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2017届高考英语一轮复习考点真题演练:Section 12 阅读理解之史地常识类(含解析)

发布时间:2017-03-15  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Section 12 阅读理解






  The attitude of the author towards something is ________.

  The writer of the passage seems to think that ________.

  What is the author’s opinion on cramming?

  What’s the writer’s attitude towards...?

  What do we know about somebody in the passage?

  Somebody can be said________.

  What does the author think about the present generation?




  positive积极的,乐观的; supportive支持的; optimistic乐观的; humorous幽默的; serious严肃的; enthusiastic热情的; pleasant愉 concerned关切的等。


  indifferent不感兴趣的,漠不关心的,中立的; uninterested不感兴趣的; neutral中立的; impersonal冷淡的; subjective主观的; objective客观的等。


  disgusted憎恶的;厌恶的; critical批评的; negative否定的,消极的; suspicious怀疑的; tolerant容忍的; disappointed失望的; ironic讽刺的; sarcastic挖苦的等。


  bitter令人不快的,由痛苦引起的; sentimental伤感的; emotional情绪激动的; angry气愤的等。


  As the railroads and the highways shaped the American West in the past centuries,a new electrical generating(发电) and transmission(输送) system for the 21st century will leave a lasting mark on the West,for better or worse.Much of the real significance of railroads and highways is not in their direct physical effect on the scenery,but in the ways that they affect the surrounding community.The same is true of big solar plants and the power lines that will be laid down to move electricity around.


  The money set aside in negotiated trade-offs and the institutions that control it will shape the West far beyond the immediate footprint of power plants and transmission lines.So let’s remember the effects of the railroads and the highways as we construct these new power plants in the West.

  What is the author’s attitude towards building solar plants?





  解析 根据第一段中的...will leave a lasting mark on the West;The same is true of big solar plants and the power lines...;以及最后一段最后一句话可知,作者对建太阳能发电站是持赞成态度的。

  答案 B


  1.关注主题句,全面理解文章的内容to entertain);广告类应用文的目的一般是推销产品或服务(to persuade);议论文的目的是要阐述论点(to argue);科普、文化类说明文的目的大多是介绍知识,使大家广闻博见(to inform)。


  (2016·四川高考)In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous(土著的) people.Surprisingly, these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs.And yet, people in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony(殖民地) of the French Republic since 1946.In theory, they should live by the French law.However, their remote locations mean that the French Law is often ignored or unknown, thus making them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world.

  The lives of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the effects of a Frenchman from Paris called Gin.Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area, which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest, with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital, Cayenne.

  “I have a special love for the French Guianese people.I have worked there on and off for almost ten years,” says Gin.“I’ve been able to keep firm friendships with them.Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment.I don’t see it as a lawless land.But rather I see it as an area of freedom.”

  “I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life,” continues Gin.“I prefer to work in black and white, which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.”

  His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time.These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for.These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic, which brings with it not only necessary state welfare, but also alcoholism, betrayal and even suicide.

  1.Why does the author feel surprised about the indigenous people in French Guiana?

  A.They seldom follow the French law.

  B.They often ignore the Guianese law.

  C.They are separated from the modern world.

  D.They are both Guianese and French citizens.

  2.Gin introduces the special world of the indigenous Guianese as ________.

  A.a tour guide

  B.a geographer

  C.a film director

  D.a photographer

  3.What is Gin’s attitude towards the lives of the indigenous Guianese?





  4.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

  A.The modern French lifestyle.

  B.The self-supporting world.

  C.The uncivilized hunting.

  D.The French Republic.

  Passage 1

  (2015·四川高考)No one is sure how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids near Cairo.But a new study suggests they used a little rock‘n’roll.Long-ago builders could have attached wooden poles to the stones and rolled then across the sand, the scientists say.

  “Technically, I think what they’re proposing is possible,” physicist Daniel Bonn said.

  People have long puzzled over how the Egyptians moved such huge rocks.And there’s no obvious answer.On average, each of the two million big stones weighed about as much as a large pickup truck.The Egyptians somehow moved the stone blocks to the pyramid site from about one kilometer away.

  The most popular view is that Egyptian workers slid the blocks along smooth paths.Many scientists suspect workers first would have put the blocks on sleds(滑板).Then they would have dragged them along paths.To make the work easier, workers may have lubricated__the__paths either with wet clay or with the fat from cattle.Bonn has now tested this idea by building small sleds and dragging heavy objects over sand.

