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2016全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SBⅢ Units 13 The mystery of the Moonstone

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  ①He made a remark on Liu Xiang’s success in the Guangdong Asian Games. 他对刘翔在广东亚运会上的成功作出了评论。 ②The customer made some kind remarks about our service. 那位顾客对我们的服务作出了好评。

  (2)vt.& vi.谈论;议论;评论 remark on/upon sth.就某事发表意见 ③(朗文P1726)Several people remarked that Bill seemed like a nice man.有好几个人都说比尔似乎像个好人。 ④It would be rude to remark upon/on other’s appearance. 对他人的相貌评头论足是不礼貌的。

  即境活用 5.完成句子 (1)老师评论说那篇文章写得很好。 ________________the article was well written. 答案:The teacher remarked that (2)他们对他那并无恶意的话如此愤怒,使他大为震惊。 He was shocked by their angry reaction________________. 答案:to his innocent remarks


  meanwhile adv. 其间,同时 【教材原句】

  (P116)Franklin Blake,meanwhile,received a letter...富兰克林·布莱克,同时,收到一封信…… ①(朗文P1279)The flight will be announced soon.Meanwhile,please remain seated. 很快就要广播该航班了。在此之前请不要离开座位。 ②(朗文P1279)Jim went to answer the

  phone.Meanwhile,Pete started to prepare lunch. 吉姆去接电话。与此同时皮特开始准备午饭。 思维拓展

  ③The conference will begin in an hour,in the meantime,let’s have coffee! 一小时后会议就要开始了,在这期间,我们来喝咖啡吧!

  即境活用 6.(2009年高考浙江卷)The incomes of skilled workers went up.________,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall. A.Moreover

  B.Therefore C.Meanwhile

  D.Otherwise 解析:选C。句意:熟练工的工资在上涨,但同时非熟练工却看着他们的工资下降。根据句意是指熟练工和非熟练工工资涨落的对比情况,meanwhile意为“同时”,故选C。 【教材原句】 (P112)Troubled by the loss of such a valuable jewel,Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective Sergeant Cuff to investigate the theft. 如此贵重的宝石居然丢失了,让雷切尔的母亲很困扰,于是她雇用了一位著名的侦探卡夫中士去调查这一偷窃事件。 句型巧析 【句法分析】句首的trouble与句子的主语Rachel’s mother形成逻辑上的被动关系,表示她受到困扰,所以trouble用过去分词形式,表示被动。 ①Attracted by the beauty of nature,the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.被大自然的美景所吸引,来自伦敦的小女孩决定再在农场住两天。 ②Faced with a difficult situation,he decided to turn to his teacher for help.面对困境,他决定向老师求助。

  即境活用 ★7.(2009年高考天津卷)________by the advances in technology,many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. A.Being encouraged

  B.Encouraging C.Encouraged

  D.Having encouraged 解析:选C。句意:受科技进步的激励,很多农民在他们的田地上建起了风力发电农场。C:过去分词作原因状语,表被动。A:现在分词的被动式,表示正在进行;B:现在分词,表示主动;D:现在分词的完成式,表主动,表示此动作发生在主句动作之前。 8.(2010年高考陕西卷)________from the top of the tower,the south foot of the mountain is a sea of trees. A.Seen

  B.Seeing C.Having seen

  D.To see 解析:选A。句意:从塔顶往下看,南边的山脚下是一片树的海洋。此题考查非谓语动词。seen from the top of the tower为过去分词作状语表示被动。 本部分内容讲解结束 点此进入课件目录 按ESC键退出全屏播放 谢谢使用 返回 Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone 月长石之谜

  重 点 难 点 研 析 Unit

  13  基 础 知 识 自 采 核心词汇 1.It was____________(考虑周到的)of you not to play the piano while I was sleeping. 2.I felt____________(内疚的)about not visiting my parents more often. 3.The doctor will see you again next week.____________(与此同时),you must rest as much as possible. 4.It____________(惊讶)everyone present that a journalist threw a shoe at the chairman. 基 础 知 识 自 采 5.You might as well talk to a stone as try to argue with a____________(倔强的)woman. 6.If the weather remains terrible,we’ll have to____________(取消)our holiday plans. 7.He was charged with murder but found____________(无辜的)later. 8.My friend____________me with my English.With his____________,I have made great progress in English.(assist)

  1.considerate 2.guilty 3.Meanwhile 4.astonished 5.stubborn 6.cancel 7.innocent 8.assisted;assistance 高频短语 1.be ____________ to/towards sb.对某人体贴 2.____________ a...life

  过着……的生活 3.pass ____________...to...

  把……传给…… 4.be ____________ love with

  与……相爱 5.____________ a degree

  在某种程度上 6.be ____________ in

  以……为背景 7.keep ____________ of

  使避开,使在外面 8.be engaged ____________ sb.

