[ 2006-04-04 11:00 ]
花样滑冰 figure skating
花样滑冰鞋 figure skate
冰场 ice arena; rink
起滑脚 starting foot
冰刀套 skate guard
花样 pattern
起跳 take off
男子单人滑 men
女子单人滑 ladies
双人滑 pairs
冰舞 ice dancing
自由滑 free skating
短节目 short program
特种圆形 advanced figure
半周、半圆 half-circle
旋转 spin
燕式旋转 arabesque spin
倒滑;退滑 back skating
直立滑行 ride
冰上表演 ice show
艺术印象 artistic impression
附加动作 additional move
前一周半跳 axel-paulsen
旋转轴 axle of revolution
倒滑压步 back cross over
后内刃 back in
后内括弧形 back in bracket
后内变刃形 back in change
后内圆形 back in circle
后内外勾形 back in counter
后内结环形 back in loop
后内勾形 back in rocker
后内环绕,后内螺旋形 back in spiral
后辅刃 back out
后内括弧形 back out bracket
后外变刃形 back out change
后外圆形 back out circle
后外勾形 back out counter
后外结环形 back out loop
后外环绕,后外螺旋形 back out spiral
环绕图形 spiral figure
单脚蹲转 Haines spin
单脚直立旋转 one-foot upright spin
单脚括弧形 paragraph bracket
单脚结环形 paragraph loop
单个动作 individual part
单人旋转 solo spin
抱身 hand-to-body grip
连接动作 connecting move
连接步 connecting step
步法 footwork
技术水平 technical merit
侧翻举 cartwheel lift
变刃 change of edge
借跳 partner-assisted jump
旋转动作 spinning movement
滑脚 employed foot;gliding foot;tracting foot
滑步 glide
滑弧线 curved stroke
滑区 skating area
编排 combination
硬转身 forced turn
集体动作 group move
外刃 outside;outer edge
内刃 inner edge;inside
右脚外刃 right outside
右脚内刃 right inside
用刀刃蹬冰 stroke from the edge
用刀齿蹬冰 stroke from the point of the skate
握臂 hand-to-arm grip
携手 hand-to-hand grip
稳健 sureness
撑竿式跳 pole vaule jump
横一字 spread eagle
镜子滑 mirror skating
刀齿旋转 pirouette;toe-scratch
刀齿向下 toe of the skate pointing downward
刀齿蹬冰 toe push
双人旋转 pair spin
分腿 split
分腿举 split lift
平刃旋转 flat-foot spin
规定图形滑 skating of prescribed movements
同脚变刃的前进跳跃 forward jump
前刃变后刃半周跳 Mohawk
评分 assign marks
人工冷冻冰场 artificially frozen rink
“6”字形 figure six
“8”字形 curve eight
浮脚 free foot
双人动作 pair move
转体 turn
转体半周 half turn
转体两周 double turn
圆形滑 concentric stroking
同足后内结环一周跳 one-foot Salchow jump
异足后外结环一周跳 half loop jump
后内点冰一周跳 flip jump;toe Salchow
后内点冰“3”字跳 half toe Salchow
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人教PEP[2013]版四上《Unit 4 My Home》(第5课时)ppt课件
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人教PEP[2013]版四上《Unit 6 Meet My Family》(let’s talk PartA)flash课件
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2014秋人教PEP版英语四上《Unit 4 My Home》(第6课时)ppt课件
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