  Evidence from the sand supports this idea.Researchers found small amounts of fat, as well as a large amount of stone and the remains of paths.

  However, physicist Joseph West thinks there might have been a simpler way, who led the new study .West said, “I was inspired while watching a television program showing how sleds might have helped with pyramid construction.I thought, ‘Why don’t they just try rolling the things?’ ” A square could be turned into a rough sort of wheel by attaching wooden poles to its sides, he realized.That, he notes, should make a block of stone “a lot easier to roll than a square”.

  So he tried it.

  He and his students tied some poles to each of four sides of a 30-kilogram stone block.That action turned the block into somewhat a wheel.Then they placed the block on the ground.

  They wrapped one end of a rope around the block and pulled.The researchers found they could easily roll the block along different kinds of paths.They calculated that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a slippery(滑的)path.

  West hasn’t tested his idea on larger blocks,but he thinks rolling has clear advantages over sliding.At least,workers wouldn’t have needed to carry cattle fat or water to smooth the paths.

  1.It’s widely believed that the stone blocks were moved to the pyramid site by ________.

  A.rolling them on roads

  B.pushing them over the sand

  C.sliding them on smooth paths

  D.dragging them on some poles

  2.The underlined part “lubricated the paths” in Paragraph 4 means________.

  A.made the paths wet

  B.made the paths hard

  C.made the paths wide

  D.made the paths slippery

  3.What does the underlined word “it”in Paragraph 7 refer to?

  A.Rolling the blocks with poles attached.

  B.Rolling the blocks on wooden wheels.

  C.Rolling poles to move the blocks.

  D.Rolling the blocks with fat.

  4.Why is rolling better than sliding according to West?

  A.Because more force is needed for sliding.

  B.Because rolling work can be done by fewer cattle.

  C.Because sliding on smooth roads is more dangerous.

  D.Because less preparation on paths is needed for rolling.

  5.What is the text mainly about?

  A.An experiment on ways of moving blocks to the pyramid site.

  B.An application of the method of moving blocks to the pyramid site.

  C.An argument about different methods of moving blocks to the pyramid site.

  D.An introduction to a possible new way of moving blocks to the pyramid site.

  Passage 2

  (2015·福建高考)Group exercise is one of the most effective ways to improve physical fitness and sustain(保持) a healthy lifestyle.Group exercise is challenging, yet fun and empowering! Of course everyone knows that exercise is good for the body.However, studies have shown that when exercise is performed in groups, it’s not only great for improving physical health but for psychological health.It’s an opportunity to be social, release endorphins(内啡肽), and improve your strength.Additionally, group exercise creates a community feel and the shared common goal motivates participants to work hard.The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone.

  Another beneficial aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from the instructor.

  Many people fear the gym because they feel lost and don’t want to embarrass themselves.If you feel you can relate, then group training is an even better option for you.It’s a great opportunity to learn more about fitness through the clear instruction and supervision(监管) of a fitness instructor.If you’re tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored, you can attend an upbeat group fitness class that’ll keep your workout on track.Don’t let fitness frighten you!

  If you’re serious about wanting to live a healthy lifestyle, it’s extremely important to surround yourself with people who’ll provide you with the proper emotional support.I wouldn’t scold anyone for deciding to party on weekends and in turn I wouldn’t expect anyone to give offence to me for focusing on my health.Surround yourself with people who uplift, encourage and understand you! Make fitness even more fun by trying something new or any group fitness class, with a friend.Plan to go for a jog together.Then try a fun healthy restaurant or fresh juice bar! Fitness can be both fun and social!

  Surrounding yourself with people who’ll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial while working towards reaching health and fitness goals.First, decide to do it for yourself and work towards staying positive.Then make sure the people you surround yourself with are supportive.Don’t let negativity ruin your motivation.

  1.The first paragraph focuses on ________.

  A.the greatest challenge of group exercise

  B.the most effective way to improve physical fitness

  C.the contribution of group exercise to psychological health

  D.the shared common goal in performing exercise in groups

  2.The underlined word “upbeat” in the second paragraph probably means “________”.





  3.When it comes to emotional support, the author thinks it necessary ________.

