第四单元 学校的规章制度
(1)A: 这里允许停车吗?(1.允许钓鱼/2.允许滑旱冰)
B: 是的,可以。
A: 谢谢。
(2)A: 这里允许人们游泳吗?(1.拍照/2.露营/3.搭个便车)
B: 不,不行。.
A: 噢,那好吧。谢谢。
A: 对不起,我认为你不可以在公园里踢球。(1 在这个街区停车/2 在图书馆谈话/3 在这滑冰/4 在草坪上走路/5 乱穿越马路)
A: 请出示您的驾驶执照。
B: 给你,长官。请告诉我,我做错了什么?
A: 你闯红灯了。(1.你超速行驶了2.你的检查标签已经到期了3.你做了非法U型转弯 4.你的尾灯不起作用了 5.你以75英里的速度在每小时55英里的地带行驶)
B: 我吗?
A:你知道,我讨厌成为一个“不断地告诉司机如何开车的乘客,但是你真的不应该闯过那个红灯。(1.做U型转弯 2.在右行道超过那辆车 3.加速通过学校地带 4.如此快的开过那个十字路口)
A:是的。你可能要得到一张交通违章罚款通知单了。(1.被警察叫停 2.导致交通事故 3.被撞 4.撞到别人 5.让我们被杀)
A: 约翰?
B: 恩?
A: 今天你的老师打电话了。(1.指导顾问 2.校长 3.你的课堂老师 4. 校护 5.足球教练)
B: 真的吗?她说什么啦?
A: 她说你的社会研究学在这次分数中很差!是真的吗?(1.Betty今年将要获得"优秀学生"奖 2.Mark今天在食堂打架了 3.过去这几天Cathy上学一直来晚 4.Jennifer需要去检查一下她的眼睛 5.Ted在足球队选拔以前不得不让内科医生进行检查)
(1)A::请您给我的体操老师写一张便条好吗?(1.音乐老师 2.陈夫人 3.我的课堂老师)
B:给你的体操老师?(1.音乐老师 2.陈夫人3.我的课堂老师)
(2)A:您能给我的老师写一张便条吗?(1.戏剧俱乐部的辅导老师 2.我的自然科学老师)
B:给你的老师?(1.戏剧俱乐部的辅导老师 2.我的自然科学老师)
A:您能告诉他昨天晚上我因为身体不舒服而不能做我的家庭作业吗?(1. 这个周末Howard将不能帮忙“Car Wash,因为他不得不参加他表弟的婚礼2. Karen还没有完成她的自然科学设计,因为我们家的电脑消除了她的脚注和参考书目)
P84:A: 你好.我是Johnson夫人(1.Winter先生 2.Santiago夫人 3. Henry Lweis 4.Harriet Robbins 5.Brook夫妇).B: 噢!那您一定是Lucy的母亲了.(1.Eric的父亲 2.Flora的母亲 3.Gary的父亲 4.Scott的母亲 5.Melissa的父母亲)A: 是,我是.很高兴见到你.B: 我也一样.欢迎参加我们的“家长访谈会!你有什么问题想问我的吗?A: 当然,事实上是这样.我想了解到目前为止你是否对Lucy今年的功课满意? (1.你对Eric的进步感到满意吗? 2. Flora和别的孩子相处的还好吗? 3.他经常参与课上的讨论吗? 4. 为什么 Scott 上次的成绩单在行为表现上得D呢? 5. Melissa在数学上做的怎么样?)B: 当然.她是班里一位很优秀的学员.P86:
(!)A: 我刚收到我的成绩单。
B: 怎么样?
A: 恩,我历史得A。英语B+。微积分学B-。还有生物得C。
A: 恩,我在准时表现上被评为“杰出。我在效率表现上被评为“好。我在合作表现上被评为“一般。还有我在态度表现上被评为“差。
B: 哦?
Exit 4 Rules and Regulations at school
(1) A: Is parking permitted here? (1.fishing /2.rollering skate.)
B: yes, it is.
A: Thanks.
(2) A: Are people allowed to swim here? (1.take picture/2.camp/3.hitchhike)
B: No, they aren’t.
A: Oh, okay. Thanks.
A: Excuse me. But I don’t think you’re allow to play ball in the park (1.park on the block/2. talk in the library/3. skate 4. walk on the grass /5. jaywalk)
B: Oh?
A: Yes. There’s a sign over there that says so.
B: Hmm, I guess I didn’t notice it. Thanks for telling me.
A: you’re welcome.
A: Let me see your license.
B: Here you are, Officer. Tell me, what did I do wrong?
A: You went through a red light.(1.You were speeding 2.Your inspection sticker has expired 3.You made an illegal U-turn 4.Your taillights aren’t working 5.You were going 75 in a 55-mile-per-hour zone )
B: Oh. I didn’t realize that. Would you possibly be willing to let me go with just a warning this time?
A: No. I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going to have to give you a ticket.
B: Oh.
A: You know…. I hate to be a “back-seat driver, but you really shouldn’t have gone through that red light .(1. made that U-turn 2. passed that car on the right-hand side 3. cut in front of that big truck 4.sped through that school zone 5. drove through that intersection so fast)
B: Oh?
