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湖北省2017届高三英语二轮复习 第3模块 阅读理解 专题7 社会生活型阅读理解(课件)

发布时间:2017-02-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2017届高三英语二轮复习精品课件(湖北专用):第3模块 阅读理解 专题7 社会生活型阅读理解 专题七 社会生活型阅读理解  

   专题导读 专题七 │专题导读  

  社会生活型阅读文章在高考中的出现频率较高。它涉及人们衣、食、住、行等方面的社会万象、生活经历、饮食、饮食与健康、休闲与娱乐、旅游、服装、住房等内容。这类文章同学们读起来感觉轻松, 试题做起来也比较得心应手。在高考阅读理解题中, 这类文章属搭配类材料, 所以, 它的命题多数属于中低等难度的送分题, 如事实细节题、计算题、识图题等。此类文章的命题多以事实细节题为主。做题时, 要先从题干中找到关键性词语, 然后快速在文章中寻找相关细节, 细心比较所给选项与文中细节的区别, 在准确理解了细节的前提下, 最终确定最佳答案。  真题典例 专题七 │真题典例 [2011·福建卷]

  Driving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and distance. It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected. When alcohol is consumed, it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant(抑制药),damaging eyesight, judgement and co­ordination(协调),slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents. Even below the drink driving limit, driving will be affected. 专题七 │真题典例 Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain. Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice. To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee. The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is:

  ● 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood; or ● 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath; or ● 67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine(尿液). 专题七 │真题典例 Drivers who cause traffic accidents, or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.

  Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged. The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 driving­offence points; or temporarily banned from driving.

  The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens(样本) for breath, blood or urine tests without good excuse. 专题七 │真题典例 Drink driving is a criminal offence. Be a responsible driver, think before you drink. For the safety of yourself and other road users, never drive after consuming alcohol. ()1.The first paragraph is mainly about ________. A. the introduction of driving skills B. the damage of drinking to your body C. the effect of drinking on driving D. the process of alcohol being absorbed ()2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “________”. A. alcohol B. absorption

  C. blood

  D. process 专题七 │真题典例 ()3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving. B. Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice. C. Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body. D. 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink driving limit. 专题七 │真题典例 ()4.A driver suspected of drink driving________. A. should provide specimens for testing B. will be forbidden to drive for 3 years C. will be punished for 10 driving­offence points D. should pay a maximum fine of HK$25,000 专题七 │ 新题预测


  1.C 主旨大意题。文章的第一段主要介绍了酒精对驾驶员的影响。

  2.D 细节理解题。该句句意为:要祛除身体里的酒精是一个缓慢的过程,任何像冲澡、喝茶或喝咖啡的措施都不可能加快这个过程。因此it 指的是process。 专题七 │ 新题预测

  3.B 细节理解题。根据第二段“Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice.”可知答案。

  4.A 推理判断题。根据倒数第四段“Drivers … are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.”和倒数第二段“The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens(样本) for breath, blood or urine tests without good excuse.”可推出答案。 专题七 │ 新题预测 (一)

  My pretty girlfriend had a failed marriage in the past. After divorce, her parents shed the deepest protection and care to her by helping her attend to the child and offering financial aids. Her parents' love made her pull herself together and forget the man who had hurt her before.

  Nonetheless, her father, an honest and upright old man, after hearing his ex­son­in­law got promoted in his company, felt terrifically irritated (激怒)and went to his company to question his boss why a philandering(拈花惹草的) man with corrupt conducts could get promoted.

   新题预测 专题七 │ 新题预测

  The whole office fell into a mess immediately and many staff just watched on the sidelines. Some people even whispered lightly, “It is a new era now and the relationship between men and women is very open.No one would care about that any more!”

  The old man stood silently in the office with his hands shivering and eyes tearing.

  That night, my girlfriend cried heavily in front of me. I asked her whether it was her father's stupid deeds that made her feel shamed. But she said that she felt guilty for her dad and that though the rest of the whole world betrayed her, her old father would still back her up and 专题七 │ 新题预测

  help her get the justice she deserved, just as when she was young and the neighboring boy grabbed her ball, her father would get it back for her. However, this changed world was no longer the stage for her old father and his deeds became funnily obsolete(过时的).No one managed to see the real and ever­lasting love to his daughter behind his seemingly rude behaviors.

