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(福建省专用)高三英语二轮复习 专题三 阅读理解专题课件

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  十三、推断文章的逻辑结构题 各种文体的文章基本结构 1.说明文的基本结构


  (Introduction) Example Comparison Conclusion Conclusion

  Description (Explanation)




  Facts Examples Theory Conclusion


  (Supporting sentences) 论点


  结论 3.记叙文的基本结构

  Story presentation (account) Time clues


  (surprising/humourous way) Inverted time clues 4.夹叙夹议文的基本结构 Story presentation


  Opinion Advice Significance

  A B 答案 C 答案 A 答案 B 答案 C 答案 D 答案 D 答案 A 答案 D A 答案 A B 答案 A 答案 B 答案 B B 答案 C 答案 D 答案 B 答案 C 答案 A B B D 答案 D 答案 A C D C 答案 A 答案 A 答案 D 答案 C 答案 D 答案 D *






  1.理解主旨要义;2.理解文中具体信息;3.根据上下文推断生词的词义;4.作出简单判断和推理;5.理解文章的基本结构; 6.理解作者的意图和态度。7.根据文中提供的信息用恰当的词语完成与短文相关的图表。





  •The passage mainly discusses...

  •Which of the following statements best expresses the main

  idea of the passage?

  •What is the main idea of the passage?

  •What is the passage mainly about?

  •What does the writer mainly tell us?

  •Which of the following can summarize the main idea

  of this text?

  •Which of the following best expresses the main idea?

  •What is the subject/topic discussed in the text?


  •The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to...

  •The passage is meant to...

  3. 标题类主旨大意题

  •The best title for the passage might be...

  •What would be the best title for the passage?

  •The best headline for this newspaper article is...



  (1)含有抽象名词和概括性词语。四个选项中, 含有approach, concept, chance, opportunity, various,both,general, many, difficult, way, necessity, necessary, importance 等词的选项一般是正确选项;(2) 四个选项中, 内容相近或完全相反的两个选项中往往有一个是正确选项;

  那些概括全文, 内容全面, 含义深刻, 说明道理的选项一般是答案项, 而选项内容片面,单一的内容一般是错误选项。




  Science can’t explain the power of pets,but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure(血压) and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack,reduce loneliness and spread all­round good cheer.

  Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet brings.For some,an animal provides more comfort than a husband/wife.A 2002 study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress(紧张) levels and blood pressure in people—half of them pet owners—while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic(算术) or held a hand in ice water.Subjects completed the tasks alone,with a husband/wife,a close friend or with a pet.People with pets did it best.Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates.With pets in the room,people also made fewer math mistakes than when doing in front of other companions.It seems people feel more relaxed(放松) around pets,says Allen,who thinks it may be because pets don’t judge.

  A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating

  habits.Researchers in Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying 36 fat people and their equally fat dogs on diet­and­exercise programs;a separate group of 56 people without pets were put on a diet program.On average,people lost about 11 pounds,or 5% of their body weight.Their dogs did even better,losing an average of 12 pounds,more than 15% of their body weight.Dog owners didn’t lose any more weight than those without dogs but,say researchers,got more exercise overall—mostly with their dogs—and found it worth doing.

  67.What does the text mainly discuss?

  A.What pets bring to their owners.

  B.How pets help people calm down.

  C.People’s opinions of keeping pets.

  D.Pets’value in medical research.

  解析 由划线部分是主题句可以总结本文主要介绍的是宠物给人们带来的种种好处。D不够全面,B、C文中没有提及,是无关信息,不能选。


  They wear the latest fashions with the most up­to­date accessories(配饰).Yet these are not girls in their teens or twenties but women in their sixties and seventies.A generation which would once only wear old­fashioned clothes is now favouring the same high street looks worn by those half their age.

  Professor Julia Twigg,a social policy expert said,“Women over 75 are now shopping for clothes more frequently than they did when they were young in the 1960s.In the 1960s buying a coat for a woman was a serious matter.It was an expensive item that they would purchase only every three or four years—now you can pick one up at the supermarket whenever you wish to.Fashion is a lot cheaper and people get tired of things more quickly.”

  Professor Twigg analysed family expenditure(支出)data and found that while the percentage of spending on clothes and shoes by women had stayed around the same—at 5 or 6 per cent of spending—the amount of clothes bought had risen sharply.