  和某人订婚 1.considerate 2.live/lead 3.on 4.in 5.to 6.set 7.out 8.to 1.As the story develops,we discover some secrets about the people at the house that night,and the reasons____________they might have stolen the diamond. 随着故事的发展,我们发现了那天晚上房屋里那些人的一些秘密,以及他们可能盗窃宝石的原因。 2.____________is guilty must have a stain on his or her clothes. 犯罪的那个人的衣服上一定有污迹。 重点句式 3.____________ by the loss of such a valuable jewel,Rachel’s mother hires the famous detective Sergeant Cuff to investigate the theft. 如此贵重的宝石居然丢失了,让雷切尔的母亲很困扰,于是她雇用了一位著名的侦探卡夫中士去调查这一偷窃事件。 1.why 2.Whoever 3.Troubled

  重 点 难 点 研 析 词汇精研 1. astonish vt. 使惊讶;使震惊 【教材原句】(P112)All the guests are astonished by its size and rare beauty.所有的客人都为这块宝石的体积和绝无仅有的美丽而感到惊奇。 ①(牛津P105)It astonishes me that he could be so thoughtless. 我真没有料到他会如此轻率。 思维拓展 ②It was quite astonishing that they didn’t go to church tonight.令人感到惊讶的是他们今天晚上没有去教堂做礼拜。 ③To our great astonishment,the boss wasn’t astonished at the astonishing news at all.使我们非常吃惊的是,老板对这个令人吃惊的消息一点也不吃惊。 即境活用 1.用astonish;astonishment;astonishing填空。 (1)Much to our__________,the lazy boy won the contest. 答案:astonishment (2)We were__________to hear of her sudden death. 答案:astonished

  (3)China is developing at an__________speed,and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world. 答案:astonishing


  coincidence n. 巧合 【教材原句】

  (P112)Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone’s bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening? 是巧合还是月光宝石的厄运使得那天晚上发生了紧张而奇异的情况吗? ①(牛津P375)What a coincidence!I wasn’t expecting to see you here.真巧!我没料到会在这里见到你。

  ②(牛津P375)By coincidence,I met the person we’d been discussing the next day. 真是巧了,我在第二天遇见了我们一直在谈论的那个人。 ③(牛津P375)It’s not a coincidence that none of the directors are women.没有一位董事是女性,这并非偶然。 思维拓展

  即境活用 2.完成句子 (1)________________(碰巧的是)a bus arrived as we reached the empty bus stop,but we ignored it. 答案:By coincidence (2)________________(一定不是巧合)that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night. 答案:It can’t be a(n) coincidence


  convince vt. 使确信;说服 【教材原句】

  (P115)I was convinced that she had taken her own diamond,and that Rosanna had assisted her. 我确信她拿回了自己的钻石,而罗莎娜帮了她的忙。 convince sb.of sth.使某人相信某事 convince sb.to do sth.说服某人去做某事 convince sb.that...使某人确信…… ①(牛津P438)I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor. 我一直劝他去看病。 ②You need to convince your interviewer of your ability to master the work. 你需要让你的面试官相信你有驾驭这份工作的能力。

  convinced adj.确信的,信服的(一般不用于名词前)be convinced that­clause/of sth.确信……convincing adj.有说服力的,令人信服的 思维拓展 ③I am convinced that sooner or later we will succeed. 我确信我们迟早会成功的。 ④We are convinced of the safety of these products. 我们确信这些产品是安全的。 即境活用 3.Scientists are convinced ________ the positive effect of laughter ________ physical and mental health. A.of;atB.by;in C.of;on

  D.on;at 解析:选C。句意:科学家们坚信笑对身心健康有积极影响。be convinced of=be completely sure about sth.坚信,深信,确信;effect常与on连用,意为“对……的影响”。以上两个均属于固定搭配,故选C。 4.

  assume vt. 假定;设想;假装;承担 【教材原句】

  (P115)I assumed her maid had taken Rachel’s garment with the paint stain,hidden it,and then secretly made a new one in her room during the night. 我设想她的女佣已拿走了雷切尔的涂料染色的服装,并隐藏了它,然后在那个夜晚又偷偷在她房间放了一件新的。 assume sth./that...假设…… assume sb.to be认为某人是

  It is generally assumed that普遍认为…… ①(牛津P104)It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.认为经济将继续好转是有道理的。 ②(牛津P104)Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.咱们暂时假设计划成功。 ③(牛津P104)It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为,紧张是工作过度所致。 思维拓展

  ④Assuming that the proposal is accepted,when are we going to get the money? 假定这个建议被采纳,我们什么时候能拿到钱? ⑤A lot of people make the assumption that poverty only exists in the Third World.许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界。 即境活用 4.We all can go out for a picnic this afternoon-________that the others agree. A.to assume

  B.assumed C.assume

  D.assuming 解析:选D。assuming that...“假定……”。类似表达还有:providing/supposing (that)...。 5.

  remark n.& vi. 评论;评述 【教材原句】

  (P116)You may remember that Franklin was suffering from lack of sleep at the time of Rachel’s birthday,and had upset Dr.Candy with his remarks about doctors. 你可能还记得,富兰克林是因睡眠不足而在雷切尔的生日时痛苦,并且他对医生的评价使迪坎医生心烦意乱。


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