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2016年高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块六《Unit 2 What is happiness to you》(学生版) 牛津译林版

发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2016年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块六 Unit 2 What is happiness to you(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)



  1. suffering

  A. very bad or serious

  2. junior

  B. a doctor who is an expert in one area of medicine

  3. specialist

  C. speak publicly in favour of sth

  4. severe

  D. physical or mental pain

  5. appreciation

  E. to succeed in doing or completing sth

  6. accomplish

  F. connected with young people below a particular age

  7. adapt

  G. having qualities you respect

  8. advocate

  H. continuing for only a limited period of time

  9. admirable

  I. change one’s behavior on order to deal with a new situation 10. rebuild

  J. too difficult or painful to accept 11. unbearable

  K. the feeling of being grateful or something

  12. temporary

  L. make something complete and strong again


  1. quit

  A. extremely good

  2. adequate

  B. a natural ability to do something well

  3. confused

  C. in a direct line or manner; straight

  4. talent

  D. to give up or to stop doing sth.

  5. outstanding

  E. unable to think clearly or to understand sth.

  6. accompany

  F. a strong desire to know about sth

  7. procedure

  G. enough in quantity, or good enough in quality

  8. instructor

  H. the state of being happy and satisfied

  9. directly

  I. to assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special purpose

  10. curiosity

  J. to go or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper

  11. allocate

  K. someone who teaches a sport or practical skill

  12. contentment

  L. a way of doing sth, especially the usual or correct way


  1. hardship

  A. happening immediately or (of food) that can be made quickly and easily

  2. vivid

  B. eagerness and willingness to do something

  3. predict

  C. a situation that is difficult and unpleasant

  4. assist

  D. to promise that something will happen

  5. instant

  E. working by itself without direct human control

  6. mature

  F. strong and bright or producing clear pictures in the mind

  7. motivation

  G. greatest amount, size, etc

  8. guarantee

  H. say in advance that (sth) will happen

  9. secure

  I. to become fully grown or developed

  10. adolescence

  J. To give help or support to

  11. maximum

  K. time in a person's life between childhood and adulthood

  12. automatic

  L. not likely to be lost or to fail

  二、根据句意提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.The v________ description struck the readers of different countries .

  2.The room was flooded with warm and g______ sunlight.

  3.The delicious pain in her heart was almost u


  4.His wound caused him great s


  5.He used to live in a village s

  by mountains, which was cut off from the outer world.

  6.She started as a j

  clerk in the office, but now is the manager of the company.

  7.Environmentalists launched a campaign, a

  a low-carbon life, which definitely helps save our earth.

  8.Do you like the pop song being b

  on the radio?

  9.If trained, you can have a better a

  of music.

  10. Could you look after my baby t

  when I go and fetch some money?

  11.Though the task was difficult, they managed to a

  it in time.

  12.He became d

  in an accident and spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

  13.Our teachers always i

  us to do well at school.

  14.Their s

  for independence was long and hard.

  15. She has o___________ all her difficulties and achieved her goal at last.

  16.The President says he is o

  that an agreement can be worked out soon.

  17.The doctor said the old man’s condition was h


  18.They had required that we should a

  them on the trip.

  19.It is necessary that one should o

  the law.

  20.We aim to help the disabled students to live and study i


  三、 汉语 英语 汉语

  1.apart from

  16.at different times

  2.by the time

  17.devote oneself to/be devoted to

  3.in good spirits

  18.assist sb. with sth.

  5.go after

  19.cheer up

  7.on one’s own

  24.on the other hand

  8.focus on

  25.hear about/of

  9.head for

  26.find out

  10.adapt to

  27.be accompanied by

  11.in a rush

  28.to one’s relief

  13.at that point

  30.think about

  四、1.He is always considering how he can

  fame or money.

  2.The new students are very slow to

  the rules.


  some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.

  4.Although Tony is an orphan, he is always



  ! Our troubles will soon be over.

  6.So sorry to have kept you waiting, but we're rather


  7.After my retirement I shall continue to

  the Party's educational task.