  The professor said,“Clothes are now 70 per cent cheaper than they were in the 1960s because of the huge expansion of production in the Far East.In the 1960s Leeds was the heart of the British fashion industry and that was where most of the clothes came from,but now almost all of our clothes are sourced elsewhere.Everyone is buying more clothes but in general we are not spending more money on them.”

  Fashion designer Angela Barnard,who runs her own fashion business in London,said older women were much more affected by celebrity(名流) style than in previous years.

  She said,“When people see stars such as Judi Dench and Helen Mirren looking attractive and fashionable in their sixties,they want to follow them.Older women are much more aware of celebrities.There’s also the boom in TV programmes showing people how they can change their looks,and many of my older customers do yoga to stay in shape well in their fifties.When I started my business a few years ago,my older customers tended to be very rich,but now they are what I would call ordinary women.My own mother is 61 and she wears the latest fashions in a way she would never have done ten years ago.”

  62.Which is the best possible title of the passage?

  A.Age Is No Barrier for Fashion Fans

  B.The More Fashionable, the Less Expensive

  C.Unexpected Changes in Fashion

  D.Boom of the British Fashion Industry

  解析 通读全文可知,本文主要分析了老年妇女着装风格的变化,说明随着社会的发展,时装不再是年轻人的专利,老年人一样喜欢穿时装。所以A项做标题最适合。


  Alex London Research Laboratory (ALRL) is part of Alex Co.,Ltd.,a major Australian medicine­making company.Opened in 1992,ALRL specialises in the development of new medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.A position is now open for a Research Operations Manager(ROM) to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010.

  Reporting to the Director,you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services of our new laboratories now under construction.You will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRL’s health and safety,and to communicate (沟通)with support employees at ALRL’s laboratories based at University College London.Working closely with scientists and other operations and technical employees,you will manage a small number of research support employees providing services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.

  Candidates(申请人) will have experience of both management and research support/technical services.Knowledge of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary.Education to degree level is also desirable.

  If you are interested in this position,please send your CV(简历)to Alex London Research Laboratory,University College London,Hatfield,London,W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRL@alex.co.uk..For more information,please visit www.alex.co.uk..

  51.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

  A.The technical skills of a would­be ROM.

  B.The practical experience of a would­be ROM.

  C.The personal information of a would­be ROM.

  D.The necessary requirements for a would­be ROM.

  解析 根据第四段提供的信息:申请人要有管理和技术服务的经验、研究操作的知识及极好的交际技能等,可知本段主要谈及对应聘职位者的具体能力要求。

  52.What is the purpose of the text?

  A.To describe the job of a ROM.

  B.To provide information about ALRL.

  C.To announce an open position at ALRL.

  D.To make known the opening of the new laboratories.

  解析 本篇文章为广告招聘,提供了Alex Co., Ltd招聘一名ROM的信息,并对要招聘的职位提出了具体的要求。目的自然是让大家了解ALRL公司有一公开招聘的职位。


  Andy rode slowly on his way to school,day­dreaming about the fishing trip that his father had promised him.He was so busy dreaming about all the fish he would catch that he was unaware of everything else around him.He rode along until a strange sound drew him to the present.He came to a stop and looked curiously up to the heavens.What he saw shocked and terrified him.A huge swarm of bees filled the sky like a black cloud and the buzzing mass seemed to be heading angrily towards him.

  With no time to waste,Andy sped off in the opposite direction,riding furiously—but without knowing how to escape the swarm.With a rapidly beating heart and his legs pumping furiously,he sped down the rough road.As the bees came closer,his panic increased.Andy knew that he was sensitive to bee stings(蜇).The last sting had landed him in hospital—and that was only one bee sting!He had been forced to stay in bed for two whole days.Suddenly,his father’s words came to him.“When you are in a tight situation,don’t panic.Use your brain and think your way out of it.”

  On a nearby hill,he could see smoke waving slowly skywards from the chimney of the Nelson family home.“Bees don’t like smoke,” he thought.“They couldn’t get into the house.”Andy raced towards the Nelson house,but the bees were gaining around.Andy knew he could not reach the house in time.He estimated that the bees would catch up with him soon.

