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发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Passage 1

  When I was a teenager I volunteered to work at the water station at a 10,000m race. My job was to  41   water to the runners. I remember being so   42   to see all the different kinds of people who passed by and grabbed a cup of water. Some ran past, some walked past and a few wheeled past. I saw so many types of people doing it. I thought maybe I could do it too! So the next year I   43   up for the race.

  That first 10,000m race was quite a  44.  I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked.   45  , I didn’t know if I could finish. Then came a defining (决定性)   46   .At one point near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me, very, very fast, and I felt   47  because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldnt even keep up with him. I felt   48   for a second. But then I   49  something. He was running his race and I was running mine. He had   50  abilities, experience, training and goals for himself. I had mine. Remember my   51   was only to finish. After a minute, it   52    me that this was a lesson I could draw from. I learned something about myself at that moment. I turned my embarrassment into   53   . I  54  that I would not give up on running races. In fact, I would run even more races and I would learn how to train and prepare   55    and one day I would be one of those 70-year-old persons who were still running. As I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my   56   .

  In life we all have those moments where we   57   ourselves to others. It?s only   58  . Don?t allow those moments to   59   you. Turn them into motivation and let them inspire you. With the proper preparation and training, you can improve your result to   60   anything you want in life.

  41. A. bring out 

  B. pass out 

  C. take out  

  D. pick out

  42. A. excited  


  C. concerned               

  D. anxious

  43. A. gave                         

  B. made                       

  C. signed                     

  D. dressed

  44. A. achievement            

  B. encouragement        

  C. instruction               

  D. experience

  45. A. At times                    

  B. In time                    

  C. In all                        

  D. After all

  46. A. victory                      

  B. decision                   

  C. moment                  

  D. conclusion

  47. A. embarrassed           

  B. annoyed               

  C. moved                     

  D. thrilled

  48. A. relaxed                   

  B. defeated                 

    C. puzzled                   

  D. inspired

  49. A. realized                     

  B. lost                         

  C. noticed                   

   D. remembered

  50. A. special                      

  B. evident                    

  C. common                 

  D. different

  51. A. motto                       

  B. plan                        

  C. goal                        

  D. direction

  52. A. worried                     

  B. hit                           

  C. reached                   

  D. hurt

  53. A. attraction                  

  B. devotion           

        C. inspiration               

  D. expectation

  54. A. hoped                     

  B. promised                  

  C. decided                   

  D. suggested

  55. A. slightly                      

  B. hardly                      

  C. clearly                     

  D. properly

  56. A. excitement            

  B. accomplishment       

  C. movement             

  D. judgment

  57. A. introduce                  

  B. relate                       

  C. present                    

  D. compare

  58. A. important                  

  B. natural                     

  C. strange                    

  D. ridiculous

  59. A. weaken                     

  B. wound                       

  C. amuse                     

  D. cheer

  60. A. reserve                     

  B. deliver                     

  C. achieve                  

  D. abandon

  Passage 2

  On an airplane as she was flying across the United States, Dr. Jane Goodall noticed a woman sitting next to her. She asked the woman why she was so tired, and the woman said she was absolutely  21  because she?d been up at two in the morning trying to  22  the water. 

  Her young daughter was in an environmental group at school and her daughter?s passion had turned to making sure her  23  was eco-friendly. They were staying at the woman’s brother’s house the night before her trip, and in the middle of the night her daughter woke up to the  24  of a dripping faucet(水龙头). The daughter asked for  25  turning it off as the faucet handle was  26  . The only way to  27  the leak was to dig to the pipe in the front lawn to find the main valve to turn the water off,and her daughter wouldnt go to sleep until the leak stopped. So at two in the morning  28  in the family was out in the yard helping to  29  to turn off the water. 

  Young people have much more  30  to start and accomplish changes than what  31  may believe. When children make a change in their lives, families are  32  along to become environmentally friendly.

  The story also shows that  33  actions can have a big impact. We  34  to think about  35  events like Clean and Green Week. Instead, a lot of small changes can make a (n)  36  .If hundreds or thousands of students  37  their families to turn off the tap to save water, move the air conditioning temperature  38  a degree or two in summer,  39  less and make other environment-mentally-friendly changes, the  40  family may change its behaviors.

