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江苏省盐城中学2016届高三英语周末回顾(10) Word版含答案

发布时间:2017-01-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  (M10 U3-4)

  1. The _________(突然的) change of schedule gave me lots of trouble.

  2. No other buyers have ________ (出价) higher than this price.

  3. The classmates used to d______________ against him because of his parents’ divorce.

  4. Their first __________ (反应) to the applicant is negative.

  5. The room was decorated with a_______________ flowers.

  6. I was t______ inside an elevator during the blackout.

  7. Doctors are searching for a cure that will ________ (消除) out cancer.

  8. After a while she w_______, and her tears brought some relief.

  9. He tried to ___________ (删除) the file, but failed.

  10. As time went by, her feeling of __________(仇恨) to her father died away.

  11. They sent an expert to a__________ the value of the house.

  12. The boy was c___________ (为他人着想的) to make room for the old man.

  13. I want to have my ___________ (行李) weighed please.

  14. The surface of the lake looks as ___________ (光滑的) as a mirror.

  15. Do you have a ____________ (证书) that can prove the ownership of this car?


  1. Sarah’s grandmother adores her; Sarah is ______________________________.

  2. Wilson was disappointed when he learnt that the coach had ___________.

  3. She knew it might take a long time for her teammates to change their minds, but she believed that the new plan would work ___________.

  4. The people in my village are very honest and hard-working; they are ____________________.

  5. When my brother came back home from his trip to Europe, we________________ for him.

  6. She would not say who told her about the surprise party. She just said, ‘_________________.’

  7. I wish I had brought my umbrella. It’s ______________________.

  8. Nobody has any money to go out tonight. We are _______________________.

  9. He has been __________ with his boss. He might be fired.

  10. A: Why don’t you sing with us in our next concert this Friday? ???? B: I wish I could, but I caught a cold and have __________________.


  1. To prevent school violence, it’s essential to keep ____ eye on children who are not behaving up to the mark or those whose activities are provoking by _____ nature.

  A. an, /

  B. the, the

  C. an, the

  D. /, /

  2. The group of people aged 65 and older accounting for over 17 percent of Florida’s population, compared with the national average 12.7 percent, _______, Florida is known as the oldest place in the USA.

  A. so not surprisingly

  B. it is not surprising

  C. not surprisingly

  D. surprisingly

  3. DNA testing on shark fin soup conducted recently, traditionally served at large gatherings in parts of East Asia, ______ eight shark species, some of them _______.

  A. identifies, endangered

  B. identifying, endangering

  C. identifying, endangered

  D. identified, endangering

  4 I don’t think what Ms. Cheng said just now can be reasonable, ______?

  A. do we

  B. is it

  C. can we

  D. can she

  5. The pressure _____ by the bank on their company is to reduce its borrowings due to the lowering of the market shares.

  A. made

  B. given

  C. sent

  D. put

  6. --- Do you know the big news that Joan will marry Frank soon?

  --- Marry Frank? ____ She told me she would keep single.

  A.You can’t be serious.

  B.Good for you.

  C.It doesn’t make sense.

  D.I can’t agree with you more.

  . ---Jason, you need to refresh yourself with a cup of coffee.

  --- Yeah, I went to bed very late last night, ________, early this morning.

  A, rather than

  B. what’s more

  C. or rather

  D. what’s worse

  8. If corruption is not curbed (约束) , by bringing the guilty to justice , matters will go ______ what the masses can tolerate , with unimaginably horrible results .

  A. beyond

  B. against

  C. without

  D. through

  9. After two hours of hiking, we finally reached _______ Tom thought was the best place to camp.

  A. where

  B. which

  C. what

  D. that

  10. Out of the 115 crops studied, 87 depend to some degree on animal pollination, ________ a third of crop production globally .

  A. making of

  B. taking up

  C. making up

  D. coming into

  11. Looking back on the three-year life in the mountain village, Thomas _______ it as a milestone in his personal development.

