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发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  【考情分析1)冠词在高考中的考查重点:冠词是历年高考的必考知识点,主要出现在单项选择和短文改错题中. 虽说只有两类,共三个(不定冠词a, an和高考资源网定冠词the),但其使用规则很复杂,考生对此语法束手无策。纵观历年高考试题,冠词考点主要集中在以下几点:













  4.dozen和score 的特殊用法


  1.泛指一个。如:There is a book on the table.

  2.指人或事物的某一种类。如:His father is a driver.

  Longjing is a wonderful tea.

  3.指某一个人或事物,但不具体说明。如:My sister was saved by a PLA man in the fire.

  4.用于某一些表示重量、长度、时间等单位前,表示“每一”。如:We have meals three times a day.

  5.表示同样的。如:They are of an age.(他们是同岁。)

  6.表数量,相当于one,但语意较弱。如:There is a pen and two books on the desk.

  7.使抽象名词具体化。如:The little girl is a help to her mother. (a hand译为“帮手”)

  8.固定搭配。如:as a matter of fact , in a hurry, in a word


  1.表示上文提到过的人或事物。如:I have bought a book. The book is very useful.

  2.用于说话人与听话人心中都有数的人或事物。如:Close the window, please.

  3.用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前。如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world等。

  4.用于表示方位的名词之前。如:the east, the right。

  5.用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前。如:the first, the tallest。

  6.用于形容词之前,使其名词化。如:the sick, the wounded。

  7.用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前。如:the United States, the United Nation。

  8.用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等的名词之前。如:the Changjiang River, the East Lake。

  9.用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”。如:The Smiths。

  10.用于乐器的名词前。如:play the piano; play the violin。

  11.发明物。如:The compass was invented in China.

  12.年代名词前。如:He lived in the countryside in the 1970s.

  13.固定词组中。如:in the morning(afternoon, evening), on the other hand , at the same time


  1.表示总称的复数名词之前。如:Children love cartoons.(儿童喜欢卡通影片。)

  2.不含普通名词的专有名词前。如:We are studying English.

  3.名词前有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格修饰时。如:I like this picture; I do not have any money; As time went on, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.

  4.官职、季节、月份、星期等名词前,一般不用冠词。如:She likes spring most.

  5.呼语前不用冠词。如:What shall I do next, Mother?

  6.三餐饭前不用冠词。如:What did you have for lunch?

  7.节假日前不用冠词。如:People give gifts to each other on Christmas Day.

  8.球类和棋类运动的名称前不用冠词。如:She is fond of playing basketball.

  9.在一些成对出现的短语中不用冠词。如:arm in arm(手挽手); hand in hand(手牵手); side by side(肩并肩); day and day(日日夜夜); young and old(老老少少); from door to door(挨门挨户); from beginning to end(从头到尾); from morning till night(从早到晚)等。



  考点一: hundred, thousand和million的用法

  若hundred, thousand, million, billion等词的前面有基数词或several修饰时,hundred, thousand, million, billion等只能用单数形式;注意hundred, thousand, million, billion等词前不能用many,若表示不确定数目的数百、数千、数百万等时,要用它们的复数形式,还要加上of。


  (1)dozen (一打,十二),score (二十)与具体数词或与many, several 等连用时,后不加s,所修饰的名词前常省去of。如:two dozen eggs 两打鸡蛋,many dozen pencils好多打铅笔;dozen, score的复数形式后接of时,表示"许多",是概数。如:dozens of eggs几十个鸡蛋,scores of pencils几十支铅笔。(2)当所修饰的名词之前有限定词these, those, my, your等或是修饰人称代词宾格them, us, you时,这时需要加of。如:two dozen of these pens, three score of them。考点分数的表达法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,若分子大于1,则分母用复数。如:one-fourth

  (a quarter) 1/4




  表示某人的确切年龄,用"基数词+years old"或"基数词+of age"或者"at the age of+基数词",也可直接用基数词;表示某人几十多岁时,用"in one’s + 逢十的基数词的复数(如tens, twenties, thirties等)"来表达。He is in his late twenties. 他快30了。

  The old lady died in her early seventies beside a church in New York.





  ①This rope is twice longer than that one.


  ②This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.


  (2)……倍数+as+形容词(或 much)或副词+as。如:

  ①This big stone is three times as heavy as that one.


  ②The plane flew ten times as high as the kite.


  (3)……倍数+the size(length,height...)of。如:

  ①This street is four times the length of that street.


  ②This hill is four times the height of that small one.


  也可用:The height of this hill is four times that of that small one.



