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发布时间:2016-12-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. break

  A. vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始

  They called for a compromise on all sides to break the deadlock in the world trade talks.

  B. vi. 突破;(嗓音)突变; 破晓;(价格)突然下跌

  They were determined to break from precedent.

  C. n. 破裂; 中间休息; 间断; 短假

  In fact, dreaming goes on night and day, without a break.

  D. 习语

  break away突然离开

  break away from sb.脱离、离开、背弃

  break down 中断、粉碎、发生故障、(身体)跨了、(机器)坏了

  break forth迸发、爆发、发泄

  break in闯进、打断

  break in on sb.打断某人的谈话

  break into…闯入、侵占

  break…into pieces打碎 break off折断、突然中断

  break…open 撬开 break out爆发

  break through…突破


  break with sb.与某人断交

  break sb's heart使某人心碎


  A. vt. 带来、拿来(由远而近)

  Bring me the paper, please.

  He forgot to bring his umbrella.

  May I bring her to see you?


  bring…about造成、导致bring… down打落(飞机、禽鸟等)、降低(物价、温度等)

  bring… forward提出bring…in引进、介绍、收获

  bring…into being实现、使产生bring…into effect/practice实行、贯彻

  bring…out出版、发表bring…to an end/ a stop/ a close使终止、结束

  bring… to mind使想起、回忆起bring…together集合;召集

  bring…up养育、呕吐bring…to victory使走向胜利

  bring…to safety带到安全地带


  A. vt. 抓住、逮住、挂住He caught my hand and held it tightly.

  vi. 挂住His coat caught on a nail.

  B.赶上、搭上We'll hurry and catch the 10:30 bus.

  C.听懂Pease repeat it. I didn't quite catch you.

  D.染上He caught a bad flu.

  E.(出其不意地)撞上、碰上Some boys were caught stealing flowers from the garden.

  F. 给撞上、碰上The ship was caught in a hurricane.


  catch at sth. 想抓住、设法抓住catch sb. by surprise出其不意抓住

  catch/get/seize/take hold of…(突然)抓住、抓牢catch sb's attention/eye吸引某人注意

  catch sight of…看到、发现catch the point of…抓住…的要点

  catch up赶上catch up with…赶上…


  A. aux. v.

  (1) 帮助构成一般过去时或一般现在时的疑问或否定式

  They do not believe it.

  When id they arrive there?

  (2) 用在肯定句和祈使句中加强语气

  I do miss you, Mum.

  She does sing well.

  Do be on time.

  (3) 用来表示前边提到的动作(以免重复)

  ---May I come round in the evening? ---Yes, please do.

  I knew he would help us, and he did.

  (4) 用于某些倒装句中

  Only then did I realize he had been wrong.

  Never did he know anything about it.

  B. vt.做

  Can I do anything for you?

  We often do our homework together.

  The glass is broken. who did it?

  C. vi.


  How do you do?

  They did very well in English but badly in maths.

  How did you do in the exam?

  (2) 行了、够了、可以

  Talking with your mouth full won't do.

  One piece of bread will do.

  (3) 做、办

  Do as you are told to.

  When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  Let her do as she likes.



  can do with…将就用

  do something about…对…采取措施

  do sb. a favor=do a favor for sb.帮某人个忙

  do away with…废除、破除、去掉

  do sb. good/harm/wrong= do good/harm/wrong to sb. 对某人有益/有害/冤枉某人

  do one's best/ bit/part=do everything/all/what one can尽力

  do …up包扎、扣(纽扣)

  do without…没有…也行、不需要

  have something to do with…与…有关

  do right/wrong做得对/做错了


  A. (1) vt

  Do you feel any pain when I press here?

  Facing this situation, they felt both joy and fear.

  (2) link v.

  I don't feel very well today.

  The busier he is, the happier he feels.

  (3) vt. 接复合宾语

  I felt someone go upstairs.

  She felt their eyes watching her when she came to the stage.

  He felt it necessary to talk about his own shortcomings.

  (4) vt. 宾语从句

  He felt strongly that we should take some action about the bad practice.

