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2017届江苏省淮安市新马中学高考牛津译林版英语一轮复习活动单:模块8 Unit 1《The written word》

发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  模块八 Unit 1 The written word核心词汇1.The

  (古董) which cost him millions of dollars finally turned out to be a fake.

  2.Steamboat travel opened a new

  (篇章)in America’s exploration of the west.

  3.I am fond of appreciating the

  (改编)of the plays written by Shakespeare.

  4.It was

  (慷慨的改编)of him to treat us to such a big dinner.

  5.We must take some measures to prevent them from_________(虐待)the adopted child.

  6.We should try to _________(改造)criminals rather than punish them.

  7.Many young people could not_________(抵制) the spiritual pollution.

  8.Had Jim not dived in to_________(营救) him, the boy would have drowned.

  9.He watches every penny he spends, which gives him a _________(名声) for meanness.

  10.Our army_________(突然发起) a surprise attack on the enemy position.



































  This makes them




  Pip’s sister often

  , but Joe is a kind and simple man, who


  harm come to Pip. (P3)


  that you find on the Internet




  词汇-1. else

  adj. & adv.

  【教材原句】Why else would many films adapted from them be successful? (P2)


  (1)Every other person will join in the game except you.

  (2)Do you want any other thing to say?

  (3)It’s not my bag. It must be another person’s.

  (4)The book isn’t here. In what other place should I look?

  (5)He came to see you. For what other reason would he come?

  (6)After I’d thanked them I didn’t know what other things to say.






  (1)First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from


  A. everyone else

  B. the other

  C. someone else

  D. the rest

  (2)-I hear they aren’t pleased with the house you’ve chosen for them.

  -Well, _______ could they live in such comfort?

  A. where else

  B. what else

  C. how

  D. why

  (3)If this dictionary is not yours, __________can it be?

  A. what else

  B. who else

  C. which else’s

  D. who else’s

  (4)— Victor certainly cares too much about himself.

  — Yes. He’s never interested in what ______ is doing.

  A. no one else

  B. anyone else

  C. someone else

  D. nobody else

  (5)I don’t think we’ve met before. You’re taking me for ______.

  A. some other

  B. someone else

  C. other person

  D. one other

  词汇-2. adaptation n.

  【教材原句】Three years later, in 1998, a modern adaptation of Charles Dichens’s novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas.(P2)


  (1)He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.

  (2)This is an adaptation for children of the play King Lear by Shakespeare.

  (3)The adaptation is easier to understand than the original one.






  (1)Recently three of her novels


  (2)As soon as he got there, he

  the new climate.

  (3)This film

  Zhang Ailing’s novel.

  (4)The textbooks

  children will come out next month.

  词汇-3. bent adj. & n.


  (1)Would you please help me to straighten the bent wire?

  (2)Their actions show clearly that they are bent on violence.

  (3)The crowd of young people was bent on destroying his career.


  (1) He is so bent on becoming an actor that he has been practicing acting since his graduation.



  (2) Lost in his work, he didn’t notice my standing in front of him .



  (3) It’s hard to concentrate on writing a letter with the TV on.



  (4) I am determined to find out who are responsible for this big fire.



  (5)She was completely absorbed in her own affairs.



  (6) I have made up my mind to finish the work ahead of time.




  靠致力于词汇-4.raise v.

  【教材原句】He is raised with other children who also have no parents.(P9)


  (1)Her parents died when she was a baby and she was raised by her grandparents.

  (2)The farmer raises chickens and pigs.

  (3)The soil around here isn’t good enough for raising crops.

  (4)I had to raise my voice to make myself heard over the noise.

  (5)Would all those in favor please raise your hands?


  这两个词无论是词形上还是意义上极易被混淆。rise含义较广,有“上升,上涨,起床,站立”等含义。其过去式与过去分词分别是rose 和 risen。raise 及物动词,其基本含义是“使升起来,举起”,它的过去分词和过去式都是raised.



  every day in those countries.

  (2)We have decided to

  the price of the products.

  (3)The chairman

  from his chair.

  (4)We must

  the living standard of the people.

  (5)His speech

  my interest.


  (1)In the past ten years the number of English learners in the city _________to about 5 million. A. has risen

  B. has raised

  C. rose

  D. raised

  (2)The fact that so many people still smoke in public places suggests that we may need a nationwide campaign awareness of the risks of smoking.

  A. rose

  B. raised

  C. to rise

  D. to raise

  (3)Though ______in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.

  A. raised

  B. grown

  C. developed

  D. risen 

  词汇-5.abuse v. & n.

