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(广东省专用)2015届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Working the land课时作业 新人教版必修4

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(十七) [必修4 Unit 2 Working the land] (限时:45分钟).语法填空he was swimming in the river when someone shouted, “Look out! There is 1.________ shark not far away!” On hearing the shout, Tom was scared to ________ (die) because he 3.________ (scare) of its dangerous characteristic. “Just don't worry, Tom!” his

  in order to avoid 4.________ (harm), let's go back to our hotel.”

  They stayed in the seaside for several weeks. Though the weather was much hotter than that in their hometown, Tom got used to 5.________ and felt at home. Every morning, he got up earlier than his parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then he went to have a chat with his new friend, Jack, who he happened to come 6.________ during his holiday. Jack was a native and he was familiar 7.________ the seaside well. He was a man with good 8.________ (qualify). Soon they became very good friends. After they parted, they kept writing to each other. Now, Tom still often hears 9.________ Jack. They talked in their letters about things and persons 10.________ they remembered in the seaside.

  Ⅱ.阅读理解who is making a difference, is known around the world. He is often described as the man who has saved more lives than any other person in history. Norman Borlaug is considered the father of what has been called the Green Revolution. His ideas about agriculture increased crop production and ended hunger in many nations. Mr Borlaug continues to be a leader among agricultural researchers.

  Norman Borlaug was born in 1914 on a farm in the American state of Iowa. In the middle of the 20th century, world population was expanding faster than food production. Experts said many people in developing countries would face starvation.

  Norman Borlaug was an agricultural researcher at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre in Mexico. He developed methods of growing wheat that increased the amount harvested by three times. He later repeated this success in India, Pakistan and Africa.

  His methods of farming saved millions of people who would have starved to death. Norman Borlaug was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in 1970.

  Norman Borlaug is still urging experts to think about the needs of people around the world. His latest concern is a disease in wheat called UG 99.He says it has the power to destroy most of the wheat being grown around the world. He says reductions in agricultural programmes have made it harder to take action against such threats.

  Mr Borlaug's granddaughter Julie works at the centre named after him at Texas A&M University in Dallas. She says his worry about food problems rises from the belief that hunger is unacceptable. She says Norman Borlaug still believes it is our responsibility as human beings to feed one another.

  11. Norman Borlaug was ________ years old when he was given the Nobel Prize.




  D.99the writer tries to ________.show an interest in Norman Borlaug's research

  D.describe Norman Borlaug and his research

  13.Which of the following statements about UG 99 is TRUE?

  A.UG 99 is a modern software virus.

  B.UG 99 is a disease that does great harm to the wheat.

  C.UG 99 is a virus that appeared in 1999.

  D.UG 99 caused increase in agricultural output.

  14.In this passage, the author did NOT mention ________ besides the USA.





  15.From the passage, we can infer that________.the crop production

  C.it is easy to take action against such threats

  D.hunger is the main problem in Asia


  A firm handshake is key to interview success. As any serious job-hunter knows, it helps to dress smartly and smile at that all-important interview. But research has showed that a firm handshake is what really matters when it comes to (模拟) interviews with businesses. As each undergraduate was graded on their overall performance, five “handshake raters” also marked them on their grasp, strength, duration, vigour and eye contact.from the University of Iowa, who led the study, said those who scored highly with the handshake raters were also considered to be the most hirable by the interviewers. Students with wimpy shakes were judged to be more timid and less impressive.

  The study also found women with a firm handshake were likely to be evaluated more favourably than their male counterparts.

  Professor Stewart said, “We've always heard that interviewers make up their mind about a person in the first two or three minutes of an interview. But we found that the first impression begins with a handshake that sets the tone for the rest of the interview. We don't consciously remember a person's handshake but it is one of the first non-verbal clues we get about the person's overall personality, and that impression is what we remember.”

  Women were less likely to have a highly rated handshake, partly because traditionally they shake hands less than men. But when women did possess a firm handshake, they were likely to be evaluated more favourably than their male counterparts.

  Body language experts warn, however, that the firmness needs to be just right, as an over-enthusiastic bone crusher handshake can indicate self-importance, a controlling personality and a lack of trustworthiness.

  The handshake is thought to have originated in medieval Europe as a way for kings and knights to show that they did not intend to harm each other and possessed no hidden weapons.

  16.The passage is probably intended for ________.


  B.an undergraduateemployers

  D.handshake raterswe know that in an interview ________.