  B. vt. 摸 He felt the pot and it felt very hot.


  feel like doing sth.想要

  feel one's way摸索前进

  feel sb's pulse切脉

  feel quite oneself 觉得身体很好

  feel as if/ as though感觉似乎 She felt as if she were a member of the family.


  A. vt. (1) 发现

  He found her in danger.=He found that she was in danger.

  I find it interesting to read these stories.= I find that it is interesting to =read these stories.

  I found a dog killed in the park.= I found that a dog had been killed in the park.

  (2) 找到

  Have you found the book you have been looking for?



  find one's way to sp.设法赶到;进入

  find fault with sb. 对某人吹毛求疵;挑剔

  find oneself…发现自己…、不自觉地…

  They found their way to the front of the crowd.

  He found himself walking in the direction to the park.他发现自己不知不觉地在往公园的方向走。


  A. vt.得到、弄来

  Let me go get the doctor.

  Will you get me a ticket?=Will you get a ticket for me?

  He got a poor wage.

  B. 习语

  get about(消息)传开


  get ahead of…领先

  get along进展、过活、相处

  get away逃掉

  get away from…避免、摆脱、离开

  get back回来


  get behind落后


  get off起飞、下车、出发


  get out传出

  get over…克服、摆脱

  get rid of…消灭、摆脱、除掉

  get round…绕过、回避

  get somewhere有结果/成就

  get together聚会、联欢

  have got=have有

  have got to=have to不得不

  get …down记下来

  get to know/ realize/love/like逐渐地了解/爱上

  get in进来

  get on…上车/船/飞机等;继续进行;相处


  get through…做完、结束;看完、用完

  get up起床、举办

  get down to (business/ work/ studies)认真做


  .vt. 给

  Who is going to give the talk?

  He was given a good beating last night.





  give in屈服、让步


  give in to sb./ sth.屈服于;对…让步

  give up放弃、投降


  give way to sb.让步;让位于

  given that假定;已知

  give sb. a hand帮某人忙

  give rise to导致


  give oneself up to doing sth. 献身于、专心于


  A. vi. 走

  He has gone back home a newspaper.

  Pride goes before a fall.

  B. link v.

  He went hungry for a week.

  His face went pale when he heard the news.

  This guy went wild/ crazy/ mad after the loss of his wife.


  go after…设法得到;追求

  go along向前发展

  go back on one's word/ promise失信

  go back to…追溯到

  go beyond…超过

  go down下落;减弱

  go up增长;提高

  go into…研究;从事

  go off爆炸;(电、水等)停掉

  go ahead继续进行;去做吧

  go all out全力以赴

  go down on one's knees跪下

  go in for喜爱;从事

  go on发生;持续

  go out熄灭;过时

  go from bad to worse每况愈下

  be gone丢了;走了;一去不复返 have a go试一下

  go out of one's way to do sth.

  go to hell见鬼去吧

  go to sleep睡着

  go over sth.浏览;复习;审阅

  go through…经历;检查

  go shopping/ fishing/ skiing/ skating/ begging/ boating/ swimming/ sightseeing/ mountain climbing

  go on to do sth.接着做(另一件事情)

  go on doing sth.继续做(同一件事情)

  go on with sth. .继续做(同一件事情,可以有间隔)

  go through with….把…….进行到底

  go well with…与……相配/协调

  go without…不吃/用……过日子


  . 句型

  句型1 have sb./ sth. do sth.

  Let's have them stand facing the wall.

  句型2 have sb./ sth. Doing

  We had the fire burning all night.

  句型3 have sb./ sth. done

  I will have my radio fixed.

  句型4 have sth. to do

  I have a letter to write.

  句型5 have to do sth.

  I have to get up early every day.

  B. 习语

  与动词同的名词连用,表示动作:have a talk with…

  have a look/ glance/ glimpse at have a meeting/ discussion/ operation/ haircut

  have an English lesson have a swim/ wash/ rest/ try/ smoke/ taste/ dream/ walk

  have a cold/ cough/ headache/ pain

  have a test/ talk/ speech/ lecture/ chat

  have a good/pleasant/ tough/ bad/ hard/ difficult terrible time

  have a word/a few words with sb. have words with sb.

  have something/ nothing/ a lot to do with…

  had better (not) do sth.

  have something with sb.随身携带

  have had enough of厌倦

  have sth. back要回

  have one's own way按照自己的意思办;我行我素

  have sth. to oneself完全由自己使用

  You can have the house entirely to yourself.