  【教材原句】Merely because of this, he is thrown out of the workhouse and becomes a servant to a cruel master who abuses him.(P9)


  (1)Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards.



  (2)They were accused of abusing their power to keep prices artificially high.



  (3)He was fined $ 10,000 for verbally abusing the judge.



  (4)Pip is often abused by his older sister.




  abuse还可以作名词用,构成短语“be ……;对……的辜负”;它的形容词形式为“abusive”。


  It’s strange that the mother should



  What she did

  her position as manager.


  Journalists covering the case



  The guests were shocked by his_______________.


  词汇-6. compare v.

  【教材原句】With the line“ O my Luve’s like a red rose”, he compares the girl he loves to a red rose.(P15)


  (1)Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right.



  (2)My handwriting can not be compared with my father’s.



  (3)Man’s life is often compared to a candle.



  (4)The writer of the poem compares his lover to a red rose.








  in comparison with与……比较

  beyond compare/comparison无以伦比

  (1)You can not but admit that our quality be superior 





  Pan Changjiang, Yao Ming is tall.


  Pan Changjiang

  and Yao Ming, you will find Yao Ming is tall.

  (5) The tallest buildings in London are smaller

  those in New York.


  (1)_________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.

  A. Compare

  B. When comparing

  C. Comparing

  D. When compared

  (2)Michael’s new house is like a huge palace,

  with his old one.

  A. comparing

  B. compares

  C. to compare

  D. compared

  (3)Recently a survey _____ prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.

  A. compared

  B. comparing

  C. compares

  D. being compared

  词汇-7. have nothing to do with

  【教材原句】Many people do not read them, because they think classics are old and boring and have nothing to do with life today.(P2)


  (1)The goals have nothing to do with your own best interests.

  (2)The story he told us had something to do with his childhood.

  (3)I got the typewriter for nothing and it was a friend who just gave it to me. 

  (4) She is nothing but a doctor.

  (5) The bridge is anything but safe.


  The crime ___________ drug abuse.

  has something to do with, is related to, is linked to


  (1)He lives in a lonely room, but he is so busy in doing his experiment that feels _______lonely.

  A. nothing but

  B. much too

  C. anything but

  D. too much

  (2)Any citizen shouldn’t go for _____guilty.

  A. that has something with

  B. that has something to

  C. what has something with

  D. what has something to

  词汇-8. have a place

  【教材原句】They have not disappeared and still have a place in the world.(P2)


  (1)John is a man who is worthy to have a place in the team .

  (2)When will the basketball game take place? 

  (3) No one knows who will take his place.

  (4)She likes to have everything in place.  (5) It's out of place to ask him to stay with us for dinner.

  (6) In the first place, we must build up confidence.

  (7)In the last place, they drew a conclusion that you were wrong

  (8)Have you been to the Yunwu Mountain, which is a place of interest.

  (9) Nowadays plastics have taken the place of wood, iron, and steel in many fields.

  (10) I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes.











  (1)Some hard plastics can________ metals in manufacturing machine parts.

  A. take place for

  B. take the place for

  C. take place of

  D. take the place of

  (2)Having lived in the town for quite a few years, Mr. Johnson no longer felt _______ among the local people.

      A. out of order

  B. out of place

  C. out of control

  D. out of the question

  (3) He depends on his parents _____ himself.

  A. rather than on B. instead of C. in place of D. take the place of

  词汇-9. at a time

  【教材原句】He first published many novels one chapter at a time in newspapers, and some were later performed on stage. (P2)

  【例句研读】译出下列句子划线部分,注意at a time的意义

  (1)We cannot do two things at a time.

  (2)He was so tired that he slept for hours at a time.

  (3) If you raise your hands, I’ll answer your questions one at a time.



  Take the pills two___ _______ _______.


  This use to be a very pretty valley___ _______ _______


  ___ _______ _______I wonder if it’s worth all the efforts..


  ___ _______ _______did I tell you that you could use my car.


  I got there___ _______ _______.


  You may use my library___ _______ _______.


  She kept crying___ _______ _______.


  No one likes conflict, but

  we have to deal with this problem.


  (1)_______ I was keen on jazz, but I seem to have lost interest in it now.

  A. At a time

  B. At one time

  C. At no time

  D. Of all time

  (2) What a strange man! He loves his wife, but ________ he often beats her.

  A. at a time

  B. at one time

  C. at times

  D. at the same time

  (3) ._________ I used to go mountain—climbing every summer.