  A. values???????????????????????? B. confirms?????????????????? C. declares????????????

  D. assumes

  12. Students in English-speaking countries usually address their man teacher “sir”, but _______ their woman teacher “madam”.

  A. seldom they address????

  B. do they seldom address??

  C. seldom do they address??

  D. they seldom do address

  13. Under the environment of fierce competition, the only way John could imagine _______ stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts.

  A. handling???????????????????? B. to handle?????????????????? C. handled?????????????

  D. having handled

  14.—Do you think I should join the singing group ,Mary ?

  —_______ If I were

  in your shoes ,I certainly


  A. None of your business.

  B. It depends

  C. Why not ?

  D. I don’t think so.

  15. Peter will succeed in his field, I believe, _____ he devote more energy to it.

  A. might

  B. should

  C. could

  D. would


  When I was a law professor, a student reported that I made an error in grading his exam by giving him too many points. He was ___16___ and after thanking him for his honesty, I changed the grade in my ___17___. His beaming (欢笑的) face turned to shock. “You’re


  my grade?” he said angrily. “I would never have come in ___19___ ……”

  He didn’t finish the ___20___, but it was obvious that his display of honesty was ___41___. He thought he’d have it all—praise and the higher grade.

  Several colleagues thought I should have let the higher grade ___22___ because all I’d accomplished was to discourage him from being ___23___ in the future. And every time I tell this story, some people agree with this ___24___.

  But I can’t see how I could give good reason for worsening my ___25___ in grading by undermining (损害) the honesty of all my grades by failing to ___6___ an error. The grade itself would be a dishonest ___27___ of his knowledge and it would have been ___28___to other students. How could I ___29___ give a student a gift of an unearned grade?

  I know ___30___ reporting an error in one’s favor is unusual, but, like ___31___ too much change, it’s clearly the right thing to do. People of character, those with real honesty, hate to give up ___32___ as much as anyone else. The difference is that for them a good conscience and reputation is ___33___enough to give reason for the cost of doing the right thing.

  Perhaps lowering the student’s grade did ___34___ him from being honest in the future, but bribing (贿赂) him to be honest so that he does the right thing when it’s cost-free would have ___35___him even more. The duty to be honest is about right and wrong, not risks and rewards.

  16. A. wise

  B. right

  C. rigid

  D. angry

  17. A. files

  B. books

  C. records

  D. notes

  18. A. lowering

  B. correcting

  C. changing

  D. making

  19. A. whether

  B. which

  C. what

  D. if

  20. A. sentence

  B. work

  C. exam

  D. lesson

  21. A. good

  B. false

  C. special

  D. impressive

  22. A. move

  B. change

  C. stand

  D. drop

  23. A. brave

  B. adventurous

  C. successful

  D. honest

  24. A. remark

  B. complaint

  C. praise

  D. achievement

  25. A. crime

  B. mistake

  C. doubt

  D. guilt

  26. A. make

  B. find

  C. correct

  D. avoid

  27. A. reaction

  B. sense

  C. sign

  D. reflection

  28. A. unfair

  B. cruel

  C. tough

  D. funny

  29. A. reluctantly

  B. possibly

  C. politely

  D. patiently

  30. A. actively

  B. secretly

  C. voluntarily

  D. curiously

  31. A. receiving

  B. paying

  C. earning

  D. returning

  32. A. benefits

  B. honors

  C. awards

  D. gifts

  33. A. pleasure

  B. reward

  C. content

  D. honor

  34. A. protect

  B. influence

  C. discourage

  D. separate

  35. A. improved

  B. encouraged

  C. blamed

  D. ruined


  “REMOVE from friends.”

  This is no ordinary button. One click and I have the power to erase a person from my life.

  In late fall, I had around 400 friends on Facebook. Today, I have 134.

  Click. Make that 133.