  A.to sustain a colorful lifestyle

  B.to party on weekends with positive people

  C.to try a fun healthy restaurant regularly

  D.to surround yourself with supportive people

  4.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.Seeking Support

  B.Supporting Health

  C.Improving Your Strength

  D.Building Up Fitness

  Passage 3

  (2015·湖北高考)Hilversum is a medium-sized city between the major cities of Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Gooi area of North Holland,the Netherlands.Unlike most of the Netherlands,Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of island.Once called the Garden of Amsterdam,it still attracts travelers to come over to cycle and walk through the surrounding forests.They visit it for a relaxing day off from the urban madness.For Dutch people,Hilversum is all about textile(纺织)and media industries,and modern architecture.

  In history,Hilversum was largely an agricultural area.Daily life was marked by farming,sheep raising and wool production.A railway link to Amsterdam is 1874 attracted rich traders from Amsterdam to Hilversum.They built themselves large villas(别墅) in the wooded surroundings of the town.One of the families moving in was the Brenninkmeijers,currently the wealthiest family of the Netherlands.They moved in after big success in the textile industry and aided a substantial textile industry in Hilversum.But the textile boom lasted only several decades.The last factory closed in the 1960s.

  The change to a media economy started in 1920,when the Nederlandse Seintoestellen Fabriek(NSF) established a radio factory in Hilversum.Most radio stations settled in the large villas in the leafy areas of the town.Television gave another push to the local economy.Hilbersum became the media capital of the Netherlands,and Dutch television stars moved into the leafy neighborhoods surrounding the town.

  In the early 1900s,modern architects W.M.Dudok and J.Duiker placed hundreds of remarkable buildings in Hilversum.These modern architectural masterpieces(杰作) are so many that Hilversum almost feels like an open air museum.Dudok alone shaped most of 20th century Hilversum and approximately 75 buildings still bear his unique characteristics.His masterpiece,Hilversum Tower Hall,was built in 19281931.It has wide international fame and is included in many architecture textbooks.The building has a remarkable shape and looks like a combination of “blocks”.Actually,one may start his journey of modern architecture by walking or biking the W.M.Dudok Architectural Route in Hilversum.

  1.Hilversum is different from most of the Netherlands in that ________.

  A.it has a large population

  B.it is cut off from big cities

  C.it has many beautiful gardens

  D.it is in a hilly area with sandy soil

  2.What was the greatest contribution of the Brenninkmeijers to Hilversum?

  A.Building a railway link to Amsterdam.

  B.Helping its textile industry to develop.

  C.Constructing large villas for the poor.

  D.Assisting its agricultural industry.

  3.The beginning of the media industry in Hilversum was marked by the establishment of ________.

  A.a radio factory

  B.the media capital

  C.a radio station

  D.a TV station

  4.What is known about W.M.Dudok’s Hilversum Town Hall?

  A.It consists of approximately 75 buildings.

  B.It looks like an open air museum in the city.

  C.It is a classic example in architecture textbooks.

  D.It has shaped most of 20th century Hilversum.

  Passage 4

  (2015·安徽高考)There are an extremely large number of ants worldwide. Each individual (个体的) ant hardly weigh anything, but put together they weigh roughly the same as all of mankind. They also live nearly everywhere, except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles. For animals their size, ants have been astonishingly successful, largely due to their wonderful social behavior.

  In colonies (群体) that range in size from a few hundred to tens of millions, they organize their lives with a clear division of labor. Even more amazing is how they achieve this level of organization. Where we use sound and sight to communicate, ants depend primarily on pheromones (外激素), chemicals sent out by individuals and smelled or tasted by fellow members of their colony. When an ant finds food, it produces a pheromone that will lead others straight to where the food is. When an individual ant comes under attack or is dying, it sends out an alarm pheromone to warn the colony to prepare for a conflict as a defense unit.

  In fact, when it comes to the art of war, ants have no equal. They are completely fearless and will readily take__on a creature much larger than themselves, attacking in large groups and overcoming their target. Such is their devotion to the common good of the colony that not only soldier ants but also worker ants will sacrifice their lives to help defeat an enemy.

  Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner, these little creatures have survived on Earth, for more than 140 million years, far longer than dinosaurs. Because they think as one, they have a collective (集体的) intelligence greater than you would expect from its individual parts.

  1.We can learn from the passage that ants are________.

  A.not willing to share food

  B.not found around the poles

  C.more successful than all other animals

  D.too many to achieve any level of organization

  2.Ants can use pheromones for________.



  C.warning enemies

  D.arranging labor

  3.What does the underlined expression “take on” in Paragraph 3 mean?



