Take some appropriate exercise.
Look on the bright side of your life.
Provide yourself with a nutrient diet.
Realize your depression and relieve it.
Fight your depression by talking with others
Get your fancy and sense of happiness back.
Try to identify any situations that have contributed to your depression. When you know what has got you feeling blue and why, talk about it with a caring friend, for talking is a way to release the feelings and to receive some understanding. If there’s no one to tell, pouring your heart out to a journal works just as well. Once you air out these thoughts and feelings, turn your attention to something positive. Feeling connected to friends and family can help relieve depression and it may also help them feel there’s something they can do instead of just watching you hurt.
Depression affects a person’s thoughts, making everything seem miserable, negative, and hopeless. If depression has you noticing only the negative, make an effort to notice the good things in life, say considering your strengths, gifts, or blessings may help.
With depression, a person’s creativity and sense of fun may seem blocked. Exercise your imagination by painting, sewing, writing, dancing or composing music, and then you not only get those creative juices flowing, you also loosen up some positive emotions. Take time to play with a friend or a pet, or do something fun for yourself, or find something to laugh about — a funny movie, perhaps, because laughter helps lighten your mood.
79. __________________
Taking a 15-to 30-minute brisk walk every day --- or dancing, jogging, or biking if you prefer makes you feel less depressed. Once you get in the exercise habit, it won’t take long to notice a difference in your mood. In addition to getting aerobic exercise, some yoga poses can help relieve feelings of depression. Two aspects of yoga --- breathing exercises and meditation --- can help people with depression feel better.
80. __________________
In depression, some people may not feel like eating at all, while others might overeat. If depression has affected your appetite, you’ll need to be extra mindful of getting the right nourishment, for proper nutrition can influence a person’s mood and energy. So eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and get regular meals even if you don’t feel hungry, try to eat something light, like a piece of fruit, to keep you going.
76~80 DBFAC
The definite danger New York is faced with.
Study results of the climate threats on New York.
The high cost of disaster-prevention plans.
Measures already taken to protect New York from flooding.
Choice of the areas to be saved from future disasters.
Prevention projects needed to fight rising sea.
76. __________
On Monday, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that the response to Hurricane (飓风) Sandy will cost $42 billion. On the same day, a group of climate researchers released research findings that sea levels appear to be on track to rise by several feet over the next century, with every inch putting more New Yorkers at risk. Sea-level researchers estimate that a five-foot rise would produce Sandy-like floods in New York every 15 years, on average.
77. __________
Protecting New York city from the advancing ocean is likely to be one of this century's great infrastructure (公共设施)investments. some work, such as constructing sea walls and rebuilding subway entrances, is already happening. Money has been spent to prepare for the next storm. Waterproofing electrical facilities and flood-proofing subway tunnels are under construction. The latter is especially important; damage to the subway system was the biggest-ticket item the Hurricane Sandy had caused.
78. __________
Ever-higher seas, though, still require more ambitious planning. The necessary item will be raising building entrances or building up the land. Massive sea gates could block storm surges (大浪)from entering upper New York harbor. Other choices for protecting the city include building barrier islands and extending the shore where feasible, which will make a huge figure on our budget.
79. __________
But in some ways New York’s challenge is relatively simple. Unlike many other areas of the country that will have to adapt to the varied and unpredictable effects of climate change, the city can have confidence that it faces a well-defined danger 一 rising seas — with effects that are possible to tell. It's obvious that spending billions to protect this population center is a worthwhile investment. And, unlike other places, local officials have already started thinking seriously about engineering their way out of danger.
80. __________
In the coming decades, areas up and down the Atlantic coast will have to argue about which coastal areas are worth protecting — by raising land, lengthening beaches, heightening homes or building sea walls to keep the water out ——and which aren't. Sea walls won't make sense everywhere; they are expensive. Now, the first thing federal and local officials can do is to plan ahead to decide which lands will inevitably be given up to the ocean and which will be guarded with every effort within our ability.
76〜80 BDFAE
A. Weather is to blame è
B. Divided opinions
C. Inheriting characteristics
D. Home of the redheads
E. Greater sensitivity to pain
F. Gene mutation
Britain may be the most red-headed country in the world. About 1 to 2 percent of the world’s population has red hair, but in the UK the numbers are much higher, with 13 percent of Scots, 10 percent of the Irish, and 6 percent of people in England having red hair, according to the BBC.