        21.A. exhausted

  B. delighted

  C. sad

  D. angry 22.A. turn on

  B. turn off

  C. take along

  D. bring along  23.A. mother

  B. family

  C. school

  D. group 24.A. sound

  B. voice

  C. rhyme

  D. music 25. A. advice

  B. pleasure

  C. help

  D. trouble 26. A. opened

  B. thrown

  C. dropped

  D. broken  27. A. stop

  B. prevent

  C. hold

  D. cut  28. A. someone

  B. anyone

  C. everyone

  D. no one

  29. A. fix

  B. dig

  C. mend

  D. fit 30. A. power

  B. time

  C. enthusiasm

  D. wisdom 31. A. officials

  B. teenagers

  C. teachers

  D .adults

  32 A. saved

  B. praised

  C. seated

  D. dragged

  33. A. important

  B. small

  C. unnecessary

  D. children?s

  34. A. plan

  B. tend

  C. attempt

  D. mean

  35. A. new

  B. traditional

  C. big

  D. social  36. A. living

  B. difference

  C. effort

  D. fortune 37. A. want

  B. allow

  C. convince

  D. force 38. A. off

  B. away

  C. down

  D. up 

  39. A. eat

  B. walk

  C. drive

  D. consume

  40.A. rich

  B. large

  C. entire

  D. Ordinary

  Passage 3

  A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she  41  play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill.  42  she loved her parents and her family, she desired to live in such a house and  43  all day about how wonderful and exciting  44  must feel to live there.

  At the age when she gained some  45  skill and sensibility(识别力), she  46  her mother for a bike ride  __47 _the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go,  48  her keeping close to the house and not  49  too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew  50  where she was heading.  51  the hill and across the valley, she rode to the  52  of the golden house.  53  she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path  54  to the house and then on the house itself. She was very disappointed when she  55  that all the windows were  56  and rather dirty.

  So  57  and heart-broken, she didn?t go any further. She  58  , and all of a sudden she saw an amazing  59  . There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her little home, she  60  that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her house.

  41. A. might

  B. should

  C. would

  D. must

  42. A. Unless

  B. Although

  C. Since

  D. But

  43. A. dreamed

  B. worried

  C. asked

  D. shouted

  44. A. this

  B. that

  C. it

  D. which

  45. A. different

  B. scientific

  C. musical

  D. basic

  46. A. begged

  B. blamed

  C. invited

  D. paid

  47. A. inside

  B. outside

  C. through

  D. along

  48. A. insisting on

  B. relying on

  C. arguing about

  D. wondering about

  49. A. traveling

  B. running

  C. riding

  D. walking

  50. A. madly

  B. rapidly

  C. exactly

  D. possibly

  51. A. Over

  B. Down

  C. Around

  D. Beside

  52. A. windows

  B. steps

  C. center

  D. gate

  53. A. Until

  B. As

  C. While

  D. Because

  54. A. getting

  B. introducing

  C. leading

  D. moving

  55. A. felt

  B. learned

  C. concluded

  D. found

  56. A. transported

  B. bright

  C. plain

  D. wide

  57. A. anxious

  B. angry

  C. serious

  D. sad

  58. A. turned around

  B. cheered up

  C. settled down

  D. dropped in

  59. A. hill

  B. valley

  C. background

  D. sight

  60. A. imagined

  B. decided

  C. realized

  D. guess



  1. B bring out产生,pass out分配; 分发take out拿出, pick out 挑选出,根据上下文,作者是给运动员分配水的。选B。

  2. A 从后面的句子to see all the different kinds of people who passed by 看到运动员通过应该是兴奋的。选A。

  3. C sign up for"报名参加"选C。

  . D 句意是:第一次10000米是一次很好的经历。选D。

  5. A At times有时,In time及时,In all总共,After all毕竟。A项符合句意。

  6. C 一个决定性的时刻到了。选C。

  7. A 从后面表述的原因:because I was 50 years younger than he but I couldnt even keep up with him.我比他年轻50岁,但我却赶不上他。所以感到难为情。选A。

  8. B 同上题,feel defeated"有挫败感"。选B。

  9. A 句意是:我意识到什么东西。选A。

  0. D

  从前面的描写:He was running his race and I was running mine.说明两人在能力,经验上是不同的。选D。

  1. C


  2. B It hit me that…"我忽然想到"。选B。

  3. C I turned my embarrassment into inspiration"我把羞愧转化为动力"选 C

  4. C 我决定不放弃赛跑。选C。

  5. D slightly轻微地,hardly几乎不, clearly清楚地,properly合理地,文章最后一段也提到With the proper preparation and training, 只有D 符合。

  6. B 从前面的As I crossed the finish line, 说明是为自己的成就感到自豪。选B。


  compare sb to sb"把和相比"选D。

  8. B 这很正常。选B。

  9. A

  句意是:别让这些时刻让你变脆弱。文章第三段的句子:I learned something about myself in that moment.也有暗示,选A。

