实例指导—English Learning
1. 这篇习作是典型的开放式作文,要求学生将自己在英语写作中的心得体会用英语写出来,不限要点。
2. 文章的题材为演讲稿,结构宜用总——分——总的结构。第一部分重点在引出话题,第二部分细述写作中的心得体会,第三部分对整篇文章进行总结概括,最好能够做到首尾呼应。
3. 文章宜用第一人称,时态的使用则比较灵活,过去时,一般现在时或现在完成时均可适时使用。
文章首尾呼应,用词生动,内容重点突出,听后会给人留下深刻的印象。 难能可贵的是,可以看出这篇习作确实是作者的经验之谈,而且这些经验亦有可鉴之处。
本篇习作结构完整,层次清晰,语法使用基本正确,可以看出作者有一定的英文功底。但也存在一些不足之处。 重点不够突出,文章只是将写一篇作文的基本步骤叙述出来,没有侧重点。也没有写出自己对英文写作的
How to Improve English Writing Ability
Hello, everyone! I’m glad to share with you my thought about English. I once thought it was rather difficult to write an English composition, but now I am confident that I can do a good job. Let me share my experience with you.
I have a notebook where I collect all of the good sentences I read in the books. I divide the notebook into several parts, such as Travel, Sports, Technology, and School Life and so on. Then I write good sentences in each part. Most importantly, I read them every now and then so that I can remember more and more good sentences. As a result, when I begin to write a composition, these sentences naturally flow out.
I hope that my experience can help you. I also hope that I can learn more from everybody here. Thank you all.
实例指导2— The English Corner
自从实行素质教育以来,学生的课余时间多了。为丰富学生课余生活,开展别具特色的第二课堂,许多学校组织了英语角活动。请以The English Corner 为题,用英语写一篇120――150 词的短文,谈谈英语角的作用以及应该如何利用英语角。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。
The nglish Corner
With the change of education policies, many schools organize the English Corner to enrich the students school life. The English Corner provides a sort of situation where English teachers and learners can exchange their viewpoints with each other in English. We students can take advantage of these opportunities to practice our English. Therefore, many people would like to attend the English Corner.
Taking part in the English Corner is helpful to our English study. Firstly, by talking with other people, we can develop our interests in English study and at the same time make a lot of friends. Secondly, through practicing talking with others in English we can improve our oral English.
Yet. while taking part in the English Corner, we must pay attention to the following aspects: first of all, we must not speak Chinese at the Corner. That means we must speak English from the very beginning till the end. Secondly, we must not be afraid of making mistakes. Be active! Thirdly, learn from other people.
lot of friends.
一、提出论点。赞成这种观点,可以用:I agree./ I thjnk so./I am in favor of this kind of view./I support this idea.等句型;反对这种观点,可以用:However,I don't think so./I don't agree with these people。/In my opinion,this kind of view is wrong.等句型。
二、陈述理由。支持观点,可以举下列理由:1. 汉语可以逐步走向世界;2.学英语耗费时间、精力太大;反对观点,可以举下列理由:1.英语仍然是世界上使用最广泛的语言,目前无法取代;2.学好英语可以使中国更好地走向世界,让汉语更加流行。当然,这里只
是做个提示,同学们可以想出更多支持或者反对的理由,但在陈述的时候要注意条理性,使用表示顺序的连接词语,如:first of all; secondly ; besides ; what's more; on the other hand等。
三、总结全文。支持观点:In a wotd,it is not necessary for the Chinese students to learn English any more.反对观点:In conclusion,I learning English is still a must for Chinese students today .要简洁明了!