  1.The Smiths don’t usually stay at_____ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel by ________ sea. 【2012江西卷】

  A./; a B.the; the C./; the D.the; a

  1.C 考查冠词。hotel为复数,前不会用定冠词the来修饰;江,河,湖,海前要加定冠词

  2. The development of industry has been_______ gradual process throughout _______ human existence, from stone tools to modern technology. 【2012浙江卷】

  A. 不填, the B. the; a C. a; 不填 D. a; a

  2. C 考查冠词。第一空process是可数名词,第一次出现一般用不定冠词,且此次表示“一个”的概念;第二空existence是不可数名词,其此处表示抽象概念,故用零冠词。

  3. Carl is studying _____food science at college and hopes to open up ____meat

  processing factory of his own one day. 【2012安徽卷】


  / ; a

  B. / ;the

  C. the ; a

  D. the ; the

  3.A 本题考查冠词。science是不可数名词,用零冠词,后面的factory是一个可数名词,用a 表示泛指。

  4. Sam has been appointed _______ manager of the engineering department to take ____ place of George. 【2012重庆卷】

  A. /,/

  B. the,/

  C the the

  D./, the

  4. D 考查冠词用法。句意:Sam被任命为工程部经理取代了George。表示官衔职务的名词作补语和同位语时,前不加冠词。在题干中,“manager”表示职务,作主语补足语,不需要加冠词,而第二个空白处为固定短语“take the place of”,是“代替,取代”之意。因此,正确答案为D选项。

  5.I woke up with ______bad headache, yet by ______evening the pain had gone. 【2012辽宁卷】


  the; the


  the; an


  a; the


  a; an

  5.C 考查冠词。第一空表示泛指;第二空为固定用法,用定冠词the,故选C项

  6. Sarah looked at _____finished painting with _______satisfaction. 【2012全国卷】


  B. a; the

  C. the; 不填

  D. the; a

  6.C考查冠词用法。句意:Sarah满意地看着那幅已画完的画。第一空特指“已经画完的画”;第二空考查介词短语with satisfaction意为:满意地,作状语。此处satisfaction为抽象名词,在此短语中不用冠词。

  7. Being able to afford _______ drink would be ______ comfort in those tough times. 【2012山东卷】

  A. the; the

  B. a; a

  C. a; 不填

  D. 不填;a


  第一空中的a drink意为:一杯饮料;第二空中的a comfort意为:一件令人安慰的事。

  8. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be________ the present one. (2011·陕西)卷

  A.as three times big as B.three times as big as

  C.as big as three times

  D.as big three times as

  8. B 考查倍数表达法。倍数+as+adj.as表示“一物是另一物的几倍”。

  9. It took us quite a long time to get to the amusement park.It was ________ journey. (2010·上海)

  A.three hour B.a three hours

  C.a three hour

  D.three hours

  9. C考查数词。句意:去游乐园花了我们很长一段时间,是3个小时的路程。一段3个小时的路程有两种表达方式:a three hour journey;three hours’ journey。

  10. One-third of the country_____covered with trees and the majority of the citizens ____ black people. (2011 湖南卷) A. is; are

  B. is; is

  C. are; are

  D. are; is 10 A 考查数词与主谓一致。因为one-third 后面的中心词为country这个不可数名词,谓语动词应使用单数;第二空中的citizens为复数,谓语动词使用复数形式。 【名校试题】

  1. I heard you have

  vacant position for a secretary. I’ve come to apply for


  A.the; a B.a; the C./; a D.a; /


  2. People think that ______ opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games is _____ great success.

  A. an; a

  B. the ; a

  C. the ;the

  D. the ; /


  3.Shenzhou VII,??

  ? ???? country’s third manned spaceship, was launched successfully on September 25, 2008 in????

  ??? northwestern Gansu Province,China.

  A. a;不填??????

  ? B. the;the???????

  C. the;不填????????

  D. a;the


  5.John is ______ European but doesn’t know or speak ______English language at all.

  A. an,a

  B. a,the


  the ,an

  D. a,不填


  6. General speaking, ___ graduate from ____ well—known university is more likely to find a good job.

  A.a, the

  B.a, a

  C.the, a

  D.the, the


  7.For each individual, sport is ___ possible source for inner improvement. Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on ___ joy found in effort.

  A.a; a

  B.the; the

  C.a; the

  D.the; a


  8. Sit on the edge of _____ bed _____ minute before putting your feet on the floor.

  A. /; a

  B. the; a

  C. the; the

  D. /; the


  9.The Spring Festival is ________unique day for families. It is also _______ day for special foods like niangao.

  A. an, a

  B. an, the

  C. a, a

  D. the, a


  10.Mary couldn’t remember the exact date of the hurricane, but she knew it was ____ Saturday because everybody was at ___ church.

  A. /; the

  B. a; /

  C. /; a

  D. the; /

  【答案】B a表示某一,at church 表示“在做礼拜”,故church前不加the;


  1. “Do you know________English for ‘帅哥’?” “I’m afraid I don’t. I’m not interested in________English language.”

  A. the;theB. the;不填 C. 不填;the

  D. 不填;不填

  【易误分析】 容易误选D,因为表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词。

  【名师指津】 最佳答案为A。在英语中,表示语言的名词前通常不用冠词,但在某些特殊情况下可用冠词。如:

  (1) 当语言名词表特指意义,其前可用定冠词。如:

  The English spoken in America and Canada is a little different from that spoken in England. 美国和加拿大讲的英语与英国讲的英语有点不同。

  (2) 当语言名词表示某一语言中的对应词时,其前要用定冠词。如:

  What’s the English for this? 这个东西用英语怎么说?