  A. vt.拿着;握着

  Holding my hand, he tried to calmed me down.

  Hold the line, please.

  容纳 How much water can the tank hold?

  拥有;占有He held the position for years.

  举行Chinese film weeks will be held in other places.

  B. 习语


  hold…down 控制;镇压


  hold…in memory 记住

  hold on坚持下去;(电话)别挂

  hold on to…抓住不放

  hold out坚持到底;维持;伸出

  hold to sth.紧紧抓住;坚持(路线、道路、看法等)




  A. vt.

  (1)保留 I'll keep a seat for you.

  (2)养活;饲养 He has a large family to keep. He keeps some chicken.

  (3)使……处在……状态Sorry to have kept you waiting.

  Let's keep the door open but keep the windows closed.

  Close the door to keep the cold out.

  Let's keep the room in order.

  B. link v. 保持

  We must keep fit.=We must keep in good health. Keep calm in time of danger.


  keep a record of登记;记录

  keep a secret保密

  keep watch注意;提防

  keep up坚持;继续

  keep up with…跟上

  keep watch守望;站岗

  keep one's promise/word履行诺言

  keep the law/rule遵守法律/法规


  keep away不接近;避开


  keep birthday/ Christmas庆祝生日/圣诞等

  keep body and soul together维持生活


  keep sb. doing sth. 使…….坚持做

  keep silence保持安静;保持沉默

  keep sth. to oneself把……据为己有

  keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止;使免于;抑制

  keep hold of…抓住不放

  keep …in mind记住

  keep doing sth. 继续做;不断地做

  keep on doing sth. 不停地做;反复地做


  keep out of…不参与

  keep sb. company与某人做伴;陪伴某人

  keep to sth.坚持;固守(习惯等)

  keep…under control使得以控制

  keep in touch with…与保持联系


  A. vt.

  (1)知道 I have known him since childhood.

  (2)懂得Do you know Japanese?


  be known as…通称为;以著称;被认为是

  be known for…因而出名

  be known to sb.为某人所了解

  become well known出名

  for all/anything/ everything I know 据我所知

  It is well known that…众所周知

  know about/ of了解;知道

  know…for certain确实知道

  know sb. by name仅知道某人的名字(不认识)

  know sb. by sight与某人面熟(不熟悉)

  know/learn …by heart背诵


  know/ tell right from wrong辨别是非

  know no limits是无限的


  A. vi.;离去

  He left in a hurry without telling anyone.

  B. vt.(1)留下

  She asked us to leave our address.


  Sorry to have left some questions unanswered.


  We have only three months left.





  leave A for B离开A去B

  leave hold of…放弃;松手

  leave …off停止

  leave …out省去;遗漏


  leave room for留下……余地

  leave nothing to be desired尽善尽美


  A. vi. 看

  He looked happily at his great grandchildren playing about him.

  B. link v.看起来

  He looks cheerful and carefree.


  have/take a look a…看一看

  have a look of…好像;仿佛

  look about四下环顾

  look about for…四下寻找

  look after…照看;目送

  look as if…似乎;好象

  look at…看

  look away from…转移目光

  look back回头看

  look for…寻找

  look in(随便)看望

  look into…窥视;调查

  look like…看起来像

  look on旁观

  look on A as B

  look out for…提防

  look …over审阅;翻阅

  look up to sb. 尊敬/仰望某人

  look up仰视;胸怀大志

  look sth. up查阅

  look sb. in the eye/ face直视某人

  look back on/ upon…回忆;回顾

  look ahead考虑未来;预做准备

  look down on/ upon…俯视;蔑视

  look forward to doing sth. 期待;展望

  look out向外看;注意;警戒

  look through…透过……看去; 彻底调查;从头看到底


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