1.亮点点击:这篇习作紧扣题目要求,有论点,有论据,较好地完成了写作要求规定的任务,使用了比较高级的句子如:Besides,learning Englishcan help the Chinese people communicate with people in other countries more easily .显示了小作者不错的语言功底。
3.画龙点睛: China is opening to the outside world. English is very important; It can't be replaced by Chinese.这几个句子太散了,可以合成一个句子:Since China is openlng to the outside wotld,English is very important to China and it can't be replaced by Chinese.这样就通顺多了;About 70 percent of the artlcles are published in English.前边应该加上For example, For instance,使之更好地与上一句衔接。
It is reported that Chinese is being taught in many countries in the world now, which means the influence of Chinese is growing. So some people say it is not necessary for the Chinese students to learn English any more. But I don't agree with these people because English is still the most widely used language in the world nowadays. For instance, about 70 percent of the articles in the world today are published in English, which suggests that English can't be replaced by Chinese and other languages. On the other hand, learning English will help us to communicate with
people in other countries more easily and help to strgthen the influence of Chinese on the other part of the World. In a word, learning English is still very necessary for us now.
实例指导4— 汉语言学习
第一段:先交代收到的情况(① 很高兴收到你的邮件,从中获悉你校要开设汉语课,然后转移笔墨提及自己的看法(② 选择该课程是个好主意)。
第三段:提出学好外语的建议(⑤建议一:需要兴趣和恒心,原因是⑥外语难学;⑦ 建议二:掌握丰富的汉字、词语和句型;⑧建议三:要抓住一切可能的机会练习)。最后总结 (⑨只有用这种方式,汉语才能学好)。
第三步 分析要点及提纲,提炼关键单词和短语。
要点序号 关键单词和短语
① Glad to, offer, Chinese courses
② I think, it’s a good idea for sb. to do sth.
③ Learning a foreign language, make, have an access to, a different culture
④ It goes without saying that…, help, communicate with, easily
⑤ Succeed, without interest or perseverance
⑥ It is hard to…, especially Chinese
⑦ Possess, plenty of Chinese characters, as well as, phrases, sentences
⑧ the most important thing, practice, whenever and wherever, have a chance
⑨ Only in this way, learn Chinese, successfully
⑧ The most important thing for you to learn Chinese is to practise it whenever and wherever you have a chance.
⑨ Only in this way can you learn Chinese successfully.
Dear Jack,
Glad to receive your last email, from which I know your school offers Chinese courses for all the students. I think it is a good idea for you to choose them.
As far as I’m concerned, learning a foreign language makes us have an access to a different culture. Allowing for Chinese is becoming more and more popular, it goes without saying that learning Chinese can help you communicate with many people easily.
However, it is usually hard to learn a foreign language, especially Chinese. So, first of all, you cannot succeed without interest or perseverance. Besides, you also need to possess plenty of Chinese characters as well as phrases and sentences, on which your learning is based. But in my opinion, the most important thing for you to learn Chinese is to practice it whenever and wherever you have a chance. Only in this way can you learn Chinese successfully.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
1. It is ages since I received your last letter.
2. Thank you for your….
3. Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their field find it difficult to succeed in language learning.
4. Practice speaking the language every day.
你班下周要举行一次英语班会,主题为“Enjoy Spots,Enioy Life ,请根据以下提示写一篇词数为120--150的英语发言稿,谈谈体育运动对健康的重要生。
本篇写作属于话题作文。形式是发言稿,属于写作中的应用文体。feel relaxed/energetic感到轻松/精力充沛
get close to…接近……
take in fresh air让呼吸新鲜空气
outdoor sports户外运动
take an active part in…积极参与
benefit sb.对某人有益
clear-headed 头脑清醒的
问候不同听众: Hello, everyone. / Ladies and gentlemen / Dear friends / Comrades and friends / Dear classmates / Boys and girls / My fellow classmates 等。
结束语:I hope ... / I think we should ...'That's all. Thank you.
Enjoy Sports, Enjoy Life
Dear classmates,
As is known to all, playing sports regularly is one of the best ways to keep healthy. First, sports give us ,aluable practice in helping every part of our bodies vorking together. Therefore, sports can help build our bodies and prevent us from falling ill. Also, sports cause he body to produce endorphins, chemicals that help us feel peaceful and happy. This is why sports have beome the most popular form of relaxation that almost everyone
can enjoy. In addition, taking part in outdoor sports, we get closer to nature and take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essenfial to our health and helps us feel energetic in our study and work.