A: Yes. You could have gotten a ticket!
B: Hmm. You’re right. I guess I just went through that red light(.(1. made that U-turn 2. passed that car on the right-hand side 3. cut in front of that big truck 4.sped through that school zone 5. drove through that intersection so fast) without thinking. I must have had my mind on something else.
A: Johnny?
A:Your teacher called today. (1.your guidance counselor 2. the principal 3. your homeroom teacher 4. the school nurse 5. the football coach)
B:Really? What did she say?
A:She said you were doing poorly in social studies this marking period (1.Betty is going to receive the “Outstanding Student award this year. 2. Mark got into a fight in the lunchroom today. 3. Cathy has been late for school for the past several days. 4. Jennifer needs to have her eyes checked. 5. Ted has to be examined by a physician before he can try out for the football team.) . Is that true?
B:Yes ,it is .I was going to tell you ,but I forgot.
(1) A: Could you please write a note to my gym teacher (1. the music teacher.2. Mrs. Chen. 3. my homeroom teacher.)?
B: To your gym teacher (1. the music teacher. 2 Mrs. Chen. 3. my homeroom teacher..) ? Why? What do you want me to say?
A: Could you ask her to excuse me from gym today because I have a sore ankle? (1. let Susan skip glee club rehearsal today because she has laryngitis.2. allow Carla to leave school an hour early today because she has a doctor’s appointment.3. excuse Adam for being late for school yesterday because our car wouldn’t start)
B: All right.
A: Thanks.
(2) A: Could you please write a note to my teacher? (1.the Drama Club advisor.2. my science teacher.)
B: To your teacher (1.the Drama Club advisor.2. my science teacher.)? Why? What do you want me to say?
A: Could you tell him I couldn’t do my homework last night because I didn’t feel well (1.Howard won’t be able to help with “Car Wash this weekend because he has to attend his cousin’s wedding.2. Karen hasn’t completed her science project yet because our home computer erased her footnotes and bibliography.)?
B: All right.
A: Thanks.
A:Hello. I’m Mrs. Johnson (1.Mr. Winter 2. Mrs. Santiago 3. Henry Lewis 4. Harriet Robbins 5.Mr.and Mrs. Brooks ).
B: Oh! You must be Lucy’s mother.(1.Eric’s father 2.Flora’s mother 3.Gary’s father 4.Scott’s mother 5.Melissa’s father and mother)
A: Yes, I am. Nice to meet you .
B: Nice meeting you, too. Welcome to our “Open House parents’ night! Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?
A: Yes, as a matter of fact. I was wondering whether you’re pleased with Lucy’s work so far this year.(1.you are satisfied with Eric’s progress 2. Flora is getting along with the other children 3. Gary participate in class 4. Scott got a D for Conduct on his last report card 5. Melissa is doing in math)
B: Yes. She’s one of the best students in the class. ( 1. Yes. He’s doing very nicely 2. She’s very friendly and outgoing. 3. To be honest, he doesn’t raise his hand as much as he could 4. To be honest with you, he often misbehaves during class 5. She’s doing well with fractions, but she’s having a little trouble with decimals)
(1) A: I just received my grades.
B: How did you do?
A: Well, I got an A (1.A- 2.B+ 3.B 4.B- 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9.F) in history. I got a B plus (B+) (1.A 2.A- 3.B 4.B- 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9. F) in English .I received a B minus(B-)(1.A 2.A- 3.B+ 4.B 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9.F)in calculus. And I got a C (1.A 2.A- 3.B+ 4.B 5.B- 6.C+ 7.C- 8.D 9.F) in biology.
B: Is that what you expected?
A. Well, not really ,I knew I would get an A (1.A- 2.B+ 3.B 4.B- 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9.F)in history ,and I was expecting to get a B plus (1.A 2.A- 3.B 4.B- 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9.F )in English .As far as calculus is concerned ,I suppose I deserved a B minus(1.A 2.A- 3.B+ 4.B 5.C+ 6.C 7.C- 8.D 9.F ).But I really do not think I should have gotten a C(1.A 2.A- 3.B+ 4.B 5.B- 6.C+ 7.C- 8.D 9.F ) in biology.
B. Oh?
A. Yes, It seems to me I should have done better than that.
(2) A: I just received the result of my performance evaluation.
B: How did you do?
A: Well, I was rated “Excellent (1.Very good 2.Good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for Punctuality. I was rated “Good (1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for Efficiency. I was given a rating of “Fair (1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Good 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for Cooperation and I was rated “Poor (1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Good 4.Fair 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for attitude.
B: Is that what you expected?
A: Well, not really .I knew I would be rated “Excellent (1.Very good 2.Good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for Punctuality, and I was expecting to be rated "Good" (1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory) for Efficiency. As far as Cooperation is concerned, I suppose I deserved to be given a rating of "Fair" (1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Good 4.Poor 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory).But I really don’t think I should have been rated "poor"(1.Excellent 2.Very good 3.Good 4.Fair 5.Satisfactory 6.Unsatisfactory)for Attitude.
B. Oh?
A. Yes. It seems to me I should have done better than that.
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