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2016高考英语一轮复习方略 素能提升演练选修7 Unit19(北师大版)

发布时间:2016-12-30  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  选修Unit 19


  1. His English is very good. He can speak it in (流利).

  2. The room is

  (充足的)for our needs.

  3. My uncle went to America two

  (十年) ago.

  4. Do you think the

  (趋势)will continue?

  5. The price of gasoline continued to drop


  6. His long

  (缺席) raised worry about his safety.

  7. They are not likely to

  (达到)this aim.

  8. Will the education you have received

  (保证)you a good job?

  9. He managed to secure a loan to

  (购买) a new house.

  10. That was

  (仅仅)a guess of mine.

  Ⅱ. 单项填空

  1. It is a language without words that

  gestures, facial expressions and body movements that greatly add to—and sometimes even replace—spoken language.

  A. is consisted of

  B. consists of

  C. makes up

  D. is made up

  2. [2012合肥模拟]They are considering

  the house before the prices go up.

  A.purchase B.purchasing

  C.purchasedD.to purchase

  3. Over the years the European Union has made great efforts to

  the safety of food and protect the health of its people.


  4. In the

  of any further evidence,the police were reported to be unable to arrest the murderer.

  A. absenceB. lack

  C. hope

  D. charge

  5. [2012滁州模拟]In a typhoon, winds

  a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour.

  A. assume

  B. accomplish

  C. attain

  D. adjust

  6. Can you _______ me a job when I get there?

  You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.

  A. apply

  B. arrange

  C. provide

  D. guarantee

  7. Young men should constantly ________ their own state of mind so as to adapt to the circumstances in which fierce competition is going on.

  A.assess B.adjust


  8. I would like a job which pays more, but

  I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.

  A. in other words

  B. on the other hand

  C. for one thing

  D. as a matter of fact

  9. We haven’t settled the question of ________ it is necessary for him to study abroad.

  A. if

  B. where

  C. whether

  D. that

  10. He kept me ________ of how things are going on in my absence.

  A. be informed

  B. informed

  C. inform

  D. informing

  11. [2012淮北模拟]When the disabled sportsman won a gold medal, a lot of people him on his success.

  A. appreciated

  B. approved

  C. congratulated

  D. remarked

  12. Just as the clothes a person wears, the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house ________ his personality.

  A. resembles

  B. strengthens

  C. reflects

  D. shapes

  13. [2012安庆模拟]He didn’t

  to what I said because his mind was on something else.

  A. hold on

  B. catch on

  C. take in

  D. get over

  14. The little boy was allowed to go swimming ________ he kept near the other boys.

  A. provided that

  B. in case

  C. now that

  D. by the time

  15. The girl, who was reported ________ by a wolf, was found in the forest.

  A. to be killed

  B. having killed

  C. to have been killed

  D. to be killing


  [2012南通模拟]Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there’s a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you in the long term regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas:

  1) Do you prefer working alone or with other people?

  There are isolating(孤立的)jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.

  2)How do you handle change?

  Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don’t happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.

  3) Do you enjoy working with computers?I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you’ll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.

  4)What type of work environment do you enjoy?This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won’t know immediately to a smaller setting where you’ll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.

  5) How do you like to get paid?

  Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.

  Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I’ve seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.

  1. What is unnecessary in your job hunting?

  A. Assessing your skills.

  B. Going to different areas.

  C. Matching your skills with a position.

  D. Taking your personality into consideration.

  2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A. Isolating jobs usually drive people mad.

  B. Interactive jobs make people shy easily.

  C. Extreme people tend to work with others.

  D. Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.

  3. What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?

  A. Design.

  B. Changes.

  C. Cooperation.

  D. Hobbies.

  4. What is the best title for this passage?

  A. Lifestyles and Job Pay

  B. Jobs and Environment

  C. Job Skills and Abilities

  D. Personalities and Jobs

  Ⅳ.任务型读写阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。From the beginning of human history,people have used oils from seeds and nuts. Most of the time these oils are used as food,especially in cooking. But sometimes they have other uses. For example,oils are used in paint and in cleaning products like soap. Oils are separated from seeds by using pressure. A machine called a press is often used.

  The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones. The crushed seeds are then put into a cloth bag and the bag is hung up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag and can be collected.

  But some oils will remain in the crushed seeds inside the bag. The easiest way to get the rest of the oil out is to place heavy rocks on the crushed material.

  Another method is to place several cloth bags on top of each other in a box. Then a long wooden stick is used to slowly push a heavy cover down on the bags. Great pressure is produced in this way. Much greater pressure can be produced by using a machine,a hydraulic jack (液压千斤顶).The greater the pressure is,the more oils will be produced.

  Small presses are important in areas where electricity or gasoline cannot be used. They are also a good way to test if a local market for oils exists.

  Small batch presses can be made of local materials. Their cost is low. They are not difficult to operate. And they are easy to repair. The small presses produce good quality oils. But the work is hard. And getting all the oil from the seeds can be difficult.

