There is great anger, Donald Trump said early in his campaign for the Republican nomination.
存在极大的愤怒——唐纳德.特朗普(Donald Trump)在竞选共和党总统候选人提名初期曾说过。
Believe me, there is great anger.
And it is that anger that Mr Trump went on to surf into the White House.
Anger played a large part in the other great political shake-up of the year, the EU referendum in the UK.
When it comes to rhetoric, 2016 has been a year in which the wind changed: away from optimism and towards aggression; away from argument and towards assertion.
What we have seen is a change not just in politics — away from an essentially technocratic and centrist establishment — but in the language of politics.
Mark Thompson, the former BBC director-general and now chief executive of the New York Times, quoted Mr Trump’s line on anger in Enough Said: What’s Gone Wrong With The Language of Politics?, which was published in the summer.
英国广播公司(BBC)前总裁、现担任《纽约时报》(New York Times)首席执行官的马克.汤普森(Mark Thompson)在其于今年夏天出版的《无须多言:政治语言出了什么问题?》(Enough Said: What’s Gone Wrong With The Language of Politics?)一书中,引用了特朗普关于愤怒的原话。
He argues that the prevailing currents of the day — fuelled and amplified by social media — are towards emotive, maximalist language, preaching to the converted, and the production of heat rather than light.
He was right.
Both Clinton partisans and UK Remainers struggled to find a slogan as emotive or as forceful as Take Back Control or Make America Great Again.
希拉里阵营和英国留欧派都难以找到像拿回控制权(Take Back Control)或让美国再次伟大起来(Make America Great Again)那样感召人心或强有力的口号——
Compare the flaccid, verbless Better Together and Stronger In.
对比一下这两个软绵绵的口号:在一起更好(Better Together)和留欧更强(Stronger In)。
Both winning slogans were imperative in mood: a call to action rather than floating expressions of a vague status quo.
The status quo was not where the action was this year.
Boris Johnson, speaking for the Leave campaign, identified the fatal weakness of the Remainers’ case in rhetorical terms: You know the most depressing thing about the campaign to ‘Bremain.’
退欧派的代表鲍里斯.约翰逊(Boris Johnson)指出了留欧派在措辞上的致命弱点:你知道‘留欧’(Bremain)运动最令人郁闷的一点是什么。
It is that there is not a shred of idealism . . . No one will say, you know what, I love the idea of a federal Europe.
Idealism: strong emotively loaded words, calls to action, calls for change, fine-sounding abstractions.
These are what made the running in 2016.
Detailed concrete arguments about economic forecasts, tariff barriers, immigration statistics or constitutional law were mounted but they made no discernible impact on any but the already-converted.
We have seen a precipitous shift in the balance of Aristotle’s triad of persuasive appeals, ethos, pathos and logos.
Logos — argument from evidence and settled or consistent premises — has been in a bear market.
As Michael Gove said during the Brexit campaign that the people in this country have had enough of experts.
正如迈克尔.戈夫(Michael Gove)在退欧运动时所说,这个国家的人们已经受够了专家了。
To be fair to him, what he said was a little more subtle and specific — he recently told the BBC he was talking about a sub-class of economists and pollsters — but that sound bite is what is remembered because it caught a truth.
Instead we’ve had ethos appeals that depend on outsider authenticity and commonsense ideas of fairness or pride.
And we’ve seen the most effective oratory channelling pathos, or the feelings of the crowd — anger or frustration above all.
That’s not unique to the winning sides, incidentally: the Bernie Sanders insurgency in the race for the Democratic nomination used exactly that emotive, impatient, outsiderish language.
意外的是,这并非胜利方所独有的技巧:伯尼.桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)在民主党总统提名角逐中异军突起,利用的正是那种感召人心、急切和局外人式的语言。
And — had Sanders not been what to many American voters looks a hair away from being a communist — it might have gone further.
The Cameron and Obama years saw leaders seeking to position themselves as conciliators and centrists
Their basic audience-shaping strategies were, as in Barack Obama’s classic red-state-blue-state speech, to do with trying to forge a collective we.
正如巴拉克.奥巴马(Barack Obama)那场经典的红州/蓝州演讲那样,他们影响受众的基本策略是试图打造一个共同的我们。
Remember Red Tories and Green Tories; remember President Obama declaring that there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America — there is the United States of America?