  When Facebook first entered my life in 2005, I panicked that my friend count was too low. If I wasn’t properly connected, how would anyone see my clever quote(引语)? Who would wish me a happy birthday? I accepted and sent out friend requests without a second thought and soon accumulated 391 friends.

  There is an appeal to being able to communicate with someone or just “thumbs(拨动手指) up” a photo rather than make real conversation.

  “It’s comforting and it’s easy,” said Larry Rosen, a psychology professor at California State University, who studies the way people communicate online.” There’s a sense of belonging in it. It’s a sense of community in a generation where community has sort of (有点)disappeared.”

  However, I don’t talk to half of these people in the online community. There are some I would avoid if I met them on the street.

  Click. 132.

  I decided to rid my account of any “friend” that…well, wasn’t. Sound easy? You try it.

  Look at who you’re dealing with: family, friends, classmates, crushes(爱恋的对象), acquaintances…

  With every click of the “Remove from friends” button, you risk burning a bridge, losing a contact and missing an opportunity. So every time I go to click the button, my heart hurts.

  However, I’m not the only one who has experienced a Faceboook friend refreshing. The New Oxford American Dictionary announces its “Word of the Year” each year, and last year, “unfriend” made the cut (入围) (though I’ll still stick with “defriend”).

  When I started my mission(任务), a few friends joined. Most were surprised by how easily they could cut hundreds of connections without thinking twice.

  “Oh my God, I defriended like 600 people today. I feel so good!” my friend Sarah messaged.

  Dana, a close friend from high school, and I battled it out to see who could get our counts lower. She wins at 123.

  To some, it’s poor “netiquette(网络礼仪)” to defriend. But to me, it’s the stage of life when we hold onto the people who count, the people who impact you.

  36. According to the article, what happens when you click the “Remove form friends” button?

  A. A message is sent out to your online friends.

  B. You accept someone as your online friend.

  C. You send out a friend request to people.

  D. The number of your online friends is reduced.

  37. The writer worried about her friend count in 2005 because ______.

  A. no one would wish her a happy birthday

  B .it was the first time she had made friends online

  C. she had only 391 online friends at that time

  D. she was eager to make connections

  38. What is Larry Rosen’s opinion?

  A. People living in the same area are closely connected in everyday life.

  B. Communication online helps people feel they are members of a group.

  C. It’s easy for people to make and break new friendships online.

  D. Today’s young people spend nearly all their time communicating online.

  39. Which of the following is the best description of the underlined sentence?

  A. I made new friends online while I removed some old ones.

  B. Some friends cut the number of their online friends just like I did.

  C. We competed to see who could remove the most online friends.

  D. When someone removed me from a friends’ list, I removed him/her.



  1. abrupt

  2. bid

  3. discriminate

  4. reaction/ response

  5. artificial

  6. trapped

  7. wipe

  8. wept

  9. delete

  10. hatred

  11. assess

  12. considerate

  13. luggage/ baggage

  14. smooth

  15. certificate


  1. the apple of his grandmother’s eye

  2. feet of clay

  3. by and by

  4. the salt of the earth

  5. killed the fatted calf

  6. A little bird told me

  7. raining cats and dogs

  8. in the same boat

  9. a in hot water

  10. a frog in my throat











  1. abrupt

  2. bid

  3. discriminate

  4. reaction/ response

  5. artificial

  6. trapped

  7. wipe

  8. wept

  9. delete

  10. hatred

  11. assess

  12. considerate

  13. luggage/ baggage

  14. smooth

  15. certificate


  1. the apple of his grandmother’s eye

  2. feet of clay

  3. by and by

  4. the salt of the earth

  5. killed the fatted calf

  6. A little bird told me

  7. raining cats and dogs

  8. in the same boat

  9. a in hot water

  10. a frog in my throat









  The apple of one’s eye

  by and by

  feet of clay

  a little bird told me

  kill the fatted calf

  the salt of the earth

  rain cats and dogs

  be in the same boat

  be in hot water

  a frog in someone’s throat


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