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发布时间:2017-01-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ⑩You had better ________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.(2012·福建)

  A. set aside

  B. take up

  C. put away

  D. give out A

  【解析】 ⑩ 根据后半句so that you can keep yourself energetic可知上半句应该是建议对方要多留出(set aside)时间进行运动。 8. settle v. ①[T]解决(问题、争端)[同solve] ②[I]安家,定居;殖民 ③[I](鸟、昆虫)栖息(=sit) 【练习】完成句子 ①你有没有考虑过在这个镇上定居? Have you ever thought of ________________ this town? ②他希望能尽快使这个问题得到解决。 He hopes to have the problem ______________ as soon as possible.

  ③他回来以后就安下心来学习。 He __________________ to his studies after he came back.

  settling (down) in settled settled down 9. share v. [I/T]①共用,合用;分享,分担 ②分摊,均分 n. [C]①一份,份额 ②股份,股票(【美】stock) 【练习】完成句子 ①孩子应该学会与人分享(东西)。 Children should learn __________________________. ②她希望我们分享她的喜悦。 She hopes we will ____________________________. ③她与另外3个同学合住一间房间。 She shares ___________________________.

  ④这笔钱由他们两人分。 The money ____________________________ them.

  ⑤他做了他的那份工作。 He ____________________________ of the work.

  【答案】 ①to share  ②share (in) her joy  ③a room with three other classmates  ④was shared between ⑤did his share 10. show off ①(用作不及物)出风头,炫耀 ②(用作及物)炫耀,卖弄 【练习】 完成句子/英译汉 ①今天他终于有机会表现一次了/炫耀一番了。 Today he finally has a chance ____________________.

  ②她喜欢炫耀自己的新衣服。 She loves ____________________________.

  ③He likes to show off his abilities. ____________________________________________

  ④I waited an hour but he didn't show (up).


  【答案】 ①to show off  ②showing off her new dress/clothes ③他喜欢卖弄自己的才能。 ④可他一直没露面 11. similar adj. 相似的,近似的[同alike] 【练习】完成句子 ①我对这件事的看法和玛丽差不多。 My opinions on the matter are ______________ Mary's.

  =Mary and I have ___________ opinions on the matter.

  ②这两座房子大小差不多。 The two houses ____________________________ size.

  【答案】 ①similar to; similar  ②are similar in 12. sight n. ①[U]视力,视觉 ②[U]视野,视阈[同view] ③[U]看见 ④[C]景象,景色 ⑤[C, 加the, 用复数] 风景,名胜 【练习】完成句子 ①一看到警察,那贼就逃跑了。 _____________________ the police, the thief ran away.

  ②一片绿色的田野展现在眼前。 The green fields ___________________________.

  ③不久小船在雾中看不见了。 The boat was soon _____________________ in the fog.

  ④我们终于看见陆地了。 We _____________________________ land at last.

  ⑤我第一眼就认出了她。 I recognized her ____________________________.

  【答案】 ①At the sight of /Having caught sight of  ②came into sight  ③lost sight of /out of sight  ④sighted/caught sight of  ⑤at first sight


  用scenery, scene, view, sight填空 ⑥You can get a full ________ of the bridge from here.

  ⑦Hangzhou is famous for its ________.

  ⑧The ________ after the earthquake was horrible.

  ⑨We saw the historical ________ of Beijing.

  【答案】 ⑥view ⑦scenery  ⑧scene  ⑨sights 13. so / such 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①她兴奋得说不出话来。 She was __________________ that she couldn't speak.

  ②她是一位好老师,我们都爱她。 She is ________________________ that we all love her. = She is _____________________ that we all love her. ③It is ________ that we want to stay here for another two days. A.such fine weather B. such a fine weather C. so fine weather D. so fine a weather ④You can't imagine ________ boy can do ________ work. A. so little; so much B. such little; such much C. so little a; such much D. such a little; so much 【解析】 ①so excited  ②so good a teacher; such a good teacher ③A weather为不可数名词,应用such修饰。 ④D boy前的little意为“小”,而不是“少”,故用“so+adj.+a(n)+单数可数名词”或“such+a(n)+adj.+单数可数名词”结构;当名词被much, little(少),many, few修饰时用so。 14. so/such…that… 【练习】 ①至③题改为倒装句/单项选择 ①She was so excited that she couldn't speak.


