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发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  必修二  Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines


  orbit, congratulate, achieve, replace, delight, politics, believe, culture, found, produce 1.The film to be ________ for the New Year is said to be good.

  2.The invention of the computer is a great ______________.

  3.The plane is ________ over the field, waiting for the signal to land.

  4.I was ______________ to see my old friends again.

  5.__________________ on your success!

  6.I haven't much ________ in his honesty.

  7.The ________________ traditions of our society are different from the ones of the US.

  8.____________________ are busy near election time.

  9.We've ________ the old adding machine with a computer.

  10.The business, __________________ by Dawn and Nigel, suffered financial setbacks.

  答案:1.produced 2.achievement 3.orbiting 4.delighted 5.Congratulations 6.belief 7.cultural 8.Politicians 9.replaced 10.founded



  The accident______________________________ the one that happened in 2008.


  ______________________________, I have to turn to others.


  I ______________________ this great opportunity.


  When I ________________ the news that Chang'e­2,China's second moon probe, had entered the Earth­moon transfer orbit, ______________________.


  From her knowledge of John's habits, she feels that the attacker __________________ John.

  答案:1.is similar to 2.Since you can't help me 3.congratulate you on 4.heard; I was having dinner 5.can't be


  1.(2011·淄博模拟)We're all ready to put it into operation. ________, we're going to take action as fast as possible.

  A.In total

  B.In general

  C.In conclusion

  D.In other words

  答案:D 考查固定短语。in total“总共”;in general“一般来说”;in conclusion“总之”;in other words“换句话说”。句意:我们已经准备好使它生效。换句话说,我们打算尽快采取行动。

  2.________ to the delight of the schoolchildren, they will have a longer winter holiday which falls a week earlier than they have expected.





  答案:B 考查固定搭配。much to one's delight“令某人极其高兴的是”。

  3.—Goodbye! I'm going back to my hometown this afternoon.


  A.Have a nice trip.


  C.Take your time.

  D.I couldn't agree more.

  答案:A 考查交际用语。因为第一个人说要回家乡,所以第二个人应说“旅途愉快”。

  4.There are over 58, 000 rocky objects in ________ space, about 900 of which could fall down onto ________ earth.

  A.the; the

  B./; the

  C.the; /

  D.a; the

  答案:B 考查冠词。in space“在太空中”,中间没有冠词;earth前面要加定冠词,因为地球是独一无二的东西。

  5.Their situation seems to have been very similar ________ ours.





  答案:B 考查介词与固定搭配。be similar to sb./sth. in sth.表示“在……方面与某人或某物相似”。

  6.Her voice ________ a more serious tone.

  A.took away

  B.took out

  C.took on

  D.took off

  答案:C 考查动词词组辨析。句意:她使用了更为严肃的声调。take on “呈现;具有”;take away“拿走”;take out“拿出”;take off“脱掉,起飞”。由句意可知C正确。

  7.Friendship has to be ________ trust, as we all know.

  A.found on

  B.believed in

  C.founded on


  答案:C 考查固定短语。found...on“把……建立在……上”;believe in “相信”。句意:正如我们所知,友谊是建立在信任的基础上的。

  8.I shall have to appear in court to give ________ for the accused.





  答案:B 考查名词辨析。achievement“成就”;evidence“证据”;effect“影响;作用”;development“发展”。句意:我将出庭为被告提供证据。

  9.They ________ me ________ my passing the college entrance exam.

  A.celebrated; in 

  B.congratulated; in

  C.congratulated; on

  D.celebrated; on

  答案:C 考查词语辨析。句意:他们祝贺我通过了大学入学考试。因此应使用固定短语congratulate sb. on sth.,答案为C。

  10.As the train was to pull out, Tom came running along and climbed ________.





  答案:B 考查词语辨析。broad“宽的”;aboard是副词“上车,上船等”;abroad是副词“在国外”;board是动词“上(车、船等)”。句意:当火车要驶出站时,汤姆跑上去并爬上了车。副词aboard修饰动词climb,故答案为B。

  11.________ our advertised programme, we will be showing a film.

  A.In the place of

  B.In a place of

  C.In place of

  D.In places of

  答案:C 考查固定词组。句意:我们将放映一部电影来代替广告节目。所以答案应为C项, in place of固定短语“代替”。

  12.There are no mistakes ________ evidence in your composition.

  A.of B.in C.at D.for

  答案:B 句意:在你的作文中没有明显的错误。in evidence“明显的”,是固定搭配,因此答案为B。

  13.(2010·泸州市)—I wonder ________he'll come back from the party.

  —In twenty minutes or so.

  A.how soon

  B.how long

  C.how often

  D.how much

  答案:A 考查短语。由答语“大约二十分钟后”可知,选how soon“多久之后”。how long“多长”;how often“多久”,问的是频率;how much“多少”。

  14.Though I ________ him all the time because of his honesty. I don't ________ what he said just now.