   A. At a time B. At the time C. At one time D. At times

  词汇-10. live up to

  【教材原句】However, if you liked the book, you should probably not be too eager to see the film, as it is not likely to live up to your great expectations.(P5)


  What he did failed to

  his reputation.


  Had he

  her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.


  The WTO cannot

  if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.


  We’ll do what we can to




  (1)Had she_________ her promise, she would have made it to Yale University.

  A. looked up to

  B. lived up to

  C. kept up with

  D. come up with

  (2)It seems impossible that the old lady who is so seriously ill can ________ this winter.

  A. live through

  B. go through

  C. pass through

  D. get through

  (3)In modern times, people have to learn to

  all kinds of pressure although they are leading

  a comfortable life.

  A. keep with

  B. stay with C. meet with

  D. live with



  2.【教材原句】This makes them difficult for some people to read. (P2)这让一些人阅读起来有困难。

  【句法分析】在该句中,尽管后面的不定式与前面代词(them)构成动宾关系 ,但是该不定

  式通常用主动形式。尤其是用在“主语+be + adj.+ to do”(主语与不定式构成逻辑上的动宾


  The problem is easy to work out.

  He is difficult to deal with.

  This kind of computer is expensive to buy.

  This story is interesting to read.


  (1)I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good


  A. to be breathed

  B. to breathe

  C. breathing

  D. being breathed

  (2)The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable _______.

  A. held

  B. holding

  C. be held

  D. to hold

  (3) In many people’s opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant


  A. to deal with

  B. dealing with

  C. to be dealt with

  D. dealt with

  3.【教材原句】Pip, who is seven years old when the story begins, is in a foggy cemetery when a desperate criminal appears and frightens him. (P3) 故事开始时,七岁的皮普正在薄雾笼罩坟场上,突然一名亡命之徒出现了,使他吓了一大跳。

  【句法分析】句中关系代词who引导非限定性定语从句,在从句中作主语,不能省略,先行词是Pip。句中第一个when引导时间状语从句,表示“当……时”;第二个when连接一个并列句,表示“这时”。 该句相当于:The story begins like this: Pip, a 7-year-old boy, is in a foggy cemetery, and suddenly a desperate criminal appears and frightens him.


  4.【教材原句】Pip’s sister often abuses him , but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die

  than see any harm come to Pip. (P3)皮普的姐姐经常辱骂他,但乔却是一个淳朴


  【句法分析】该句中“would rather… than…”意为“宁愿……而不……”,对“than”后的内容进行否定。“would rather…than…”也可改写成“would…rather than…”,其用法及含义仍不变。

  She would listen to her classmates rather than her parents.她宁愿听同学的话,也不听父母的。

  有时,为表示语气上的强调,可将rather than置于句首。

  Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the street.



  (1) It was owing to luck ______ judgment ______ the driver succeeded in avoiding an accident.

  A. better than; when

  B. rather than; that

  C. other than; that

  D. more than ; which

  (2)To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train ______ travel by air.

  A. as

  B. to

  C. than

  D. while

  (3)Rather than_______ on a crowded bus he always prefers __________ a bicycle.

  A. ride, ride

  B. riding, ride

  C. ride, to ride

  D. to ride, riding

  5.【教材原句】All that you find on the Internet is not useful.(P8)你在互联网上所找到的信息不都是有用的。

  【语法分析】该句隐含的意思是:Some information that you find on the Internet is not useful. 当all, both, everyone, everything等词用于否定句中可构成部分否定。要表示完全否定,往往需要借助neither,none ,no one ,nothing,nobody等。

  Neither of them doesn’t like music.他们俩都不喜欢音乐。

  None of them don’t like the music.他们都不喜欢音乐。


  (1)-Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

  -But _____ of them are in fashion now.

  A. all

  B. both

  C. neither

  D. none

  (2) I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______.

  A. everything

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. nothing

  (3) —Would you like tea or coffee?

  —______, thank you. I’ve just had some water.

  A. Either

  B. Not both

  C. Any

  D. Neither










  7. resist





  1.soap operas

  2.bent on(doing)sth.

  3.on the run

  4.live up to

  5.come to one’s rescue

  6.touch on

  7.be intended to be sth.

  8.be intended to do sth.

  9.in tune

  10.have nothing to do with

  11.be adapted from

  12.come out

  13.be based on


  15.at a time

  16.have a place in…

  17.be set in

  18.would rather…than

  19.move to

  20.be ashamed of…

  21.by the end of

  22.find out

  23.have a reputation for…

  24.by then

  25.earn one’s income/living by farming

  26.at the age of…

  27.focus on

  28. as long as

  29. say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb.







