at all.

  答案:①make sense of

  ②make no sense 单项填空 ③What he says makes no _____ to me.

  (2010·济南模块检测) A. Care

  B. sense

  C. interest

  D. meaning 解析:选B。make sense为固定搭配,意思是“起作用,有意义”。 ④The poem is hard to understand. Can you make

  of this poem?

  (2010·大连检测) A.idea

  B. knowledge C. sense

  D. understanding 解析:选C。make sense of sth.理解或弄懂困难的或无法理解的事物。 注意:sense还可作动词,意为“意识到(某事物);感觉到”。

  9. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(P2) 每当暴发(霍乱)时,就有大批惊恐的老百姓病死。 本句是一个复合句,every time引导的是一个时间状语从句,意为“每当……”,相当于“when”。 另外,此状语从句中还有一个“there be”结构。 He goes through the whole performance of checking the oil and water every time he drives the car.

  他每次开汽车都总是不厌其烦地把油和水整个检查一遍。 【联想拓展】 each time每次;每当

  at the time of...在……时候

  any/next/the first/the last time 意为“任何/下一次/第一次/最后一次”。

  the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly等都可以引导时间状语从句。意为“一……就……”。 【即学即练】 完成句子 ①她一收到信就马上去看他了。 She went to see him ____ she got the letter.

  ②她一听说发生了事故,就立刻赶到了现场。 She came to the scene ____ she heard of the accident.

  ③上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。 ____ ____ ____ we talked he said he needed another two days.

  答案:①directly/immediately/instantly ②the minute/second/moment③The last time 单项填空 ④She said to me, “I’ll tell you the result of test ____ I know it.”

  (2010·陕西师大附中检测) A. because

  B. the moment

  C. after

  D. though

  解析:选B。the moment意为“一……就”,相当于as soon as。类似用法的连词还有: the minute/instant; instantly/immediately/directly等。 Ⅰ. 单词拼写

  The farmers in this area had a good harvest last year thanks to the _s____ farming. 2. The doctor had my eyes _e____ for weakening. 3. They were _d____ in their attempt(企图) to reach the top of the mountain. 4. The little brave girl _e____ the crime(罪行)of the criminal(罪犯). 5. You should not _r____the invitation from your old friend. 6. What is your _v____ on Chinese education? 7. The police are watching the man’s _m___ secretly. 8. We must try to_____ (分析)the causes of the strike. 9. Kindness is one of the prime minister’s_____ (特征). 10. The famous Korean play actor got an_____ (热情的) reception in Hong Kong.

  答案:1. scientific

  2. examined

  3. defeated

  4. exposed 5. reject

  6. view

  7. movement

  8. analyse 9. characteristics

  10. enthusiastic expose...to.../look into/attend to/put forward/apart from/blame...for/make sense/link...to/led to/draw a conclusion Ⅱ. 用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空 1. Let’s _______ the problem together and figure out a way to solve it. 2. May I _______ your name _______ as a possible chairman of the committee?

  3. _______ the cost,the dress doesn’t suit me. 4. The teacher tried many times, but the long sentence still could not _______ . 5. The highway _______ Shanghai _______ Beijing.

  6. His careless driving _______ the serious traffic accident.

  7. Can human beings live on the moon? It’s too early to _____ . 8. Don’t _____ your skin _____ the sun or you will be burned.

  9. The babies _____ are well

  in the nursery. 10. The student _____ the teacher _____ his failure. 答案:1. look into

  2.put; forward

  3. Apart from 4. make sense

  5. links; to

  6. led to

  7. draw a conclusion 8. expose; to

  9. attended to

  10. blamed; for Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. We needed much more _____ _____ (合格的工人). (qualify) 2. My friend is a _____ _____ (归国的留学生). (return) 3. They decided to _____ _____ _____ _____ (更换使用的材料).(used) 4. Is there _____ _____(没解决的问题吗)?

  (unanswer) 5. _____ _____ _____ _____ (几乎没有什么变化)here since I left this town. (change) 6. This is a _____ _____(国营工厂). (state-owned) 7. There is a _____ _____(新建的学校)near here. (newly-built) 8. The playground _____ _____ _____ (看上去很荒凉).(deserted) 9. The days _____ _____ (一去不复返)when people use foreign oil.(go) 10. He is a teacher _____ _____ _____ _____ (很受学生爱戴的).(love) 答案:1. qualified workers

  2. returned student 3. change the material used

  4. anything unanswered 5. There is nothing changed

  6. state-owned factory 7. newly-built school

  8. looked quite deserted 9. are gone

  10. loved by his students Ⅳ. 单项填空 1. I feel it is your husband who _____ for the spoiled child. A. is to blame

  B. is going to blame

  C. is to be blamed

  D. should blame 解析:选A。考查固定短语用主动形式表示被动意义的情况。sb. be to blame for sth.表示“某人因为某事该受到责备或者是某人的责任”。 2. —Who _____ the team from No. 2 Middle school?