  A.dressing smartly is more important than a firm handshake

  B.a smile has no effect on impressing potential employers

  C.a firm handshake is more important than dressing smartly and a smile

  D.dressing smartly, a smile and a firm handshake are of the same importance

  18.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.The firmer your handshake is, the better impression you leave.

  B.The undergraduates without a firm handshake are thought to be less impressive.

  C.Generally speaking, women shake hands less with others.

  D.It's said that the handshake dates back to medieval Europe.

  19.Professor Greg Stewart probably disagrees that ________.

  A.a bone crusher handshake gives an unfavourable impression

  B.the scores by the handshake raters were not related to the employment of the undergraduates

  C.an undergraduate highly scored by the handshake raters was more likely to be hired

  D.interviewers often decided whether to employ a person in the first two or three minutes of an interview

  20.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.Women with a firm handshake were likely to leave a better impression than men.

  B.A successful job interview starts with a firm handshake.

  C.Dressing, a smile and a firm handshake are all important to a successful job interview.

  D.Job interview success depends on interviewees' body language.

  Ⅲ.读写任务阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。(海军少尉) was given the opportunity to prepare his ship to set sail. Soon the ship was driven slowly out of the channel. The ensign's efficiency was remarkable. In fact, the talk was that he had set a new record for getting the ship underway. Later he was handed a radio message from the captain.

  “My personal congratulations on completing the sail with amazing speed,”it read,“but next time wait until your captain goes aboard before getting underway!”What good is a ship without the captain? The ensign did all the right things, but he never did the most important thing!

  It is a matter of priority(优先). You may accomplish a great deal every day. But are you accomplishing the truly ve you put first things first?

  In work and study, in the areas of mental, physical and spiritual health, are you truly doing the important things?

  Today, will you put first things first? And how about tomorrow?

  And the next day? If so, you will one day discover that you are building a life that counts.

  [写作内容]以 “Put first things first”为题,写一篇读后感。以约30个词概括所读文章的内容;以约120个词表达你对该主题的见解,并包括如下要点:(1) 对该主题发表你的看法;(2) 以你自己或他人成长的经历说明你的感受。[写作要求]作文中可以使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。[评分标准]概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。课时作业(十七) 2.death 3.was scared 4.being harmed 5.it 7.with 8.qualifications 9.from 10.that农学家Norman Borlaug是绿色革命的主要倡导者。11.A 从“Norman Borlaug was born in 1914…”及他获得诺贝尔奖的时间是1970年,可推知他获诺贝尔奖时的年龄为56岁。 阅读全文可知,本文作者介绍了Norman Borlaug的生平以及他所从事的研究,故选D。 由倒数第二段的“His latest concern is a disease in wheat called UG 99…it has the power to destroy most of the wheat…”可知B正确。 文中第三段提到了India,Pakistan和Africa,故排除B、C、D三项。对于一个求职者来说,适度的坚定握手对求职面试成功很重要。 推理判断题。通过文中第一段以及后文可知,全文都在讲坚定的握手对于面试者在求职面试中的重要性,所以全文应该是为求职者所写的,故选A项。 细节理解题。通过原文第一段第二句话和最后一句话可知,穿着整齐和保持微笑在所有重要面试中都起作用,但调查显示,坚定的握手才能真正地给潜在的雇主留下深刻印象,所以选C项。 细节理解题。根据文中倒数第二段可知,坚定握手的强度也应该适度,因为过度热情会握得骨头痛,A项。 细节理解题。根据文中第三段可知,Greg Stewart教授认为那些被握手评价者打高分的人也被认为是在面试中最有可能被雇用的人,故B项与原文不符。 推理判断题。阅读全文可知,全文都在讲坚定握手在求职面试中的重要性,所以选择B项。:which was misapprehended by an ensign who prepared the sailing with remarkable efficiency but left behind the most important thing of having a captain.

  Whether people put first things first exerts great influence on the process of pushing things forward and even decides the future development. Things invariably go of their own accord. If the order is misplaced, the whole process is blocked and ceases to be an abstract concept. Therefore, we can hardly imagine how we achieve future development with things upside down, with the cart before the horse.

  My experience vividly illustrates the significance of putting first things first. In the examination for high school, I should have got tens of more marks if I had given priority to the questions I was familiar with. I cannot explain why I was so stubborn at that time and was quite illogical when dealing with an important examination, which directly resulted in many questions unfinished, and of course resulted in my failure to enter a key high school.

  I always keep this lesson in mind and promise myself to put first things first this time for the coming College Entrance Examination.


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