  (3) 当在语言名词后加上 language一词时,也要用冠词。如:

  There have been many changes in the history of the English language. 英语发展过程中有很多变革。

  2. I couldn’t remember the exact date of the storm, but I knew it was________Sunday because everybody was at________church

  A. a;the

  B. a;不填

  C. 不填;a

  D. 不填;不填

  【易误分析】 容易误选D,因为星期名词前不加冠词;而 at church 表示在教堂里做礼拜,其中也不用冠词。

  【名师指津】 最佳答案为B。确实,在通常情况下星期名词前不用冠词,但在某些特殊情况下还是可以用冠词的,如表示特指,其前可用定冠词;表示“某一个”或受描绘性定语修饰表示“某种”这样的意义等,其前可用不定冠词。如:

  He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他星期日来,星期一就走了。

  My birthday happened to be on a Saturday. 我的生日碰巧是星期六。

  3. Which person do you refer to, the one with________long hair or the one with________long beard?

  A. a;a

  B. 不填;不填

  C. a;不填

  D. 不填;a

  【易误分析】 误选A或B,认为hair(头发)和beard(胡须)性质和用法应该差不多,要么都可数,要么都不可数,或者说要么都用不定冠词,要么都不用。

  【名师指津】 最佳答案选D。hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同:hair 可用作可数或不可数名词,用作可数名词时,指一根一根的毛发或头发,如说 There’s a hair in my soup .(我的汤里有根头发);用作不可数名词(集合名词)时,则是整体地指一个人的头发。比较:

  He has gray hairs. 他有几根白发了。

  He has gray hair. 他满头白发了。

  而beard 则通常只用作可数名词,且指的是一个人所有的胡须,而不是指一根胡须,它的复数形式,通常是指多个人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须,如:

  He no longer wears a beard. 他不再留胡须。

  Not all men grow beards. 并不是所有的男人都留胡须。

  4. “May I take your order now?”“ We’d like three black________and two green________.”

  A. coffee, cups of teas

  B. coffees, teas

  C. cups of coffee, tea

  D. cup of coffees, teas

  【易误分析】 误选C,认为coffee和tea均为不可数名词,不能后加复数词尾s,从而排除选项A、B、D。

  【名师指津】 选B。有的同学认为 coffee 和tea是物质名词,不可数,不能用 three coffees, two teas 这样的表达。其实,coffee既可用作不可数名词,表示“咖啡”这种物质,也可用作可数名词,表示“一杯咖啡”,即在口语中 three coffees 就等于 three cups of coffee。同样,“三杯茶”既可说成 three cups of tea,也可说成 three teas;“三杯啤酒”既可说成 three glasses of beer,也可说成 three beers。



  1. 平时熟记定冠词、不定冠词和零冠词的用法,做题时仔细分析所表达的意义。

  2. 熟悉一些名词的用法,和冠词结合。有很多不可数名词,有时候被具体化的情况,也是考查的重点。

  3. 多做练习,能够提高熟悉语境的能力,很多考题是要和语境相联系起来考查的,这方面一定要重视

  1. Having received training of___ MS. Company,he was offered____ important position in management.

  A. the;an  B. 不填;an

  C. the;不填

  D. ara

  2.For many Beijingers, dreams of living in ______green area are becoming _______reality.

  A. a;a

  B. the;the

  C. 不填;不填

  D. a;the

  3.—Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?

  —Yes. As you saw, ________party went on in ________most pleasant atmosphere.

  A. the;a

  B. the;the

  C. a;the

  D. a;a

  4.I often have conversations with John over _______telephone,while I keep in touch with Tom by ____letter.

  A. 不填; the

  B. 不填;a

  C. the;不填

  D. the;a

  5. Many ________scientist wants to be ________second Newton.

  A a;the

  B. a;a


  D. 不填; the

  6. I’ve told him________ so she should remember it.

  A. a hundred time

  B. hundred times

  C. hundred of times

  D. hundreds of times

  7. —Were you educated in________good school?

  —Yes,________very good one in my hometown.

  A. the; the

  B. a; a

  C. the;a

  D. a;不填

  8. The earth is nearly________the moon.

  A. 50 time the size of

  B. 50 times the size of

  C. 50 times as size as

  D. 50 times as that of

  9. It’s about________, the thickness of a human hair.

  A. two fifteenth

  B. two fifteenths

  C. two fifteen

  D. two fifteens

  10. South of the equator, 81 percent of the surface of the earth________ water.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. was

  D. were

  11. They sold ________boxes of such sweets last week.

  A. four dozen

  B. four dozens

  C. four dozens of

  D. four dozen of

  12. Don’t leave you work________.

  A. done half

  B. half done

  C. a half done

  D. done a half

  13. I had ________supper at my friend’s last Sunday and ________food was so delicious.

  A. a; the

  B.不填;不填C.不填;theD. the;不填

  .—Would you mind giving your advice on how to improve our business management?

  —If you make ________most of the modern equipment, there will be ________rise in production.

  A.不填; 不填B.the; aC.不填; aD.the; 不填

  1. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times________.

  A. as much

  B. as many

  C. so much

  D. so many


  1-5 AAACB




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