  0. C achieve"达到",意为:你可以达到你想要的任何东西。选C。【】本文主要讲述了一个小女孩在学校是爱护环境小组的成员,一天在凌晨两点她听到了水龙头滴答的声音,醒来之后一看是水龙头的把手坏了,无法关上水管,于是她就说服家里人起来一起帮她挖通往总阀门的管道,以便切断水源。小女孩的激情已经确保她的家人也变得爱护环境了。通过这件事说明小行动也能有很大的影响,许多小的变化也能起重要的作用。1.根据本句前面的暗示词"tired"和下文的描述可知这个妇女在凌晨两点就起来想法关水龙头,所以她绝对地非常疲倦(exhausted精疲力竭的)。所以A项符合语境之意。故选A。

  2.根据第二段的描述和暗示词"turn the water off"可知此处的意思是凌晨两点起来尽力地关上(turn off)水管。所以B项符合语境之意。故选B。




  6.根据下文可知本句的意思该是"女儿请求帮助把水龙头给关上,因为水龙头的把手坏了(broken )。"可知D项符合语境之意。故选D。

  7.根据本句后面的暗示词"the leak stopped"可知本句的意思是"阻止(stop)漏水的唯一方法是朝着前面草坪里的管子挖,来找切断水源的主阀门,而且她女儿直到止住漏水才去睡觉。" 所以A项符合语境之意。故选A。

  8.根据上文可知此句的意思该是"于是在凌晨两点家里的每一个人(everyone)都到外面的院子里帮助挖,为了关水管。" 所以C项符合语境之意。故选C。

  9.根据上文可知此句的意思该是"为了切断水源,于是在凌晨两点家里的每一个人都到外面的院子里帮助挖(dig)。" 所以B项符合语境之意。故选B。

  0.根据下文可知本句的意思该是"年轻人开始并完成改变的力量(power)比成年人可以相信的要大得多。" 所以A项符合语境之意。故选A。

  1.根据上下文的语境和常识可知年轻人该和成年人相比,所以此句该译成"年轻人开始并完成改变的力量比成年人(adults)可以相信的要大得多。" 所以D项符合语境之意。故选D。

  2.根据上文家里人的参与可知本句该译成"当孩子们在他们的生活中做出改变的时候,家里人被拖带着(drag along随从、拖带、带领)变得爱护环境了。" 所以D项符合语境之意。故选D。

  3.根据下文的暗示词"small"和上下文的语境可知本句的意思该是"这个故事也表明小(small)行动能有很大的影响。" 所以B项符合语境之意。故选B。

  4.根据下文可知本句的意思该是"我们倾向(tend to)考虑像清洁周和绿色周这样的大事件。" 所以B项符合语境之意。故选B。

  5.根据下句的关键词instead(相反)和small可知此句的意思该是"我们倾向考虑像清洁周和绿色周这样的大(big)事件。" 所以C项符合语境之意。故选C。

  6.根据上句的意思可知本句的意思该是"相反,许多小的变化也能起重要的作用(make a difference有影响,起重要作用)。" 所以B项符合语境之意。故选B。

  7.根据上文让家人参与挖水管可知此句的意思该是"为了节约用水,如果数以百计或数以千计的学生都说服(convince说服,劝服)他们的家人关掉水龙头,在夏季把空调的温度上调一两度,少开车并从思想上对爱护环境产生一些其他的改变,整个家庭就可能改变它的行为。" 所以C项符合语境之意。故选C。

  8.根据上句说服家人可知此句的意思该承接上句,所以该译成"在夏季把空调的温度上调(move… up)一两度,整个家庭就可能改变它的行为。" 所以D项符合语境之意。故选D。

  9.根据上文可知此句的意思该是"少开车(drive)并从思想上对爱护环境产生一些其他的改变,整个家庭就可能改变它的行为。" 所以C项符合语境之意。故选C。

  0.根据上文可知此句的意思该是"少开车并从思想上对爱护环境产生一些其他的改变,整个(entire整个的,全部的,全体的)家庭就可能改变它的行为。" 所以C项符合语境之意。故选C。…之间是并列关系。