  2. different

  3. makes





  8. condition

  9. civil

  10. theme






  5.earn/make 6.mourned

  7.donated 8.monument 9.called/named 10.focus/centers 11.nature 12.published13.intended 14.theme 15.promise



  词汇-1. else

  adj. & adv.


  (1)Everybody /Everyone else

  (2)anything else

  (3)someone else’s

  (4)Where else

  (5)Why else

  (6)what else


  (1)We must find somebody else to do the work.

  (2)How else can I make an apology to her?

  (3) Last Sunday she did nothing else but do his homework.



  词汇-2. adaptation n.






  adopt/adjust(oneself) quickly to

  adopt…for…/be adapted for

  be adopted from


  (1)have been adapted for

  (2)adapted (himself) quickly to/made a quick adaptation to

  (3)is adapted from

  (4)adapted for

  词汇-3. bent adj. & n.














  He has been determined to make a living on his own.

  He has made up his mind to make a living on his won.

  He has been devoted to make a living on his won.

  词汇-4.raise v.














  ADA词汇-5.abuse v. & n.【例句研读】根据英语句子完成汉语句子






  (1)(2)It’s strange that the mother should abuse her own child.

  (3)What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.

  (4)Journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.

  (5)The guests were shocked by his abusive language.



  词汇-6. compare v.







  (1) beyond comparison/compare

  (2) compared…to

  (3) Compared with/to


  (5)in comparison with/compared with(to)



  词汇-7. have nothing to do with








  has something to do with, is related to, is linked to



  词汇-8. have a place













  take place

  in the first place

  in the last place

  in place

  out of place

  a place of interest

  take the place of(be in place of)/take one's place

  place an order with…for sth.



  词汇-9. at a time

  【例句研读】译出下列句子划线部分,注意at a time的意义





  (1) at a time

  (2) at one time

  (3)At times

  (4)At no time

  (5)ahead of time

  (6)at any time

  (7)all the time

  (8)at the same time



  词汇-10. live up to


  (1)live up to

  (2)lived up to

  (3) live up its name

  (4)live up to our parents’ expectations


  (1)live through

  (2) live on
















  1.They put forward some proposals to __________(改革)the social security system.

  2.There’s an unusual

        (转折)in the plot in the middle of the book.

  3.Tom was such a brave soldier during the war that he could________(抵御) the threat of violence from his enemy with others.

  4.The idea for the film was ____________(根据)on his childhood dreams.

  5.The poor are usually__________(慷慨的) to each other even if they are not full , they will give their food to others

  6.I think that ambition is a

  (特点) of all successful businessmen.

  7.I can’t figure out why he won’t give up his

  (死板的) idea.

  8.Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a famous American

  (小说家), published his works under the name of Mark Twain.

  9.Extra lessons_________(给……施加压力) the students into doing their home work deep into the night .

  10.The official was accused of

  (滥用) his power to offer protection to criminals.


  1. — Don’t take on so many tasks

  , or your health will break down.

  — Thanks for reminding. I do need a holiday to get relaxed.

  A. at no time

  B. in no time

  C. at one time

  D. at a time

  2.The girl was bent

  being engaged to the guy she loved deeply, but her parents wouldn’t approve


  A. on; of

  B. to; of

  C. on; for

  D. to; for

  3. She played a role in a film

  of Agatha Christie’ classic, Murder on the Orient Express.

  A. adaptation

  B. adoption

  C. promotion

  D. description

  4.With his excellent skills, he is considered worthy to

  in the national football team.

  A. take a seat

  B. have a place

  C. take chair

  D. have power

  5.You will find Robert Burns always liked comparing the love

  roses in his poems when you compare his poems

  the ones of John Keats.

  A. with; to

  B. to; with

  C. to; to

  D. with; with

  6.Before the exam, the pressure led to sleepless nights. I was afraid I couldn’t

  my parents’ expectations.

  A. come up with

  B. look up to

  C. put up with

  D. live up to

  7.The teacher’s explanation made the sentence ________ for students__________.

  A. easy; to be understood

  B. easily; to understand

  C. easily; to be understood

  D. easy; to understand

  8.—I think the film Avatar is wonderful: beautiful scene, impressing music and touching story.

  —But __________it, I’m sure. Different people have different views.

  A. everybody will like

  B. everybody won’t like

  C. nobody will like

  D. everybody likes

  9.The great changes ________have taken place ________carrying out the economic reform in our country.