还记得红色保守党(Red Tories)和绿色保守党(Green Tories),还有奥巴马总统说的没有一个自由的美国和一个保守的美国、只有美利坚合众国吗?
On both sides of the Atlantic this year we saw an aggressive repudiation of that.
The new audience-shaping is about defining an us and a them.
Us is the freeborn Brit or the forgotten men and women of America.
Them is, according to circumstance, unelected European elites, out-of-touch liberals, Muslims, career politicians, Mexicans, Jews, corrupt bankers, pollsters, unelected members of the judiciary, beta cucks, Remoaners and libtards.
根据各自情况,他们则是未经选举产生的欧洲精英、高高在上的自由主义者、穆斯林、职业政客、墨西哥人、犹太人、腐败的银行家、民调专家、未经选举产生的司法部门成员、beta cuck(辱骂语,原意指伴侣有不忠行为的男人)、怨言多多的支持留欧者(Remoaner)和自由主义智障(libtard)。
As for the language, the pendulum has swung back towards the plain style.
Much has been made of Mr Trump’s word salad approach to the language: his anacoluthons (broken sentences), his malapropisms, his halting monosyllables and his empty intensifiers.
But it’s worth noticing: they didn’t hurt him at the ballot box.
Nor, in his day, did George W Bush’s apparent inarticulacy.
当年小布什(George W Bush)明显的口齿笨拙也没有影响他的选情。
The American public, you could say, are in the position of the Daily Mail’s proprietor in the 1960s, Esmond Harmsworth, who reflected that having tried a short, fat editor without much success he’d now try a tall, thin one.
你可以说,美国公众正处在上世纪60年代《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)的所有者埃斯蒙德.哈姆斯沃思(Esmond Harmsworth)的位置上:他曾说,试过了矮胖的主编、不大成功之后,他现在会试一个又高又瘦的主编。
Americans tried a leader who spoke well; now they’re having a bash with one who doesn’t.
Mr Trump’s oratory may not have been sophisticated but it was effective.
He repeated emotive, simple words in an almost grammar-free structure.
That can work; symmetrically, after all, Mr Obama’s rhetorical ease didn’t do him much good once he was in office.
The rapier can be thrilling but the sledgehammer does a job too.
Listening to a Trump speech an audience would not follow much of an argument but they’d come away with words like great, tremendous, wonderful and winning ringing in their ears.
When Mr Trump spoke at a rally he used a pounding symploce (repetition both at the beginning and the end of his sentences, with a different, emotive abstract noun in the middle): We will make America strong again.
We will make America proud again.
We will make America safe again.
And we will make America great again.
Arguably, it was the sophistication of Mr Obama that paved the way for Mr Trump, whose oratorical clumsiness sounded to many like straight talking.
As long as we’ve had oratory, we’ve had a mistrust of the smooth talker.
Rhetoric has always contained (and, ironically, co-opted) its shadow-self: the mistrust of rhetoric.
And this year anti-rhetoric rhetoric took the lead.
But as we watch him leave the stage, Mr Obama — in fact, both Obamas — deserves a tip of the hat.
Where Hillary Clinton managed to summon plausible emotion only in defeat — This is painful, she said, voice cracking in her concession speech, and it will be for a long time —
希拉里.克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在败选时才成功唤起一些模糊的情绪:这很痛苦,她在败选演说中声音颤抖着说,这感觉还会持续很长时间。
the high points of the Democratic campaign, oratorically, came from the outgoing president and his wife.
Look at his barnstorming reprisal of his Fired up — ready to go! story in New Hampshire shortly before the polls opened.
Or consider Michelle Obama’s emotive speech in response to the leak of Mr Trump’s boasting of his history of sexual assault:
或者想一想米歇尔.奥巴马(Michelle Obama)在回应特朗普吹嘘性骚扰史一事曝光后的动情演讲:
The shameful comments about our bodies.
The disrespect of our ambitions and intellect.
The belief that you can do anything you want to a woman.
It is cruel. It’s frightening.
And the truth is, it hurts.
It hurts.
Those expressions of pain and determination felt authentic.
But they were — in terms of connecting with a wider electorate — too little too late.
As Mrs Obama and Mrs Clinton both said: When they go low, you go high.
正如奥巴马和希拉里都曾说过的那样:他们没有下限,我们不能没有节操(When they go low, you go high)。
That’s a noble principle: but rhetoric is an instrumental art.
You do what works; and this year going high did not.
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