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重庆市北大附中实验学校高考英语复习课件 高一:Unit 1-2

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  REVISION OF UNIT 1-2 New words Honest [ 'ɔnist ]


  loyal: [ 'lɔiəl ]


  classical: [ 'klæsikəl ]

  古典的 sorrow: [ 'sɔrəu ]


  adventure: [ əd'ventʃə ]

  冒险,奇遇 towel: [ 'tauəl, taul ]


  international: [ .intə(:)'næʃənəl ]

  国际的 signal: [ 'signl ]



  global: [ 'gləubəl ]

  全球性的 tongue: [ tʌŋ ]

  舌头,语言 1 镜子 2 英俊的 3 指南针 4 荒芜的 5 正式的 6 重复 7 独立的 8 本地的 mirror handsome compass deserted formal repeat independent native play computer games 1.喜欢________ 2.一直________ 3.网上冲浪________ 4.玩电脑游戏________ 5.在飞行________ 6.独自________ 7.搜索,寻找________ 8.增进友谊________ 9.把……当成……________ 10.同甘共苦________ 11.关心________ 12.与……交朋友________ 13.上飞机________ 14.开玩笑________ 15.给某人写封信________

  be fond of all the time surf the Internet be on a flight all alone hunt for develop a friendship treat…as… share happiness and sorrow care about make friends with on board the plane joke about drop sb. a line phrases 1.第一次________ 2.直飞________ 3.不睡觉,熬夜________ 4.大多数________ 5.总计________ 6.母语________ 7.除……之外________ 8.英语知识________ 9.发生________ 10.几天以后________ 11.分别去度假________ 12.旅行愉快________ 13.以……告终________ 14.别客气,请随意________ for the first time fly all the way directly to

  stay up the majority of in total mother tongue

  except for

  a knowledge of English come about

  in a few day’s time

  go on separate holidays

  have a good trip

  end up with

  make yourself at home 能力 提高 1.—Where was it __________ the road accident happened yesterday?

  —In front of the market.

  A.when B.that C.which D.how 答案: B 解析: it is…that…强调句型,此题中强调部分为疑问词where, 故用疑问句语序

  2.Can you tell me how the accident __________?

  A.come on B.come about C.come out D.come in 答案: B 解析: come about意为“形成,发生”,无被动语态。 3.—I’m sorry for keeping you waiting.

  —Never mind. I __________ here only a few minutes.

  A.came B.come C.was D.have been 答案: D 解析: 现在完成时表示发生在过去的动词一直延续到现在,或者对现在造成影响。“没关系,我来到这儿才仅仅几分钟”,表明我现在还在这儿,故用现在完成时。

  4.We aren’t going, for the simple __________ that we can’t afford it.

  A.Reason B.cause C.Fact

  D.result 答案: A 解析: for…reason是固定搭配,意为“由于……的原因”。 5.One way to understand thousands of new words is to gain __________ good knowledge of basic word formation.

  A./ B.the C.a D.one 答案: C 解析: knowledge前有形容词,常与不定冠词连用。 6.Where was __________ you met with the famous scientist?

  A.it that B.it C.the place D.there 答案: A 解析: 此题考查强调句型,当被强调部分为疑问词时,句子用倒装语序。 7.She is a very kind woman, loyal __________ her friends, intelligent and amusing.

  A.to B.at C.for D.in 答案: A 解析: be loyal to“忠心于”。 8.In the film the famous actor __________ a policeman who is loyal to his duty.

  A.grows B.enjoys C.works D.plays 答案: D 解析: play a policeman“扮演警察”。 9.We were __________ to New York last month. We talked a lot all the way.

  A.on the same flight B.in the same flight C.on the same flying D.in the same flying 答案: A 解析: on the flight“在飞行,在飞机上”。 10.Football, or __________ soccer in Britain, is the most popular sport in the world.

  A.called B.it is called C.what is called D.something calls 答案: C 解析: or后是一名词性从句,要用what引导。 §3.5单句改错 1.“I went to the park yesterday. ”“Oh, did you? So went I. ” 答案: 把第二个went改为did 2.Tom and Jane went on do their homework till midnight.

  答案: do改为doing 3.In our opinions these books are well written.

  答案: opinions改为opinion 4.I’ll have the car wait at the gate. Will that be all right?

  答案: wait改为waiting 5.I had to drive to home because my friend Bob had drunk too much beer.

  答案: 去掉home前的to 6.They will very

  happy when I tell them the news.

  答案: 在very前加be 7.Whenever I have free time, I go a long walk.

  答案: 在go后加for 8.Some people read the books and watch television while others have sports.

  答案: 去掉the 9.Today I visited the Smiths—my first time visit to an

  American family.

  答案: 去掉time 10.It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station.

  答案: for改为of 11.At last he found out the truth, and what he did turned to be right.

  答案: 在turned 后加out 12.We hope you a pleasant trip back home.

  答案: hope改为wish 13.Allow me to introduce to the girl to our headmaster.

  答案: 去掉第二个to 14.Know some everyday English will be of great help.

  答案: Know 改为Knowing 15.In the days followed, he waited eagerly for the reply from the company.

  答案: 在days后加that 16.He said he would not go with us if it would rained.

  答案: 去掉it后的would 17.He will accept the job unless the salary isn’t too low.

  答案: isn’t 改为is 18.That pair of trousers of yours are very dirty. You’d better clean it.

  答案: are改为is 19.He got dressed and then went downstairs sang an English song.

  答案: sang改为singing 20.I want to thank you again for have me in your home for the summer holidays.

  答案: have改为having Ⅵ. 汉译英(本题共5小题,计5分) 1. 李平既不喜欢唱歌,也不喜欢计算机。 

  2. 我一直都上网。 3. 他一直都这么忙,以致于很少有时间和朋友们在一起。

  4. 这次坠机,他幸免于难,并登上了一个荒无人烟的小岛。  5. 在这个荒岛上,最大的挑战就是,没有朋友如何生存下来。

  On the deserted island, the most difficult challenge is how to survive without friends.

  Li Ping doesn't enjoy singing, nor does she like computer. I surf the internet all the time. He is always so busy that he has little time for his friends. He survived the crash, and landed on a deserted island with no humans on it.


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