  Suddenly,out of the corner of his eyes,he spotted a small dam used by Mr.Nelson to irrigate his vegetable garden.Off his bike and into the cool water he dived,disappearing below the surface and away from the savage insects.After holding his breath for as long as he could,Andy came up for air and noticed the bees had gone.Dragging himself out of the dam,he struggled up the hilly slope and rang the doorbell.Mr.Nelson took him inside and rang his mother.“You’ll really need that fishing break to help you recover,”laughed his mother with relief.“Thank goodness you didn’t panic!”But Andy did not hear her.He was dreaming once again of the fish he would catch tomorrow.

  59.Which of the following can best describe Andy’s escape from the bees?

  A.No pains, no gains.

  B.Once bitten, twice shy.

  C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

  D.In time of danger, one’s mind works fast.

  解析 文章最后一段的第二句,Andy的妈妈说道: Thank goodness you didn’t panic.谢天谢地你没有慌神,可知情急之下Andy仍然成功想到办法脱险,再综合A、B、C、D四个选项的意思,可以判断出D选项。A.不劳无获;B.一朝被蛇咬,三年怕井绳;C.有志者,事竟成;D.急中生智。


  There were smiling children all the way.Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway,wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang.Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives.This is the simple village people of Malaysia.I was moved.

  I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car,so this was the first time I was on a train.I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread.I looked about the train.There was not one familiar face.I sighed and sat down to read my Economics.

  It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia.Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore,so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past.As we went beyond the city,I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green.Then the first village came into sight.Immediately I came alive,I decided to wave back.

  From then on my journey became interesting.I threw my magazines into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life.Then everything came alive.The mountains seemed to speak to me.Even the trees were smiling.I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.

  The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry.I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3∶00 pm.Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth.I looked at the people all around me.They all looked beautiful.When my uncle arrived with a smile,I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug (拥抱).I had never done this before.He seemed surprised and then his weather­beaten face warmed up with a huge smile.We walked arm in arm to his car.

  I looked forward to the return journey.

  75.What can we learn from the story?

  A.Comfort in traveling by train.

  B.Pleasure of living in the country.

  C.Reading gives people delight.

  D.Smiles brighten people up.

  解析 作者乘火车去马来西亚时,看到在铁路旁边有村民满脸笑容的对过往的旅客打招呼,作者感受到了他们的热情,旅途也变得有趣起来,不再无聊,正是马来西亚人的微笑和热情使作者心情愉快,所以D项正是本文的寓意。


  Outside her shabby cottage,old Mrs.Tailor was hanging out laundry on a wire line,unaware that some children lay hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree watching her every move.They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.

  They watched as she took a broomstick to clean the dirt from her stone steps.But,much to their disappointment,she did not mount the broomstick and take flight.Suddenly,the old lady’s work was interrupted by the cackling of her hen—a signal that an egg had been laid in the warm nest on top of the haystack.

  The old broomstick was put aside as she hobbled off towards the haystack followed by Sooty,a black cat she had rescued from a fox trap some time back.With only three legs,it was hard for Sooty to keep up with the old lady.The cat provided proof—the children were sure that only a witch would own a black cat with three legs.

  There,standing on a wooden box,was Mrs.Tailor,stretching out to gather her precious egg.Taking the egg in one of her hands,she began to climb down when,without warning,the box broke and the old lady fell.

  “We have to go and help her,”whispered Amy.

  “What if it is a trick?”replied Ben.

  “Don’t be silly,Ben.If she were a witch,she would have turned us into frogs already,”reasoned Meg.“Come on,Amy,let’s go.”The girls climbed down the tree and ran all the way to the haystack.

  Approaching carefully,they could see a wound on the old lady’s face.She had knocked her head on a stone and her ankle was definitely broken.“Go and get Dad,”Amy yelled to her brother.“Tell him about the accident.”The boys did not need another excuse to leave.They ran as fast as they could for help,hoping that Mrs.Tailor would not wake and turn the girls into frogs.

  59.Which of these old sayings best suits the story’s lesson for us?

  A.Make hay while the sun shines.

  B.Never judge a book by its cover.

  C.People in glasshouses should not throw stones.

  D.A bird in the hands worth two in the bush.