  ②He ran so fast that we didn't catch up with him. ______________________________________________ ③He is such a good boy that he is always ready to help. _____________________________________________

  ④________ homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.

  A. So much

  B. Too much 

  C. Too little

  D. So little 【解析】 ①So excited was she that she couldn't speak. ②So fast did he run that we didn't catch up with him. ③Such a good boy is he that he is always ready to help.

  ④A 结果状语从句中的“we had no time to take a rest”意味着休息时间很少,应先排除选项C、D,又由于放于句首的表语too much不能引起倒装,而且意思上也难以与全句融合,所以进一步排除B。 15. spare adj. ①空闲的 ②多余的,剩余的;备用的 v. [T]抽出(时间等),分让(多余的东西) 【练习】完成句子 ①你在闲暇时喜欢做什么? What do you like doing ________________________?

  ②我们有个备用的轮胎你可以借去。 We've got ____________________ that you can borrow. ③你能为我抽出几分钟时间吗? Can you spare ___________________________?

  ④我们不遗余力地完成这项任务。 We ___________________________ the task.

  【答案】 ①in your spare time  ②a spare tyre/wheel  ③me a few minutes/a few minutes for me  ④spared no efforts to finish

  16. speed (过去式sped /sped/ 或speeded; 过去分词 sped或speeded) v. ①[I]迅速前进,快行 ②[I]超速行驶 ③[I/T](使)加速 n. ①[C/U]速度,速率 ②[U]快速,迅速 【练习】完成句子 ①救护车急速向医院驶去。 The ambulance _____________________ the hospital.

  ②工作已加快进行。 The work was ____________________________.

  ③他因超速被罚款。 He was fined for ____________________________.

  ④他跑得飞快,以惊人的速度赢得了第一。 He ran ____________________ and won the first place.

  【答案】 ①sped to  ②speeded up  ③speeding  ④with amazing speed 17. spend v.[T] ①花费(钱、时间、精力等) ②度过(时间、假期等) 【练习】完成句子 ①我用了3个小时完成这篇作文。 The composition __________________ me three hours.

  ②这工作花了他们大量的劳动。 The work _____________________ them much labour.

  ③修建这座桥花了他们2年多的时间。 It ________ them over two years ________ the bridge. ④他经常利用业余时间帮助穷人。 He often ________ his spare time ________ the poor.

  ⑤买这架照相机我花了50美元。 I ________ 50 dollars ________ the camera.

  =I ________ 50 dollars ________ the camera. =I ________ 50 dollars ________ the camera.

  =The camera ________ me 50 dollars.

  【答案】 ①cost/took  ②cost  ③took; to build  ④spent;(in) helping  ⑤spend; on; spent (in) buying; paid for; cost 2016英语高考高频词汇精选-S(一) 1. satisfy v.[T]使满意,满足(需要、要求等)[反dissatisfy] 【练习】

  完成句子/用satisfy的适当形式填空 ①那个回答不能令她满意。 That answer won't ___________________________.

  ②老师对他的回答感到满意。 The teacher ______________________ his answer. satisfy her is satisfied with  ③令我们满意的是,工作按时完成。 ____________________, the work was finished on time.

  ④It's ________________ to learn the success of his son in job­hunting.

  ⑤John had a ________ smile when he heard the _______________________ news.

  To our satisfaction  satisfying satisfied satisfying/satisfactory 2. scare v. [T]使恐惧,使害怕 n.[C]惊吓,恐惧 【练习】完成句子 ①我们点起火堆吓跑狼群。 We lit fires ___________________________.

  ②那强盗把她吓得交出了所有的钱。 The robber ________________________ all her money.

  ③你突然在我面前出现着实吓了我一跳。 You did ____________________ by sudden appearance before me.

  to scare away the wolves  scared her into handing over give me a scare

  【练习】 完成句子 ④那孩子怕狗。 The boy ___________________________ dogs.

  ⑤她晚上一个人不敢外出。 She is scared ______________________ alone at night.