Scientists have tried to explain why some people have red hair for some time and now they may have found an answer: the dull weather in Britain. The human body needs vitamin D from sunshine, but unfortunately people living in Britain do not have enough of it because of its maritime climate. In fact, Britain gets even more cloud than countries in the far north of Europe. In Sweden, for example, the average daily hours of sunshine is 5.4. In Scotland it is only 3.1 hours.
To deal with this, the DNA of people living in these areas has changed slightly; scientists call this a mutation. Originally, the coloring on our body is a mixture of two kinds of melanin — black melanin and red/yellow melanin, but with certain parts of DNA changed, the production of black melanin is suppressed while only red/yellow melanin is made. The result is red hair, light skin color, freckles and a greater sensitivity to sunlight.
However, what’s more interesting is that redhead DNA mutation is recessive, which means it is hidden and can often skip generations without showing. At least 1.6 million Scots carry a red-head gene mutation, and most are unaware that they do. This is why a person who does not have red hair can still produce red-haired children if he or she is a carrier of this special DNA.
The research on red hair, like many areas of science, is contradictory. In 2002 researchers showed that redheads are more sensitive to pain, and need more anaesthetic during surgery than people with blonde or dark hair. However, in 2005 scientists found that a MCR1R mutation gives redheads a higher tolerance for pain. Research into these aspects of red hair genetics continues. Redheads should though be more careful about their exposure to sunlight as they are at an increased risk of contracting skin cancer. If you are a redhead, the advice is not to stay out of the sun, but to be careful about how much exposure you get, and to cover yourself with a higher factor sunscreen.
76~80 DAFCB
A. Don't neglect using the web.
B. Get your facilities ready.
C. Make paying for your items or service convenient.
D. Move forward and get started.
E. Put together a business plan.
F. Include a section on financing.
Starting Your Own Business
Start with an idea. This doesn't have to be a brand new invention or new product. In fact, many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service more efficiently or economically or have customized an existing product or service. Evaluate your competitors - how many competitors, how strong are they, where are they, how will you compete. State what is required to enter this market, barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories, restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.
This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office. It simply means keep accurate customer records, a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation, if necessary. One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e. the need for a clean set of books). Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information.
Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started. Besides getting business supplies or advertising, plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time. If your business is unlike a restaurant, that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into its doors, establish accounts ahead of time. In this way, you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to.
Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage. The internet is a customers’ research tool. Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.
Carrying cash can be risky. Therefore, most people choose to carry Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover. All these credit cards are part of our everyday life when it comes to making purchases. Debit cards are especially popular. So, along with having a sales counter cash register, get set up to accept credit cards for your business. To do this, also purchase a new credit machine.
76. E 77. B 78. D 79. A 80. C
A. Did you have a business supporter?
B. What about future plans?
C. How do you balance the Business and study?
D. Was your age a problem when you first started?
E. How do you manage your time?
F. How is your product different from other manufacturers'?
Interview with Teen Millionaire Entrepreneur(企业家) —Fraser Doherty
76. ____________________
I developed a set of recipes where the jams are made entirely from fruits and fruit juice. They're all natural, which is the typical feature of our product. After a year of development, I managed to convince an ad agency to work with me on labels and a factory to work with me to produce the jam. Some of the big supermarkets in the country decided to take it on and I now supply about 500 shops across the U.K., including Tesco, which is one of the biggest retailers in the world.
77. ____________________
Definitely, trying to convince one of the biggest jam manufacturers in the country to work with me to produce the jam was certainly very difficult. At first I was just going along with the set recipes. I had very little experience, no capital and just sort of an ambition to change the world of jam. I was rejected several times, but eventually I managed to convince one factory to work with me. They could see I am very enthusiastic and I'm putting everything I've got into trying to make this work.
78. ____________________
When it first started out I didn't, but as it grew, a couple of local entrepreneurs read about what I was doing and they thought that I reminded them of themselves when they were my age. They got in touch and we went out for coffee every month and I told them what I was trying to do. They explained things to me and told me stories of when they were first setting up. That was fantastic.
79. ____________________
It's certainly a challenge. I try to do things quickly and cut out things that aren't necessary to do. I'm not very sure what the correct answer is and I'm probably not the most organized person in the world. I think entrepreneurs are often chaotic (混乱的)in the way they do things. I find myself working long hours.