  Now we have grown up, so much so that we could support our family and have our own children. But in our parents' heart, they are still worried about us. They even would not like us to suffer a bit and try all means to protect us without caring about whether what they do is awkward and stupid or not. 专题七 │ 新题预测

  Who in the world would love us so deeply and relentlessly without asking for any repay? Only our parents! ()1.The parents of the author's girlfriend helped ________ after her divorce. A.look after her child

  B.find another husband for her

  C.scold her ex­husband

  D.make money for her 专题七 │ 新题预测 ()2.Why did the friend's father go to his ex­son­in­law's company? A.Because he wanted to ask his ex­son­in­law to remarry his daughter. B.Because he was angry at his ex­son­in­law's conducts. C.Because he wanted the boss not to promote his ex­son­in­law. D.Because

  his daughter wanted him to scold her ex­husband. 专题七 │ 新题预测 ()3.From the fourth paragraph we know that ________. A.the author's girlfriend cried heavily because of her father's stupid deeds B.the author's girlfriend was too shamed of her father C.her father loved her more than before D.the author's girlfriend firmly believed her father's deep love ()4.What does the author want to tell us in the passage? A.No love can compare with parents' love. B.An unforgettable experience in life. C.Father's times have

  passed. D.The life of the friend after her divorce. 专题七 │ 新题预测

  1.A 细节理解题。根据首段的第二句:她的父母给她保护,帮她看孩子,提供经济帮助等。所以A正确。

  2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段的首句:听到前女婿升职了,他很生气,所以去公司质问老板。

  3.D 推理判断题。根据该段的第三句“though the rest of the whole world betrayed her, her old father would still back her up and help her get the justice she deserved”,以及最后一句可知:他的朋友对父爱深信不疑。

  4.A 作者意图题。根据全文内容:父母亲在女儿离婚后为女儿做的一切,尤其是最后一段可知作者是要告诉我们父母之爱是最伟大的。 专题七 │ 新题预测 (二)

  To build an incredible and successful relationship is something like erecting a building. First of all, you should start with an idea which is expected by everyone, and then you can put a solid foundation stone for that idea. Putting a strong foundation stone is very important and it keeps your building steady. Every part of that building is totally depending upon that solid foundation. So, here are the three rules to establish a successful relationship: 专题七 │ 新题预测

  The first rule is just having fun. Once relationship is established then the things become stable. Once it gets stable then you start feeling stifled (压抑的) and fun is no longer there in your relationship. But remember this thing is very dangerous for relationship. You can plan something great like a weekend road trip. Even you can also plan some of your favorite activities at least twice a month. Enjoy laughing with each other and try to find different ways to keep this laughter alive. 专题七 │ 新题预测

  The second rule is ________. In relationship it is important that both the partners should deserve equal treatment. If anyone of the partners dominates to the other, then such relationship is surely not going to survive for a long time. Such relationships are called unbalanced relationship and it is going to give lots of pain. So, try to give respect to each other equally. The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other. Another good and important part of any relationship is being honest and open­minded with your partner. Whenever the problem arises in your relations, honesty is very crucial. Even being open­minded with each other is a foundation to your good relationship.

  专题七 │ 新题预测

  Honesty is most valuable thing. If you become very honest with each other then problems can be very easily sorted out. You need to put lots of efforts to build a successful relationship. This effort is required from both the partners. And the reward which you are going to get will be fantastic. If the three rules mentioned above are maintained very well then there will be a strong chance of long term and wonderful relationship. ()1.What is the best title for this passage?

  A.Good Relationship and Success B.How to Build a Successful Relationship C.Solid Foundation and Building Relationship

  D.The Benefits from Good Relationship

  专题七 │ 新题预测 ()2.In the first paragraph the author mainly wants to tell us ________. A.the concept of good relationship

  B.the importance of good relationship

  C.the characteristics of good relationship

  D.what is the most important thing in building good relationship

  ()3.What's the second rule?

  A.Giving respect to each other equally.

  B.Being generous to friends.

  C.Giving timely help to friends.

  D.Treating friends equally. 专题七 │ 新题预测 ()4.The underlined word “crucial” in the fourth paragraph probably means ________. A.critical





  ()5.It can be learned from the last paragraph that ________. A.it is not difficult to build a good relationship B.one can benefit a lot from a wonderful relationship

  C.honesty helps approach problems D.being open­minded is a basis to build a good relationship

  专题七 │ 新题预测

  1.B 主旨大意题。从短文第二段可以看出本文主要讲述怎样建立成功的人际关系。

  2.D 细节理解题。第一段主要告诉读者打好基础在建立良好人际关系中的作用。

  3.A 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句可知A项正确。D项所提到的只是彼此尊敬的一个表现方面,故最佳答案为A项。

  4.A 词义猜测题。若把原句 honesty is very crucial补充完整则为honesty is very crucial in solving the problem, 故critical (至关重要的)符合语境。

  5.B 细节理解题。此处需根据最后一段来确定答案。B项与最后一段中的 And the reward which you are going to get will be fantastic相符,故B为正确答案。


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