  C.Play with.

  D.Fight against.

  4.Which of the following contributes most to the survival of ants?

  A.Their behavior.

  B.Their size.

  C.Their number.

  D.Their weight

  Passage 5

  (2017·安徽高考)You may not have heard of Ashoka,but for the past 27 yearsthis association,founded by Bill Drayton,has fought poverty (贫困)and sickness,promoted education and

  encouraged small businesses.To support these worthy causes,Ashoka provides money for the world’s most promising“changemakers”seeking to solve (解决) urgent problems and would like to create a world in which every citizen is a changemaker.

  Drayton believes that anyone can become an agent for change.The important thing is to simply give yourself permission.If you see a problem that you care about,you can help solve it.The young in particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy,healthy,contributing adult.In fact,it is many young people’s ambition to set up programmes or businesses that improve social conditions.An excellent example is an Ashoka project started in 1995 in Dhaka,which handled the rubbish problem facing the city,helped local farmers and provided an income for poor people there.

  When Masqsood and Iftekhar began to study the problem of all the uncollected rubbish that lay in Dhaka’s streets,attracting rats and disease,they discovered that 80% of it was natural waste.So they educated the poor people in the city to compost (把……制成堆肥)this waste.They knew that they would have a market for the end product because local farmers were struggling with chemical fertilisers (化肥) which were expensive and had reduced the natural minerals in the soil over the years.At first,they were refused,but once they were able to persuade them that there was money to be made,the project took off.In 2009 sales were $14,000.

  Drayton is optimistic that in ten years Ashoka will be making really serious,practical progress in bringing about social change by changing the way we look at economic development.

  1.Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?



  C.Social Conditions

  D.Rubbish Problem

  2.The underlined word“them”in Paragraph 3 probably refers to“________”.

  A.the local farmers

  B.Masqsood and Iftekhar

  C.Drayton and his team

  D.the poor people in Dhaka

  3.It can be concluded from the passage that anyone can become a changemaker if he ________.

  A.considers Drayton’s concept

  B.gets permission from Ashoka

  C.tries to improve social conditions

  D.is a young,happy and healthy adult

  4.The author’s attitude towards Ashoka’s program can be described as ________.





  Passage 6

  (2017·湖北高考)You’ve flown halfway around the world;you’ve sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Thailand seems to have ever heard of;so what on earth is there to do here?You consider this question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you above the sand.

  It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee.By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out,it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland.

  Huaplee is located just south of Hua Hin,about two hundred kilometres from Bangkok,down the west side of the Gulf of Thailand.Not many tourists find this place,and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.

  There’s an apparent laziness that surrounds you here.It’s what this place offers,and it’s free of charge.The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down.You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest.You sit there and watch the sea.

  It’s early afternoon,so the cook comes out and asks what you’d like to eat this evening.Before long he’s rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you ordered—every meal fresh and to order.No menu here.

  There is no poolside noise here but just that wonderfully warm,clear blue sea.There’s no street noise.The only sounds are the murmurs of nature.

  For now you just count your blessings (福祉),listing them in the sand with your toe (脚趾).You don’t have to worry about being late for work.You don’t have to do anything.

  The beach to your right stretches off to the horizon (地平线),slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-emerge again on your left,now steadily widening until it covers the chair beneath you.Sand to your left and sand to your right;it’s unbroken,endless.No start,no end,just sand,sun,and peace.Step off it,and you re-enter the world of traffic,stress,work,and hurry.

  Normally you’re the type who can’t sit still for more than ten minutes,but you’re on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and,in the right frame of mind,it stretches all the way around the world.

  “How could it take me so long to find it?”you wonder.

  1.When the author first went to Huaplee Beach,_________.

  A.he found it unworthwhile

  B.he failed to sort himself out

  C.he became sensitive to smell

  D.he had difficulty in finding it

  2.What is special about the food service at Huaplee Beach?

  A.No menu.

  B.Free food.

  C.Self service.

  D.Quick delivery.

  3.In the author’s opinion,a tourist can enjoy Huaplee Beach most when he ________.

  A.sits in a beach chair

  B.forgets his daily routine

  C.plans a detailed schedule

  D.draws pictures in the sand

  4.What does the author imply by his question at the end of the passage?

  A.He shouldn’t have counted his blessings.

  B.He should have understood the wonder of nature.

  C.He shouldn’t have spent so much time on the trip.

  D.He should have come to the place earlier.