80. ____________________
There's certainly a huge amount that I want to do just within jam. The potential for international expansion is huge. The U.S. market is very appealing, so I'm starting to talk with some of the retailers over there. Eventually I'd like to develop jam for other food products. The next stop is marmalade and peanut butter and growing that way over the next few years.
76〜80 FDAEB
A. Study in class with high proficiency
B. Provide an overall picture of CAHSEE
C. Purchase a CAHSEE test prep book
D. Stay organized during the CAHSEE process
E. Focus on what’s included in CAHSEE
F. Review the material about CAHSEE
76. ________
All California students must pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) to receive their high school diploma. The test is first taken in the 10th grade, but retakes are allowed. The CAHSEE consists of two parts: English language arts and mathematics. The contents of the exam are based on the California state curriculum in those subjects. A scale score of 350 in each part is required to pass.
77. ________
To pass the CAHSEE, concentrate on studying the types of questions asked on the exam, and don’t worry about information that will not be asked. The mathematics section includes statistics, data analysis, probability, number sense, mathematical reasoning, measurement, geometry and grades 6 and 7 algebra. You will also need to know how to work with fractions, decimals and percentages. The English language arts sections covers vocabulary, decoding, comprehension and your ability to read and analyze short passages of text. You will also need to know basic spelling, grammar and punctuation and be able to write a short essay.
78. ________
You can find CAHSEE practice tests and study guides on the California Department of Education website. To pass the CAHSEE, read these study guides 棗. they contain information about the contents of the exam. Also take several practice tests. The first time, concentrate only on answering the questions and checking your answers. After this, time yourself so you get practice in completing all the questions in good time. Look up the answers on the answer sheets given with the practice tests and make sure you understand any of the answers you got wrong.
79. ________
One of the best ways to practice for the CAHSEE is to pay attention in the classroom. Your teachers will teach all of the material you need to know to pass the test. If you listen in class, do your homework and ask your teacher for extra help with anything you are having difficulty in understanding, you will have done most of the work you need to pass the CAHSEE. Another everyday way to study is to read for fun. The more you read, the more comfortable you will be with the English language arts skills you need to demonstrate.
80. ________
When taking the CAHSEE, remain calm and organized. In the English language section, read the questions and passages carefully and make sure you understand what the question is asking before you try to answer. For the essay, take a few minutes to outline your essay before you start writing. Review your work and correct grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes. In the mathematics section, work through the questions on scrap paper rather than trying to do them in your head. The test has no trick questions. If a question seems confusing, read it again and think about how it applies to the subjects you have studied.
76~80 B E F A D
A. The great impact and progress in genetic engineering
B. Worries about privacy protection
C. Worries about medical use of genetic engineering
D. Genetic knowledge helps to predict diseases
E. Possibilities of misuse genetic knowledge
F. The application of genetic engineering in the medical fields
76. ______________________
Current research into the human gene system is helping us understand why people have predispositions(易患某病倾向) to certain diseases. Knowing our genetic makeup can help us to judge whether or not we may be stricken by particular illness, such as cancer. Even before birth, we are able to do genetic screenings to determine what a child's genetic disorder will be. Scientists have already isolated and identified the genes responsible for the more than 4,000 genetic diseases that affect human beings.
77. ______________________
The implications of this knowledge are astonishing. In addition to predicting genetic predisposition towards diseases, gene therapies may provide new treatments or cures for serious diseases. Millions of people already use genetically engineered drugs to treat heart disease, cancer, AIDS, and strokes(中风). But with the research that is now being conducted, we may find cures to many more diseases. In the near future, genetic experimentation will also allow parents to select the traits of their children. Genetic traits that determine height, weight, eye and hair color will be able to be controlled, and many parents are excited about this potential.
78. ______________________
Many people, however, are unwilling to accept the possibilities genetic research.. For example, one reason some women do not use the largest genetic testing for breast cancer is because they are afraid they will be discriminated against. Another problem is that many people do not want to discover their weakness. What if they learn that they have a disease for which there are no medical cures? How will such knowledge affect their lives? Do people really want to know what they will die of?
79. ______________________
Many people believe that history has not always shown human decision-making to be bright when it comes to ethical(道德的)choices. Jeremy Rifkin is probably the most well known opponent of genetic engineering. He believes that humans are not responsible enough to experiment with genes and should not "play God" He asks, "Just because it can be done, does that mean it should be done?" He points out that our society will eventually look and act the same if parents select the traits of their children, and he questions the desirability of such a society.
