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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  After graduation I’d like to find a job where I can use what I have learnt at school. 毕业后我要找到一份能利用在学校所学知识的一份工作。

  2.先行词是时间名词或地点名词时,如果在从句中不作状语,则不能用when或where引导定语从句,而要用which/that。 Is this the reason (that/which) he gave us for the delay of the project? 这是他给出工程推迟的原因吗? 经典品味 考点三 “介词+which/whom”

  1.The engineer spoke highly of the government’s efforts,________he owed his safe return from Libya. A.through which B.to which C.with whom

  D.for whom 解析:选B。考查定语从句。先行词为the government’s efforts,故应用关系代词which。owe sth.to...“把某事归功于……”,故选B项。 2.(2016·江苏省苏中三市联合调研)Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages,________the most important is perhaps its convenience. A.of which

  B.whose C.that

  D.in which 解析:选A。考查定语从句。句意:在因特网上购物有很多优点,其中最重要的也许是它的便利。分析句子结构和语意可知,此处定语从句修饰advantages,表示其中的某一部分,故选择of which,也可以写成the most important of which。

  1.与定语从句中的动词构成搭配。 In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person to whom she could turn for help. 在漆黑的大街上没有一个人能为她提供帮助。 要点浓缩 2.与定语从句所修饰的先行词构成搭配。 Patience,without which you can’t do the work well,is a kind of quality. 耐心是一种品质。没有了耐心,你不能做好工作。 3.of+which/whom表示所属关系。(表所属关系也可用whose) Recently I bought an ancient vase,the price of which(=whose price) was very reasonable. 最近我买了个古代的花瓶,它的价钱很合理。 经典品味 考点四 先行词为point,case,stage situation等词时所构成的定语从句

  1.(2016·潍坊模拟训练)Our school has developed a learning system __________ students can do a lot of teamwork. A.that 

  B.when C.which

  D.where 解析:选D。考查定语从句。 先行词a learning system在定语从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导。 2.(2016·河南省五市高三模拟)The media can often help solve problems and draw attention to situations________ help is needed. A.that

  B.which C.when

  D.where 解析:选D。分析句子结构可知,本题考查定语从句的引导词,引导词在定语从句中作地点状语,故用where,相当于in which。 3.(2016·云南检测)—Do you have anything to say for yourselves? —Yes,there’s one point________we must insist on. A.why

  B.where C.how

  D./ 解析:选D。the point作介词on的宾语,因此应选用关系代词或者省略。 要点浓缩

  point,situation,case,activity等,从表面上看它们不是表地点的,但却表示类似地点的意义,因此它们作先行词时,如果引导词在从句中作状语,那么这个引导词要用where;如果不作状语,则用关系代词that/which。 It’s helpful to put children in a situation where they can see themselves different.(where作状语) 把孩子放在一个能使他们从另外一个角度认识自己的环境中对他们有益。 (2009·高考浙江卷)I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own. 我已经到了应该自己作决定的那个人生阶段。 Now there is just one point that/which I wish you make quite clear.(which/that作宾语) 现在只有一点我希望你弄清楚。 语法专练知能闯关 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 八、定语从句 考点整合各个击破 经典品味

  考点一 关系代词引导的定语从句

  1.(2011·高考上海卷)You’ll find taxis waiting

  at the bus station________you can hire to reach your host family. A.which  B.where C.when


  解析:选A。句意:在公共汽车站你会发现有出租车在那里等,你可以租(一辆)去主人家里。考查定语从句。空格处引导一宾语从句修饰先行词taxis,taxis在从句中作hire的宾语,关系代词应用which,故选A。 2.(2011·高考四川卷)The school shop,________ customers are mainly students,is closed for the holidays. A.which

  B.whose C.when

  D.where 解析:选B。句意:这家校内商店放假时关门,它的顾客主要是学生。考查定语从句。本句没有并列连词也没有从属连词,故可判断逗号后面是非限制性定语从句;本句先行词是the school shop,还原到从句后为: The school shop’s customers are mainly students.因此选B,用whose引导定语从句,关系代词whose在从句中作定语。 3.(2011·高考山东卷)The old town has narrow streets and small houses________

  are built close to each other. A.they

  B.where C.what

  D.that 解析:选D。句意:这个古老的小镇拥有建造得彼此靠得很近的狭窄街道和小房子。本题考查定语从句。先行词是narrow streets and small houses,还原到从句中作主语,所以用关系代词that。A和C不能引导定语从句;B是关系副词,不能作主语。 4.(2016·南京金陵中学模拟)Several Western countries made a surprise attack on Libya,________caused widespread destruction and left many people dead and many suffering a lot. A.where

  B.that C.when

  D.which 解析:选D。考查定语从句。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面句子的内容。

  1.whose是一个表示所属关系的词,在定语从句中作定语,of which可以代替whose指物, 词序一般是名词+of which或of which+名词。of whom可以代替whose指人,词序是名词+of whom。 要点浓缩 (2009·高考安徽卷)Many children,whose parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the village. 父母亲在大城市里打工的许多孩子在村庄里被照顾的非常好。 (2010·高考陕西卷)The old temple whose roof was damaged in a storm is now under repair. 那座在暴风雨中屋顶受损的古庙现在正在维修中。 2.which,that所代替的先行词是表示事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。 先行词既有人又有物时,关系代词用that;which代指前面整个句子内容。 They talked for about an hour of things and people that they remembered in the school. 关于他们记得的上学时的人和事,他们讨论了大约一小时。 The Internet is a huge computer system which/that allows millions of people around the world to share information. 因特网是一个庞大的计算机系统,它使得世界上成千上万的人们共享信息成为可能。 3.who,whom,that这些词代替的先行词是表示人的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。 (2010·高考浙江卷)The settlement is home to nearly 1,000 people,many of whom left their village homes for a better life in the city. 近千人在这个社区居住,他们当中很多都是从农村老家来城市寻求更好的日子的。

  经典品味 考点二 关系副词引导的定语从句

  1.(2011·高考天津卷)The days are gone ________ physical strength was all you needed to make a living. A.when  B.that C.where

  D.which 解析:选A。本题考查定语从句的用法。句意:“体力是谋生的唯一所需的时代一去不复返了。”先行词为the days,将其代入定语从句后为:On the days physical strength was all...由此可见先行词在定语从句中作时间状语,故用when引导。 本题先行词与定语从句隔开,构成了“分割性定语从句”,增加了试题难度。 2.(2011·高考陕西卷)I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends,________ we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake. A.which

  B.where C.who

  D.that 解析:选B。句意:我和朋友们一起登上山顶,从山顶上我们欣赏了湖光美景。本题考查定语从句。本句中没有并列连词也没有从属连词,故判断逗号后为非限制性定语从句。 先行词为the top of the hill,还原到从句后为:on the top of the hill we enjoyed a splendid view of the lake,由此可见先行词在从句中作地点状语,故选择B项where。 3.(2011·高考安徽卷)Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator,________it will keep for two or three weeks. A.when

  B.which C.where

  D.while 解析:选C。本题考查定语从句。句意:无论剩下什么东西,都可以放到冰箱里,在冰箱里食物可以保存两周到三周。本句中没有并列连词也没有从属连词,故判断逗号后为非限制性定语从句。先行词为refrigerator, 代入定语从句后为:It will keep for two or three weeks in the refrigerator.由此可见先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,故答案为C项。

  1.关系副词在定语从句中作状语,when指时间,where指地点,why指原因,在定语从句中分别作时间状语、地点状语和原因状语。 要点浓缩 Occasions are quite rare when I have time to spend a day with my kids. 我有时间和孩子们一起度过一天的机会很少。


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