  A. may not; unless

  B. never ; but for

  C could not; without

  D. would, bedsides

  10.—Are the two answers correct?

  —No, ________correct.

  A. no one is

  B. both are not

  C. neither is

  D. either is not



  have a place in

  come out

  base on

  be bent on

  be eager to

  have nothing to do with

  be made into

  be different from

  1.Though he claimed he

  the case, the police still found evidence to prove him guilty.

  2.Even in modern society, Lu Xun’s works still

  Chinese literature.


  these principles, I have four proposals.

  4.The horrible novel is said to have ____________a film.

  5. It 

   what you are used to at home . 

  6.You can’t realize your dream unless you

  achieving it.


  meet people and see places I’d talked about, but it was not easy for her.

  8.Congratulations! Your article

  in yesterday’s newspaper.



  be intended to do

  belong to

  focus on

  be divided into


  be set in

  pick up

  1.These regulations

  prevent accidents.

  2.All the works of the famous author will

  our school library.

  3.This story

  New York in the late 1950s.

  4.It is interesting to

  their situation


  5.She bent over to

  a book from the floor.

  6.He suggested that our class

  five groups.

  7.Many companies have begun to

  serving the needs of people with their products.

  8.Two-thirds of the members

  the wealthy class will pay a visit to the poor area tomorrow.


  rather than

  free from

  beyond repair




  far from

  in vain

  1.Amanda is far


  get married.

  2.The fortune sets him

  financial worries.

  3.His efforts to raise money for his program were ________because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.

  4.I had _______closed my eyes

  I remembered I hadn’t done my maths homework.



  careful when crossing the road.

  6.You’d better buy a new computer because the old one is__________.

  7.I think I’d like to stay at home this evening

  go out.

  8.It was obvious that much of what they recorded was

  the truth.

  第二部分 能力运用



  This is a story that can teach us a good lesson. One day, a man in rags begged from door to door along the street. With an old wallet in his hand, he was asking for a few coins to buy something to eat. He kept complaining about his bad fortune and kept


  why those who had so much money were never


  and were always desiring more.

  “As far as I’m concerned, if I had only enough to


  and to wear, I would not want anything more."

  Just at that moment Goddess Fortune, who came down the


  saw the beggar and said to him, “Hi, I have wished to


  you for a long time. Now, open your


  and I will pour my gold into it. But I will do that only on this


  : All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the


  shall become dust. Do you understand?”

  “I see.” said the beggar.

  “Then you should


  !It’s obvious that your wallet is a/an


  one, so don’t load it too heavily,” said the Goddess Fortune. 

  The excited beggar could hardly


  to have gold. He quickly opened his wallet, and a


  of yellow coins was poured into it. The wallet grew heavier and heavier.

  “Is that enough? Isn’t it cracking?” asked Fortune.



  .It’s still strong enough now.” answered the beggar.

  The wallet was filled with so many coins that the beggar’s hands began to


  . “Ah, if only the golden stream would


  forever! Just a little more,” said the beggar, “


  just a handful or two.”

  “There! It’s full. The wallet will


  .” warned the Goddess, but the beggar requested, “ It will


  a little more, just a little more.”  

   One more piece was added and the wallet split. The


  fell upon the ground and became dust. The greedy beggar had now


  but his broken bag.

  1. A. showing B. explaining C. proving D. wondering

  2. A. relaxed B. satisfied C. worried D. depressed

  3. A. learn B. watch C. eat D. play

  4. A. street B. bridge C. yard D. forest

  5. A. praise B. forgive C. help D. comfort

  6. A. coat B. pocket C. box D. wallet

  7. A. occasion B. suggestion C. situation D. condition

  8. A. hand B. feet C. ground D. street

  9. A. look out B. look after C. look up D. look down

  10. A. small B. empty C. worn D. full

  11. A. stand B. wait C. breathe D. think

  12. A. stream B. piece C. pair D. variety

  13. A. stop B. request C. fear D. insist

  14. A. spread B. close C. loose D. shake

  15. A. pour B. end C. dry D. melt

  16. A. take B. add C. lend D. send

  17. A. flow B. burst C. disappear D. change

  18. A. attract B. permit C. include D. hold

  19. A. present B. food C. treasure D. metal

  20. A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something


  请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


  William Butler Yeats, a most famous Irish writer, was born in Dublin on June 13,1865. His childhood lacked the harmony that was typical of a happy family. Later, Yeats shocked his family by saying that he remembered “little of childhood but its pain”. In fact, he inherited(继承) excellent taste in art from his family ——both his father and his brother were painters. But he finally settled on literature , particularly drama (戏剧) and poetry.