80. ______________________
One of the fears expressed about genetic experimentation involves privacy. Already blood sample taken from patients in hospitals have been used for genetic research without the patients' permission. Most people would agree that one's health and genetic makeup are private concerns. But if insurance companies gain access to this information, it could have a large impact on insurance coverage or costs; if employers gain access to the information, it could have a large impact on hiring or promotion decisions. The possibilities for discrimination are obvious.
A. What is Interpol?
B. What was your role?
C. How did you become involved in Interpol?
D. How was the Interpol office run on a local level?
E. How is it different from other police organizations?
F. What did you find most interesting about your work?
A journalist is interviewing Charles Chang, who is recently retired, about life as an Interpol agent. Interpol is the popular name of the International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO).
Sometimes people think that Interpol is some sort of international police force, but it isn’t. Its agents arrest people, but they don’t chase criminals from country to country. Instead, each ICPO member sets up a central bureau that acts as a window for joint operations and exchanging information on criminal activities. Let’s say, for example, that police in Australia are looking for a criminal in Thailand. The Australian police might not know which police agencies they should deal with. They might also experience language barriers. Interpol acts as a local contact to help police from different countries overcome those problems.
Originally, I worked as a police office of the foreign affairs police. Then in 1982, I passed the detective’s test for the Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) and was assigned to the Interpol Division. My first task was to attend an ICPO conference in Paris, France, with the director of Interpol Taipei, China. That was my first trip abroad.
I was a police captain from 1982 to 1989. My job was basically to investigate criminal cases that involved a second country. Since criminal cases are usually urgent, I spent a lot of time communicating with agencies from other countries. When we received information on a crime, we took the necessary actions. We made a search or made an arrest.
When I was involved, international policing was the responsibility of the CIB. There were two sections at Interpol Taipei, China. The first was a communications section that kept in contact with other communications sections all over the world. The second provided operational support services. Like other police at the CIB, its officers were all detectives selected from universities. They had to speak and write in a foreign language like English, Japanese, Spanish or French.
It was very challenging work, but it gave me lots of opportunities to travel and study abroad. Oh, and I was once responsible for sending two dangerous criminals back from Japan!
A. What do you find your career most rewarding?
B. What is your career objective?
C. What skills do you need to be a fashion designer?
D. What inspired your collection?
E. Any upcoming project you’d like to share with us?
F. What do you think fashion needs more of right now?
Interview with Fashion Designer Adolfo Sanchez
76. _______________
This season I wanted to create a dark collection which was wearable for women from east to west. Initially it began with the idea of lace (花边) and then after bringing the concept of a Victorian Goth collection together the lace was only used as a decoration. I always love combining soft and hard details together for example we had dresses with a leather bustier(紧身衣) inspired from chiffon (雪纺绸) skirts. Wool and fur were some of the other textiles that played a big role in this collection. Overall, the collection looks soft and feminine (娇柔的) .
77. _______________
The idea of seeing your vision come to life when you see the complete line, as well as being able to experience the process of growth as an unknown designer to being recognized for your work and aesthetic(美学观念). It’s a very rewarding feeling professionally and personally to see the transformation (转变) occur.
78. _______________
More creativity. I feel like the main focus is on wearability (耐穿性), which I understand is definitely extremely important (it’s the beneficial part of the industry). However, the art aspect should not be lost in the process. At the end of the day we are not only fulfilling a utilitarian (功利的) function, we should make full use of the unique artist’s imagination that marks the current movements and influences of our culture. We are creating something that should arouse people’s curiosity.
79. _______________
Patience, technique, passion, perseverance, and creativity with an understanding of wear ability. I also think that in order to be a designer you should have the knowledge of how to construct a dress from scratch (草稿). You should know the process that begins with the idea in your mind to the finished product that is ready for a client to wear.
I’m happy to say that I will be showing and having a runway presentation in N.Y. this upcoming September; details should be announced soon. The trailer to my first film that I styled and custom created for will be out this summer. For the time being this is all I can really say as the rest is still in the development phase (阶段) but believe me when I tell you that there is so much more to come.