  Passage 7

  (2017·辽宁高考)Would it surprise you to learn that,like animals,trees communicate with each other and pass on their wealth to the next generation?

  UBC Professor Simard explains how trees are much more complex than most of us ever imagined.Although Charles Darwin thought that trees are competing for survival of the fittest,Simard shows just how wrong he was.In fact,the__opposite__is__true:trees survive through their cooperation and support,passing around necessary nutrition“depending on who needs it”.

  Nitrogen (氮) and carbon are shared through miles of underground fungi (真菌) networks,making sure that all trees in the forest ecological system give and receive just the right amount to keep them all healthy.This hidden system works in a very similar way to the networks of neurons (神经元) in our brains,and when one tree is destroyed,it affects all.

  Simard talks about“mother trees”,usually the largest and oldest plants on which all other trees depend.She explains how dying trees pass on the wealth to the next generation,transporting important minerals to young trees so they may continue to grow.When humans cut down“mother trees”with no awareness of these highly complex“tree societies”or the networks on which they feed,we are reducing the chances of survival for the entire forest.

  “We didn’t take any notice of it”Simard says sadly.“Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying,but we never give them chance.”If we could put across the message to the forestry industry,we could make a huge difference towards our environmental protection efforts for the future.

  1.The underlined sentence“the opposite is true”in Paragraph 2 probably means that trees


  A.compete for survival

  B.protect their own wealth

  C.depend on each other

  D.provide support for dying trees

  2.“Mother trees”are extremely important because they


  A.look the largest in size in the forest

  B.pass on nutrition to young trees

  C.seem more likely to be cut down by humans

  D.know more about the complex“tree societies”

  3.The underlined word“it”in the last paragraph refers to


  A.how“tree societies”work

  B.how trees grow old

  C.how forestry industry develops

  Dhow young trees survive

  4.What would be the best title for the passage?

  A.Old Trees Communicate Like Humans

  B.Young Trees Are In Need Of Protection

  C.Trees Are More Awesome Than You Think

  D.Trees Contribute To Our Society

  Section 12 阅读理解




  【语篇导读】 法属圭亚那是法国领土的一部分,那里由一套单独适用该地的“法律”机制在运行,而这套规则并不是大家所看到的由法国统一颁布的法律。一位叫Gin的法国人记录了那里的生活状况,Gin拍摄的作品非常有张力和一种历史深邃感。

  1.A [细节理解题。由文章第一段第二句“Surprisingly, these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs.”可知作者对这些土著人“无法无天”感到惊讶。]

  2.D [推理判断题。根据第四段“ I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life”可知,Gin是作为一名摄影师来记录土著人的生活的。]

  3.D [推理判断题。根据第三段“I don’t see it as a lawless land. But rather I see it as an area of freedom.”可知Gin对土著人的生活的评价是积极的,他在那里长时间拍摄并对法属圭亚那人有深厚的感情。]

  4.A [代词指代题。代词it指代前面提到的the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic,因此选A。]


  Passage 1

  【语篇导读】 本文主要讲述的是关于金字塔的建造,不同的专家有着不同的见解。这篇文章主要讲述了两种看法。

  1.C [细节理

  The most popular view is that Egyptian workers slid the blocks along smooth paths,可知选择C。 ]

  2.D [词义猜测题。根据第四段的To make the work easier以及下文的either with wet clay or with the fat from cattle可知,这样做是为了让路更加平滑,故选择D。]

  3.A [代词指代题。由于是指代词,可知内容应该在上文,根据第六段的内容可知工人把木料绑在石块上,然后滚动石块。]

  4.D [细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的 workers wouldn’t have needed to carry cattle fat or water to smooth the paths.可知,滚动石块不需要有准备工作,故选择D。]

  5.D [主旨大意题。根据文章内D。]

  Passage 2

  【语篇导读】 说明文,本文描述了群体健身对于我们保持一种健康的生活方式和心理状态有很大的益处。

  1.C [细节理解题。根据第一段第三句可知,研究表明,群体健身不仅对改善身体健康有益处,而且能有效的改善心理健康。]

  2.A [词义猜测题。根据If you’re tired of wandering around the gym wasting time and becoming bored, you can attend an upbeat group fitness class that will keep your workout on track.可以判断upbeat应该是bored的反义词。]

