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(安徽专用)2016届高考英语二轮复习专题训练:专题十二 议论文(含解析)

发布时间:2017-02-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  专题十二 议论文



  We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models,advisers and teachers to guide us on our path.There is nothing  1  with this and,in fact,finding the right  2  at the right time can really help.However,it is important to realize that in the  3  of such a figure,we can  4  rely upon ourselves,because we carry  5  us everything we need to know to make  6  on our paths to self-realization.All  7  need to do is to let go of our belief that we need to  8  guidance. 

  The path of the spirit is like a journey with a  9 .Most of us know that achieving our goal only makes us  10  for a moment,and then the happiness passes  11  a new object of desire appears.Joy is a lifelong aspect of our inner selves and is not  12  us at any point.We needn’t travel to find it or imagine that it  13  only in the body of another.In fact,it is something we already  14 . 

  So when we find ourselves on our path,not knowing which way to turn and wishing for  15 ,we can turn to  16 .We may not  17  the right answer at fist,but if we simply ask,let go,and wait patiently,a(n) 18  will come.The more we practice this process and  19  it,the less we will look outside ourselves for guidance,for we will have  20  become our own teachers and guides. 

  1.A.helpful   B.wrong   C.familiarD.popular

  2.A.person B.place C.friend D.idea

  3.A.front B.world C.face D.absence

  4.A.safely B.interestedly C.nervously D.secretly

  5.A.for B.against C.within D.from

  6.A.efforts B.progress C.mistakes D.trouble

  7.A.we B.you C.they D.I

  8.A.refuse B.offer C.seek D.provide

  9.A.guide B.goal C.map D.direction

  10.A.happy B.anxious C.relaxed D.worried

  11.A.when B.until C.though D.after

  12.A.attractive to B.important to

  C.different from D.separate from

  13.A.exists B.waits C.starts D.struggles

  14.A.quit B.meet C.have D.miss

  15.A.guidance B.encouragement

  C.invitation D.communication



  C.ourselves D.teachers

  17.A.find B.guess C.demand D.prove

  18.A.result B.answer C.explanation D.chance

  19.A.trust B.hate C.ignore D.desire

  20.A.strangely B.difficultly C.successfully D.suddenly



  There is a  1  accepted idea that we should drink about eight cups of water (two to three liters) per day  2  our food and other drinks.We are told about the functions of water and  3 it will improve our health.We know that without it we will die  4 . 

  It’s  5  to think that if a lack of water is bad for us then hydration(水合作用) must be  6 .It surely protects our skin,helps us think,and  7  our risk of getting an illness.We are regularly advised to drink more water:it clears skin,helps us relax and keeps our  8 ,but could drinking too much water be  9 ? 

  Drinking water doesn’t just come out of our taps  10 .It’s sold to us by the same clever people that sell us yogurts that probably don’t do us much good.And these companies  11 two to three liters of water per day.So is there any  12  to think it correct? 

  The truth is this—people in  13  climates who are not doing too much physical exercise do need around six to eight cups of water per day but that can be  14  in food,alcohol or other drinks.There is no evidence that adding the eight cups of water to everything else we drink will do us any good and it  15  do us harm. 

  But the great thing is that just like a top-level athlete,we don’t need to worry about exactly what that total daily requirement is  16  our bodies will sort it out for us.If we drink too much we pee (尿) it out.If we drink too little we get  17  and pee less.It’s all well-controlled in the same way as our  18  of oxygen is well-controlled. 

  Saying that we should drink more water than our bodies  19  is like saying that we should consciously breathe more often than we feel like because if a little oxygen is good for us then more must be better.Like most things in life there’s a  20  amount—not too little and not too much. 

  1.A.wellB.very C.quiteD.much

  2.A.exceptB.in addition

  C.in addition to D.except for

  3.A.thatB.what C.whetherD.how

  4.A.in minutes B.in days C.in weeks D.in months

  5.A.ridiculousB.important C.reasonable D.clever

  6.A.bad B.good C.betterD.worse

  7.A.increases B.reduces C.improvesD.declines

  8.A.beauty B.weight

  C.concentration D.shape

  9.A.dangerous B.beneficial C.necessaryD.optional

  10.A.for free B.freely C.naturallyD.free

  11.A.demand B.persuade C.recommendD.mention

  12.A.way B.cause C.possibilityD.reason

  13.A.warm B.cold C.coolD.wet

  14.A.included B.contained C.adoptedD.adapted

  15.A.could B.must C.ought toD.shall

  16.A.why B.how C.whenD.because

  17.A.tired B.sleepy C.sickD.thirsty

  18.A. outputB.intake C.inputD.outcome

  19.A.ask about B.search for C.ask forD.seek out

  20.A.limited B.large C.smallD.limitless



  1.B 我们花费一生中大量的时间寻找榜样、顾问和老师来指导我们人生的方向。事实上,这样做没有错。在适当的时候找到适当的人真的会对我们有很大帮助。根据后文可知答案为B项。A项“有帮助的,有益的”;C项“熟悉的”;D项“受欢迎的,流行的”。

  2.A 前文提到的role models,advisers and teachers可知,这些都是要寻找的人,所以答案为A项。

  3.D 然而,重要的是,即便没有这样的人,我们也可以放心地依靠我们自己。因为我们本身具备我们知道的一切,从而让我们在实现自我的过程中不断取得进步。由两句中间的However可知,前后句为转折关系,所以该句强调在没有这些人的情况下我们该怎么办。答案为D项absence“缺席,不在”。