In short, sports benefit us in many ways. I hope evryone can take an active part in sports and enjoy life every day.
Enjoy Your Reading
写作任务: 你的加拿大笔友Tony来信询问你有关读书的情况,他想知道你是否喜欢读书,你喜欢读哪类书籍,你从阅读活动中获得了些什么。请你写一封120-150词的回信,告诉他"书籍是人类进步的阶梯,读书能使人受益",并就他提出的问题加以解答并说明理由。书信的开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。
Dear Tony, I’m very glad to receive your letter and happy to talk about reading with you.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
1. 确定写作目的和主要话题。本写作任务要求给笔友写封回信,回答有关"读书"的问题,包括"喜欢读书吗?""喜欢读哪类书籍?""你从阅读活动中获得了些什么?"讨论有关阅读的意义,发表自己的观点和看法。书信的格式已经给出,不用再考虑。文章第一句提到了来信和写作的目的,所以接下来衔接的内容非常重要。可以直接回答问题,也可以先分析阅读的意义,自然而然地引出问题的答案和分析。
2. 合理谋篇布局,确定文章结构。文章可以采用传统的三段式结构:首先明确提出自己的观点,回答提到的几个问题;然后陈述理由,分析问题,论证自己的观点;最后作总结,进一步强调自己的观点,也可以提出建议或意见,以供对方参考或借鉴。
Dear Tony, I’m very glad to receive your letter and happy to talk about reading with you. As we all know, books are of great help to the development of our human beings, and we can benefit a lot from reading. I like reading very much, especially the story books, varying from Chinese stories to English stories. On the one hand, I can enjoy myself by reading the stories. They help me feel relaxed after a long time of studying as well. On the other hand, I can learn a lot of knowledge from books, which can help enlarge my vocabulary and improve my reading and writing. Some moving stories are of great help to my character training, from which I learned what love is and what happiness is and so on.
1. 初稿覆盖了所有内容要点,根据提示内容,基本完成了写作任务,将有效信息很好地传达了出来。文章应用了较高级的表达词汇,语法结构和词汇方面虽然有些许错误,但未对全篇内容的表达造成影响,显示了作者较强的语言运用能力。另外,文章还有效地运用了语句间的连接成分,行文连贯,过渡自然,全文结构紧凑。
2. 文章存在的问题:
Dear Tony, I’m very glad to receive your letter and happy to talk about reading with you. As we all know, books are of great help to human development and we can benefit a lot from reading. I like reading very much, especially the story books, varying from Chinese stories to English stories. On the one hand, I enjoy reading the stories, which makes me relaxed after a long time of studying. On the other hand, I can learn a lot of knowledge from these books, which can help enlarge my vocabulary and improve my reading and writing abilities. Some stories have taught me about love, happiness and so on. On the whole, reading is very important to me. It has become a part of my life. And how about you? I hope you can share your ideas with me next time. Best wishes!
Li Hua
实例指导7 lifelong learning
写作任务: 根据以下图画,写一篇120-150词左右的短文,简要描述图画内容,结合生活实际,以"lifelong learning"为主题发表感想。
1. 本写作任务要求根据图画内容写一篇短文。首先要结合题目要求认真分析图画所提供的信息,正确理解图画和文字包含的确切含义。值得注意的是,本写作任务虽然是要求根据图画来完成写作,但文章大的主题已给出,即围绕"lifelong learning"这一主题来发表感想,这就意味着写作时不能仅根据图画来自由发挥。在完成本写作时切记不要偏离主题(如花很大篇幅来描述网络的飞速发展等),而要着重突出"lifelong learning"这一主题。
2. 写作主题和要求明确后,应该根据图画内容概括出写作要点,这是文章的主体部分,内容要充实,论述时要注意条理性和连贯性。本文的写作可分成两部分:首先,结合主题和文字说明对图画进行简要描述,引出文章的主题和论述的重点;其次,结合生活实际来论述自己的观点。
From the picture we can see Granny Wang is sending an e-mail to her granddaughter via the Internet. She is studying in America. In the past she couldn’t use the computer. If she wanted to see her granddaughter, she had to go to America to visit her in person. This cost her too much money and took up too much time.