  3.D [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话可知,如果你想得到相应的情绪支

  4.B [主旨大意题。本文对群体健身的益处进行了阐述和论证,因此,群体健身也是支持健康的一种方式。对应B项。]

  Passage 3

  【语篇导读】 本文为说明文。介绍了荷兰中等城市Hilversum。这座城市以纺织和资讯业著称,也是当代建筑业的典范。

  1.D [细节理解题。第一段第二句unlike mostly the Netherlands,Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the soil mostly consisting of sand.Hilversum是一座在山区由岛屿土壤组成的城市,可知答案为D。]

  2.B [细节理解题。由第二段可知,他们在纺织业巨大成功后搬到Hilversum,并促成了纺织业的繁荣。也就是促进了纺织业的发展。]

  3.A [细节理解题。由第三段第一句established a radio factory建立了一个无线电工厂。可知A是正确的。]

  4.C [细节理解题。第四段第五句可知,它具有国际声望,收录在许多建筑教科书中。可知C正确。]

  Passage 4

  【语篇导读】 文章主要讲的是蚂蚁。单个的蚂蚁显得微不足道,但成群结队的蚂蚁却蕴含着巨大的力量。蚂蚁

  1.B [考查细节理解。由第一段except on frozen mountain tops and around the poles可知。]

  2.B [考查细节理解。由第二段Where we use sound and sight to communicate, ants depend primarily on pheromone可知。]

  3.D [考查词义猜测。根据下文的 attack和defeat可知。]

  4.A [考查推理判断。由Behaving in this selfless and devoted manner可知。]

  Passage 5

  【语篇导读】 本文讲述了阿育王采取措施鼓励

  1.A [主旨大意题。文章讲述了阿育王鼓励改革,并且为改革提供了经济支持,所以文章的标题应该是“改革者”。故选A。]

  2.D [词义猜测题。根据文章第三段中“So they educated the poor people...in the soil over the years”可知them指穷人。故选D。]

  3.C [事实细节题。根据文章第一段中“Ashoka provides money...every citizen is a changemaker.”可知只要大胆尝试改善社会条件,人人都可以成为改革者。故选C。]

  4.D [推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中“Drayton is optimistic that in ten years Ashoka will be making really serious,practical progress in bringing about social change”可知作者持肯定态度。故选D。]

  Passage 6

  【语篇导读】 文章描述了 Huaplee Beach的大体位置、饮食和在这里度过的美好时光。

  1.D [推理判断题。根据文章第二段It was a long journey...it took almost as long as the flight from Falongland,第三段第二句Not many tourists find this place.可知D。]

  2.A [细节理解题。第五段文章涉及饮食,根据该段最后一句No menu here 可知答案为A。]

  3.B [推理判断题。文章第七段:For now you just count your blessings ,listing them in the sand with your toe.You don’t have to worry about being late for work.You don’t have to do anything,和第八段:No start,no end,just sand,sun,and peace.都描述了在Huaplee Lazy Beach享受的美好时光。但第八段的最后一句Step off it,and you re-enter the world of traffic,stress,work and hurry,一旦走出这里,人们又要回到日常生活中,面临工作、交通、压力和快节奏的生活,而要享受Huaplee Beach则需要暂时抛开这些,即答案为B。]

  4.D [推理判断题。根据最后一句:“How could it take me so long to find it?”结合全篇文章所讲的在Huaplee Lazy Beach旅游的舒适惬意可知作者是在感叹自己应该早点来到这里的。因此答案为D。]

  Passage 7

  【语篇导读】 本文为说明文。大千世界,无奇不有。树和人类一样,也是依靠彼此的合作与支持,树的家族才得以延续。“母亲树”,

  1.C [句意猜测题。根据第二段最后一句话对the opposite is true的解释:trees survive through their co-operation and support,passing around necessary nutrition“depending on who needs it”树是通过他们的合作、支持并传递必要的营养,得以生存的。]

  2.B [细节理解题。B项正确,与pass on nutrition to young trees 正好吻合。]

  3.A [代词指代题。根据最后一段前两句话:Dying trees move nutrition into the young trees before dying,but we never give them chance.垂死的“母亲树”在死亡前把营养传递给年轻树,但我们从未给它们机会,可以看出,it指的是“树的家族”固有的生存法则。]

  4.C [主旨大意题。本题可用排除法来做,A.老树像人类一样交流;B.小树需要保护;C.树远远超出你的想像;D.树有助于我们的社会。从以上题目来看,只有C符合本文大意。]


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