My first job in Manhattan was on Fifth Avenue. How lucky I was, I thought, to be in the center of this dream city. Most of all, though, I loved the clothing shops. All I had to do was wrap up the day’s work and step outside, and everything was there. J. Crew, Anthropologie, Loft, Banana Republic ...It’s hard to resist those glitzy displays showing off an array of drapery wool coats perfect for mid fall, dresses to match any personality you’re in the mood to show, and cute socks with fox faces printed on them ― especially when the clothes are super affordable, as they are at so many hip retailers these days. I found myself buying too many clothes all at once, and I wasn’t the only one: Americans as a whole tend to overshop.
我的第一份工作地点是在曼哈顿的第五大道。我当时想,我是多么幸运,能够在这个梦想城市的正中心工作。最重要的是,我喜欢服装店。我只要搞定一天的工作然后走出办公楼,就可以各种逛,到处都是J. Crew, Anthropologie, Loft, Banana Republic, 闪闪发亮的展品一排排地陈列在那,垂坠的毛衣对那深秋的季节可谓完美,任何个性、任何心情都能找到合适的衣服来搭配,还有印有狐狸脸图案的可爱袜子,这一切都让人难以抗拒——更何况他们的价格还那么亲民,就像现在很多的服装零售商里那样。我发现我每次一下就会买很多,而且不仅仅只有我一个,整个美国都有这种“买太多”的倾向!
There are many reasons why we buy too much clothing, and affordable pricing is one. But new research also points to other factors that can sneakily influence our shopping behaviors ― and we actually have more control over those causes.Neuroscience research shows that being mentally fatigued can make you an impulsive shopper. Just a day at work can burn out our limited resources of self-control, and nearly turn off the brain areas in charge of evaluating decisions. In other words, the person who walks out of the office and into the shops downstairs is simply not your best version of yourself, and probably shouldn’t be making decisions involving money and future planning.
A team of researchers recently set up a situation in the lab resembling the everyday experience of consumers, in order to examine the effects of normal daily fatigue on making decisions that require some degree of self-control. The researchers wanted to see what fatigue does to the decision-evaluating part of the brain, that wise judge inside your head that says no to beer with friends so you can save money for a bike.
“The neural bases of how we make the decision between consuming and saving are somewhat known,” said neuroscientist Bastien Blain, author of the study published in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences in June. “For example, to make a decision between an immediate monetary reward, say, $10 now, and a bigger but delayed one, say, $100 in one year, requires the brain to attribute a value to each option. If we temporarily inhibit a particular brain area, people become more likely to choose the immediate reward option.”
“我们做出消费还是储蓄的选择时所仰赖的神经基础已经部分被知晓了,”在今年六月,在美国国家科学院院刊上发表过著作的Bastien Blain说。“举个例子,是要一份立马到手的10美元,还是要一份1年之后到手的100美元?若要做这个决定,你的大脑首先得为两个选项给定一个价值。如果我们暂时抑制大脑的某个特定区域,人们则更倾向于选择立刻拿到现金。
In Blain’s study, people didn’t show ego depletion after 15 minutes of heavy cognitive work, so the team decided to go beyond the usual short time frame used in similar studies and instead mimic a typical workday. The participants who performed the difficult version of the tasks became more impulsive by the end of the day. The group that performed easy versions of the tasks or enjoyed some breaks during the six-hour episode didn’t show increased impulsivity.
“Our findings demonstrate a concept of focused neural fatigue that might be naturally induced in real-life situations and have important repercussions on economic decisions,” the researchers wrote in their paper.
Back at my first job, situated strategically in the center of a shoppers’ haven, I was exposed to the lure of beautiful pieces of clothing every single day. Even on a shoestring budget of an intern, I was always able to afford a cute top or a stylish pair of shoes — and that was thanks to the glut of cheap, trendy clothes that retailers churn out at a breakneck pace.
I asked Blain whether his findings have made him change his own behaviors. "Yes, definitely," he said. “Now I always wait for the morning or the weekend to make purchasing decisions. I also try to resist an impulse after a day of work, thinking that my desire is purely transient and will be different after a night of rest."There is some relief in learning that some of our regretful purchasing decisions may have been caused by unavoidable mental fatigue, and not a fundamental personality flaw.
And the solution seems pretty simple. Take breaks during the workday to avoid the accumulation of fatigue. Or, like Blain, just don’t shop right after work and wait for the weekend or mornings instead. Always try to wait a few days to check whether the desire to buy something is fleeting ― is your decision based on your particular state of mind or is it objectively a good idea? When feeling an impulse to buy something, remember that you ― and your brain ― really may need to sleep on it.
Mental fatigue is still only one factor behind a mindless shopping episode. Blain’s study showed that after a six-hour task, people became just 10 percent more impulsive. Obviously there are many more variables constantly influencing how we decide to buy. Mood is one. It’s been shown that listening to pleasant music increases the normal activity of the brain areas involved in valuation, and therefore makes the brain more likely to like what it subsequently sees.
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