  解析 主旨大意题。刚开始时孩子们因为看到Mrs. Tailor养了一只三条腿的黑猫就认为她是一个巫婆,可事实并非如此,所以只看事物的表面并不能断定它的实质。这和B选项的意思相近。



  这类试题的题干中常含infer(推断),suggest(暗示),imply(暗示),indicate(暗示),conclude(得出结论),be likely to...等词语。








  Now,the people are still poor.But in the evenings they sit in the village square and listen to sounds of insects and frogs.These sounds of the night now have a much deeper meaning.

  59.What can we infer from the last sentence of the text?

  A.Happiness comes from peaceful life in the country.

  B.Health is more important than money.

  C.The harmony between man and nature is important.

  D.Good old day will never be forgotten.

  解析 推理判断题。句意为:现在夜晚的这些声音具有更深刻的意义。该句是一个中介句,说明人们过度捕杀造成生态失衡,由此也影响了人类,因此,可以推断人与自然的和谐是很重要的。


  Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which have powerful effects on our minds and feelings.This clever use of words is what we call literary style(文体).Above all,the real poet is a master of words.He can express his meaning in words which sing like music,and which by their position and association can move men to tears.We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly,or they will make our speech silly and common.

  60.In the last paragraph,what does the anthor suggest that we should do?

  A.Use words skilfully.

  B.Make musical speeches.

  C.Learn poems by heart.

  D.Associate with listeners.

  解析  根据“We should therefore learn to choose our words carefully and use them correctly,or they will make our speech silly and common.”及作者所举例证和用词的感情色彩可知,作者鼓励我们掌握用词的技巧,如同文学作品,诗文等一样,要注重遣词。


  Two­thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people.

  Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse­gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing...

  Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.

  47.It can be learned from the text that,________.

  A.New York City is seriously polluted

  B.people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City

  C.a great number of people in New York City don’t have houses to live in

  D.some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City

  解析 根据文章第四段第二句:Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse­gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused, by housing...可得出B答案;A是无关信息;C信息错误;D与文章最后一句矛盾。


  Columbus College,241 Queen Elizabeth Drive,Kowloon City


  To:All Staff

  From:Jakie Mok,Secretary;Sports Development Committee

  Date:May 20,2010

  A week ago,“Sports for Life” programme was sent to the parents,requiring them to select a sport they wanted their child to play.Since then,our staff have received lots of calls from parents asking for more information about it.Here is a memo (备忘录) for your reference when you answer the phones.

  Sports 1:Basketball

  We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports.Therefore,students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible.Students will take a private bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park.To cover the cost of hiring a bus,each student will have to pay $10 each time.There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game.

  Sports 2:Gym

  We will be using St.Peter’s Memorial Park.There are two reasons for choosing this park.First,it is not very busy and crowded before 6∶00 pm.Second,it has lots of trees with plenty of shade.Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst.Three activities,skipping,jogging,outdoor aerobics (有氧运动),all of which are free of charge,will be arranged.And there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities.

  Sports 3: Hiking

  Hiking(远足) will take place at Kowloon Peak.The activity will start at 2∶30 pm and finish 90 minutes later.Three teachers will accompany the students,and a hiking instructor will accompany each group of 15 hikers.Each instructor will cost $75/hr.Students are advised to bring plenty of water and sunscreen.

  Sports 4:Swimming

  The Kowloon City Aquatic Centre is a 10­minute walk from our school.Four teachers will go to the pool and conduct the goings­on from the poolside.We will only be able to reserve the pool for one hour (i.e.2∶45 pm to 3∶45 pm).Only students skilful at swimming can take up this activity.The pool will have two lifeguards present.Girls must wear a swimsuits.The cost is $10 per visit.

  69.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.students taking part in basketball will walk to the courts

  B.every student can gain admission to one of the four sports

  C.hiking students can have a regular rest in the shade of trees

  D.students taking up the four sports should bring bottles of


  解析 由Sports 1第三句可知A错;Sports 3中要求学生要带充足的水和防晒霜,显然C错;D项是错误信息;由“A week ago,‘Sports for Life’ programme was sent to the parents, requiring them to select a sport they wanted their child to play”可以推知B正确。

  70.It can be concluded that ________.