Now she is possible to communicate with her granddaughter easily. Granny Wang began to learn to use the computer half a year ago. Just as the old saying goes, it’s never too late to learn. Jobs are changing and developing so fast that if we don’t continue our study, we will fall behind in the competition. In order to keep up with the fast changing world we have to continue our study all our life.
1. 初稿在对图画进行描述时,内容完整,清晰地传达出了图画中包含的主要信息;此外,作者也结合生活实际论述了自己的观点,强调了终身学习的重要性。
2. 文章存在的问题:
②有些句子不符合英语表达习惯,如:Now she is possible to communicate with her granddaughter easily.应改为:Now the Internet makes it possible for her to communicate with her granddaughter easily.
③个别句子之间过渡不自然,如"Just as the old saying goes, it’s never too late to learn."和前后句子之间的衔接都不是很自然。
From the picture we can see that Granny Wang is sending an e-mail to her granddaughter, who is studying in America. Sometimes they even chat face to face online. However, not long ago Granny Wang didn’t know how to send e-mails. If she wanted to see her granddaughter, she had to go to America to visit her in person. It cost her too much money and took up too much time. Then she learned how to use the Internet and now it is possible for her to communicate with her granddaughter easily. She began to use the computer half a year ago. Even though it was hard for her, she never thought of giving it up. This reminds me of the old saying, it’s never too late to learn. Nowadays everything is changing and developing so fast that if we don’t continue to learn new things, we will fall behind in this fast changing world.
◆什么是身势语(body language)
Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very useful because it can help you make yourself easily understood. When talking with others, you are not just using words, but also using expressions and gestures. For example, waving one's hand is to say
"Good-bye." A smile and handshake show welcome. And they
by Chinese and foreigners with the same meanings.
countries have different body languages.
For example, men in Russia, France and Arab countries kiss each other when they meet,
but men
or Australia
of kissing.
foreigin language, it is very important to know the
meanings of
country. And it will make your stay there
pleasant and
1) 请你用英语写一则120—150词的书面通知,时间是2009年12月18 日。内容是:
There will be a meeting for all the English teachers and monitors of our school in the meeting room at three o'clock this afternoon .
Our headmaster will be preasant at the meeting and he will explain some requests to us about the English Speaking Contest which will be held next Friday .Everyone at the meeting can express his or her opinion on the English Speaking Contest .At the meeting ,we will choose seven teachers as gudges .
Please bring your pens and notebooks with you and attend the meeting on time .
The Principal's Office
2)校学生会将举办一次英语演讲比赛,请按下列要求写一则100词左右的书面通知。通知发布的时间是2009 年11 月12 日。
报名时间:11月16 日前
比赛时间:11月18 日晚上7点
其他:邀请5 位英语老师当评委,奖励前8 名
In order to improve the students' spoken English ,an English -speaking contest among the students of senior 3 will be held in the school meeting room at 7 p.m. on January 18 th . It is organised by the Students' Union .Those who want to take part in the contest ,please sign up in the Students' Union office before January 16th .Five English teachers will be invitied to work as judges .The first 8 winners will be given prize .Everyone is welcome to take
part in it .
The Students' Union
Dear Nancy,
I’m in senior middle school now, and I’m preparing for the final exam. I’m sure I can do a good job on all of the questions in the English exam except for the writing composition question. I have been putting my heart into English writing, but I still cannot write a good composition. Every time I begin to write a composition, it seems like all of the words run out of my mind, and I always make many mistakes when I write. What should I do? I know that English writing is very important, so I’m getting more and more worried about the coming exam. I’d be grateful if you could give me some advice on how to improve my English writing. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks a lot.
Best wishes!
Yours truly,
Li Ming
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