  44. C 根据上下文语境解题。本题的解题关键在于介词about 后面的宾语从句how wonderful and exciting _________ must be to live there.这个句子如果用陈述句型表达应该是:_____ must be wonderful and exciting to live there. 经分析可知,本题考查的是it做形式主语,代替后面的不定式to live there。故选C。

  45.D different不同的;scientific科学的;musical音乐的;basic基本的。根据下文提示解题。下文提到恳求妈妈之后才被允许骑自行车围着花园转一转,说明小女孩刚刚学会些基本的(basic)技能和识别力,所以选择D。 46.A beg乞求;blam责备;invite邀请;pay支付,付钱。根据生活常识和上下文提示解题。上一段提到desired, dreamed等动词,说明了小女孩渴望的心情,后面有提到 "Her mother finally allowed her to go",由此可知小女孩"恳请"妈妈答应自己的请求,所以选择A。 47.B inside在的里面;outside在的外面;through通过;along沿着。根据下文词汇复现解题。下文提到了keeping close to the house(在房子周边,附近),说明这里表达的是在花园周围骑车。所以答案是B。 48. A insist on坚持要求;rely on依赖;argue about争论;wonder about困惑不解。根据上下文语境解题。前面提到妈妈答应了小女孩的要求,但是这是有条件的,那就是妈妈坚持(insisting on)要她不要远离自家的房子,不要骑太远。这个答案表明妈妈的态度,所以选择A。 49. CA. traveling旅游;B. running跑;C. riding骑车;D. walking步行。根据下文词汇复现解题。上文提到begged her mother for a bike ride, 所以这里应该是表明妈妈对她的要求,不要骑(riding)太远,所以答案选择C。 50. Cmadly发疯地;rapidly快速地;exactly确切地、清楚地;possibly可能地。根据上下文语境解题。小女孩早就梦想着一饱花园的美丽,当得到妈妈允许骑车的时候,她心里"确切"地知道她要去哪里。所以答案选择C。 51. B over在的正上方,超越;down沿着,向下;around在周围,围绕;beside在的旁边。根据生活常识和上下文提示解题。文章的开始就提到A little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. 明确告诉我们小女孩住在山上,所以这里是骑车下山,答案是B。 52. DA. windows窗户;B. steps台阶;C. center中心;D. gate门。根据下文词汇复现解题。由下段的开始句she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, 可知小姑娘骑车到金色的房子的门口,所以答案为D。 53. B根据句间逻辑关系解题。本句的解题关键在于主句中的谓语focused on the path和从句谓语got off the bike之间的逻辑关系。先下车再专心研究/看…,由此可知要选的从属连词为引导时间状语从句的,但是got of f her bike 为瞬间动词,而while引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词应该是延续性的,所以否定C答案,选择B。 54. Cget to 到达;introduce… to 介绍给;lead to 通向; move to 朝移动。本句要表达的是道路与房子的关系,应该是这条路通向那所房子,所以选择C。 55. Dfeel感觉;learn学会,知道;conclude得出结论;find发现。根据上下文语境解题。上句提到她focused on the path and then on the house itself, 说明她仔细观察了这条道路和那所房子。仔细观察后应该有所发现,这里是指小女孩亲眼见到的一切,所以选择D。 56. Ctransparent 透明;bright明亮的;plain平淡无奇的,朴素的,家常的;wide宽阔的。根据句间逻辑关系解题。前面说到she was very disappointed和下面提到very dirty,这些都是选择本题答案的依据,既然disappointed, 就说明这所房子远没有她当初想象得好,很一般,很普通。所以选择C。 57. Danxious焦急的;angry生气的;serious严肃的,认真的;sad悲伤的。根据上下文语境解题。上段提到了小女孩disappointed, 本句中又有heart-broken,由此可推断小女孩很伤心和难过(sad),所以选择D。 58. Aturned around转过身来;cheered up加油;settled down 安顿下来;dropped in顺便拜访。根据下文提示解题。下文提到There on the other side of the valley…可知这里指"小女孩转过身,回头看",所以选择A。 59. Dsight用眼可以看到的景象;background背景;valley山谷;hill小山。根据上下文语境解题。下文提到There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. 这是小女孩回头所看到的的景象,所以选择D。 60. Cimagined想象;decided决定;realized意识到;guessed猜测。根据生活常识和上下文提示解题。这里指小女孩通过自己的亲身经历明白了一个道理,原来自己一直住在一座充满了关爱的金色的房子里。也就是她意识到了这一点,所以答案选择C。


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