76~80 DAFCE
A. Fathers are easier to satisfy on their special date.
B. Greeting cards are the most popular gifts for Dads.
C. People traced the origin oi Father's Day.
D. Fathers have higher expectations for their special date.
E. New neckties are popular presents on Father's Day.
F. People tend to spend more on Mother's Day than on Father's Day.
On Father's Day 2009, which falls on Sunday, June 21, millions of dads across the US will open boxes, peel back tissue paper, and break into a smile as they admire their new necktie 一 still among the most popular Father's Day gifts.
That smile is almost certainly genuine, according to psychology lecturer Nicole Gilbert Cote at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. Her research shows that even though dads get less attention on father's day than moms do on Mother's Day, dads are more likely to be satisfied on their special date. Part of the reason seems to be that moms expect to be relieved of stereotypical chores such as cooking and cleaning up on Mother's Day, but that doesn't always happen. Dads didn't have that role in the family. “The bar is low, and dad is OK with that,” Gilbert Cote said, adding that the way families — even those that espouse egalitarian ideal — celebrate the two holidays reinforces such stereotypes.
Fathers' low expectation means that shoppers spend less money on them than they do on moms, according to the National Retail Federation, a Washington, D.C.-based trade group. The stumbling global economy, however, does mean shoppers are cutting back. In 2008, Father's Day cost individual consumers $94.54, and Mother's Day cost $138.36. But this year, the retail group experts gift givers to spend an average of US$90, on Father's Day. For moms, shoppers shelled out “dad an average of US$123.89. “Dad is a little more laid-back and easier to shop for,” said federation spokesperson Kathy Grannis. “His gifts usually range from a simple tie for work to a new spatula for the grill, all of which can make dad very happy.” Mother's Day gifts tend to be more luxurious — jewels, flowers, a trip to the spa, and dinner at a restaurant, for example.
The most popular gift for Dads — and often the only one he'll got — is a greeting card. All told, an estimated 110 million cards are sent on Father's Day, according to the greeting card company Hallmark. This makes Father's Day the fourth largest card ——sending holiday in the US, behind Mother's Day (162 million), Valentine's Day (192 million), and Christmas (2.1 billion). Fifty percent of Father's Day cards are purchased for dads and another 20 percent for husbands. The remaining 30 percent fall into a broad “other” category, according to Deidre Mize, a Hallmark spokesperson. “It might be someone who served as a father role. Or it could be a stepdad,” she said. The Father's Day card business, according to the retail federation, will ring up about $780 million this year.
Despite all the cards given on father's day, hallmark didn't invent the holiday, Mize said. Rather, father's day traced its origins to Spokane, Washington, where Sonora Smart-Dodd was one of six children being raised by a single dad. Inspired by a mother's day sermon she heard at church, she wanted to honor her father. So, she encouraged local churches to institute the first father's day observance in 1909. The idea caught on, and hallmark started printing father's day cards in 1920s, Mize said. In 1972, us President Richard Nixon formally declared father's day as the third Sunday in June.
76〜80 EAFBC
A. Be well-organized.
B. Close with a Q & A.
C. Don’t be contradictory .
D. Bring it to a specific end.
E. Speak slowly and pause.
F. Drop unnecessary words.
Speaking to a group can be difficult, but listening to a bad speech is truly a tiresome task—especially when the speaker is confusing. Don’t want to confuse your audience? Follow these suggestions:
76. _______________
When it comes to understanding new information, the human brain needs a little time. First, we hear the words; then, we compare the new information to what we already know. If the two are different, we need to pause and think. But a breathless speaker never stops to let us think about what he or she is saying and risks confusing us. Slow it.
77. _______________
Sometimes we all start a sentence one way and then switch directions, which is very difficult to follow. When you confuse your listeners with opposing information, you leave the audience wondering what part of the information is right and what part they should remember. Instead of relying and keeping correcting yourself, work to get the facts clear and straight.
78. _______________
Jumping from point to point as it comes to your mind puts the onus (责任)on your listeners to make up for your lack of organization. And it’s confusing for them to listen, reorganize, and figure out what you’re saying all at once. But going smoothly from one point to the next helps them understand information more easily. You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large, top to bottom or by some other order. Just be sure to organize.
79. _______________
Repeated use of um, ah, like, you know and some other useless noises can drive an audience crazy. It makes the speaker sound uncertain and unprepared, and it can leave listeners so annoyed tha
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