  —I’m not sure. Perhaps the team from the nearby county. A. defeated

  B. won

  C. beaten

  D. gained 解析:选A。考查动词辨析。defeat,beat与win作“打败”解时,beat与defeat的宾语是“人”;defeat的宾语常指“敌人”,在“游戏或比赛”中则用beat;win赢得,后面的宾语多用game,war,prize等词,win宾语不能是人。gain获得,宾语为经验,力量,时间,知识等。 3. The doctor has _____ a new idea on the treatment, which is well thought of by his companions. A. come about

  B. put forward

  C. spoken up

  D. regarded as 解析:选B。考查短语辨析。come about发生; put forward提出;speak up表示“大声说出”;regard as把……当作。根据句意,此句应表示“提出一个新的治疗方案”,故选B。 4. The warm sunshine _____ the coming of spring. A. declares B. announces

  C. predicts

  D. publishes 解析:选B。考查动词辨析。declare多指正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度,主语多为人或机构;predict预测;publish指以口头或印刷品的方式让群众知道,多指后者;announce除表示“宣布,宣告”之外,还可用于抽象意义,意思为“显示,预示”,主语为事物。 5. You should read the _____ in the car repair manual(手册) carefully before you start to. A. instruction

  B. instructions

  C. introductions D. explanations 解析:选B。考查名词辨析。表示说明书时,instruction常用复数。introduction 介绍;explanation 解释。 6. _____ a sentence before you can understand it correctly. A. Find B. Analyse

  C. Refer to

  D. Look up 解析:选B。考查动词(组)辨析。find找到;analyse分析;refer to查阅,参考,谈到,涉及;look up(在字典,电话簿中)查询。句意为:在你正确理解一个句子之前,你首先对它做一下分析。 7. —Can you work out the problem?

  —I can’t _____ you explain how to do it. A. but for

  B. except

  C. apart from

  D. unless 解析:选D。but for,except,apart from后均不可接句子。unless是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,故选D。 8. No matter how I tried to read it, the sentence didn’t _____ to me. A. understand

  B. make out

  C. turn out

  D. make sense 解析:选D。句意为:不管我怎么努力读它,这个句子我就是不明白。make sense讲得通。 9. Your father likes to play golf; he’s really enthusiastic _____ it. A. by

  B. about

  C. with

  D. on 解析:选B。句意为:你父亲喜欢打高尔夫球,他真的很热衷于它。enthusiastic热衷于,后面常接介词about。 10. The last _____ of the play was very impressive. A. view

  B. sight

  C. scenery

  D. scene 解析:选D。考查名词辨析。句意为:那出戏的最后场面非常令人感动。 scenery指“风景,景色”或“舞台布景,道具布置”。 11. —Look! Everything here is under construction.

  —Oh, has the museum once _____ for exhibiting Nantong kites

  been pulled down, too? A. being build

  B. been built

  C. having been built

  D. built 解析:选C。根据句子的结构分析,该句的主语是the museum,谓语是has been pulled down。once

  for exhibiting Nantong kites,应是定语部分,又由于build 与museum是被动关系,故C项为最佳选项。 12. It is _____ to travel by air than by water. A. a lot more excited

  B. much exciting

  C. a lot more exciting

  D. much more excited 解析:选C。exciting意为“令人兴奋的”,主语多为物。excited意为“感到兴奋的”,主语多为人,据此,本题应用exciting。另外,由于是两者间进行比较,所以exciting应用比较级形式,并用a lot来修饰。 13. Only in this way _____ our goals. A. we can reach

  B. can we arrive

  C. we can arrive

  D. can we reach 解析:选D。only放在句首,句子要倒装;reach one’s goals意为“达到目标”。 14. The girl is similar _____ her mother in character. A. in

  B. with

  C. to

  D. on 解析:选C。考查短语的搭配。be similar to是固定短语,意为“与……相似”。句意为:这个女孩性格上跟她妈妈相似。 15. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing. A. seat

  B. seating C. seated

  D. to be seating 解析:选C。seat是及物动词,意为“使……就坐”。“坐下”应表示为“be seated=sit down=seat oneself”,故此处只能用seated作表语。


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