  ⑥迈克非常害怕,不敢去玩蹦极跳。 Mike was too scared ______________ bungee jumping.

  is scared of of going out to go  【练习】用scared, scary填空 ⑦他喜欢恐怖电影。 He is fond of ___________________________ movies.

  ⑧灯光熄灭后,那女孩非常害怕。 When the lights went out, the girl got _____________.

  scary scared 3. search v.[T/I]搜查,搜寻 n.[C]搜查,搜寻 【练习】英译汉/完成句子/单项选择 ①The policeman searched the thief.

  _____________________________________________ ②The police searched the thief's home.

  _____________________________________________ 警察搜了那贼的身。 警察搜查了那贼的家。 ③你可以在因特网上搜索一下这家宾馆的信息。 You could try ______________________ the hotel information. = You could try _______________________________ on the Internet. ④她进了厨房,想找点喝的。 She went into the kitchen __________________ a drink. ⑤他们彻底搜查了这栋大楼。 They made a thorough search ___________ the building.

  searching for the hotel information searching the Internet for in search of of

  ⑥搜寻失踪者的行动已经放弃。 The search ________________________ the missing men was given up.

  ⑦After ________ the area for three hours, the police found the truck near a river.

  A. searching

  B. searching for

  C. in search of

  D. looking for for A 【答案】 ⑦句意:警方搜查这个区域3个小时后,在一条河的附近找到了这辆卡车。search sp. 搜查某处; search for /look for 寻找; in search of 寻找。 4. second only to 仅次于[同next only to] 【练习】 完成句子/英译汉 ①印度人口仅次于中国。 ________________________________ in population.

  ②He is second only to my own son in my affections. ____________________________________________ India is second only to China 我除了爱我的儿子,最爱他。 5. seek v. [T/I]寻找,寻求,追求 【练习】 完成句子/单项选择 ①你出国征求过你父母的建议了吗? Have you _______________________on going abroad? =Have you _____________________ on going abroad ____________________? ②我一直在试图改变她的主意。 I _______________________________ her mind.

  from your parents

  sought your parents' advice sought advice have been seeking to change ③The special medicine for the disease was difficult to find though ________ everywhere. A. sought B. seeking C. being sought D. having been sought A

  【解析】 ③ 句意:治疗这种疾病的特殊药物很难找到,尽管已经到处寻找了。though 引导让步状语从句。当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,或状语从句中的主语是it,并且又含有be动词时,常可省略从句中的主语和be动词,该句though后省略了it was,故选A。 6. separate v. ①[T]使分开,使分离;使隔开 ②[I]分开,脱离

  adj. 单独的,分开的 【练习】英译汉/单项选择 ①The rocket separated from the space shuttle and fell into the sea.

  _____________________________________________ ②We talked until midnight and then separated.

  _____________________________________________ ③The children sleep in separate beds.

  _____________________________________________ 火箭与航天飞机分离,然后坠入了大海。

  我们谈到午夜才分手。 孩子们分别睡在各自的床上。 ④Separation from his friends made him sad.


  ⑤As we joined the big crowd I got ________ from my friends.

  A. separated

  B. divided

  C. lost

  D. missed 和朋友们分离使他很伤心。


  【解析】 ⑤ 句意:因为我们挤入一大群人中,我与我的朋友们分开了。get separated from (被)与……分开。 7. set v.[T]①放,放置[同put] ②镶,嵌[同insert] ③为(小说、舞台等)设置背景 ④释放 n.

  [C](无线电、电视机等)接收机 【练习】用介、副词填空/单项选择 ①The play is set ________ 15th­century Italy.

  ②Have they set a date ________ the wedding?

  ③We must set ________ the problem at once. ④She set ________ five hours a week to learn French.

  ⑤Early in the morning, we set ________ for the farm for a visit. in for about aside out/off

  ⑥They set ________ a manned rocket last year. ⑦The school was set ________ last year.

  ⑧You should set ________ everything he said. ⑨Armed with the information you have gathered, you can ________ preparing your business plan.(2012·浙江)

  A. set out

  B. set about

  C. set off

  D. set up off up down


  【解析】 ⑨ 句意:有了你收集到的这些信息,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。set out to do sth. = set about doing sth.开始做某事。


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