  If there is a large supply of seeds,then hand-operated presses may not be enough to support a business. Large powered presses that can operate all day are needed.

  Title How to (1) ______Oils from Seeds

  (2) ______

  of oils People use oils when they cook meals,paint pictures and clean objects.Method 1 ◆Crush the seeds between two stones and then put them into a cloth bag.

  ◆(3)_______ the cloth bag up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag.

  ◆The (4)_______oil in the seeds can be got by putting more heavy rocks on them.

  Method 2 ◆A box is used to (5) _______several bags of seeds.

  ◆Place a heavy cover on the bags.

  ◆Use a long wooden stick to push the cover slowly.

  ◆The (6) _______ of oils relies on the pressure placed on the bags.

  Small batch presses ◆They are at a low (7) _______.

  ◆They are easy to operate and repair.

  ◆They can be used in areas (8) _______ of electricity or gasoline.

  ◆They can be operated by hand very conveniently.

  ◆They can produce good quality oils.


  (9) ______

  presses ◆They can (10) _______ with a large supply of seeds and support a business.

  ◆They can run all day.


  Ⅰ.1. fluency2. adequate

  3. decades

  4. trend

  5. nationwide

  6. absence

  7. attain

  8. ensure

  9. purchase

  10. merely

  Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选B。consist of“由……组成”,没有被动结构;consist of = be made up of。

  2.【解析】选B。句意:他们正在考虑在房价上涨之前购买这所房子。purchase 购买;consider doing sth. 考虑做某事。



  5.【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:在一场台风中,风速可达到每小时120多公里。attain (=succeed in doing or getting) 达到 (目的等) ,取得 (成就等);assume假定, 假设; accomplish (顺利) 完成;adjust调整。


  Thousands of foreigners were

  to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.

  A. attended

  B. attained

  C. attracted

  D. attached


  6.【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。guarantee表示“保证,担保”之意,可以用于guarantee sb. sth. 的结构。apply申请,不接双宾语;arrange安排,用于arrange sth. for sb. 的结构;provide提供,用于provide sb. with sth. 结构。


  8.【解析】选B。考查短语意义辨析。句意:我想找一份工资高一点的工作,而另一方面,我又喜欢我现在做的工作。in other words换句话说;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing首先;一方面;as a matter of fact事实上。



  1. 引导名词性从句,意为“是否”,常与or not连用。

  He asked me whether Mary will come(or not).


  It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.


  2. 引导让步状语从句,意为“不管,不论”。

  Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to face it one day.


  You are given a free gift whether you accept our offer of insurance or not.


  10.【解析】选B。考查keep sb. informed of sth. ,意为“让某人随时了解”。



  13.【解析】选B。考查短语意义辨析。句意:他没有领会我所说的话,因为他在想其他的事情。hold on抓住;坚持;take in吸收;理解;get over克服。

  14.【解析】选A。考查连接词。句意:如果有别的男孩子在身边,这个小男孩是可以游泳的。provided that如果;in case以防;now that既然;by the time到……时间为止。

  15.【解析】选C。考查固定句式中不定式的形式。句意:那个据说被狼咬死的小女孩在森林中被找到了。sb. be reported 后接不定式,表示“据报道……”,kill与the girl之间为动宾关系,故选择被动语态。kill动作发生在found之前,故用完成时态。


  AIDS is said

  the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.

  A. that it is

  B. to be

  C. that it has been

  D. to have been

  【解析】选D。考查固定句式中不定式的形式。句意:据说在过去的几年里, 艾滋病对那个地区的男人和女人都是最大的健康隐患。因为主语是AIDS而不是it,因此空格处应该填不定式而不是句子,排除A、C两项;由“over the past few years”可知用不定式的完成时态。

  Ⅲ.1.【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段中“there’s a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. ”可知A、C项是必须要考虑的。根据第一段中的“There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider. . . ”可知D项也要考虑。全文并没有提到B项,故选B。

  2.【解析】选D。细节理解题。考查对文中第1点的理解。该部分提到“孤立的工作会使性格外向的人发狂”,因此A项不正确。该部分提到“互动性的工作会使害羞的人不舒服”,故B项也不正确。C项未涉及到。大部分人在工作选择上是有倾向性的(Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. ), 故D项正确。

  3.【解析】选C。推理判断题。图表表示在求职时,我们要考虑的几个方面。原文开头提到了skills,在第2点中提到了stability,在第4点中提到了environment,在第5点中提到了motivated,其名词是motivation。根据第1点中的working. . . with other people可知C项(合作)正确。

  4.【解析】选D。主旨大意题。提建议或谈参考观点的文章,主旨一般在开头的第一段。根据第一段中的If you ignore your personality和There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. 可知D项是正确答案。

  Ⅳ.答案:1. Take/Separate/Press/Get2. Uses/Usages

  3. Hang

  4. remaining

  5. contain/hold

  6.amount/quantity7. price

  8. short/lack


  10. deal/do


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