  Let the Irish vessel (船) lie

  Emptied of its poetry

  Yeats had strong faith in coming of new artistic movements. He set himself the fresh task in founding an Irish national theatre in the late 1890s.His early theatrical experiments, however, were not received favorably at the beginning. He didn’t lose heart, and finally enjoyed success in his poetical drama.

  Compared with his dramatic works, Yeats’ s poems attract much admiring notice. The subject matter includes love, nature, history, time and aging. Though Yeats generally relied on very traditional forms, he brought modern sensibility to them. As his literary life progressed, his poetry grew finer and richer, which led him to worldwide recognition.

  He had not enjoyed a major public life since winning the Nobel Price in 1923.Yet,he continued writing almost to the end of his life. Had Yeats stopped writing at age 40,he would who probably now his valued as a manor poet, for there is no other example in literary history of a poet Auden wrote, among others, the falling liners;

  Earth, receive an honoured guest:

  William Yeats is laid to rest.

  Let the Irish vessel (船) lie

  Emptied of its poetry

  1.Which of the following can describe Yeats’s family?

  A .It filled Yeats’s childhood with laughter.

  B. It was shocked by Yeats’s choice.

  C. It was a typically wealthy family.

  D. It had an artistic atmosphere.

  2.According to the passage, what do we know about Yeats’s life?

  A. Yeats founded the first Irish theater.

  B. Yeats stuck to modern forms in his poetry.

  C. Yeats began to produce his best works from the 1910s.

  D. Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Noble Prize.

  3.What kind of feeling is expressed in W.H.Auden’s lines?

  A. Envy

  B. Sympathy

  C. Emptiness

  D. Admiration

  4.What is the passage mainly about?

  A. Yeats’s literary achievements

  B. Yeats’s historical influence

  C. Yeats’s artistic ambition

  D. Yeats’s national honor


  Tens of thousands of theatre tickets will be given away to young people next year as part of a government campaign to inspire a lifelong love for theatre.

  The plan to offer free seats to people aged between 18 to 26 — funded with £ 2.5 million of taxpayers’ money — was announced yesterday by Andy Burnham, the Culture Secretary. It received a cautious welcome from some in the arts world,who expressed concern that the tickets may not reach the most underprivileged.

  The plan comes as West End theatres are enjoying record audiences, thanks largely to musicals teaming up with television talent shows. Attendances reached 13.6 million in 2007,up 10 percent on 2006, itself a record year. Total sales were up 18 percent on 2006 to almost £ 470 million.

  One theatre source criticized the Government’ s priorities(优先考虑的事) in funding free tickets when pensioners were struggling to buy food and fuel, saying: “I don’ t know why the Government’ s wasting money on this. The Young Vic, as The Times reported today,offers excellent performances at cheap prices.”

  There was praise for the Government’ s plan from Dominic Cooke of the Royal Court Theatre, who said: “I support any move to get young people into theatre, and especially one that aims to do it all over England, not just in London.”

  Ninety five publicly funded theatres could apply for funding under the two year plan. In return, they will offer free tickets on at least one day each week to 18 to 26yearolds, firstcome, first served. It is likely to be on Mondays, traditionally a quiet night for the theatre.

  Mr. Burnham said: “A young person attending the theatre can find it an exciting experience, and be inspired to explore a new world. But sometimes people miss out on it because they fear it’ s not for them’. It’ s time to change this perception.”

  Jeremy Hunt, the Shadow Culture Secretary, said: “The real issue is not getting enthusiastic children into the theatre,but improving arts education so that more young people want to go in the first place. For too many children theatres are a no go area.”

  5.Critics of the plan argued that________.

  A. the theatres would be overcrowded

  B. it would be a waste of money

  C. pensioners wouldn’t get free tickets

  D. the government wouldn’t be able to afford it

  6.According to the supporters, the plan should________.

  A. benefit the television industry

  B. focus on producing better plays

  C. help increase the sales of tickets

  D. involve all the young people in England

  7.Which of the following is TRUE about the plan?

  A. Ninety five theatres have received funding.

  B. Everyone will get at least one free ticket.

  C. It may not benefit all the young people.

  D. Free tickets are offered once every day.

  8.We can infer from the passage that in England________.

  A. many plays are not for young people

  B. many young people don’ t like theatre

  C. people know little about the plan

  D. children used to receive good arts education

  9.According to the passage, the issue to offer free tickets to young people seems ________.