  4.A 根据第3题解析可知答案为A项safely“安全地,放心地”。B项“感兴趣地”;C项“紧张地”;D项“秘密地,背地里”。

  5.C 根据第3题解析可知答案为C项within“在……内部”,强调自身存在或具有某种特征或性质。

  6.B 根据第3题解析可知答案为B项。考查固定短语make progress“取得进步”。这里强调不依赖他人,要靠自己才能在实现自我的过程中取得进步。

  7.A 我们需要做的就是摒弃这种凡事都要寻求别人指导的观念。作者通篇文章都在论述我们如何依靠自己来实现自我的成长,所以答案为A项。

  8.C 根据第7题解析可知答案为C项seek“寻找,搜寻”。A项“拒绝”;B项“提供,出价”;D项“提供,供给”。

  9.B 精神追求的道路就像拥有目标的旅行。由下文achieving our goal可知答案为B项goal“目标”。

  10.A 我们多数人都知道,实现我们的目标只能使我们快乐一阵子。当新的欲望目标出现的时候,这种快乐就很快过去了。由下文的the happiness可知答案为A项happy。

  11.A 根据第10题分析可知答案为A项when,引导时间状语从句。

  12.D 前文“Joy is a lifelong aspect of our inner selves”可知,快乐是存在于我们内心世界,伴随我们一生的不可或缺的一部分。由此可知,这里应该选择D项separate from“与……分离”,意思是快乐在任何时候都不能与我们分离。A项“对……有吸引力”;B项“对……重要”;C项“与……不同”。

  13.A 我们没有必要四处寻找,也不必去想象它只存在于别人体内。A项“存在”;B项“等待”;C项“开始”;D项“斗争,奋斗”。答案为A项。

  14.C 根据前文“Joy is a lifelong aspect of our inner selves”可知,快乐是我们自身拥有的东西,所以答案为C项have“有,拥有”。A项“停止,放弃,推出”;B项“满足,遇见”;D项“错过,想念”。

  15.A 由第一段最后一句可知此处答案为guidance“指导,指引,向导”。

  16.C 在实现自我的路上,当我们不知道该走哪条路和希望有人指引的时候,我们应该求助于我们自己。答案为C项。

  17.A 起初我们可能不知道正确的答案,但我们只需问一下,顺其自然并耐心等待,答案就会出现。A项“找到,发现”;B项“猜测”;C项“要求,需要”;D项“证明,证实”。答案为A项。

  18.B 根据上文及第17题分析可知答案为B项。A项“结果”;B项“回答,答案”;C项“解释”;D项“机会,可能性”。

  19.A 在这个过程中,只要我们更多地练习,并相信它,那么我们就会越来越少地向外界寻求指导,因为我们已经成功地转变成为自己的老师和向导了。A项“相信,信任”;B项“讨厌,厌烦”;C项“忽视,不理睬”;D项“渴望,要求,欲望”。答案为A项。

  20.C 根据第19题解析可知答案为successfully“成功地”。A项“奇怪地”;B项“不同地”;D项“突然地”。


  1.A 人们普遍接受每天要喝大约八杯水这一观点,故此处用well表示“很好地(接受)”。

  2.C 平时人们说的每天喝的大约八杯水一般不包括我们的食物和其他饮料中所含有的水分,故此处用in addition to表示“除了……外(还有)”。

  3.D 人们已被告知水的功能,及水“如何(how)”可以改进我们的身体健康。

  4.B 根据常识,几天不喝水,人便会死亡,故用in days表示“在几天内”。

  5.C 根据后面一句的说明可知,作者认为该句所说明的情况是“合理的(reasonable)”。

  6.B 人在缺水的情况时对身体有害,故人的水合作用一定得好。

  7.B 此处的it指代前面的hydration,好的水合作用可以保护皮肤,帮助人们思考,也“减少(reduce)”人们生病的危险。

  8.C 更多地喝水可以保护皮肤,帮助人们放松,让人们注意力“集中(concentration)”。

  9.A 此处作者话锋一转提出一个与前面相反的观点,故此处应选A项,表示“喝太多的水是否有危险?”

  10.A 由后面It’s sold可知,此处用A选项表示“免费的”。

  11.C 公司对于饮用多少水只是“推荐(recommend)”。

  12.D 公司只是推荐,故它的合理性就应该受到质疑,即此处作者质疑“有理由认为它(每天喝两到三升的水)是正确的吗?”

  13.A 在“热的(warm)”气候条件下干体力活应该多喝水。

  14.B 即上面所说的那些人们所需要的水应该“包含(contain)”在食物、酒或其他的饮料中,即并非都是通过喝水的方式来摄取。

  15.A 过多增加水“可能(could)”对人们有害。

  16.D 后面部分是说明前面情况的原因,故用because。

  17.D 喝水少,则我们会感到“渴(thirsty)”。

  18.B 人们喝水少则会感到渴,然后会补充水。水的需求的控制就像对氧气的“吸收(intake)”一样。

  19.C 作者把喝水和吸入氧气进行了类比,由后面的对吸入氧气的说明可知,此处用ask for,表示“需要”。

  20.A 由破折号后面的说明可知,像大多数事情一样,水也是如此,要有个“极限的(limited)”量,不要太少,也不要太多。


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