  A.each sport will take only one hour

  B.students will be charged for the four sports

  C.all the sports will take place at Kowloon Peak

  D.teachers will accompany students on each sport

  解析 由文章内容可知每一项活动都有老师陪同,所以D正确;A、B、C的信息均错误。



  1.What does the underlined word “...” in the first paragraph mean?

  2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word?

  3.The underlined word “...” most probably means ________.

  4.The underlined word “...” could best be replaced by ________.

  5.According to the passage,the underlined word “...” is the closest in meaning to “________”.




  3.根据同位或解释关系:通过生词后的定语、表语、同位语、逗号、括号、破折号等的解释说明来推测其意思。4.根据转折或对比关系:由上下句之间的转折或对比关系来推测词义。表示转折的词有but,however,otherwise,though等;表示对比关系的标志性词语有unlike,while,on the other hand,in spite of,in contrast等。另外,有时分号也可以表示转折、对比关系。

  5.根据因果关系:根据前后因果关系来推断其中的某个生词或短语的意思。既可由因推果;也可由果推因。表示因果关系的有because,so that,so/such...that...等。

  6.根据列举的实例:根据such as,for example等后列举的实例可推测出前面某个词语的意思。




  I looked across at the others:shelves of similar cameras placed along the wall,offering a wide range of slightly different prices and discounts,with each company selling a range of models based around the same basic box. With so many models to choose from,it seemed that I would have to spend hours weighing X against Y,always trying to take Z and possibly H into account at the same time. But when I had finished,I would still have only the same two certainties that I had entered the store with:first,soon after I carried my new camera out of the shop,it would be worth half what I paid for it;and second,my wonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a new model.

  58.What does the writer mean by “it would be worth half what I

  paid for it ”(paragraph 2)?

  A.He should get a 50% discount.

  B.The price of the camera was unreasonably high.

  C.The quality of the camera was not good.

  D.The camera would soon fall in value.

  解析 第二段开头,作者分析了在卖场,自己将会被各种照相机的种类弄的不知如何选择。但是“But when I had finished, I would still have only the same two certainties that I had entered the store with”,最终我还是必须选择一款,但是无论选择哪一款都会有两个必定的结果:(1)会立刻贬值。(2)会很快有新的产品。所以选择D。


  Both sides want peace,but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict . In part,this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it . From the parents ’ point of view,the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness. And of course,the teens see it in exactly the same way,except oppositely. Both feel trapped.

  56.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict.

  B.The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict.

  C.The teens accuse their parents of misleading them.

  D.The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.

  解析 “In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parents’ point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents’ complete unreasonableness.”和 “except oppositely”暗示了答案。


  Every writer starts off knowing that he has something to say, but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own voice by reading widely and discovering which parts of the writers he agrees or disagrees with, or agrees with so strongly that it reshapes his own world.

  42.The underlined word “voice” in the second paragraph most probably means “________”.

  A.an idea

  B.a sound quality

  C.a way of writing

  D.a world to write about

  解析 根据文中 “...but being unable to find the right ways to say it. He has to find his own...”可以推断出voice所表达的意思是“写作方式”。


  When she was evaluated at the end of the year, she was told to take a training course because of her inability to speak up.

  That’s why slight differences in conversational style—tiny little things like microseconds of pause—can have a great effect on one’s life. The result in this case was a judgment of psychological problems—even in the mind of the woman herself,who really wondered what was wrong with her and registered for assertiveness training.

  67.The underlined word “assertiveness” in the last paragraph probably means ________.

  A.being willing to speak one’s mind

  B.being able to increase one’s power

  C.being ready to make one’s own judgment

  D. being quick to express one’s ideas confidently

  解析 此题的难点在于A选项的干扰作用。第三段说那位妇女不健谈(实际是说话时停顿的时间过长)而被告知去参加培训,由此可知她参加的是能够让她自信的表达自我的培训而不是说她不愿意表达。此处用反义对比方法。


  When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,“Well,it’s so­and­so’s fault.”or “I know I’m late,but it’s not my fault;the car broke down.”It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser.You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation.However,you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation.This is the winner’s key to success.

  47.The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ________.





  解析 remedy与上文的change应是同义词。


  这种试题要求考生根据动作发生的先后顺序和句子之间的逻辑关系,找出事件发生的先后顺序。常见的提问方式是:What is the right order of...?



  F.Scott Fitzgerald,born on September 24,1896,an Americ


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