  A. controversial

  B. inspiring

  C. exciting

  D. unreasonable


  Whether you’re a student or a teacher, writing a thesis statement is the most difficult part of the writing process. Students especially have a difficult time writing thesis statements that are not only concise, but also convey an argument. However, writing thesis statements and teaching how to write them isn’t difficult. If you follow a few simple steps, you’ll teach students to create great thesis statements.

  First of all, make students engage in active reading. It helps if they know before they start reading that they need to write a paper on this particular piece. You can also give them some examples of things to look for. The author’s message, style, and character development are all great ideas. Then, when they’re reading, they should underline passages they find interesting or take notes.

  Once the students have completed their active reading, they should look at the passages they underlined or the notes they took. They should be able to begin seeing a theme, or something that recurs (重现) throughout their notes. This is the topic of the paper they’ll write. Have them brainstorm some other ideas about this topic. The best way to do this is to have them write down everything they can think of about their topic in relation to the piece they read for five minutes. Then, they’ll have something to work with.

  After they brainstorm, they should look at their notes. Have them write down a few questions about their notes. These should be questions they can answer in a whole paper, not yes or no questions. Then, have them choose one question they’d like to deal with for the entirety of their paper.

  Once they’ve chosen a question, they need to answer that question. Remind them that there is no one right answer to any question. Rather, as long as they can prove their answer is correct, it is. Their answers should be in the form of a sentence, and it should be sufficiently detailed. This means that they should continue asking themselves “why?” and “so what?”, until they can’t ask these questions anymore. This will help them create a statement which will help them write a better paper. The answer to the question is their thesis statements.

  After they’ve created their thesis statements, they should go back through the piece they’re writing about to collect details. Some of these may be in their notes, but another look through the passage with a focus can help them find details they’ve missed. Have them write these details down and then compose an outline to help them organize their papers.

  The final step in the process for students is to write their papers. However, this should be easy once they’ve done all of this pre-work. Have them write paragraphs and sentences based on the details they collect, and always be sure they’re going back to proving their theses throughout the whole papers.

  How to write thesis statements

  Paragraph outlines Supporting details




  ● Read with a _


  , for example, try to look for the author’s message, style, and character development.

  ● Underline passages they are _


  in or take notes while reading.



  ● Review the underlined passages or the notes to see a theme, or something recurring throughout the notes.

  ● Write down everything about the topic that is _


  to the piece you read.


  questions. ● Write down a few questions about the notes you have taken.

  ● Ensure that the questions need _


  in a whole paper.

  ● Choose one question for your paper.

  Answer a question. ● Provide_


  to show that your answer to the chosen question is correct.

  ● Answer the question in detail in the form of a sentence.

  _ _8

  details. ● Take another look through the passage _


  on possibly missed details.

  ● Write down all the details and compose an outline.

  Write. ●_


  your paragraphs and sentences on the collected details.

  ● Prove your thesis throughout the whole paper.


  当今不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or book, which do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:




  注意:1.字数:150左右。 文章题目和开头已给出(不计入词数);

  2.参考词汇: original work 或 book in the original (原著)。

  Film or book, which do you prefer?

  Recently films adapted from classics have appeared in cinemas. Some people choose to see the films while others prefer to read the original works.

  模块八Unit 1综合练习(参考答案)

















  at a time “每次,一次”;at no time“从来没有”;in no time“立刻”;at one time“曾经,一度”。



  couldn’t live up to my parents’ expectations意为“不辜负父母的希望”。


  动词不定式“to understand”的逻辑主语是“students”,它们之间存在逻辑上的主动关系,因此不定式不用被动式。make+宾语+形容词(宾语补足语)。


  根据下文“Different people have different views.”可以推断“不是人人都喜欢的”。


  下文用“without carrying out the economic reform(要不是实施经济改革的话)”表示虚拟条件,因此上文是对过去的推测“不可能”。

  10.C 根据上文的“No”是对两者的全部否定。对两者的全部否定用“neither”。



  1. had nothing to do with

  2. have a place in

  3. Based on

  4. been made into

  5. is different from

  6. are bent on

  7. was eager to

  8. came out


  1.are intended to

  2.be donated to

  3.is set in

  4. compare…to

  5.pick up

  6. (should)be divided into

  7. focus on

  8.belonging to


  1. too… to

  2. free from

  3. in vain

  4. hardly …when


  6. beyond repair

  7. rather than

  8. far from

  第二部分 能力运用





  16-20BBDCA1.D 根据第一段最后一句, 为什么那些人如此有钱却从不满足, 还想得到更多。可知乞丐对此百思不得其解, “keep wondering”(一直想知道)符合句意。