  I was to go out and

  the telephone rang.

  8.Children under 14 must

  an adult to see the film.

  9.Every time I

  it I feel physically sick.

  10.Today we're going to

  the question of homeless people.



  1. To turn your dream into reality,you should first ________ the hard life here which you hasn't got used to so far.

  A. come to

  B. adopt to

  C. refer to

  D. adapt to

  2. Looking at her ________ look, we were ________.

  A. astonished; confused

  B. astonishing; confusing

  C. astonishing; confused

  D. astonished; confusing

  3. —What do you think of the color of my new blouse?

  —Very good. You look nice in green. Green ________ you.

  A. suits

  B. fits

  C. matches

  D. meets

  4. Actually, girls can be ________ they want to be just like boys,whether it is a pilot,an astronaut,or a general manager.

  A. wherever

  B. however

  C. whatever

  D. whoever

  5. Everything has been ready. It only ________ for the leaders of the two countries to sign the agreement.

  A. seems

  B. appears

  C. remains

  D. happens

  6. —I'm busy right now. Could you come back ______ time?

  —OK. See you later.

  A. another

  B. other

  C. any

  D. some

  7. It is said that dogs will keep you ________ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely.

  A. safety

  B. company

  C. house

  D. friend

  8. Doctor Nathan is said to have been ________ to researching into wild animals in Africa for more than ten years.

  A. absorbed

  B. devoted

  C. concentrated

  D. engaged

  9. The boy is so shy that he can't ________ very well ________ others.

  A. communicate; to

  B. communicate; with C. get along; to

  D. deal;with

  .Though in his seventies,the old man is still as ________ as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.

  A. enthusiastic

  B. energetic

  C. talkative

  D. sensitive

  11. Our failure to ________ ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our work.

  A. adopt

  B. apply

  C. adapt

  D. appoint

  12. Fred is second to none in math in our class,but ________he hardly passed the final math exam.

  A. as a matter of fact

  B. as usual

  C. right away

  D. believe it or not

  13. The production plan was fulfilled ________.

  A. head of time

  B. before time

  C. ahead of time

  D. time ahead

  14.This activity must be well organized, so you need to _______ for a capable man to take charge of it.

  A. arrange

  B. appoint

  C. prepare

  D. provide

  15.The film is said __________ from a novel by Dickens, a famous British writer.

  A. to have been adopted

  B. to have been adjusted

  C. to have been attached

  D. to have been adapted

  16. ________ good service, the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dished.

  A. Far from

  B. Apart from

  C. Instead of

  D. Regardless of

  17.—What does your sister do?

  —She is a nurse and _________ the doctor in the operating room.

  A. obeys

  B. overcomes

  C. guarantees

  D. assists

  18. Alice often ________her high school days, ________she thought were the happiest of her life.

  A. looked back on; when

  B. looked back on; which

  C. looked up to; when

  D. looked forward to; which

  19.To stay healthy, you must ________, and most important of all, you should start taking exercise.

  A. quit to smoke

  B. quit smoking

  C. be quit smoking

  D. be quit to smoke

  20.—Why was the young lady taken away by the police?

  — She happened _______ something in the supermarket.

  A. to catch stealing

  B. to catch to steal

  C. to be caught stealing

  D. to be caught to steal



  “Mama, when I grow up, I’m going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my __1__ took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew older and was __2__ to more, my interests in the world of dance __3__ varied but that little girl’s dream of someday becoming a __4__ in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a __5__; I became a member of the company __6__ back to 1925.

  As I look back on that day now, it surely __7__ any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief __8__ I was halfway through rehearsals (排练) on my first day. I never actually ____ to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completely __10__. I remember shaking with excitement.

  Though I was absolutely thrilled with the change, it did not come without its fair share of __11__. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to __12__ up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extreme __13__ to detail (细节) and stress on practice that set us ____. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals __15__ a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new __16__ of the words “hard work.” What I thought were my physical __17__ were pushed much further than I thought __18__. I learned to make each performance better than the last.

  Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great __19__ of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a __20__ that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow-and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.

  1. A. hobby

  B. plan

  C. dream

  D. word

  2.A connected

  B. expanded

  C. exposed

  D. extended

  3. A. rarely

  B. certainly

  C. probably

  D. consistently

  4.A. director

  B. trainer

  C. leader

  D. dancer

  5. A. symbol

  B. memory

  C. truth

  D. reality

  6. A. bouncing

  B. dating

  C. turning

  D. tracking

  7. A. lacks

  B. adds

  C. makes

  D. brings

  8. A. while

  B. since

  C. until

  D. when

  9.A. cared

  B. expected

  C. asked

  D. decided

  10.A. motivated

  B. relaxed

  C. convinced

  D. astonished

  11.A. challenges

  B. profits

  C. advantages

  D. adventures

  12.A. put

  B. mix

  C. build

  D. pick

  13.A. attention

  B. association

  C. attraction

  D. adaptation

  14.A. apart

  B. aside

  C. off

  D. back

  15.A. over

  B. by

  C. with

  D. beyond

  16.A. function

  B. meaning

  C. expression

  D. usage

  17.A. boundaries

  B. problems

  C. barriers

  D. efforts

  18.A. necessary

  B. perfect

  C. proper

  D. possible

  19.A. talent

  B. honor

  C. potential

  D. responsibility

  20.A. victory

  B. trend

  C. tradition

  D. desire

  三、任务型阅读Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontê, is the story of a young woman’s struggle to find Happiness. As a child, Jane is sent to live with her aunt and uncle after her parents die. Her aunt and cousins are very cruel to her. Then, Jane is sent to Lowood, a school for poor children. Here, she experiences more cruelty. The students do not get enough food to eat and they have to wear old, ugly clothes. At Lowood, Jane makes a good friend, Helen Burns, who is very kind and patient. She believes that it is better to do without the things you want. Even though Jane loves Helen, she cannot agree with her. Jane believes that both rich and powerful people and poor people deserve the same treatment.

  Jane leaves Lowood years later and becomes the private teacher of the daughter of Mr. Rochester, who is a very rich man. Jane is still not satisfied with her life because she realizes that women do not have the freedom to choose what they want to do—she has become a teacher because she has no other choice.

  Jane and Mr. Rochester fall in love and arrange to get married. However, on the day of the wedding, Jane is disturbed to learn that Mr. Rochester is already married. His wife is mad and is locked in the attic. Mr. Rochester says that he still wants to marry Jane. Even though Jane loves him, she knows that it would not be a good idea to stay with him. So, she makes the difficult decision to leave him.

  Jane meets St John Rivers and his sisters, and stays with them. Jane learns that they are really her cousins. Jane finally has the loving family that she has always wanted. After some time, St John asks Jane to marry him. As Jane does not truly love him, she refuses even though he is a good man. Jane goes back to Mr. Rochester to find out that wife has died and they are free to get married. By following what she believes is right, Jane finds happiness in the end.

  Her(1)________in her childhood Sent to(2)__________with her aunt and cousins, who do not behave well towards her.

  Her life in Lowood is even(3)________. Not enough food to eat.

  Only old,(4)_ _______clothes to wear.

  After she (5)________ Lowood Has no choice but to be a private teacher.

  Falls in love with Mr. Rochester and (6)________for their marriage.

  (7)_________to learn that Mr. Rochester is married man.

  After making the difficult

  (8)_______to leave

  Mr. Rochester Stays with St John Rivers and his sisters.

  Discovers that they are cousins and enjoys the loving family.

  She has always (9)_________.

  Refuses to (10)_________St. John because she still loves Mr. Rochester.

  Mr. Rochester’s wife has died and they are free to get married.

  四、书面表达人类已经进入一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。某学生英文报正组织中学生进行幸福观的讨论,请你根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,表达自己的观点,以便向该刊投稿。Students Possessions Benefits

  some money buying and doing anything

  some health enjoyment

  many wealth from parents less work






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