  A.believe in; believe in

  B.believe; believe

  C.believe in; believe

  D.believe; believe in

  答案:C 考查词汇用法。由句意可知,第一空指“信任”,应用believe in sb.;第二空指“相信某人的话”,应用believe,故答案为C。

  15.I don't think I know you. You must take me for ________.

  A.other person

  B.some other

  C.other one

  D.someone else

  答案:D else应放于不定代词之后表示“其他的”,故答案为D。


  NEWSPAPERS have certainly been around for a long time. Many New Zealand newspapers are now heading towards their 125th anniversary (周年纪念) of the first publication and some New Zealand papers are more than 140 years old.

  However, some people think that newspapers are yesterday's medium (传媒) and that new media, like television and even the Internet, will in the very near future cause newspapers to die. What is clear is that the growth of new media, and in particular the Internet, will cause newspapers to change themselves and change their product to meet customers' needs.

  People read newspapers because of their unique (独特的) strength. They have a large audience and yet a certain appeal (吸引力). They reach the majority of the population each day through covering national and international news and yet they offer interest to gardeners, cooks and even slaves to fashion.

  Newspapers also remain strong because of people's continued love of reading. Reading is an active and involving (专注的) process, but people are able to read at their own speed and return to newspapers for reference purposes.

  Newspapers will certainly not stop the Internet being a competitor (竞争者). But no newly­introduced news medium has ever killed an old one, and if best guesses are to be made then it is likely that this will be the case with this new medium as well.

  1.What will cause the “dying” of the newspaper?

  A.Its old age.

  B.The growth of new media.

  C.Unsuccessful business.

  D.Internet millionaries.

  答案:B 第二段第一句说明,有些人认为新的媒体将会使得报纸消亡。

  2.“They have a large audience and yet a certain appeal.” Which answer best describes this statement?

  A.Few people like them for the same reason.

  B.Many people like them for a variety of reasons.

  C.Many people like them for the same reason.

  D.Few people like them for a variety of reasons.

  答案:C 第三段开头说明,报纸拥有大量读者,很多喜欢读报都是因为报纸独特的魅力(unique strength)。

  3.Which of the following does not refer to newspapers?

  A.Useful for reference.

  B.Changing to meet customer's needs.

  C.Wide­reaching every day.

  D.A passive way of getting information.

  答案:D 第四段最后说明A项正确;第二段最后说明B项正确;第三段最后说明C项正确;D项文中没有说明,并且passive意为“消极的;被动的”,不符合报纸的特点。

  4.Which title would not be suitable for this article?

  A.The death of newspapers.

  B.People love to read.

  C.Current media developments.

  D.Old media and new media.

  答案:A 第四段讲到了人们喜欢阅读;第二段讲到了现代传媒的发展;第二段和第五段讲到了新旧传媒。从文章结尾看出,作者认为报纸是不会消亡的,所以A项不符合文意。

  5.Which of the following is CORRECT?

  A.Newspapers will be killed by the Internet soon.

  B.The Internet will be killed by newspapers.

  C.Newspapers and the Internet will co­exist.

  D.Newspapers and the Internet will both disappear.

  答案:C 从文章最后一段看出,作者认为报纸将会和新的传媒共存。








  One afternoon after I was on my way home,the weather changed suddenly.Dark clouds were gathered.I began to feel worried because I didn't have both a raincoat or

  umbrella about me.It soon started to rain. Just as I was hurrying home, I heard of someone calling me from behind.I turn to have a look and found that he was Liu Wei, a good neighbor of mine.He offered to share his umbrella with me.We walked all the ways home.With Liu Wei's

  help, I would

  have got wet to the skin.How thankful I was to his help!


  One afternoon

  I was on my way home,the weather changed suddenly. Dark clouds were . I began to feel worried because I didn't have

  a raincoat


  umbrella about me. It soon started to rain. Just as I was hurrying home, I


  someone calling me from behind.I

  to have a look and found that

  was Liu Wei, a good neighbor of mine.He offered to share his umbrella with me.We walked all the


  Liu Wei's

  help, I would

  have got wet to the skin.How thankful I was

  his help!


  请根据以下提示用英语写一篇120~150词左右的短文,介绍《英语报》,以便刊登在对外发行的Beijing Review上。





  提示词:《英语报》报社:English Paper (EP);捐助:contribute...to...



  The English Paper (EP) was founded in 1990. It lies in a beautiful mountain city. Its office building lies by the attractive Fengye Lake.

  The EP has been well received all over the country because of its high quality, and it has millions of readers. There are over ten departments with more than 200 experienced editors. It publishes over a dozen newspapers and magazines. It has the most advanced equipment in editing, printing and communication. The EP contributes several million yuan to the English education reform of China every year. With the rapid development of the society the EP surely has a brighter future in the new century.


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