  2.B 还想得到的更多, 所以不满足, “Never satisfy”(从不满足)符合句意。

  3.C 由常识可知, 乞丐最重要的是要解决吃和穿的问题。eat(吃)对应下面提到的“穿”符合情景, learn“学习”, watch“看、观察”, play“游戏”, 均不符合情景。

  4.A 根据第一段, 乞丐在沿街乞讨, 所以财富女神降落到大街上才能看到乞丐。street(街道)符合文意。bridge“桥”, yard“院子”, forest“森林”, 均不符合文意。

  5.C 根据下文, 打开你的钱包, 我要给你一些金子, 可知财富女神在帮助乞丐。所以选help意为:“帮助”。praise“表扬”, forgive“原谅”,

  comfort“安慰”, 均不符合情景。

  6.D 根据第三段中“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold”(所有进入你钱包的都是纯金)可知乞丐打开的是一个钱包, 所以选 wallet, “钱包”。

  7.D 只有在这种条件下, 我才会去做。“All that falls into the wallet will be pure gold; but every piece falling upon the


  shall become dust”代指上文提到的这种条件。condition“条件、状况”符合句意。

  8.C 语境为:每一枚金币掉到地上都会变成尘土, ground(地面)符合情景。

  9.C 根据下文财富女神告诫乞丐不要装的太重, 提醒乞丐注意、当心。所以选look out。look after照顾, look up仰视、向上看, look down俯视。

  10.C 结合上题, 财富女神提醒乞丐当心, 下文又提醒乞丐“so don’t load it too heavily,”最后一段中告诉我们, 钱包坏了, 由此可以看出, 这是一个旧钱包, 所以选worn, 意思是:“用旧的”。

  11.B could hardly wait to do意为:“迫不及待的干某事”。句意:激动的乞丐早已迫不及待的想拿到金子。

  12A.根据倒数第三段中提到“golden stream”可知答案。

  13.C通过乞丐告诉财富女神钱包现在还很结实, 可知不要为钱包担心。Never fear“不要害怕”。

  14.D句意为:钱包装了如此多的金币, 乞丐的手开始发抖。shake(发抖)符合情景。spread“伸展”, close“关闭”, loose“放松”, 均不符合情景。

  15.A 乞丐希望金子源源不断的流出, 四个选项中只有pour(流出)能形象的描绘出乞丐的贪婪。

  16.B 对应前文的“Just a little more,”可知, 这里表达的意思是:贪婪的乞丐想再往钱包中多装一两把金子。add(添加)符合句意。Take拿、携带”, lend“借出” , send“送给”, 均不符合情景。最后一段的第一句话也有原词复现: One more piece was added and the wallet split。

  17.B 钱包已经装满了, 而且是一个旧钱包, 继续装可能会裂开。所以选burst“破裂”。最后一句话中的“split”为同义词复现。


  19.C treasure(财宝)这里代指金币。钱包破裂后金币自然会掉到地上。present“礼物”,

  food“食物”, metal“金属”, 均不符合句意。

  20.A 句意:衣衫褴褛的乞丐除了破裂的钱包一无所有。nothing“什么也没有”。



  DCDA .D 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的In fact, he inherited excellent taste in art from his family — both his father and his brother were painters.”可知,他家里的艺术氛围比较浓厚。

  C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的... was born in Dublin on June 13, 1865.以及第四段中的 ... for there is no other example in literary history of a poet who produces his greatest works between the ages of 50 and 75.可知选C。

  .D推理判断题。根据lines部分中的第一句话Earth, received an honoured guest.中的honoured可知,此处表达的是“钦佩”之意。

  .A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要阐述的是William Bulter Yeats



  BDCBAB 细节理解题。由文中第四段开头的criticised和“I don’t know why the Government’s wasting money on this.”一句可知,批评者认为这一计划是在浪费金钱,故选B。


  C 细节判断题。A项错,95%的剧院只是可以申请该基金,而非获得;B项错在everyone,过于绝对;D项错是因为免费票只是每周发放一次,而非每天都有。





  Film or book, which do you prefer?

  Nowadays films adapted from classics have appeared in cinemas. Some people choose to see the films while others prefer to read the original works.

  Some people think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow.At the same time ,they can enjoy the atmosphere in the cinema as well as the entertainment. However, others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful.

  Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what’s more, I am able to better understand the author’s ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.


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